THURSDAY 3rd MARCH 2016 AT 7.30pm

Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (chairman) Cllr V. Peake (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Mrs G. Burlton
Cllr S. Pritchard Cllr. M. Scoble
Cllr G. Tanner Cllr H. Eddy
Cllr S. Bates Cllr C. Bone
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr I. Phillips

Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and three members of the public

Cornwall Cllrs R. Mann and W. Maddern
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on 4th February 2016 were unanimously accepted after amendments had been made from the draft.
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Dispensations
5. Public Participation
Mr Jones asked what the situation is concerning the converted containers for holiday use at Tregoddick Farm. Clerk informed the meeting that he had been in contact with Sally Brown from Planning Enforcement and she has served a planning contravention notice on the premises and this is due back shortly. She is prepared to act on the removal depending on what is in the contravention notice and she understand that there may be a planning application submitted.
Mr Jones then commented on the proposed 27 houses at the end of Vingoes Lane. It was anticipated that there will be in the region of an extra 60/80 people living in the village if this goes ahead and he asked if there were any provisions planned for the increase in population, particularly in relation to children. Clerk informed the meeting that he had been in contact with Chantal McLennan who is the planning officer in this case and as this is in the PREAPP stage she cannot confirm any arrangements. However the Section 106 has propositions in relation to the affordable housing, open spaces in the area and an education grant. The applications are in the discussion stage and no application has been submitted at this point but this council will have the opportunity to comment when the application is forwarded for consideration.
Clerk has obtained a copy of a detailed letter concerning the PREAPP to the applicants from Chantel McLennan showing her views on the proposal and he has emailed this to councillors.

Mrs Edna Trehair addressed the meeting as a lifetime resident of Madron and referred to the days when Penwith District Council owned the land which had been earmarked for affordable housing. She had concerns that there were no bungalows for elderly and single people. Cllr Pritchard pointed out that this was national policy as bungalows occupied an area of land which could have a house with more residents. Mrs Trehair then said that Devon and Cornwall Housing now had such a large control of houses in Madron that they should contribute more to Madron such as a village shop. This was noted by councillors.
6. Police Report
No police report has been received but clerk has left a message asking PC Thomas for any updates.
7. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Roberts reported that local people have refurbished the sign post above Trythall School which now looks good and she proposed a letter of thanks be sent to the organiser. This was unanimously agreed.
8. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Scoble informed the meeting that he had sent photographs of the rust on the defibrillator cabinets to the suppliers and they are awaiting a response from the manufacturers.
Cllr Scoble reported that the footpath from The Green to Gigglis Hill went around the field from the old Nurses Home and it should in fact cross the field diagonally. He asked if a letter could be sent to the farmer asking him to ensure that the proper line of the footpath should be protected when planting this year. Cllr Bone pointed out that the farmer concerned is Mr Gavin Rhodda and it was unanimously agreed that the clerk should send a letter as requested.
Cllr Scoble reported that the road surface at Aldreath Road near to the junction with Aldreath Close was in a poor state. The storm drain and other manhole covers are higher than the road surface and the rainwater now runs down the road. Clerk was instructed to contact Highways asking for the road surface to be repaired.
Cllr Pritchard reported that a new community bus will be in service shortly.
9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllrs were not present.
10. Planning
PA15/03429/PREAPP – pre application advice for demolition of existing agricultural building and construction of live/work unit development at land SSW of Carfury Farm, Carfury, New Mill – closed, advice given.
PA15/10195 – to join two barns together via a glass conservatory corridor and convert to holiday let at 2 The Retreat, Badgers Cross – withdrawn.
Other Planning Matters
‘Consensus’, on behalf of Galliford Try held a closed session for councillors and also an open session for the public at Landithy Hall, Madron on 23rd February 2016 in relation to the construction of 27 houses at the end of Vingoes Lane, Madron. Cllrs Roberts, Peake, Tanner, Eddy, Scoble, Jenkin, Burlton, Matthews, Bates, Phillips and the clerk attended during the day.
Clerk has obtained copies of the posters of the plans and these were made available to councillors. He also understood that it is anticipated that the plans may be submitted to Cornwall Council in April. He had provided further detail in public participation
Clerk attended a clerk’s meeting at Camborne on 2nd March dealing with paperless planning and it is now important that the new email address is completed in order for him to register to receive planning reports which are not available to the public and to respond easily to councillors’ planning comments. Clerk asked members for their preference for an email address and password and this was agreed.
He asked for approval to obtain assistance to a paid IT specialist for this work if necessary and it was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Peake and unanimously agreed that this request be approved.

11. Public Rights of Way
Clerk has received details of the LMP for public rights of way cutting for 2016 and there is a small increase to £4103.00.
He has confirmed that the usual contractors are still available and it was proposed by Cllr Tanner, seconded by Cllr Burlton, the footpath councillors that they be given the contract for cutting paths in 2016. Clerk was instructed to make the necessary arrangements with the contractors and Cornwall Council.
Clerk has received reports from Hamish Gordon, the local ranger for Cormac, concerning the hay stored against the fences of people’s houses at Carfury and obstructing the actual public right of way 38. He stated that you could still walk around the hay but he had approached the farmer who had been most abusive and had threatened to pour cement into septic tanks on his land as he had never agreed to them being there as they were installed prior to him occupying the land. Clerk advised the ranger to consult with his legal department as this was the responsibility of Cormac but he was asked if any councillor knew any of the affected residents and if they could ascertain if their deeds showed any light on the septic tank issue. Cllr Roberts knew residents and will enquire.
12. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting had been completed.
Cornwall Area of Outstanding Beauty Management Plan 2016 – 2021 which is open for public consultation has been circulated to councillors by email and full details can be seen on cornwallaonb.org.uk/management-plan – noted.
Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site Supplementary Document consultation draft is also open for comment. Details have been circulated to councillors by email – noted
Andrew George has again written on behalf of Cornwall Land Community Trust asking if this council requests support in providing any unmet housing needs. Details of the organisation were circulated to councillors at the meeting. It was agreed that this should be deferred to the next meeting for consideration
CALC are holding their AGM at New County Hall, Truro at 7pm on Friday 7th March 2016 – noted.
Clerk has been informed that Cornwall Council will no longer supply traffic cones for future events but will supply 150 cones free of charge to councils who have a need for them providing they are prepared to loan them out for any community events. This will affect arrangements for Trafalgar celebrations where they all will be needed. The problem is where these cones can be stored. There were offers of storage from Cllr Peake at his own property at New Mill and Cllr Scoble at Landithy Hall. It was agreed that the cones be split between the two locations and clerk to arrange for the cones to be delivered to Cllr Peake and he will arrange for cones to be transferred to Landithy Hall.
Details of Cornwall Council Communities and Devolution bulletins have been circulated to councillors by email – noted.
Clerk reported he had received an email from Phil Westren, chairman of the ‘Wellwishers’ in which his organisation are looking into the possibilities of a new ‘Welcome to Madron’ sign being erected on the verge just on the Madron side of the old Poltair Hospital. He suggests the sign would be in granite and could also have ‘Welcome’,’ Madron in Cornish’, and the name of the twinning town. He states that Highways support the idea in principle and they ask that the ‘Wellwishers’ obtain the approval of this council. Clerk has replied asking for information as to the cost and where the money is coming from, and if the twinning committee still exists. He stated whilst Madron Hill was the main access to Madron councillors may also consider other roads into the parish. The reply from the ‘Wellwishers’ is that this is in the initial stages and his organisation is awaiting the response from this council. The clerk pointed out that the precept for this council for 2016-17 has been set and there is no money  available for this project in the budget. Clerk has circulated details of this item to councillors by email. It was unanimously agreed that this council will support the project in principle.

Clerk has been in discussions with James Hardy, the local Cornwall Council liaison officer for this area concerning weed spraying in Madron. This council has discussed this and there are concerns over the price that Cormac charge. James Hardy has agreed that it would be beneficial if parishes combine to obtain better prices on ventures and this is the first example. A company ‘Complete Weed Control’ from St Austell performed good work for Penzance Town Council at a cheaper rate than Cormac last year. As a result of the discussions between clerk and James Hardy it has been agreed that this will be made an item at the West Penwith Town and Parish Forum to be held on Thursday 17th March when a working party can be formed to look into weed spraying and similar items in an effort to obtain cheaper rates. The Forum on 17th March will be held at St Johns Hall in Penzance at 7pm. In addition there will be a tour of the new St Johns Hall commencing at 6.30pm. Clerk asked for the support of councillors. Several councillors in addition to the usual representatives from this council expressed interest in attending.
Clerk has received a Queen Elizabeth 11 90th birthday celebration medal from Tower Mint with an order form for councillors wishing to purchase the medals at £1.99 each plus VAT and carriage for the complete order for all at £7.50. Councillors wishing to purchase the medals were invited to contact the clerk.
13. Neighbourhood Plan
Clerk reminded members that it had been agreed to hold public meetings to assess public interest in a Neighbourhood Plan for Madron Parish and the meetings are to be held at Landithy Hall on 14th April and also Trythall School on 21st April 2016.
Clerk has prepared notices for notice boards and the meetings are advertised on the Parish Council website. It was felt that councillors should contact organisations and local people to explain the purpose of a Neighbourhood Plan. Clerk will re-send the notice by email to councillors.
Clerk was instructed to send a report to The Cornishman asking for this to be included in the Madron and New Mill columns. Cllr Jenkin will ensure a copy goes to the Womens’ Institute, St Maddern School, and Madron Chapel, Cllr Roberts the Young Farmers and Trythall School, Cllr Burlton with the youth organisations and several copies with a covering letter to Rev. Tim Hawkins as he is involved with ‘The Wellwishers’, Playing Field Committee, the twinning committee and numerous local people.
Clerk was also instructed to ask if James Hardy, the local liaison officer for Cornwall Council will give a presentation at both meetings.
14. Transfer of Parc Abnac Allotments from Cornwall Council to Madron Parish Council.
This matter has been delayed due to concerns by the solicitor that there is a loop hole in the contracts which could cost this council a large sum of money in the future in the event of the land having planning approval from an outside party. Cllr Pritchard has had discussions with Helen Willetts, the solicitor acting for this council, and she explained that should planning permission be approved the value of the land would increase and there is a stipulation that 50% of any value would have to be paid to Cornwall Council. This could put extreme pressure financially on the Parish Council in the future. It was agreed to be guided by the advice from the solicitor and allow allotment holders to continue as they are until the matter is finalised.
15. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Peake and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid:- W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £640.61, office allowance £30.00, mileage £9.90, Petty cash £6.50; HMRC – PAYE and Nat Ins. £177.40 and he also added that he had an invoice from Data Protection for £35.00 which is an annual payment and is mandatary.
Clerk reported that Madron Playing Field, Committee had raised the sum of £576.00 during the last year and this is subject to match funding by this council. It was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Bone and unanimously agreed that this match funding be paid and the clerk should also send a letter congratulating the Playing Field Committee on their efforts.


As this is the last meeting of the financial year the councillors consider requests for donations received during the year.
Clerk reported that there were far less requests than normal. £1000 had been budgeted for grants and donations during the year and so far £250.00 had been spent. He emphasised that the £1000 was held as a reserve for local emergencies but this had not been used. However it was not a requirement to spend large sums on donations. The requests had come from Cornwall Air Ambulance, Home Start for families, Cruse Bereavement Care and Victim Support Devon and Cornwall. It was agreed that due to the present financial climate and the emphasis on local interests only one was selected for a donation.
It was proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that in pursuance of the power conferred by Section 137 of the Local Government 1972, and being of the opinion that the expenditure satisfies the requirement of that section, the council approves a donation of £200 to Cornwall Air Ambulance.
Finally the clerk had been informed that his application for £80 from Cornwall Cllr Maddern’s Community Chest for the Christmas tree in Madron has been approved.
16. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 7th April 2016 at Trythall CP School.