Present: Cllr S. Pritchard (Chairman) Cllr Mrs C. Robert (Vice-chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr M.Scoble
Cllr D. Westlake Cllr C Bone Cllr R. Mann Cllr V. Peake
Cllr I. Phillips Cllr S. Bates
Cornwall Cllr Miss I. Bailey
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins, eight members of the public
1 Election of Chairman.
Cllr Pritchard proposed By Cllr Westlake, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed.
2 To receive the Acceptance of Office by Chairman
Cllr Pritchard signed his acceptance of office and this was countersigned by Clerk.
3 Notification of Financial and Other Interests
Councillors present signed their notification of financial and other interest forms, amended where applicable to show that these are up to date, and these were returned to the Clerk.
4 Election of Vice-Chairman
Cllr Roberts, proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr. Jenkin and unanimously agreed.
5 Apologies
Cllrs R. Matthews, Miss M. Christopher, Cornwall Cllr W. Maddern
6 Declarations of Interest in items on this agenda
Cornwall Cllr Bailey – item 18 Planning – all planning applications as Cornwall Councillor.
Cllr Roberts – item 18 Planning, AP12/02103, – planning application at Demelza Farm, Ladydowns, as a neighbour.
Cllr Phillips – item 18 Planning – AP12/02103 and AP12/06649 – planning applications at Demelza Farm and Noongallas, as a camp site owner.
Cllr Bone – item 18 Planning – AP12/03806, planning application at Rosemorron Farm, Gulval, as a friend of the applicant.
Cllrs Scoble and Pritchard – item 21 Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund as Landithy Hall Managers
7 Election of Councillors with Special Responsibilities
Responsibility Councillor
Footpaths and Public Rights of Way Cllr Westlake
Tourism Cllr Christopher
Affordable Housing Cllr Mann
Health & Hospital Services Cllr Jenkin
Transport Cllr Pritchard
Waste Disposal and Re-cycling Cllr Roberts
Website Cllrs Westlake and Scoble
Planning Councillors Chairman, Cllrs Scoble, Jenkin,
Roberts, Westlake, Mann and
Two auditing councillors to include Risk
Assessments (Review due July 2012) Cllrs Roberts and Westlake
Liaison with Playing Field Committee Cllr Bates
Cornwall Council, CALC & related matters Cllr Mann
Trustees to Daniel School Foundation Trust Cllrs Jenkin and Bone
Trustee to Tripcony Trust Cllr Phillips and Cllr Peake
Routine Maintenance in Parish Cllr Bates
Penwith Older Peoples’ Forum Cllr Matthews
Police Liaison Cllr Bates
All the above appointments were formally proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Roberts and unanimously agreed.
8 Review of Conditions of Service of Clerk.
It was unanimously agreed that this item be deferred to the last item on this agenda.
9 Confirmation of Approved Standing Orders
Clerk reported that there has been no need for any further changes. It was proposed by Cllr Mann, seconded by Cllr Peake and unanimously agreed that Standing Orders be approved. The Standing Orders were signed as accepted by the Chairman
10 Financial Regulations
It was proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed as no changes had occurred.
11 Confirmation of 3 signatories for Barclays Bank Mandate for Madron PC.
Current signatories are Cllrs Scoble, Jenkin and Bone. It was agreed that these remain.
12 Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on 5th April 2012 were unanimously accepted.
13 Public Participation
Mr Martin Scarratt addressed the meeting concerning his application AP12/02103 – change of use of land and siting of caravans at Demelza Farm, Ladydowns. He informed the meeting that he had been resident for 12 years and had converted a barn to a holiday home. His proposed campsite was geared to families, he would manage re-cycling himself and he would assist in the maintenance of the lane. He had no intention of harming the area and he wished to support tourism.
Mr Graham Tanner informed members that he objected to Mr Scarratt’s application at Demelza Farm. He felt that a number of issues had been unresolved particularly to the site in an AONB with scientific interest. This was a green field site and the application was contrary to local policies. He had written a letter of objection to the planning officers and forwarded a copy to this council so that councillors were able to take time to read the detail of his objections and other local people had also made objections.
Mr Nicolas Lambert expressed concerns in addition to the items already discussed and he had included in letters of objection comments regarding the dangers of pollution to the water should this application be granted due to inadequate arrangements for sewage as there is no sewage treatment facility.
Mrs Nicolette Lambert endorsed the comments of the earlier objectors and referred to the Landscape Character Study.
14 Police Report
In the absence of police officers the clerk gave the monthly report from Penzance Police.
AP12/776 – beween 3rd and 4th April an allotment shed in Madron was broken into and items stolen, enquiries on-going; AP12/826 and 827 – on 10th April at an isolated farm in Gulval two foreign nationals were injured following a fight. Both were arrested on charges of GBH and have been bailed; AP12/979 relates to criminal damage to a parish council notice board situated at the side of The Green. The glass was broken with a rock overnight Friday/Saturday 27th/28th April.
Clerk had spoken with the Chairman earlier in the week regarding the broken glass in the notice board which had been made safe by Cllrs Scoble and Bates, and with his approval had contacted Rays Glass at Longrock to supply an estimate for replacing the glass with laminated glass. He has also contacted Zurich Insurance requesting a claim form.
Clerk reported that PCSO Gary Nicholas has resigned from his post and Madron is still covered by PC Thomas and PCSO Taylor
Clerk has circulated by email to councillors ‘Authority Matters’ a newsletter which will be circulated each 8 to 10 weeks by Devon and Cornwall Police Authority. This gives various items of information most of which is available on a link from the Devon and Cornwall Police website and particularly relates to election of police commissioners on15th November, policing plans, etc.
15 Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Pritchard thanked members for his re-election as chairman for the forthcoming year.
The chairman informed members that he intends to attend an event in which the Healthwatch model was being discussed. This is being held at Tregenna Castle Hotel at St Ives from 12.30pm to 4pm on Wednesday 30th May. Cllr Jenkin also expressed a wish to attend this function and clerk will inform the organisers at [email protected] or 01872.324477
16 Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Westlake reports that he had received complaints from members of the public that Ms Vanessa Tennyson Leigh at Jackdaw Cottage, New Mill has been parking her car to obstruct the bridleway at ‘Break my Neck Lane’. She also put up bamboo canes with fabric hanging on lines between the poles which frighten the horses when riders use the bridleway. Cllr Westlake asks that the clerk writes to this lady asking her to cease these actions or this council will be obliged to take further action. This was agreed.
17 Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Bailey informed members that she understood that replacement of finger posts will be completed during the summer.
18 Planning
Clerk reported that a Planning Advisory Panel had met at Landithy Hall on 30th April to study the applications at Noongallas, Demelza Farm and Rosemorron Farm (Cornwall Cllr Bailey declared interest in all applications as Cornwall Councillors). Their initial observations are :-
PA11/06649 – retention of campsite at Noongallas, Gulval. (Cllr Phillips declared an interest) Clerk reminded members that there have been several applications for this campsite since 2006, the last one being heard by this council in August 2010. This council has objected to all applications on the grounds of a history of enforcement problems and poor access. The Planning Advisory Panel initially feels that their views have not changed since 2006 and they again object due to the same reasons and also the high volume of camp sites in the area. Councillors also object to the term ‘retention’ in the application as permission has never been granted for the site. Should the planners disagree with Madron Parish Councillors’ observations a request is made for this to go to Planning Committee. It has also been reported to members that a motorhome was on site at Easter. Councillors unanimously accepted the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Panel.
PA12/02103 – retention of the change of use of land from agricultural to temporary siting of four holiday caravans (1st April to 30th September) and one caravan proposed to house showering and washing facilities at Demelza Farm, Ladydowns, New Mill. (Cllrs Phillips and Roberts declared interests) Clerk informed members that this had been the subject of enforcement enquiries since last summer and he has attached to the plans copies of four strong letters of objection from local residents in addition to a further five received by email on the day of this meeting. These letters have been sent to the Planning Department.
The Planning Advisory Panel initially feels that they support the strong views of local objectors. Again, there is poor access and no facilities for water or sewage, dangers of water pollution and there is a high volume of camp sites in the area. The term ‘retention’ has been used when permission has never been granted. Should planners disagree with these comments this council wishes the matter to go to Planning Committee. Again the councillors accepted unanimously the recommendations from the Planning Advisory Panel.
PA12/03806 – erection of an agricultural building at Rosemorron Farm, Gulval. (Cllr Bone declared an interest) Clerk reported that this application had been received after the publication of the agenda but in time to be discussed by the Planning Advisory Panel who recommended that this application be supported. Again this recommendation was unanimously accepted.
PA11/8305 – certificate of lawfulness in respect of single storey extension to the rear elevation at Pendragon, New Mill – approved
PA11/10149 – erection of two storey extension to dwelling house at Pendragon, New Mill – refused.
PA12/00426 – conversion and extension to former stable to form a self-contained annex at Boscrowan Farm, Heamoor – approved.
PA12/01209 – construction of a single storey extension to existing coach house to form larger day space and snoozelen/office at Trevaylor Manor, Gulval – approved.
PA12/02070 – extension to bungalow at Moorvue Farm, Great Bosullow – approved
Other Planning Matters
CRCC survey of local council showing views in relation to affordable housing provision has been circulated by email to councillors for information
Planning Enforcement EN12/00979 relates to alleged change of use of a barn to running a dog kennel at Tregoddick Farm, Madron. The enforcement officer is Sally Brown who states that she will visit the site to see if there is any breach of planning regulations and report back.
West Area Planning has acknowledged receipt of the letter of complaint from clerk on behalf of this council concerning lack of response to his phone calls and failure to circulate planning applications to him. Sue Walters, the Development Manager, has apologised to the clerk and promised to address these issues as a matter of urgency.
A formal complaint has been made to Cornwall Council by residents in New Mill to the effect that no action has been taken in respect of Enforcement EN11/02671 which is an unauthorised hedge removal and engineering/earth works at Pendragon, New Mill.
Clerk was instructed to follow up these enforcement items and report results back to this council.
Lanner Parish Council have emailed all parishes in Cornwall to inform them that they are seeking a judicial review in relation to Cornwall Council’s permission for planning permission for 25 affordable houses in their parish without the proper enquiries having been made. This has been circulated to councillors by email for information and for future reference should a similar situation arise within this parish. Noted.
19 Public Rights of Way
Clerk has made enquiries concerning the LMP arrangements for cutting back paths during 2012. A reply has been received that there is an attempt being made to have all parishes on the same scheme this year and a grant will be based on £100 per km per cut for gold paths, £5 per gate or stile per cut and a flat rate of £40 per km for all silver paths. When the surveys are complete we should be consulted before the grant for this parish is calculated. Cllr Westlake has been informed. Cllr Westlake proposed that we should commence putting the work out for tender. This was seconded by Cllr Mann and unanimously agreed. Clerk to liaise with Cllr Westlake
20 Clerks Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting have been completed.
Messages from the Leader of Cornwall Council dated 5th and 20th April have been circulated to councillors for information by email.
Cornwall Council is holding a review of polling districts and polling places in preparation for May 2013. This refers to Landithy Hall at Madron and Trythall CP School at New Mill in this parish. This does not relate to anything more than the suitability of these premises. Clerk was instructed to reply to the effect that these premises are suitable for purpose.
CALC/NALC ‘This Week’ 11/12 has been circulated by email to councillors,. There will be a meeting at Bolton Room, Ludgvan Community Centre from 7pm to 9pm on 18th July for discussions on various aspects of the Localism Act and its effects on parish councils. Clerk was asked to include this on the July agenda for members to consider attendance.
Cornwall Council Public Health and Protection Service have forwarded a copy of a letter and questionnaire for consultation by camp site owners as a proposal to harmonise licence conditions. Full details are available on www.cornwall.gov.uk/campsitelicences. This is for information
Clerk has circulated an email to councillors from The Village Housing Guild to parish councils with suggestions relating to ensuring that local people are given first choice in relation to affordable housing as opposed to allowing people on District Housing lists to take preference. It was agreed that this should be included in the agenda for the next meeting
Cornwall Council Localism Newsletter, edition 6 dated 27th April, has been circulated to councillors by email. This contains a number of items relating to waste collection, ‘Cornwall Conversations’,’ Healthwatch’, training, Olympic torch relay, etc.
West Penwith Town and Parish Forum will take place at 7pm on Thursday 17th May at St Johns Hall. Clerk will circulate the agenda by email when he receives details from Cornwall Council at Penzance .
21 Cornwall Council – Code of Conduct consultation
Details of the Cornwall Council proposed Code of Conduct have been circulated to all members and any comments on this consultation should be made by 6th June. Cllr Jenkin advised members that this was circulated to show the matter was still in hand but full instructions were still awaited from central government. As such no comments were required.
22 Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund
Clerk reported that he had received two applications for the funding of £5,000. He reminded members that they could allocate the full sum to one organisation or split it between the two applicants. (Cllrs Pritchard and Scoble declared interests)
Gulval Cricket Club wish to purchase and have installed artificial batting ends with a Wilton Premier artificial carpet. The full price will be £2795.00 plus VAT. If the invoice comes to this council the VAT will be reclaimed so £2795 would be the final figure
Landithy Hall Managers ask for assistance with improvements to Landithy Hall. The total amount required for this work is ££6314. Clerk informed members that the major item was £3298 for new floor covering in the kitchen, dining and toilet areas but the company concerned with this is not VAT registered so that will be the final sum.
Three other items on the requirements are all subject to VAT which can be reclaimed if this council is invoiced for the work. A new extractor fan for the main kitchen will cost £736, upgrading the outside toilet £791, heating system extension £381, materials for a new kitchen in the ‘Forget Me Not ‘Room £1108. The cost of these four sums amounts to £3016 but when VAT is deducted this brings this down to £2413
Clerk advised members that if they wished to split the grant as had been the case in the last two years and the grant was used for items subject to VAT which would give best value, £2796 would go to Gulval Cricket Club and £2413 to Landithy Hall. This would amount to £5208. The present finances of the council are such that the balance of £208 could easily be taken from grants/donations in the budget and there are also more than adequate finance reserves to give further assistance to Landithy Hall Managers. However any further funding would have to be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. It was proposed by Cllr Westlake, seconded by Cllr Roberts and unanimously agreed that the artificial batting ends be purchased and donated to Gulval Cricket Club and the application from Landithy Hall be deferred to the next meeting when the balance of available funds from Aggregates Levy supplemented by a donation from this council towards the refurbishment of Landithy Hall can be discussed. This was unanimously agreed.
23 Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
Clerk reported that 108 mugs had been purchased. 72 had been given to children in the parish and 31 purchased. At this point there are 5 mugs left. From a financial point of view the mugs cost £552.10 plus VAT which has been reclaimed and the sales to date amount to £186 with a further potential £30 available. So far as the beacon is concerned clerk has been in contact with Zurich Insurance to ensure that proper insurance is in place. The lighting of the beacon during the evening of 4th June is to be decided and Young Farmers will provide refreshments.
Clerk was instructed to ask Cllr Christopher to place an item in the Cornishman to make people aware of the event.
24 Finance
Clerk reported that all councillors had received a copy of the final accounts for 2011-2012. These have been audited by Cllrs Westlake and Cllr Roberts who have also inspected the finances and records held by the clerk at various points in the year. Mr Gallie, the ex-clerk for Penzance Town Council, spent over 3 hours doing the Internal Audit and had signed the Audit Commission Report to the effect that all is correct and in order. Clerk added to this that Mr Gallie had also given assistance in completing the end of the year tax return for this council free of charge as he was experienced in this field and clerk suggested that a letter of thanks should be sent for this extra attention. This was agreed.
It was proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the accounts be approved. The Chairman signed the accounts and the Audit Commission report to show the acceptance
It was proposed by Cllr Mann`seconded by Cllr Peake and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk, salary £433.65, office allowance £30.00, mileage £11.00, disbursements £12.69: HMRC PAYE for clerk £108.40; CALC annual subscription £368.26; Mr D.J.L. Gallie, internal audit £75.00.
Clerk reported that he had received a request for a donation from the Helston/Lizard Multiple Sclerosis Club and it was unanimously agreed that this should be deferred to the last meeting of the financial year in accordance with this council’s policy. Cllr Mann asked if there was a local connection with this organisation and Cllr Pritchard explained that this supported people throughout the whole of West Cornwall.
8 Review of Conditions of Service of Clerk (deferred from earlier in the meeting)
It was proposed by Cllr Mann, seconded by Cllr Roberts and unanimously agreed that the press and public be excluded from the meeting whilst this item is discussed on the grounds that it may disclose exempt information in accordance with Part 1A, Schedule 12 of The Local Government Act 1972.
Clerk reported that he was currently paid on scale 24 and had an office allowance of £30 per month and was paid 50 pence per mile. In the present climate he felt it would be inappropriate for any increase to be made to these figures. However, members will have seen from emails that the workload has increased considerably and whilst he has been paid for 50 hours per month his monthly average now works out at over 55 hours (Clerk left the meeting at this point). It was unanimously agreed that as the workload was likely to continue to be high and the full sums had not been paid during the previous year the clerk should be paid for 60 hours per month. It was also agreed that the clerk should be paid at the next scale rate next year as he had declined his entitlement to an increase this year.
25 Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm on Thursday 31st May 2012 at Trythall CP School.