THURSDAY 8th JANUARY 2015 AT 7.30pm
Draft to be approved on 5th February 2015
Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (chairman) Cllr V. Peake (vice chairman) Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Mrs G. Burlton
Cllr S. Pritchard Cllr. M. Scoble
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr C. Bone
Cllr G. Tanner Cllr H. Eddy
Cllr S. Bates Cllr I. Phillips
Cornwall Cllr R Mann
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and two members of the public
Cornwall Cllr Bill Maddern who is presently in Treliske Hospital under observation. Clerk was instructed to write to him wishing him a speedy recovery.
- Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on 4th December 2014 were unanimously approved.
- Declarations of Interest
Cllr Bone – item 13 Planning – PA14/10959 at land ESE of Rosemorron Farm, Gulval as a friend of the applicant.
Cllr Tanner – item 13 Planning – PA14/11715 at Bosulval Farmhouse at New Mill as the applicant.
Item 13 Planning – PA14/10227 – at land west of Lower Trebean, Fore Street, Madron – Cllrs Scoble and Burlton declared interests as friends of the applicant and Cllr Bates as a neighbour
Cllr Burlton – item 18, emptying of litter bins in Madron as her husband has been doing this task on a voluntary basis Cllr Peake – item 13 Planning, PA14/10957 at Bythmoy, New Mill as a friend and neighbour of the applicant.
- Dispensations
Clerk reported that an invoice had been received from Landithy Hall for £70.00 for meetings in 2014 and Cllrs Scoble, Pritchard and Matthews were Landithy Hall Managers but dispensations have been approved and therefore they could remain in the meeting.
- Public Participation
- Suspension of Standing Orders
It was proposed by Cllr Scoble seconded by Cllr Tanner and unanimously agreed that Standing Orders be suspended in order for interested representatives of organisations within the parish to be involved in discussions in item 7
- Proposed twinning of Mont Dol in Brittany with Madron Parish
Clerk reported that he had received an email from the village of Mont Dol in Brittany which has a population of approximately 1200 which is similar to this parish, asking to twin with Madron Parish. This was placed before the last meeting when it was suggested that this could be a benefit, particularly to the schools. It was agreed that the matter be deferred to this meeting when organisations throughout the parish be invited to attend.
Cllr Roberts represented Trythall School, Cllr Jenkin St. Madden School and Madron Parish Church, Cllr Burlton, Brownies and Youth Groups, Cllr Matthews Old Cornwall and Mrs Jacqui Meyers Madron Women’s Institute. Cllr Roberts stated that Jane Howells who organises Bewnans Kernow in Madron Village would also be interested in being involved. Cornwall Cllr Mann spoke of his involvement in the twinning of Penzance with towns in Germany and America. He informed the meeting that £500 was allocated by Penzance Town Council to assist with administrative matters but any further expenses and costs of visits were paid for by individuals for any visits and other arrangements.
After discussions it was agreed that the next stage was to arrange a meeting for interested parties as this must not be a solely Parish Council matter. Cllr Pritchard agreed to chair a meeting at Landithy Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday 11th February 2015 and clerk was instructed to write or email invitations to the meeting to Young Farmers, Trythall and St Maddern Schools, Brownies and Youth Groups, Playing Field Committee, Old Cornwall, Women’s Institute, Antiquarians and Well-wishers emphasising that this is a community matter and involvement from all is important.
It was also agreed that the clerk should furnish details of Trythall and St. Maddern School with details of the contact in Mont Dol and likewise advise Mont Dol of details of the Madron Parish schools in order to commence contact between the Madron Parish and French Schools. Clerk was also instructed to email the Mont Dol organiser to put her in the picture with decisions made and progress so far.
- Resumption of Standing Orders
It was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that Standing Orders be resumed.
- Police Report
In the absence of police officers the clerk gave the report for December 2014.There were three crimes reported as opposed to four in December 2013. Between 9th and 30th damage was caused to oil containers and containers were stolen at a travellers site near to Gulval; between 5th and 8th tyres on a vehicle were damaged by inserting nails at Newbridge; on 10th two loose dogs attacked another dog, no injuries caused, at New Mill; on 24th a male made verbal threats to another male at Madron and this was recorded as a public order offence. Overall reports of anti-social behaviour remain low.
Clerk added that he had received a letter from Inspector Phillips at Penzance in which she had sent officers to Badgers Cross concerning reports of parking problems. All vehicles had been checked and were road legal in all aspects and none of the vehicles were in a position that required being dealt with for unnecessary obstruction. Local officers will continue to monitor the area for any offences and deal with them as appropriate. Cllr Phillips asked for a copy of the letter.
- Chairman’s Comments
Chairman reported that she attended a meeting of Bewnans Kernow at Landithy Hall on 6th January with the clerk who gave a presentation on the history, workings and responsibilities of Madron Parish Council which was well received.
- Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Scoble has received a request for a disabled bay in Church Road Madron for a disabled member of the public. Clerk has made enquiries and the creation of .a bay such as this is extremely expensive. It was also pointed out that the bay would be available for any disabled person and there was more than one disabled person resident in Church Road. It was agreed that the bay is not viable.
Cllr Scoble also reported that the website now contained much more information and he was having a meeting with Cllr Eddy with plans to expand the site further.
Cllr Scoble informed the meeting that an accident had occurred in Landithy Hall recently and the caretaker had given first aid but she felt that a course of first aid would be of benefit. Cllr Scoble had contacted St Johns Ambulance and they will give a full days training for at least eight people at a cost of £30 per head. Cllr Pritchard advised Cllr Scoble to contact the Cheshire Home in Longrock who may be able to assist at a cheaper rate. Cllr Burlton stated that there were five youth leaders who would be interested and Cllr Jenkin felt that there would also be interest in the school. Cllr Scoble will make the enquiries and liaise with interested parties.
12.Commentsa from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Mann reported that overall there was little to report but there will be an increase in charges for waste disposal and rents on Cornwall Council houses will also be a subject to a small increase.
- Planning
AP14/10959 – alterations and extensions to the Mill House and Duck House to form two dwellings at Rosemorron Farm. Gulval (Cllr Bone declared an interest and left the room) – supported
AP14/ 10957 – oak framed alarm porch with slate roof at Bythmoy, New Mill (Cllr Peake declared an interest and left the room) – supported
AP14/11466 and 11467 – internal ground floor alterations to both Trevaylor Manor and the Coach House, construction of a glazed link between the two buildings at Trevaylor Manor, Gulval – supported
AP14/11715 – demolition of existing rear porch, erection of a replacement porch on a reduced footprint with roof line to match to the existing side extension at Bosulval Farmhouse, New Mill (Cllr Tanner declared an interest and left the room) – supported
PA14/11854 – construction of a dwelling (reserved matters application following outline approval PA13/09734) on land west of Lower Trebean, Fore Street, Madron (Cllrs Scoble, Burlton and Bates declared an interest and left the room). Clerk reminded councillors that this council supported the original outline application but Cornwall Council refused to give the approval. At appeal the Planning Inspectorate supported the view of this council and the application was approved. Supported
PA14/09985 – outline application for the erection of an agricultural workers dwelling at Bone Farm, Heamoor – approved
PA14/10227 – erection of an extension to existing stables at Aboret, New Mill – approved.
Other Planning Matters
- Public Rights of Way
Cllr Tanner gave an update concerning footpath 24 between Mount Whistle and Ginger Lane. He has been in contact with PAROW who have agreed to assist with the clearance of overgrown sections and also the provision of necessary furniture. He is also making enquiries about the permissive path signs with the land owner and Cornwall Council. Clerk has written to Bolitho Estates to confirm the agreement.
Cllr Peake reported that there are damaged footpath signs in the New Mill area and Break-my-Neck lane is in a poor state. This was reported to Countryside Access and they have promised to complete the necessary work.
Clerk reported that he has received a notice of eligible funding for LMP 2015 of £3847, the
same as 2014. It was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that this offer be accepted. Clerk will complete the necessary acceptance forms
- Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting have been completed.
CALC AGM will be held at New County Hall, Truro on Wednesday 4th February commencing at 7pm – noted
Samuels Solicitors of Barnstable have emailed concerning the protection of community assets which is a guard against premises such as pubs, shops, etc. from being sold for development. Details have been circulated to councillors by email. Noted
Clerk has received replies from Highways concerning the cutting back of branches which obstruct the vision from streetlights on Madron Hill when trees are in leaf. They say that the trees are the responsibility of the land owner. They have been in contact with Bolitho Estates who appear to be responsible for action in most cases but details of any other land owner where the trees are should be forwarded to Highways who will make the contact. Councillors pointed out that this was not Bolitho Estates land and the landowners were a Mr David Harris, Mr Mervin Thomas and the Orchard Flower Farm – clerk to inform Highways.
Highways have also reported that they have inspected the road in Mufra Lane where this council reported subsidence and repairs have been completed,
Cllr Tanner has reported directly to Cornwall Council that 14 bags of rubbish have been deposited in a lay-by at the end of the lane leading to Bosulval and clerk has reported excess mud on the road in Bone Valley where the farmer concerned has been advised by Highways to clear it after they had made initial clearance.
CPRE report on housing in Cornwall has been circulated to councillors by email – noted
CPRE Cornwall has also invited this council to join their organisation for a fee of £29 per year – noted.
CALC ‘This Week’ w/e 26th December has been circulated to councillors by email and contains items on the transparency code and the decision that where parish councils have a turnover of less than £25000 referendums will not apply over precept matters. ‘This week’ 1/15 has also been circulated by email – noted
CALC Training Courses and the costs in 2015 have been circulated to councillors by email -noted
West Cornwall Community Network Panel (Forum) will meet next at 7pm on Thursday 22nd January 2015 (agenda circulated to councillors by email). Cllrs Roberts and Scoble and clerk agreed to attend.
Cornwall for Change, a new organisation has invited parishes to a meeting on 11th February at Kingsley Village. This is a new organisation set up from the complaints made by Chasewater Parish Council about democracy, etc. involving Cornwall Council. Details have been circulated to councillors by email – noted
- Defibrillators for Landithy Hall and Trythall School
This item was forwarded from the last meeting for enquiries to be made regarding the costs of fitting the equipment to buildings. Cllr Scoble has made contact with a contractor for Landithy Hall and Landithy Hall Managers have agreed to cover these costs. Cllr Roberts has made similar enquiries concerning Trythall School and The Young Farmers have agreed to cover the costs of installation at that premises with a further donation towards the cost to follow..
Clerk reported that the full costs to this council for the two defibrillators, cases and equipment amounts to £3600 but he will claim back £600 VAT at the end of this financial year. It was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Peake and unanimously agreed that the clerk orders these defibrillators from Midland Safety to be delivered to Landithy Hall and details of the caretaker should be given to the company delivering.
- Parc Abnec Allotments.
Cornwall Council has written to the clerk with a proposal that this parish council takes over the management of Parc Abnec allotments as they feel that this is best managed locally. The offer is to transfer this site by a freehold transfer and the site would be valued at £1. The letter also has attachments with details of the present allotment holders, details of their rents which are paid annually and a list of people on a waiting list. Clerk has spoken to the person in charge of this proposal at Cornwall Council asking what would happen if this council refused to take over the management and the response was that they would just be left and eventually grow wild. The clerk is of the opinion that this, like the weed spraying in item 19, is the first of a number of responsibilities likely to be passed to parishes and this is the reason that he included some reserves in the budget for 2015-2016
It was agreed that the control of the allotments by this council was a good thing but Cllr Tanner asked clerk to make sure there is insurance cover and Cllr Eddy and Cornwall Cllr
Mann advised that there are rules, terms and conditions in place and boundaries are properly agreed. It should be established that Cornwall Council will pay for all transfers and conveyancing. Cllr Pritchard offered to inspect the allotments in order to ensure that they are in good order and these matters should all be agreed before accepting the ownership. These actions were approved by the meeting and Clerk will update Cornwall Council and report to the next meeting.
- Emptying of new litter bins in Madron Village.
Clerk was approached by Cllr Burlton after the last meeting and she was concerned that there were a number of disgusting items in the new litter bins which were purchased by this council last year. Mr Burlton has taken over the role of emptying the bins and the result is that the area is now relatively free from litter on the pavements. Mr Burlton is not provided with any clothing, etc., for this job and it is purely voluntary but the arrangement is not satisfactory or fair to Mr Burlton With this in mind clerk contacted Cornwall Cllr Maddern to see if an approach could be made to Cory asking them to take over emptying these two bins and if they can, is there an expense involved. Clerk has received a response from Cory in which they are prepared to do the emptying and disposal and the cost to this council would be £6.78 plus VAT. This could be done on a weekly basis which would mean an annual charge of £352.56 plus VAT, or £176.28 plus VAT if this was done on a fortnightly basis.(Cllr Burlton declared her interest and left the room at this point). After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Eddy, seconded by Cllr Pritchard and unanimously agreed that Cory be asked to empty the bins on a fortnightly basis. Clerk to make the necessary arrangements
- Weed Spraying in Madron Parish
This item was deferred from the last meeting in order for Cllr Roberts to make enquiries of a local company relating to their price for doing the work but the work was not viable for them.. It had been agreed that this work was necessary and this council would have to take over the cost from Cornwall Council who had submitted their cost of the work by Cormac Solutions to be £775.05 plus VAT. It was proposed by Cllr Eddy, seconded by Cllr Bone and unanimously agreed that clerk should offer Cormac £500 for the work to be done and report back to the next meeting
- Condition of Sign Posts in New Mill.
Cllr Peake reported that the sign post at Trythall Cross roads was in need of refurbishment and there were arms missing off other posts. These are the arms that this council contributed to the costs and are still at Irons Bros. at Wadebridge. Cornwall Cllr Mann agreed to chase up the return and installation of the arms. The sign with the errors on has been removed for correction. Cllr Peake will check signs and if necessary report to the next meeting.
- Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Burlton and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W. E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £606.63, office allowance £30.00, mileage £9.90, petty cash which includes a new cartridge toner for the printer £101.63; HMRC – PAYE and Nat. Ins. £164.74; West Country Fruit Sales for Christmas tree £151.20 (includes VAT) and also an invoice from Landithy Hall Managers for the costs of staging meetings on 2014 for £70.00
- Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 5th February 2015 at Trythall CP School.