Madron Twinning Committee Meeting Two
Thursday 26th February 7:30pm-8:30pm
- Apologies
- Appointment of Chairperson of the Twinning Committee
- Appointment of Secretary
- Appointment of Members
- Any other business
- Date, day, location and time of next meeting
Meeting started at 7:30pm
- Apologies
- JM, HC and MS.
- Appointment of Chairperson of the Twinning CommitteeNo response had been received by the time of meeting two, so PW was called by MS to find out if he was willing to chair the committee and if he would be attending the meeting – both answered in the negative by his wife.HP proposed by TH but politely refused as did not have enough time to properly chair committee due to running of school,TH proposed by HP and has agreed to stand in on a temporary basis, emphasising the need for a local to represent community views as the chairperson would have an ambassadorial role. Some discussion of the gender of the future chairperson was also had, to no general consensus apart from the importance of discussing it further.Going Forward: TH spoke about need to organise twinning so that it would grow organically and spontaneously, with enthusiastic individuals and proliferate email contact necessary to grasp vision of twinning process, and that he saw the main role of the committee in this process to communicate and decide what to do to mutually stimulate the potentially fertile garden of benefits the twinning process could be to both communities.
- General Consensus: TH to be temporary chairperson for committee, voted for unanimously by attendees.
- MS was proposed by CS but politely refused on grounds of church business,
- Three more proposed candidates were discussed:
- PW was previously discussed as a candidate in meeting one, with both emails sent to him and PD and Well-Wishers to contact him.
- Appointment of SecretaryGeneral Consensus: In the absence of other candidates, MT to be secretary, voted for unanimously by attendees.
- Going Forward: MT to assume W’s role as liaison with T via email, and to write up minutes of meetings and forward all email contacts to members of the committee.
- W as previous secretary standing down to focus on parish council business, but offered help with secretarial duties to new secretary.
- Appointment of MembersJB elected as Member to represent Madron Youth Group.RM elected as Member to represent Old Cornwall Society.SM elected as Member to represent Women’s Institute.CR elected as Member to represent Parish Council.General Consensus: Attendees happy with Members elected and representation of variety of local organisations included.
- Going Forward: Attendees who were not Members left meeting at this point, to allow for more focused discussion of Twinning process. Aims and objectives of committee and the twinning process discussed and agreed upon and also need for Members to have each other’s contact details (included in separate document), as were general contents of first email back to French community. Chair emphasised need for community involvement, and Members discussed general methods to encourage such involvement, including:
- Chair and Secretary to represent Madron Church and St. Maddern’s Church of England Primary School respectively.
- MS elected in absentia as Member to represent Trythall Community Primary School.
- HC elected in absentia as Member to represent Madron Young Farmers.
- CS elected as Member to represent Landithy Hall.
- Volunteers were asked for by Chair.
- Wider and repeated advertising for potential public meeting
- Posters to be put up around village
- Leaflets to be created and distributed
- Flyer for the Well-Wishers Magazine to be created
- Members to contact D for M’s Column in the Cornishman
- Members to email TR about Village Magazine
- Coffee Morning offered by SM on behalf of WI to raise funds
- SM also offered use of free phone calls to France and her informal services as a fluent French speaker
- Any other businessGeneral Consensus: Financial discussion to be deferred to next meeting/when progress made in communicating process happening to community.
- MS raised question of finances, proposed parish council to underwrite first £50. Financial question agreed to be deferred to next meeting at urging of W and CR, citing need to put the matter to the parish council to follow necessary legal processes and for requests to be received to be considered.
- Date, day, location and time of next meetingGeneral Consensus: Next meeting to take place on Wednesday 27th April at 7:30pm in the Forget-Me-Not Room.
- Meeting closed at 8:30pm.
- Discussion of next meeting occurred, and eventual date agreed upon to suit attending Members based on considerations such as Easter festivities.