THURSDAY 2nd APRIL 2015 AT 7.30pm
Draft to be approved on 7th May 2015
Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (chairman) Cllr V. Peake (vice chairman)
8 Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Mrs G. Burlton
Cllr S. Pritchard Cllr. G. Tanner Cllr C. Bone Cllr H. Eddy
Cllr S. Bates Cllr I. Phillips

Cornwall Cllr R Mann

Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins, no members of the public

Cllr M. Scoble, Cllr R. Matthews
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on 5th March 2015 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Bone –item 10 Planning – PA15/02701 at Patrick’s Meadow, Rosemorron Farm, Gulval as a friend of the applicant.
4. Dispensations
5. Public Participation
6. Police Report
No details received
7. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Roberts reported that the newly purchased defibrillators had been installed at Trythall CP School, New Mill and Landithy Hall, Madron and training had taken place at Landithy Hall.
Clerk was instructed to register details in order to complete the registration for the warranty and to give details to police, fire and ambulance services.
The chairman then informed the meeting that the Madron Parish cost in the council tax for 2015-2016 has shown a reduction of 1.9%
She also gave an update in the health of Cornwall Cllr Maddern and clerk was instructed to write to him with the best wishes of councillors.
8. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Bates commented on the road improvements which Highways had completed on Madron Hill and he suggested that a letter of thanks be forwarded to Highways by the clerk for this excellent work. This was unanimously agreed.


Cllr Pritchard reported that the Community Bus Organisation has applied for a government grant for funding for three buses and a letter has been received from the Department of Transport to say that the bid is successful. It is not known at this stage whether the grant will provide three buses or less and it is known that similar request for buses for other organisations in the area have also been successful.
Cllr Tanner reported that there has been fly-tipping at Bosulval Hill and he had reported this to Cornwall Council and the area has been cleared. There were instances of other fly-tipping in the parish which have also been reported.
Cllr Tanner, who had completed a day’s training before the meeting at St Erme with Cllrs Scoble, Pritchard and the clerk, reported that councils had been advised to check bank reconciliations on a monthly basis. He and Cllr Scoble and the clerk had agreed to do this prior to each monthly meeting.
Cllr Tanner then proposed that it be minuted that Mr D. Gallie should be appointed as Internal Auditor for the forthcoming audit. This was seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed.
9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Mann informed members that he had been trying to arrange the removal of the caravan from the lay-by at Badgers Cross without success as no one would take responsibility. Clerk was instructed to write to complain to the Chief Executive of Cornwall Council and also Nicola Stinson, Planning Office at Camborne. Cllr Pritchard had heard that the occupants of the caravan had been begging in the streets at Penzance and he recommended that the clerk write to Inspector Phillips at Penzance asking for action to deal with these offences. This was also unanimously agreed
Cornwall Cllr Mann also advised members that Penzance Town Council were working on a Neighbourhood Plan and parts involved Ludgvan and Madron. In view of this a meeting will be called where representatives from Ludgvan and Madron Parish Councils will be invited to consider the plans.
10. Planning
Retention of a rammed earth farm building to a one bedroom residential unit at land SSE of Lower Bosulval Farm, New Mill – objection as this should be an agricultural building but there is no mention of this in the plans.
PA15/02386 – construction of an agricultural shed at Nancothan House, Buryas Bridge – supported.
PA15/02701 – new agricultural house and farm track to milking parlour at Patricks’s Meadow. Rosemorron Farm, Gulval (Cllr Bone declared an interest) – this council will support this application providing the Land Agent approves a need and the house is appropriate to an average agricultural workers house.
PA15/00775 – conversion of a previously approved barn to form a single storey dwelling house at Carnequidden Farm access track from Carnequidden Farm to Higher Conquer Farm, New Mill – approved
Other Planning Matters
11. Public Rights of Way
Cllr Tanner gave an update regarding footpath 24 in this parish. The path had been cleared by PAROW who had done an excellent job, and a donation will be considered in the finance section of this agenda.
It was also reported that Cormac had commenced work in repairing footpath 55 but had been called away for an urgent matter but it was hoped that work will continue shortly
Clerk reported that the letter of concern of the safety of the bridleway converted from footpath at Mulfra Hill was forwarded to Cornwall Council as requested. This letter stressed the urgency for a full risk assessment as soon as possible and a reply was received to the effect that this would be done by Colin Bayes, the Senior Countryside Officer and he has been asked to respond where necessary.


12. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting have been completed
Clerk has booked a place for Cllr Peake to attend a Chairmanship Training Session to be held at Penwith College from 7pm to 9pm on 1st June It was proposed by Cllr Burlton, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that this be approved together with expenses involved.
Clerk reported that he had circulated to members a detailed email from John Pollard, Leader of Cornwall Council, called a ‘Case for Cornwall’ in which he outlines his views for more responsibilities for Cornwall Council and asks for the support of Parish Councils. Clerk asked members if they wished to deal with this now or defer it as it was only circulated on the day before this meeting and all members may not have had chance to read the document. It was unanimously agreed to defer this to the next meeting
Clerk reported that his daughter was ill in Warwickshire and he would likely be away from his office for a short spell in view of this. Cllr Pritchard felt that he should take as much time as he needed and this was endorsed by all councillors.
13. New Mill Sign Posts
Cornwall Cllr Mann has been informed of a complaint that there is a mis-spelling on one of the signs and this has been referred back to Highways. Cllr Peake also reported that the sign posts from Kitty Noyes cross roads and Gear Lane had also not been returned. Clerk added that this council paid Iron Bros of Wadebridge £234.00 in October to have the work completed and he felt that the delay of 6 months was unacceptable. Clerk was instructed to write to Mike Peters Highways Manager asking for action to have these signs put back.
14. Circulation of Minutes and Other Information
Clerk reported that he had received a request from Wellwishers for the clerk to forward details of the parish Council minutes for publication in their magazine.
Cllr Scoble, who cannot be here this evening, has circulated by email strong objections to this as the published minutes were a draft until approved and could be open to amendment. This view had been supported by several other councillors The main recommendation circulated by councillors was that the Wellwishers should publish a link to Madron Parish website where an up to date publication of the minutes is always available. It was proposed by Cllr Eddy, seconded by Cllr Burlton that the clerk should email the editor of the Wellwishers magazine expressing this view.
15. West Cornwall Community Forum – 19th March 2015
This forum was attended by Cllrs Peake, Scoble and Pritchard with the clerk. The main part of the evening consisted of people present attaching items of most important local matters on a board and these were discussed.
From now on each forum will have a specific subject to discuss with the person or persons responsible for the item in question to listen to concerns and give responses to the points made. In addition to this better updates of ongoing topics will be given.
16. Cornwall for Change
This organisation has circulated mail in which they dispute the official figure of new houses required in Cornwall which is given as 70,000. This organisation feels that the number is nearer 45,000. This has been emailed to councillors
They have submitted a series of questions to be put to John Pollard, leader of Cornwall Council. These cover items such as Housing, Planning, Business, Waste, Population Growth and Effects, National Minorities, Health Service, Arms Length Companies, Finance, Documentation and Localism.
Clerk has made enquiries about this organisation and it is understood that Cornwall 4 Change is a branded movement but its members are Town and Parish Councillors. He has circulated details of their questions being put to the Leader of Cornwall Council to parish councillors by email and hard copies were available at the meeting:
The meeting agreed that these concerns should be taken up with CALC who should be requested to act on their behalf and clerk should respond accordingly


17. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Pritchard, and unanimously approved that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £619.93, office allowance £30.00, mileage £19.80, disbursements £115.28 (includes Moneysoft payroll for the year and inkjet cartridge); HMRC – PAYE and Nat Insurance £170.45; CALC – annual subscription £433.96.
Clerk reported that £519.00 has been received from Cornwall Cllr Mann’s Community Chest and as the financial year ended on 31st March this sum will be included in the accounts for 2014-2015. The accounts are virtually complete and ready for inspection by Cllrs Tanner and Scoble prior to being audited by Mr Gallie and presented to the next meeting on 7th May. The audit by Cllrs Scoble and Tanner with the clerk has been arranged for 9th April 2015.
At the last meeting it was agreed that a donation to PAROW as thanks for the assistance given in opening up footpath 24 be discussed at this meeting. After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Eddy, seconded by Cllr Jenkin, and unanimously agreed that the sum of £150.00 be donated (ss. 43-50 Highways Act 1980)
Clerk reported that a request for a donation has been received from Cornwall Air Ambulance.
It was agreed to defer this to the end of the new financial year .
18. Time and Date of Next Meeting
Annual Parish Meeting followed by Annual Parish Council meeting at 7.30pm on Thursday 7th May 2015 at Madron Community Rooms.