THURSDAY 6th NOVEMBER 2014 AT 7.30pm

Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (chairman) Cllr V. Peake (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Mrs G. Burlton
Cllr S. Pritchard Cllr M.Scoble Cllr G. Tanner Cllr H. Eddy Cllr S. Bates Cllr C. Bone
Cllr I. Phillips

Cornwall Cllrs W.Maddern and R Mann;

Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and two members of the public

Cllrs Matthews and Bone and PC Thomas
The Chairman announced at this point that there was a complaint against a councillor and unless there was any objection from any councillor present this will be discussed in a closed session at the end of the meeting, but the matter will be minuted.
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on 2nd October 2014 were unanimously approved
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Eddy – item 10 Planning – PA14/09985 at Bone Farm, Heamoor, as the applicant.
4. Dispensations
5. Public Participation
Sara Jones-Richards spoke in connection with PA14/09985 at Bone Farm, Heamoor. She informed members that she and her partner were in temporary accommodation and needed this dwelling for themselves as they needed to live on site as they had 250 sheep which were coming up to lambing plus there was a continual need to be there throughout the year.
6. Police Report
Clerk reported that PC Thomas was on his way to this meeting but was diverted due to an incident. The report showed that there were three crimes in October as opposed to none in October 2013. On 11th a male assaulted another male known to him during an argument at a house in Madron, on 8th a dog bit a delivery driver at an address in New Mill and the matter has been dealt with by way of Restorative Justice and finally between 2300 and 2330 on 28th there was a theft from a vehicle which was left insecure and unattended in Parc Abnec, Madron (crime reference CR/11706214-AP2H0. Residents are asked to check that their vehicles are securely closed and locked and any items of value removed. Any suspicious activity should be reported to the police on 999 if any offenders are still in the vicinity and any other information reported to the police on the 101 system.

7. Chairman’s Comments
Chairman informed the meeting that, with the clerk, she had attended a meeting of Penzance Town Council held at Penwith College on 27th October in relation to affordable housing as Madron has an interest. The first speaker was Sam Irving, the Principle Housing Officer who gave the following facts. There are 1319 people on the housing register wishing to rent and 330 wishing to buy. At present here are 100 houses available in Penzance to let and approximately 56% have been let to people with local connections. Maps were given showing 15 sites identified for development – 44 houses with 39 affordable approved, 14 reserved for affordable at Rospeath Lane, 57 with approved outline with 52 affordable, 144 pre-application with 99 affordable and two have been refused at Ludgvan. Money has been set aside for affordable housing together with money from sale of Gas Works Site in Penzance to Churchill Housing.
Of greater interest to Madron is that 28 affordable houses are planned at Trafalgar Fields on grazing land and Heamoor is in line for a huge development of several hundred houses of which 40% will be affordable, but opposition is anticipated.
The second speaker was Sir John Banham, chairman of Future Homes Commission who gave a very different view on housing and developments. He stated that most first time buyers are in their 40s. There is a need to double the number of houses being built and half of them should be for rental, built on brown field sites or Community Trust land and not purchased green field sites, but the coast and areas of outstanding areas of natural beauty should be protected. Houses should be designed lifetime houses unlike those at Crowlas which are small boxes with no outside play area. He stated that the private sector need to have a 10% return on their money. Houses could be built for £100,000 and developers should be left to get on with it and Section 106 should be scrapped as it is money badly used. He summed up by saying there is no government money, finances are not being used correctly and affordable is not working in its present state.
Chairman and clerk felt that it was a worthwhile and interesting evening.
Cllr Roberts also reported that she attended the opening of the Prederi Area at St Maddern School which was an enjoyable duty.
8. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Pritchard reported that he attended a meeting on 5th November relating to ‘Poltair’, The policy now is that clinics should be referred to doctors’ surgeries. 85% of beds are now occupied and 89% are occupied by people over 70. It was felt that 50% did not need to be there and more concentration should be paid to ‘Care in the Community’ where volunteers were assisting the old and lonely. It was also agreed that the IT facilities must be improved.
Cllr Scoble commented on a report that Cllr Alex Folks has resigned as the councillor in charge of finances for Cornwall Council and it has also been announced that Cornwall Council have to save £196 million in the next 4 years. He felt that this was a warning sign that we must be careful with future expenditure as reserves could be very important. Clerk stated that he would contact CALC during the month to see how precepts are likely to be affected prior to him preparing a budget for 2015-2016 to put before councillors in December or January
Cllr Jenkin informed all that members were invited to the Madron Feast Service on 30th November
9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Maddern reported that he had a long meeting with the Police and Crime Commissioner in which he discussed the long waiting time to obtain a response when dialling 101 but it was agreed that the service was good when the call was answered. The closure of Penzance Police Station Enquiry Office was also discussed but it appears that this is government policy and it was found that rural crime in this area was low compared to Devon and other areas. Concern was expressed concerning the size and speed of modern tractors which are being driven too fast on rural lanes and police attention was required. Cllr Maddern also had been informed by Devon and Cornwall Housing that the policies of ‘walkabouts’ had been stopped, but Cllr Maddern was happy to walk through Madron with councillors if it was felt that it would be beneficial.


He had also attended a devolution meeting with Cllr Mann and in respect of localism it was possible that compulsory training must be undertaken by councillors. The meeting felt that any form of training must be organised on a local basis.
It was also likely that audits may be scrapped. The councillors and clerk felt reservations with this suggestion.
Both Cornwall Councillors expressed concerns that scrutiny panels were being ignored and they were not being consulted on many decisions by Cornwall Council. Cllr Pritchard stated that the Leader of the council, Cllr Pollard, had emphasised that all Cornwall Council matters would be open and transparent but Cllrs Maddern and Mann felt that Cllr Pollard had been over-ruled by politics.
Cornwall Cllr Mann informed members that he had meetings with Cornwall Highways and the A30 road between Hayle and Newtown roundabout was under review due to minor accidents and there are 120 entrances and exits from the road along this stretch. There will be a survey and consultation but speed limits and traffic lights at Crowlas are likely to be a feature in the future.
10. Planning
PA14/09361 – retrospective application for an agricultural shed at Rosemorron Farm, Gulval – supported
PA14/09099 – proposed installation of hard surfaced track crossing agricultural land to improve the means of access for agricultural vehicles and farm animals to the land at Trezelah Park Farm, Gulval – supported
PA14/09703 – erection of a poly-tunnel at Hellangove Farm, Gulval – supported
PA1409707 – temporary caravan at Hellangove Farm, Gulval – supported
PA14/8328 – proposed conversion of an agricultural barn to a holiday let at land SSE of Heather Brae, New Mill – objection. This is not a traditional building in an Area of Outstanding Beauty and not in character with the area. It also contravenes national policy and the Penwith Local Plan with a detrimental impact on the area.
PA/14/09985 – outline application for the erection of an agricultural worker’s dwelling at Bone Farm, Heamoor (Cllr Eddy declared an interest and left the room) – supported. There are genuine reasons as this is a working farm with agricultural needs, particularly in relation to livestock where attention is required at all hours.
PA14/05987 – conversion and extension of redundant barn to dwelling at Mulfra Farm, New Mill – approved
PA14/ 06659 – alteration to cow shed to include relocation of south gable wall and partially rebuild east elevation and recovering roof at Garris Farm, Gulval – approved
PA14/08176 and PA14/08679 (listed consent) – internal works and redesigned single storey link at Trevaylor Nursing Home – withdrawn
PA14/08274 – retention and completion of barn conversion to form a dwelling at Cart House Farm, New Mill – approved
PA14/08514 – change of use of the property from two artists’ studios to a single residential dwelling house at Mulfra Studios, New Mill – approved
Other Planning Matters
PA11/06449 -the Planning Inspectorate have written to announce that the planning application has been allowed for permission for a campsite at Noongallas , Gulval with various conditions including motor caravans and motor homes not being allowed.
11. Public Rights of Way
Councillor Tanner commented on the progress to re-open footpath 24. He had met the Countryside Access representative who has agreed to support this and it is thought that PAROW may be able to complete the necessary work.
He added that the Planning Inspectorate had emailed to say all objections had been withdrawn concerning the upgrade of the footpath to bridleway with an additional bridleway at Mulfra Hill decided by written representations and there was now no need for a public meeting.


12. Clerks Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions had been completed and the Transport Minister’s Office and the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Office have replied to say that the comments made by this council in relation to rail and road access to the south west will be considered when the Autumn Statement is produced.
Cornwall Council has issued an intention notice of temporary prohibition of traffic between 1st and 12th December for patching work on B3312 between Fore Street, Madron and Heamoor.
Clerk enquired about councillors’ views on a Christmas tree this year. In previous years he had ordered a 14 foot tree from West Country Fruit Sales. Cornwall Cllr Maddern informed members that he was willing to pay for the tree from his Community Chest and the meeting thanked Cllr Maddern for his support. It was agreed that there was nowhere suitable in New Mill for a tree.
It was proposed by Cllr Burlton, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the clerk should order a 14 foot tree for Christmas from West Country Fruit Sales as in previous years.
Clerk has ordered a wreath for Remembrance Sunday and this has been collected from Heamoor British Legion Club by Cllr Pritchard. Payment by donation is included in the December agenda
The Chief Executive of ‘Young People, Cornwall’ has written to offer to have a meeting with a representative of the youth of Madron to assist with any projects or to ensure sustainable youth provision within the parish. The letter was passed to Cllr Burlton to consider any action to be taken by youth organisations in the parish or by this council and she was requested to report back to the next meeting.
13. Parking on Trelawney Estate
Discussion took place and it was found that councillors were split over this issue but with the lack of contact with Devon and Cornwall Housing taking place to consider sharing the costs it was impossible to agree to any action at this stage. It was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Bates and unanimously agreed that this matter be deferred until finances are more secure.
14. Real Housing Need in Cornwall – Cornwall CPRE estimates
Cllr Tanner reported that he felt that the Housing Register for Cornwall was inaccurate and exaggerated. Cornwall Cllrs Maddern and Mann agreed and explained how the figures were obtained which was unsatisfactory. It was also felt that the Home Choice System was a wish list and not a need. Clerk was instructed to reply to the consultation expressing these views.
Clerk has circulated an email from Cornwall Council in which a consultation period is in place until 16th January in respect of homelessness in Cornwall and views of the required strategy are invited. This was noted.
15. Report on Trafalgar Sunday – 19th October 2014
Clerk reported that the day had again been a great success and had run smoothly. Verbal thanks had been received from the Commander of RNAS Culdrose and other quarters. The weather had helped to make the day easy to organise.
The clerk wished to thank all those who gave him support, particularly Cllr Scoble for posting letters through resident’s doors asking for vehicles to be clear on the day and for assisting with road closure notices. Also Cllr Pritchard who did the early morning check and arranging for the removal of vehicles parked on the parade route and Cllrs Peake and Bates who assisted with holding back traffic whilst the parades took place.
Costs had come in well under budget largely due to the Sea Cadets providing their own transport and also assistance given with printing costs. Postage cost over £80.00 and he feels that the list of people to be invited formally should seriously be reviewed next year as several had not replied or attended. Cllr Pritchard suggested that no parking in Bellair Road should be included next year. Clerk noted this.


16. Madron Parish Council Website – update
Cllr Scoble reported that the website was now fully operational and he planned to open new categories. Declaration of interests by councillors had been referred to the Cornwall Council website. It was agreed that the website was excellent and the providers had been most helpful.
17. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Peake, and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £606.43, office allowance £30.00, Mileage £51.75, Trafalgar mileage £19.80, disbursements which include internet security £107.49; HMRC – PAYE and Nat Ins £164.94
Clerk reported that he had received two emails from different companies offering defibrillators for sale and details had been forwarded to councillors by email The meeting agreed that there was a need for two defibrillators, one in Madron and one in New Mill and it was necessary to agree locations for the sitings with Landithy Hall and the School in Madron and Trythall School at New Mill. Cllrs Peake had reservations concerning New Mill as the area had no central point for it to be stored for the benefit of all residents. Cllr Roberts agreed to make enquiries with Trythall School for the siting a of a defibrillator and Cllrs Scoble and Burlton to enquire at Landithy Hall and the school in Madron. Cllr Pritchard would check with Heamoor British Legion concerning running costs, electricity, etc and clerk would enquire with the supplier for any further background information required. All will report back to the next meeting when a decision will be made..
Clerk has received a request for a donation from Headway, Cornwall. Details have been emailed to councillors. It was agreed that this should be deferred to the last meeting of the financial year.
17 (A) Extra Item, not on agenda
It was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that all press and public be excluded whilst this item is discussed on the grounds that it may disclose exempt information in accordance with Part 1, Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972.
Cornwall Cllr Mann has made a complaint against Cllr Tanner for trespassing on his land. This complaint was made as an individual and not as a Cornwall Councillor. Cllr Tanner was trying to inspect bridleway 55 in his capacity as public rights of way councillor, but had not been formally instructed to visit this footpath, which had been closed by Cornwall Council. He had not asked permission from Cllr Mann to be on his land. Cllr Tanner apologised and Cllr Mann accepted the apology.
18. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 4th December at Trythall CP School.