THURSDAY 4th DECEMBER 2014 AT 7.30pm
Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (chairman) Cllr V. Peake (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs G. Burlton Cllr S. Pritchard Cllr. M. Scoble Cllr R. Matthews
Cllr C. Bone Cllr G. Tanner
Cllr S. Bates Cllr I. Phillips
Cornwall Cllr W.Maddern PC Thomas (to point stated)
Mr W.E. Wilkins, clerk, and two members of the public.
Cllrs Mrs A, Jenkin and H. Eddy and Cornwall Cllr R. Mann
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on 6th November 2014 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Roberts – item 10 Planning – application PA14/10912 at Slight Hill, Heamoor due to involvement as governor of Trythall School with applicant
4. Dispensations
5. Public Participation
Mr Robert Little spoke in favour of the application for the temporary caravan at Slight Hill. He wished to emphasise that the application did not affect a public footpath. He felt that the applicant deserved a chance to prove the viability of his business. The applicant was involving himself in the community and had a child at Trythall School.
Mr Daniel Newberry, the applicant for the same planning application, stated that the Planning Inspectorate felt that the previous application was rejected due to the lack of viability of his business, but now his business was in profit and he was supplying various concerns in Penzance. This year he is in profit and he wanted to have the three years approval for the temporary caravan in order to prove the viability of his business. He also was trying to be part of the community by inviting children from Trythall School, where his child attends, to the land for educational interest.
6. Police Report
PC Thomas reported that there was one crime in November in the parish compared to three in November 2013. On 13th there was a verbal altercation outside St Maddern School resulting in an offence under Section 4 of Public Order Act and the offender was dealt with by means of Restorative Justice. Cllr Pritchard reported regular use of Josephs Lane by trail bikes and PC Thomas agreed to pay attention to the problem. (PC Thomas left at this point)
7. Chairman’s Comments
Nothing to report
8. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Burlton reported that she had been in contact with local youth organisations in connection with assistance offered for projects by ‘Young Cornwall’. However there had been no response to her contacts but she will still follow up the offers.
Cllr Scoble was concerned about notices in the enclosed board being damp and becoming unreadable. He asked the clerk to provide plastic covers to prevent this problem. This was agreed.
Cllr Pritchard reported on an extraordinary meeting of The Rural Transport Forum at St Clare on 3rd December. The organisation had input from various organisations but there was no contact from Cornwall Council. However due to a government scheme an application has been submitted for a new vehicle.
Cllr Phillips reported that there were further parking problems at Badgers Cross. It seems that many of the vehicles recently removed have come back and other vehicles are also abandoned there. Cllr Pritchard commented that this appeared to be an offence of unnecessary obstruction and the clerk was instructed to write to the Police Inspector at Penzance in an effort to resolve these issues
9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cllr Maddern reported that it had been a quiet month. He had attended a Localism meeting with Cllr Mann but this revolved around car parking policy which did not directly affect Madron. He added that a new government policy was that ten houses could now be built without including affordable houses. He asked members to be aware that there was consideration being given to reducing the numbers of Cornwall Councillors. This would result in a huge area for each councillor to cover and whilst there would be a reduction in finance in one way this would be countered by the expense incurred by the remaining councillors.
10. Planning
PA14/10227 – to erect new barn. This will join the existing barn at rear. The barn will be an exact replica of the existing barn which measures 10.8m x 10.2m and covers 110.16m2. Total height match existing barn at 3.8m at Aboret, New Mill. Clerk reminded members that in September 2013 this council recommended approval of the original barn at Aboret and permission was granted. It was agreed to support the application but clerk was instructed to point out that there could be an error on the plans relating to the areas of the land.
PA14/10912 – temporary permission for the retention of a static caravan for use as an agricultural worker’s dwelling at Slight Hill, Heamoor. (Cllr Roberts declared an interest and left the room) Clerk reminded members that this council strongly objected to the original application for the retention of a static caravan at this location in October 2013 and planning permission was refused and the appeal against the refusal also failed. It was agreed that in view of the Planning Inspector’s report this council supports the application for temporary permission in order to give the applicants the opportunity to prove the viability of their business.
PA14/08893 – two storey extension to provide annexed accommodation for a family member at Mill Vale, Newbridge – approved
PA14/09361 – retrospective application for an agricultural shed at Rosemorron Farm, Gulval – approved
PA14/10317 – erection for a building for storage of bales of hay and farm machinery at Boswarthen Farm, Newbridge – prior approval not required.
Other Planning Matters
Planning Inspectorate – refusal of appeal against refusal of permission for PA13/07693 – retention of static caravan for agricultural worker’s dwelling at Slight Hill, Heamoor.
Planning Inspectorate – refusal of appeal against refusal of permission for PA13/07231 – installation of single Endurance E3120 (50kw) wind turbine on a 24.6m hub height tower, 34.2m to blade tip, to provide renewable energy to dairy farm at Rosemorron Farm, Gulval.
11. Public Rights of Way
Cllr Tanner reported on a meeting he and Cllr Peake had on 2nd December with Mrs Jennie Olds, the land agent for Bolitho Estates in connection with a proposed extension along Ginger Lane to footpath 24 in order to assist public access to the path. Mrs Olds agreed to this as a permissive path which means that the path will be closed for one day per year. A similar arrangement was agreed at the other end of the path which met with the approval of Mr Adrian Nicholls who farms this land. Clerk was instructed to write to Bolitho Estates to confirm this.
12. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting had been completed.
Since the last meeting Cllrs Mathews and Peake had reported fly tipping between Trythall Cross Roads and Kitty Noyes Cottage and Cllr Peake had contacted Cornwall Council to arrange collection, Cllr Tanner had likewise contacted the council for removal of fly tipping on Gear Lane.
Cllr Peake had also reported that the road was dropping away towards the stream in Mulfra Lane and clerk has reported this to Highways. There was no update on this and clerk was asked to follow this up.
Cllr Bates had requested that the branches by streetlights on Madron Hill be cut back as when they are in leaf they obstruct the lighting. This has been passed to Highways but again clerk was asked to follow this up as it appears that this has not be done to date..
A further complaint has been made by Cllrs Matthews and Peake that a newly erected signpost at Trythall Cross Roads had spelt ‘Ninnis, ‘Ninnes’, an extra l had been put on Trythall and an ‘s’ had been put on to the end of New Mill. Clerk has reported this to Cornwall Council who have promised to correct the errors.
A letter of thanks for the involvement of this council in refurbishing the sign posts has been received from Mrs Jennie Trevarthen of Boskednan. This was read out by clerk and he has acknowledged the letter’
Cllr Peake was asked to review all sign posts in the New Mill area and report back to the next meeting concerning any more work to be done and reported faults corrected.
Cornwall Council Budget Engagement Summary and Cabinet Response have been circulated to councillors for noting.
Cornwall Council Licensing have circulated details of the Community and Auxiliary Sellers Act consultation to allow communities and small low-risk businesses to sell alcohol between 7am and 11pm – this has been circulated to councillors by email for noting
Cornwall Council Localism Bulletin relating to British Gas Efficiency Fund and opinions on Cory rubbish collection and re-cycling have also been circulated to councillors by email.
‘Penwith Points of View’ have requested a visit from chairman, clerk and any other councillors to one of their meetings which are held at Landithy Hall on Tuesday evenings from 7pm to discuss the history, procedures and work of the Parish Council. Clerk has discussed this with the chairman and it was felt best to leave this until after Christmas. Meetings in the New Year commence on 6th January. It was agreed that clerk, chairman and Cllr Matthews will attend on 6th January – clerk to inform the organiser.
Cormac have forwarded maps of Madron with roads subject to possible weed spraying needs and a quote of £775.05 plus VAT for performing that task at £150 per km. Details have been circulated to councillors by email. It was agreed that this work needs to be done and Cllr Roberts agreed to obtain a separate estimate from a local contractor and a decision will be made at the January meeting
CALC ‘This Week’ issue w/e 28.11. 14 has also been circulated to councillors by email. This gives information on budgets and precepts and other items including a national pay rise for clerks from 1st January 2015. This amounts to an increase of £16.57 per month, less tax for Madron Pariah Council clerk who is on scale 26.
Clerk reported that he had received an email just before the meeting from Mont Dol in Brittany, a small village of 1200 inhabitants, asking for the possibility of twinning with Madron Parish. Cllr Pritchard felt that this should be encouraged as the schools particularly would benefit. Clerk was instructed to email the Rev Tim Hawkins and the ‘Well-wishers’, Cllr Bone the chapel, Cllr Roberts Trythall School and Cllr Burlton St Maddern School and Youth Groups and the matter will be discussed in detail at the January meeting. Clerk was instructed to reply to Therese Stewart at Mont Dol to inform her that there is interest and representatives from Madron would be in contact after the meeting in January.
13. Defibrillators for Madron Village and New Mill
Clerk has made enquiries with AED Sales who charge £950 plus VAT for their products. They point out that the running costs are in the region of £10 per year with wires running to an electricity plug as there are no batteries. They are bolted on to a building, the ambulance has the code to open the cabinet which is given to the caller using 999, and the temperature must be over 5degrees.
Cllr Pritchard has been to Heamoor British Legion Club and they inform him that they are installing a defibrillator there with a seven year guarantee. He and Cllr Scoble are happy for a
defibrillator being fixed at Landithy Hall and Cllr Roberts confirmed that Trythall School also were in agreement. Cllrs Pritchard and Roberts will enquire about installation costs at the two premises in question and they will report back to the January meeting.
Cllr Roberts reported that the Young Farmers were keen to be involved and she would make contact and receive any donation towards the costs being incurred.
14. Budget for Financial Year 2015-2016
Clerk has circulated a detailed budget for 2015-2016 to all councillors, but this does not include the costs of defibrillators as discussed in the last item or the weed spraying needs discussed earlier. . He emphasised that the prepared budget cannot be exact as things change during the year and his estimates were purely for guidance.
It was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Bone and unanimously agreed that the precept for the forthcoming financial year should be set at £20,000.Clerk to make the necessary application
15. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Matthews, and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £606.63, office allowance £30, mileage £9.90, petty cash £22.58; HMRC – PAYE and Nat Ins £164.74; SLCC annual subscription £131.00; RBL Poppy Appeal in lieu of wreath provided for Remembrance Sunday plus a donation £100.00
Cllrs Tanner and Scoble conducted an audit with the clerk in November and reported that all was in order
It was also agreed that a donation to Cornwall Blind Association should be deferred to the end of the financial year
16. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 8th January 2015 at Madron Community Rooms