Draft to be approved on 2nd April 2015


Cllr Mrs C. Roberts  (chairman)             Cllr V. Peake (vice chairman)             Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin                                 Cllr S. Pritchard                                                Cllr. M. Scoble                                      Cllr G. Tanner                                       Cllr. H. Eddy                                         Cllr R. Matthews

Cllr C. Bone                                          Cllr S. Bates

Cllr I. Phillips


Cornwall Cllr R Mann


Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins, no members of the public



Cllr Mrs G. Burlton, Cornwall Cllr W. Maddern, PC Thomas.

  1. Acceptance of Minutes

The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on 5th February 2015 were unanimously approved

  1. Declarations of Interest


  1. Dispensations

Cllr Bates – item 15 Finance – match funding for Madron Playing Field as a Playing Field committee member

  1. Public Participation


  1. Police Report

In the absence of police officers the clerk gave the report for February 2015. There were five reported crimes as opposed to one in February 2014

Between 9th and 10th a storage container was broken into at a business premises in New Mill and items stolen.

Between 15th and 16th  a non-dwelling building at the same location was entered and items stolen – enquiries are ongoing.

On 16th the driver of a white Ford car/derived van abandoned a mattress at the side of the road. Partial registration of the vehicle was ?196FEL. Any information regarding this vehicle would be appreciated by the Neighbourhood Team.

Between 3rd and 13th a holiday home in an isolated location near Madron was entered and items stolen – enquiries ongoing.

Between 18th and 19th various vehicles were sprayed with paint stripper in the shape of a  ‘C’ in Gulval. Again enquiries are ongoing and any information is requested by the Neighbourhood Team.



Cornwall Council Cabinet Member for Communities has circulated the concerns of the decline of Victim Support and is questioning what the Police and Crime Commissioner is doing about it. Clerk has circulated details to councillors by email and any observations are invited. The meeting agreed that the organisation of Victim Support had been moved from a local basis and was being centralised away from local police stations. This has resulted in a lack of local volunteers and organisers close to the victims. Clerk was instructed to respond with these views

  1. Chairman’s Comments

The chairman welcomed Cornwall Cllr Mann to the meeting after his knee operations

Cllr Roberts reported that she had received a cheque from the Young Farmers for £1500.00 as a contribution towards the cost of the defibrillators and Cornwall Cllr Mann had also donated a further £500 from his Community Chest. She expressed her sincere thanks to both the Young Farmers and Cllr Mann and this was endorsed by all councillors. Clerk was instructed to write a letter of appreciation to both parties.

When the defibrillators have been fitted, publicity will be arranged to show appreciation to the donors. Clerk has applied formally for the Community Chest funding and banked the cheque from the Young Farmers. He has also contacted ‘The Cornishman’ asking for publicity in due course.

A survey request has been received for a review of the Cornwall AONB Management Plan 2011-2016. Chairman asked for a councillor to complete the survey on behalf of this council. Details were circulated by the clerk to councillors by email on 4th March.  Cllr Tanner volunteered to complete this.

  1. Councillors’ Questions and Comments

Cllr Scoble informed the meeting that he had made arrangements for a First Aid Course provided by St Johns Ambulance to be held at Landithy Hall commencing at 5pm on Monday 16th March. 12 people have agreed to take part and this has reduced the price to £25 per head.

Cllr Matthews was concerned that the road surface in Bone Valley was slippery and dangerous in parts and he asked the clerk to inform Highways.

  1. Comments from Cornwall Councillors

Cornwall Cllr Mann informed the meeting that the vans where people were living at Badgers Cross were to be towed away and the van on the other side has been occupied by homeless people for some time. The position is now being reviewed.

  1. Planning


Clerk reported that no applications have been received during this month.


PA14/12176 – construction of a farm track at Trye Farm, New Mill – approved

PA14/ 10912 – temporary permission for the retention of a static caravan for use as an agricultural workers dwelling at Slight Hill, Heamoor – refused.

Other Planning Matters


  1. Public Rights of Way

Clerk reported that there was balance of £84.92 left in Local Maintenance Partnership Project funding available to this council in financial year 2014-205 which had to be used by 31st March. An invoice has been received from PAROW for work completed in cutting back the re-opened footpath 24 for the same sum. Cllr Tanner explained that PAROW had been involved in huge assistance with the work on this project and expenses incurred were far more than the figure on the invoice. It was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Peake, and unanimously agreed that the invoice from PAROW should be paid and the clerk will reclaim the sum from Local Maintenance Partnership.

Cllr Tanner suggested that a further donation should be made to PAROW and it was agreed that this should be considered after the work has been completed. Clerk asked to include this in the agenda for the April meeting. Cllr Tanner added that he had received co-operation from Bolitho Estates in agreeing the opening of the path




The Planning Inspectorate has given approval for footpath 44 to be upgraded to a bridleway with a further bridleway extension. On the advice of Cllr Tanner, the clerk had written to Cornwall Council recommending a Safety Inspection be carried out due to the narrowness in parts where two horses could not pass and also the uneven surface which could cause problems to both riders and pedestrians. Cornwall Council has acknowledged these concerns and state that a Condition Survey will be arranged and all concerns will be addressed. Cllr Tanner wished to emphasise that this council is active in protecting the public as from today the path can be in use. He proposed that Cormac should place warning signs at each end of the path as riders, walkers and children could meet at any of the bends. This was agreed and clerk was instructed to email these views to John Rowell at Cornwall Council as soon as possible.

Clerk reported that it was time to consider the appointment of contractors for the Local Maintenance Project for the forthcoming year. Members were of the opinion that the present contractors had done a good job in previous years and it was proposed by Cllr Tanner, seconded by Cllr Bone and unanimously agreed that they should be employed again for this year.

Clerk has made enquiries concerning Bridleway 55.and he was given an update by Hamish Gordon at Cormac on the current situation with capital work in Madron Parish. At present work is in progress at ‘Break my Neck Lane’ and this should be completed shortly. The team will move on to clearing ditches by the kennels and then they expect to move to bridleway 55 which, hopefully, will be next week but certainly within the next two weeks. There is serious erosion there which means Health and Safety demand that the path is closed. The main thing which could delay work is a badger sett which is at the side of the path and if they tunnel under the path DEFRA will insist that no work is done. Cornwall Cllr Mann assured the meeting that the sett was in such a position and the ground so rocky that badgers could not tunnel under the path. Cllr Tanner expressed concern that slates from an old building in Slight Hill have been falling on to a nearby path and clerk was instructed to write to the owner asking that these slates’ be secured in order to prevent injury to walkers

  1. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence

Clerk reported that all instructions from the February meeting have been completed.

Cornwall Council has replied to the enquiry for grit bins. As expected, any bins will have to be applied for and paid for by the Parish Council. It was agreed that the matter of bins should be reviewed and brought to the meeting by New Mill councillors in the autumn for consideration.

Cllr Pritchard has visited the area around the garage at Badgers Cross in relation to parked vehicles. A discussion took place with the proprietor who accepted that one vehicle was near to a field gate. All vehicles were taxed and insured and the proprietor apologised for any inconvenience and stated that if any of his vehicles were causing problems he will be happy to move them if concerned people requested.

Clerk has reserved places on the Audit and Finance Course, which includes risk assessment, at St Erme on 2nd April for Cllrs Tanner, Scoble, Pritchard and the clerk. The invoice from CALC which includes a discount and has VAT included is in the finance section of this meeting

CALC ‘The Week ‘of 20th February has been circulated to councillors by email. There are notes on transparency for smaller councils, precept referendums, councillors travelling expenses and electronic summons circulations which will have to be considered by this council.

Under transparency it appears that this council is complying with the circulation of draft minutes, internal auditing and councillors’ responsibilities. Any further points to be considered will come up at the conference at St Erme on 2nd April after which delegates will report back to the full council.

It seems that there will be no immediate need for any precept referendums but this council has asked for the same precept as in recent years so the need will not apply and councillors travelling expenses (like the clerk) should be paid at 45 pence per mile when claimed






The last item in this circulation refers to the service of agendas which can now be sent electronically. The councillors must individually agree to this. Whilst there is a saving in printing, paper and postage clerk feels that there are issues to be considered before going down this route. He suggests that decisions concerning this should be held back to the Annual Parish Council Meeting in May as there may be changes in councillors and a policy can be determined at the start of the new council year. This was agreed

The next West Penwith Community Town and Parish Forum will take place on Thursday 19th March. The chairman is unable to attend. As usual Cllr Scoble and the clerk will attend and

Cllrs Peake and Pritchard also agreed to attend.

Cornwall Council has agreed to the payment of £500 legal fees which will be incurred by this council in relation to the transfer of Parc Abnec allotments and will formally write to us in the near future.

Cormac have accepted our instruction for them to complete the weed spraying work in Spring and Autumn

Clerk reported that he is due to have two cataract operations, the first being on 10th March. |Providing all goes well he will be operational as soon as possible after the day.

  1. New Mill Sign Posts.

Clerk has contacted Cormac concerning the New Mill sign posts which had been sent to Wadebridge for repair. They have responded to the effect that they have been returned. This was disputed by Cornwall Cllr Mann, and Cllrs Tanner and Peake. Cornwall Cllr Mann has been in contact with the Highways Manager and three of the signs have been found. They should be erected in the next week.

It was agreed that a complete review of signs in New Mill area should be made by New Mill councillors and report back to the next meeting.

After enquiries by the clerk, Cormac have stated that they have no objections to this council arranging for any repairs providing that safety procedures are in place. They also have no objection to the erection of new posts providing that they are consulted and have given their approval.

  1. Proposed Twinning between Mont Dol in Britany with Madron Parish .

Clerk reported that delegates from Trythall School, St Maddern School, Old Cornwall, Madron Youth Groups, Young Farmers, Women’s Institute, Playing Fields and Well-wishers attended the meeting on 11th February which was chaired by Cllr Peake. Cllrs Matthews, Jenkin and Burlton were also present and the clerk took notes. Apologies were received from other organisations.

There was an enthusiasm for the principle of the twinning but there were no volunteers for the roles of chairman and secretary although most agreed to be committee members.

Mont Dol have also had a meeting when about 20 people attended and came up with ideas to promote the liaison and clerk has informed the organiser there that she will have a firm response after the next meeting.

A further meeting was called for 26th February when positive responses were requested for a chairman and secretary. Rev Tim Hawkins was appointed as chairman, and Matthew Turner, an apprentice administrator at St Maddern School, agreed to take over as secretary and a committee was formed.

Clerk has handed over his file to the new secretary and Cllr Roberts has agreed to act as Parish Council representative on this committee.

  1. Finance

It was proposed by Cllr Matthews, seconded by Cllr Pritchard and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid:-W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £619.93, office allowance £30.00, mileage 29.70, petty cash £19.16; HMRC – PAYE and Nat Ins. £170.45; CALC – Audit and Finance Conference Training for Cllrs Scoble, Tanner and Pritchard and clerk £142.80; Trythall CP School – rent for 6 meetings in financial year 2014-2015 £60; Information Commissioner – Data Protection annual fee £35.00



Clerk reported that this is the last meeting of the financial year and as such is the point where donations and grants are considered.

He has received details from the treasurer of Madron Playing Field Committee to the effect that the committee have raised £357.37 during this financial year and it was proposed by Cllr Matthews, seconded by Cllr Scoble and unanimously agreed that this council will ‘match fund’ this sum as agreed. Comment was made that it was good news that the Playing Field Committee had raised this sum.

Further requests for donation received during the year have come from Pengarth Day Centre who need to raise £2000 for new equipment, Cornwall Blind Association, Cruse Bereavement Care and Headway Cornwall who support brain injury survivors.

Clerk reminded councillors that any donations should show benefit to the local community

It was resolved that in pursuance of the power conferred by Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 and being of the opinion that the expenditure satisfies the requirements of that section, this council approves the following payments

It was proposed by Cllr  Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Pritchard and unanimously agreed that £200.00   be donated to Pengarth Day Centre, £100.00 to Cornwall Blind Association, £50.00 to Cruse Bereavement Care and £50.00 to Headway Cornwall.

  1. Time and Date of Next Meeting

7.30pm, Thursday 2nd April at Trythall CP School.