Present: Cllr M. Scoble (Chairman) Cllr S. Pritchard (Vice-chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Mrs C. Roberts
Cllr D. Westlake Cllr C Bone Cllr R. Mann Cllr R. Mathews
Cllr I. Phillips Cllr S. Bates
Cllr V. Peake
Cornwall Cllrs W. Maddern and Miss I. Bailey
PC Thomas, PCSOs Taylor and Nicholas (to point stated)
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins, no members of the public
1 Election of Chairman.
Cllr Scoble informed the meeting that he had served in office for the last two years and, as explained in his report to the Annual Parish Meeting, he felt that this was the time to stand down.
Cllr Westlake proposed Cllr Pritchard as chairman. This was seconded by Cllr Bone and unanimously agreed.
2 To receive the Acceptance of Office by Chairman
Cllr Pritchard signed his acceptance of office and this was countersigned by Clerk.
3 Notification of Financial and Other Interests
Councillors present signed their notification of financial and other interest forms amended where applicable to show that these are up to date and these were returned to the Clerk.
4 Election of Vice-Chairman
Cllr Roberts, proposed by Cllr Westlake, seconded by Cllr.Mann and unanimously agreed.
5 Apologies
Cllrs Miss M. Christopher,
6 Declarations of Interest in items on this agenda
Cllr Bates – item 24 relating to King George V Playing Field as a committee member.
Cornwall Cllrs Maddern and Bailey – item 18 Planning relating to planning application as Cornwall Councillors.
14 Police Report – brought forward
Chairman allowed this item to be brought forward to enable the police officers present to resume their duties.
PC Thomas informed the meeting that the reason that there had been a lack of police attendance in meetings over the last year was that the meetings did not fit in with the duty schedules for himself or his PCSOs. Force policy was that these duty schedules are inflexible and after 20th May he will be involved in a different shift pattern which will mean working in other roles so attendance will not improve.
In addition to Madron he was responsible for Ludgvan, Goldsithney and Marazion and he was unable to attend any of these parishes on a regular basis. He made the point that he and his PCSOs gave a large amount of their patrol time to Madron and he gave examples of successes in detection and successful neighbourhood policing over the last twelve months. There would be no more police reports and he had to advise members to look at the force website but he admitted that the information there was minimal and gave no detail of crimes. He asked members to contact him or his PCSOs by email or telephone at the time of occurrences rather than wait for meetings and he assured members that he and his PCSOs will respond as soon as possible. Cllr Scoble agreed that the PCSOs had contacted him regularly and had responded to incidents to him. Cornwall Cllr Maddern, as a member of the police Authority, felt that councils should still receive monthly crime reports, but he agreed that this was not ‘cast in stone’
Clerk read out a letter from Inspector Jean Phillips, the new Police Inspector at Penzance, in response to a letter from this council expressing concerns about policing at Madron. She hoped to meet up with councillors and clerks to go into depth regarding the concerns. She stated that neighbourhood policing is a concern to her but present policies mean that there are changes in the service supplied by officers to councils. Cllr Pritchard asked all parties to leave this item for the next two months to see how things develop after the policing review to be announced on 20th May.
Clerk reminded members that policing issues would be discussed at the West Penwith Community Forum at 7pm on Thursday 26th May 2011 at St John Hall. (at this point the police officers left the meeting)
Clerk gave details of a letter from the Home Office in which they acknowledged this council’s opposition to the closure of the Police Authority explaining that they regarded a Police and Crime Commissioner to be better value for money and would be quite efficient.
7 Election of Councillors with Special Responsibilities
Responsibility Councillor
Footpaths and Public Rights of Way Cllr Westlake
Tourism Cllr Christopher
Affordable Housing Cllr Mann
Health & Hospital Services Cllr Jenkin
Transport Cllr Pritchard
Waste Disposal and Re-cycling Cllr Roberts
Planning Councillors – this deferred to item 18 – other planning matters
Two auditing councillors to include Risk
Assessments (Review due July 2009) Cllrs Roberts and Westlake
Cllr Westlake had asked if there was a maximum period anyone can remain as an auditing councillor and clerk had enquired but there appeared to be no set limit although four years may be advisable.
Cornwall Council, CALC & related matters Cllr Mann
Trustees to Daniel School Foundation Trust Cllrs Jenkin and Bone
Trustee to Tripcony Trust Cllr Phillips and Cllr Peake
Routine Maintenance in Parish Cllr Bates
Penwith Older Peoples’ Forum Cllr Matthews
Playing Field liaison Cllr Bates
Police Liaison Cllr Bates
All the above appointments were formally proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Mann and unanimously agreed.
8 Review of Conditions of Service of Clerk.
It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Roberts and unanimously agreed that the press and public be excluded from the meeting whilst this item is discussed on the grounds that it may disclose exempt information in accordance with Part 1A, Schedule 12 of The Local Government Act 1972.
Clerk reported that he was currently paid according to scale 23 on NALC scales for 50 hours per month and over the last year he has averaged 51 1/2 hours per month – he regarded 50 hours as fair. He is also paid £20 per month for using his home as the parish office and the use of his computer, photocopier and printer
Clerk had informed members that he has been having problems obtaining an Oki B2200 printer to replace his printer which has broken after several years of use. He has been informed that the reason may be that this is an old model which may be phased out. He is in possession of an unused image drum which is valued at just under £60 including VAT for the Oki B2200 and the printer will cost just over £100.
As a temporary measure he has been using his photocopier/printer which is not geared to the volume of work and the consumables will have to be replaced often which will be expensive.
He asked members if the council would like to purchase the new printer and regard it as an asset and claim back the VAT or whether they would like to pay a proportion towards the cost of the clerk purchasing the printer and retaining ownership. (At this point clerk left the meeting whilst decisions relating to him were made)
On clerk’s return to the meeting chairman informed him that the meeting had unanimously agreed that he should be paid according to scale 24 but he should check to ensure that he will not be liable for business tax at his home before deciding on the office allowance at the next meeting. It was also unanimously agreed that the clerk should purchase a suitable printer which the council will hold as an asset and reclaim VAT and will pay for consumables which clerk can also use for personal limited use if necessary.
9 Confirmation of Approved Standing Orders
Clerk reported that since he had amended standing orders there has been no need for any further changes. It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Roberts and unanimously agreed that Standing Orders be approved and they were signed by the Chairman.
Clerk informed members that should the Planning Advisory Panel be confirmed under item 18 an addition would have to be made to standing orders and if that is the case he will bring the amended standing order to the June meeting for approval.
10 Financial Regulations
It was unanimously agreed that no changes were necessary as no changes had occurred.
11 Confirmation of 3 signatories for Barclays Bank Mandate for Madron PC.
Current signatories are Cllrs Scoble, Jenkin and Bone. Cllr Westlake felt that the chairman should be a signatory and Cllr Jenkin agreed to stand down to be replaced by Cllr Pritchard who would commence arrangements with Barclays Bank,.
12 Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on 7th April 2011 were unanimously accepted.
13 Public Participation
14 Police Report
Police Report was dealt with after item 6.
15 Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Pritchard thanked Cllr Scoble on behalf of this council, for his work as chairman over the last two years.
He informed members that the Community Bus is now transporting wheelchair users from the area to and from Pengarth Day Centre on a daily basis.
16 Councillors’ Questions and Comments
17 Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Bailey informed members that the planning reception at St. Clare had now closed and all enquiries should be made through the main reception area.
Cllr Maddern advised members of road closures which had been mailed to the clerk.
18 Planning
Clerk reported that as there was a limited amount to consider concerning applications the Planning Advisory Panel had not met during this month. (Cornwall Cllrs Bailey and Maddern declared interests)
PA11/02569 – retention and completion of access track at Castle Meadow Farm, Castle Gate Ludgvan – no comment
PA11/00954 – construction of a dwelling and associated works (amended design 07/P/1282) to incorporate extension at rear elevation and alteration to external finishes on land adjacent to Madron Post Office – granted
PA10/06241 – certificate of lawful use or development for the use of Carthew Barn, Newbridge, as a dwelling – refused.
PA11/00636 – construction of replacement porch at The Annexe, Higher Trye, – granted
PA11/00694 – extension to dwelling at Barn 2, Boswarthen, Newbridge – granted
PA11/00988 – construction of extension and alterations to dwelling at Mulfra Vean, New Mill – granted.
PA11/01825 – certificate of lawfulness in respect of proposed two storey extension at Pendragon, New Mill – certified.
PA11/02166 – minor non-material amendment to W1/06/P0946 dated 19 September 2006 (extension of rear roof, installation of timber doors, etc.) to include the removal of patent glazing, addition of tile finish, timber cladding and velux roof lights at Trevethan, New Mill – granted
Other Planning Matters
Clerk advised members that the Planning Advisory Panel had been in existence for 6 months and during that time had held three meetings including one site visit. The members of the panel had been Cllr Scoble as chairman, Cllrs Jenkin, Roberts, Westlake, Mann and Matthews. The chairman, after being updated by the clerk, had decided whether a meeting of this panel was worthwhile and if he felt it appropriate the meetings took place between the circulation of the agendas and the full council meeting when a recommendation from the panel was put to the full council for approval or amendment. It had been agreed that the existence of this panel should be reviewed after six months which is this meeting. It was proposed by Cllr Mann seconded by Cllr Scoble and unanimously agreed that the panel was a success and should continue to operate with the same councillors on the panel with the inclusion of the new chairman and Cllr Scoble
Clerk advised members that the formation of this Planning Advisory Panel should be included in Standing Orders and he would draft this and bring it to the next meeting for approval.
Clerk reported that he had today received a letter from Andrew George MP concerning the attendance of David Clark and Tony Jones from Great Bosullow at his casework surgery. They raised concerns which Mr George says echo his own concerns concerning the way Cornwall Council handle planning applications – particularly those which applied to delegated decision-making and the process by which only the sole elected representative of the ward in which a planning application is made has the power to refer that planning application to Committee, rather than for determination under delegated powers. He adds that there is a perception that the procedures are vulnerable to corruption, a concern which Cornwall Council is unwilling to acknowledge. Mr Clark and Mr Jones allege that the piecemeal developments in Great Bosullow have significantly changed the character of the hamlet saying that local residents have had no opportunity to be involved in strategic consideration within the delegated decision-making processes.
Mr George understands that this council shares some of these concerns relating to the decision-making. He asks for any details of what the parish has done or plans to do to address these concerns as he is prepared to work with the parish with regard to the issues.
After discussion the clerk was instructed to write to Andrew George MP to inform him that this council feels that this is matter between Mr Jones, Mr Clark and Cornwall Council and this council will not become involved.
19 Public Rights of Way
Clerk has been in contact with Cornwall Council and is still awaiting formal details of the LMP offer for this year. The staff has been decimated and one person is doing LMP as a part time role. Clerk has been in conversation with her and she believes this parish will be allowed £3165-49 as last year, but this has not been confirmed formally or by email but clerk has been informed that the full offer will be posted to him later this week. He will bring this detail to the next meeting. He has also been in contact with Nick Price and he is happy to continue to act as contractor subject to the offer from Cornwall Council being acceptable.
Cllr Westlake was concerned that nuts and bolts had been removed from a footpath sign by Kitty Noys Cottage and asked members to be aware that this was happening. Cllr Bates stated that a similar occurrence had happened in Madron previously.
20 Clerks Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all the instructions from the last meeting had been completed and were included in the relevant items on the agenda
Clerk has had the responsibility of posting various notices regarding the AV referendum but the mileage involved in this is paid by Cornwall Council.
Western Power Distribution invites stakeholders to a workshop at Exeter RFC on 17th May to consider future investment plans – noted
Cornwall Council has issued a review of ‘face to face’ services and this has been circulated by email to councillors – noted
West Cornwall Town and Parish Council Forum will now be held at St Johns Hall on Thursday 26th May at 7pm when the matter of policing will be on the agenda with police representation.
Cornwall Council – Reducing Waste Seminar, Committee Room 1 at St. Clare, 6.45pm on Tuesday 17th May 2011. Cllr Roberts agreed to represent this council.
Highways – road closures between 1st and 6th June 2011 for surface dressing. First from Lesingey Lane to Tremethick Cross, and road from Nanseglos Hill to Lesingey Lane and Boscathnoe and second along Nanseglos Hill and Bellair Road for their entire lengths.
Cllr Scoble and clerk have registered Madron Parish Council with HMCR for PAYE. The paying in book and further instructions are still awaited but the appropriate tax has been deducted from clerk’s salary and included in a cheque for HMCR as shown in the finance section.
21 Madron Parish Council Insurance 2011-12
Clerk reported that the usual parish insurance with Aon had increased to £577.22 pence and he had made enquiries with Zurich Insurance who would charge £344.51. Cllr Westlake has also studied the quotations. It was proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Bates and unanimously agreed that the offer from Zurich Insurance be accepted.
22 Traffic Management Course at Camborne 17th April 2011.
Cllrs Jenkin, Roberts, Pritchard and Matthews attended this day course with the clerk.
The item most relevant to us concerned the stewarding of the Trafalgar celebrations and the application for road closures must be given at least three months before the event which means clerk will submit the application form for the Trafalgar celebrations in Madron before mid-July.
22 Madron Parish Council Website
Due to Cllr Westlake being delayed away from the parish with domestic matters and the problems of availability of the clerk the meeting with Mr Tony Shipton regarding the proposed website has had to be deferred and included on the agenda for the next meeting.
24 Finance
The Clerk had circulated copies of the Receipts and Payments Account and accompanying details to all councillors prior to this meeting. These accounts and procedures have been audited by Cllrs Westlake and Roberts and a full independent internal audit has been completed by Mr Gallie, the ex -Town Clerk at Penzance. Mr Gallie confirms that ‘the records are in excellent order with appropriate supporting documentation providing a detailed audit trail and on this basis there are no matters to bring to the attention of this council’.
It was proposed by Cllr Matthews, seconded by Cllr Jenkin, and unanimously agreed that the accounts be approved. The relevant copies of the accounts and the reports for the Audit Commission were duly signed by the chairman and clerk.
It was proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr Mann and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be approved for payment: – W.E. Wilkins, Clerk – salary £420.10, office allowance £20.00, mileage £49.50, disbursements £43.10; D.J.L. Gallie – independent internal audit £75.00; Zurich Insurance – parish insurance £344.51; HMCR – PAYE for clerk £104.80.
Clerk reported that there had been an agreement between this council and Madron Playing Field Committee for match funding of monies raised by the committee over the last 12 months. The sum of £102.00 was raised by the committee at Easter. (Cllr Bates declared an interest) In addition the question of continuing this policy up to the sum of £1000.00 was also discussed and it was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Bone, and unanimously agreed that the sum of £102.00 should be forwarded to the Playing Field Committee (S. 19 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976)and that the policy of match funding of up to £1000.00 should be continued for 2011-2012 and reviewed again in May 2012.
25 Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm on Thursday 2nd June 2011 at Trythall CP School.