Ordinary Meeting of Madron Parish Council
to be held at Madron Community Rooms
Thursday 8th January 2015, at 7.30pm

Planning Applications Available For Councillors Consultations from 7.00pm

Dear Councillor,
You are requested to attend the meeting at the time and date shown above.

W.E. Wilkins, Clerk.

1. Apologies
2. Acceptance of Minutes
Ordinary meeting, 4th December 2014 at Trythall CP School
3. Declarations of Interest in Items on this Agenda
4. Dispensations
5. Public Participation
6. Suspension of Standing Orders
In order to enable members of local organisations to speak in item 7 below
7. Proposed twinning of Mont Dol in Brittany with Madron Parish
8. Resumption of Standing Orders
9. Police Report
To include police response to parking at Badgers Cross.
10. Chairman’s comments
11. Councillor’s Questions and Comments
(24 hours notice to clerk under Standing Order 16(h) advisable)
12. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
13. Planning
Applications (available for inspection from 7pm) To consider recommendations to all planning applications received by this Council prior to this meeting, including –
PA14/10959 – alterations and extensions to the Mill House and Duck House to form two dwellings at land ESE of Rosemorron Farm, Gulval.
PA14/10957 – oak framed storm porch with slate roof at Bythmoy Barn, New Mill
PA14/11466 and 11467 – internal ground floor alterations to both Trevaylor Manor and The Coach House, construction of glazed link between the two buildings at Trevaylor Manor, Gulval.

PA14/11715 – Demolition of existing rear porch. Erection of replacement porch on
reduced footprint with roof line to match to existing side extension at Bosulval
Farmhouse, New Mill
PA14/11854 – construction of a dwelling (reserved matters application following outline approval PA13/09734) ‘The Packing House, at land west of Lower Trebean, Fore Street, Madron.
PA14/09985 outline application for the erection of an agricultural workers dwelling at Bone Farm, Heamoor – approved
PA14/10227 – erection of an extension to existing stables at Aboret, New Mill – approved
Other Planning Matters
14. Public Rights of Way
Cllr Tanner – update on extensions to footpath 24.
Cllr Peake – damaged footpath signs and poor state of ‘Break-my-Neck Lane
Cornwall Council – LMP 2015 eligible funding £3847.00 – for acceptance..
15. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Update of instructions from last meeting
CALC – AGM 4th February 2015 at New County Hall, Truro
Samuels Solicitors of Barnstable – Protecting Community Assets – circulated to councillors by email.
Contacts to Highways re road subsidence at Mulfra Lane, New Mill and cutting back of branches on Madron Hill where vision from lights impeded.
Other actions reported y councillors.
CPRE Cornwall – Housing in Cornwall Report – circulated to councillors by email.
CPRE Cornwall – invitation to join (£29 per annum) – circulated to councillors
CALC – ‘The Week’ w/e 16th December includes transparency code for councils with a turnover of less than £25,000 and referendums, etc. – circulated to councillors by email
CALC – Training Courses 2015 – circulated by email to councillors
16. Defibrillators for Landithy Hall and Trythall School
Reports from Cllrs Scoble/Pritchard and Cllr Roberts concerning installation costs
and decisions to place an order.
17. Parc Abnec Allotments
Proposal by Cornwall Council to transfer the site and management by freehold transfer to Madron Parish Council.
18. Emptying of new litter bins in Madron Vilage
To include any response from Cory and future arrangements.
19. Weed Spraying in Madron Parish
To compare costs from Cormac and enquiry by Cllr Roberts with another contractor
20. Condition of Sign Posts in New Mill area
Report by Cllr Peake
21. Finance
To approve the following accounts for payment –
W.E. Wilkins, Clerk Salary £606.63
Office Allowance £ 30.00
Mileage £ 9.90
Disbursements £101.73
HMRC PAYE & Nat. Ins £164.74
West Country Fruit Sales Christmas tree £151.20
22. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 5th February 2015 at Trythall CP School.