Draft to be approved 29th May 2014
Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Mrs G. Burlton
Cllr. M. Scoble Cllr H. Eddy
Cllr C. Bone Cllr G. Tanner
Cllr S. Bates Cllr V. Peake
Cllr I. Phillips

Cornwall Cllr W.Maddern

Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and two members of the public

1 Election of Chairman
Cllr Pritchard reported that he was standing down having completed three years in office.
It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Phillips and unanimously agreed that Cllr Roberts be elected as chairman for the forthcoming year.
Cllr Roberts thanked members for electing her to the role of chairman and she expressed her thanks to Cllr Pritchard for the work and enthusiasm he had put into this terms of office and this was endorsed by the meeting.
2.To Receive the Parish Council Chairman’s acceptance of office
Cllr Roberts signed her Acceptance of Office Form and this was countersigned by the clerk.
3. To receive the updated Notification of Financial and other Interests from Councillors
All councillors present signed their Notification of Financial and Other Interest forms and these were handed to the clerk.
4. To elect Vice-Chairman
Cllr Peake, proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Burlton and unanimously agreed.
5. Apologies
Cllr R. Matthews
6. Declarations of Interest on items on this agenda
Item 18 Planning in relation to Rosemorron Farm, Gulval – Cllr Bone as friend of the applicant and Cllr Phillips as a neighbour.
8. To appoint Councillors with Specific Responsibilities for :-
Footpaths and Public Rights of Way Cllrs Tanner and Burlton
Affordable Housing To be decided if required
Health and Hospital Services Cllrs Jenkin and Pritchard
Transport Cllr Pritchard

Waste Disposal and Re-cycling Cllr Eddy
Planning Councillors Chairman, Cllrs Scoble, Jenkin Tanner, Matthews and any councillor with a specific interest in the matter under consideration.
Website Cllrs Scoble and Eddy
Auditing councillors (to include risk assessments) Cllrs Tanner and Cllr Scoble
Liaison with Playing Field Committee Cllrs Burlton and Bates
Elder People’s Forum Cllr Matthews
General maintenance with the Parish Cllr Bates
Trustees to Daniel School Foundation Cllrs Jenkin and Bone
Trustees to Tripconi Trust Cllrs Peake and Phillips
Police Liaison Cllr Bates and Cllr Pritchard
Press Liaison Chairman and Clerk.
All the above appointments were formally proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Peake and unanimously accepted.
9a. To review the Conditions of Service of the Clerk
It was agreed that this item should be deferred to the end of the meeting
10. To approve Standing Orders
Clerk has adapted the new NALC Standing Orders to conform to the needs of this council and his recommendations have been circulated to councillors by email. There have been no objections to the recommendations and it was unanimously agreed that the new Standing Orders be adopted. They were duly signed by the chairman
11. To approve Financial Regulations
As with Standing Orders, Financial Regulations have been adapted to the needs of this council by the clerk, circulated to councillors by email and as there were no objections it was unanimously agreed that the adapted Financial Regulations be adopted. Again, signed by the chairman
12. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on Thursday 3rd April 2014 were unanimously accepted
13. Public Participation
Mrs Jacqueline Boynes informed the meeting that Martin Wright, the Senior Development officer of Land Charges, Commons and Greens who this council wrote to with objections to the granting of Common Land Status has contacted Mr Trewern and Mrs Boynes to confirm that their land is enclosed and in their ownership and it is likely that it will be withdrawn from this application but it will be eight to twelve months for a final decision..
14. Police Report
Clerk reported that no police report had been received for the month of April.
15. Chairman’s Comments
16. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Scoble reported that the improvements to the boards have been successful throughout the wet winter and are working well. He wished it minuted that they were parish council boards and he was obliged to post council and any statutory notices on the boards and other items will be added when space prevails.
Cllr Jenkin gave a report concerning the new ‘Penwith Points of View – Madron Project’ who launched their organisation in Landithy Hall on 15th April. The aim is to research local history and pass this on to ,local children to ensure that the heritage of the parish is passed down to future generations. Meetings are held at 7pm on each Tuesday at Landithy Hall.
Cllr Pritchard gave an update on the actions taken by this council to involve Devon and Cornwall Housing in removing grass verges at two locations to create extra parking to relieve parking problems in Trelawney Estate. He had obtained an estimate for the work from David Blewett of Ludgvan for £2400 and £5400 plus VAT. Clerk has forwarded details to Lou Fryett at Devon and Cornwall Housing for consideration.

Cllr Pritchard informed the meeting that he had been interviewed by the Politics Show to be broadcast on BBC1 on Sunday morning at 11am concerning the operations of the Community Bus in this area. He had also attended a meeting of Penzance Town Council in which he gave details of the Transport Forum and he had received good support from other services. An extra use of the Community Bus was to assist with services where the cut backs had reduced the effectiveness of the normal bus routes.
Cllr Burlton reported that South West Play had commenced erecting the play equipment into place on the playing field
Cllr Peake informed the meeting that the finger post at New Mill which was broken had been taken by Mr Phil Budden from The Old Post Office at New Mill, restored and replaced. Clerk was instructed to write a letter of thanks to Mr Budden.
17. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Maddern reported that the Chief Executive of Cornwall Council had agreed to review the emptying of bins as there was a danger of excess litter being dropped
He then reported that Sally Brown from Planning Enforcement had visited the caravan at Heather Bray and PC Thomas had also visited in relation to the dogs and further developments are awaited.
In response to questions he will follow up the matter of trees remaining uncut at Trevaylor Lane and he asked the clerk to also inform Highways in order to support him with this problem.
18. Planning
PA14/02411 – proposed redesign and rebuild of existing sunroom and new extension to main dwelling at Chysauster Farm, New Mill – supported
PA14/03277 – extension to rear of property to include kitchen/diner, larder And store-room at Bramble Cottage, Bosullow – supported
PA14/01110 – extension and refurbishment of cricket pavilion at Gulval Cricket Club – approved.
PA14/01854 – retention and completion of an agricultural building at Boscreege Farm, Gulval approved
PA14/01876 – change of use from shop to residential dwelling at Madron Stores, Church Road, Madron – approved
Other Planning Matters
PA13/07231 – appeal against refusal of application for installation of a single Endurance (50kw) wind turbine on a 24.6m hub height tower, 34.2m blade tip to provide energy to dairy farm at Rosemorron Farm, Gulval. This is to be determined by Planning Inspector and all previous comments will be taken into consideration.(Cllrs Bone and Phillips declared interests)
PA13/07693 refused permission for retention of a static caravan for use an agricultural worker’s accommodation. The occupants have not moved out but the time limit for any appeal is 28th May after which Planning Enforcement will serve a formal notice.
EN14/00093 refers to an unauthorised dwelling at New Mill Road, Gulval. A Planning Contravention notice has been served to be followed by a Planning Enforcement Notice to ensure the land is not used for residential use and all structures are cleared.
19. Public Rights of Way
The Local Maintenance Project contractors have agreed to their contracts and they have signed accordingly.
Clerk has received a letter from the Planning Inspectorate concerning the Modification Order for change of footpath to bridleway and extension to bridleway at Mulfra Hill which was discussed by this council in June 2013 and March 2014. This council had been concerned about the uneven surface and narrowness of the path. The letter states that if we want to make any objection we must reply by 12th May but it appears that the concerns we expressed were a safety issue and not an issue which could be considered as an objection. It was agreed that no further action from this council is required.

Cornwall Countryside Access Forum is advertising for new members. This has been circulated to councillors by email. Should anyone need any further information please contact the clerk
Cllr Tanner had asked the clerk to contact County to ask them to consider opening bridleway 55 early, if only to pedestrians, as it is due to be closed until 1st September.
The Countryside Officer has replied that he would not do this as the path had closed due to erosion and it was not possible to open it for pedestrians only. The delay in repair work was due to the amount of damage caused by storms and the lack of funding for the extra work and in addition to this there is a badgers set on the path and Natural England will not authorise work until the end of the breeding season which will be in October. The Countryside Officer asked for details on any other paths in need of attention and members were asked to inform the clerk who would pass on the details.
Cllr Tanner informed the meeting that he had heard nothing from PAROW and whilst all the machinery was in store there appeared to be no activity. He asked the clerk to contact the Countryside Officer with concerns as this organisation has been and can in the future be of assistance to paths in this parish.
20. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
All instructions from the last meeting have been completed by the clerk and replies from Cornwall Council in relation to concerns about priority of expenditure and proposed reduction in highway maintenance have been circulated to councillors.
Electoral Services have written to have the views of this council concerning the use of Trythall School and Landithy Hall as to their suitability for polling stations. .It was agreed that both premises had all the necessary facilities and were suitable premises.
An invitation has been extended to councillors to a Heritage Funding Fair for the South West for numerous planning projects. This is to be held at Exeter Community Centre on 14th June from 10.30am to 3.30pm. The cost is £40 per person and has been circulated.by email. Noted.
Commemorative book markers for the centenary of WW1 endorsed ‘Madron Parish Council’ can be ordered at a price of £2.25 each and come in batches of 50 (£112.50). Details have been circulated by email to councillors. Noted
Cllrs Scoble, Tanner and clerk had attended the Local Council Accounts and Audits Training at St Erme on 29th April. It had been a fruitful day and the subject of openness was also discussed. As a result of this it was learnt that new legislation required clerks to keep a ‘Decision Book’ in which decisions made at meetings had to be recorded. Failure to do so could incur a fine of £200 being paid by the clerk and not the council. Clerk will now purchase a new book for this purpose.
Cllrs Pritchard, Roberts and Scoble with the clerk represented this council at the Annual General Meeting of the Well-wishers at Landithy Hall on 24th April. The main thing affecting this council was a discussion covering match funding from Madron Parish Council and the Well-wishers were advised that if granted conditions would apply only to monies raised by the committee and not donations, etc. A formal request would have to be made to the clerk.
Clerk finally wished to say how much he had enjoyed working with Cllr Pritchard as chairman over the last three years. He added that he regarded it as being a privilege to have worked with this council over the last twelve years and how fortunate he had been in having chairmen who had been easy to work with and he was sure that a similar working relationship will exist with the new chairman.
21. Madron Parish Council Insurance
Clerk reported that he had spoken with Aon Insurance who are our present insurers and he was now awaiting details of the policies and he asked for this to be deferred until the next meeting which will be in time for the renewal. This was agreed
22. Madron Parish Council Website
Cllrs Scoble and Eddy were concerned that the service from ‘1 and 1 Internet’ was not satisfactory and they had made enquiries about local companies and a meeting has been arranged with Audana company to take place on 9th May to see the facilities and price of using that company. One advantage is that they are local should there be any problems and they already serve Camborne Town Council

23. Neighbourhood Plan Open Meeting – Zennor Parish
Zennor Parish Council have called a meeting to be held at the Zennor village hall at 7.30pm on 19th May to consider a Neighbourhood Plan to include Zennor with surrounding parishes including Madron. Cllrs Roberts, Peake, Tanner, Jenkin and Pritchard agreed to attend with the clerk to represent this council.
24. Finance
Clerk has circulated, by email and hard copies, details of the Receipts and Payments and all accounts to councillors with the agendas for this meeting. These accounts have been audited by Cllrs Roberts and Tanner as auditing councillors throughout the year and at the end of the financial year. An independent internal audit has been carried out by Mr D. Gallie, the ex-clerk to Penzance and he has responded to the effect that all accounts are correct in good order with a proper paper trail and he is pleased to endorse them as approved..
It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Pritchard and unanimously agreed that the accounts for the financial year 2013-2014 be accepted and approved. Clerk will now send off the details and forms to the Audit Commission.
Clerk reported that he had submitted a VAT return to HMRC for the sum of £2185.65 for the last financial year.
It was proposed by Cllr Burlton, seconded by Cllr Pritchard and unanimously agreed that: the following accounts be paid:-
W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £542.36, office allowance £30.00, mileage £18.80, disbursements £51.81, ‘Moneysoft Payrole’ (as approved at the last meeting) £67.20; HMRC – PAYE and Nat. Ins. £137.44; CALC – annual subscription£405.57; D.J.L. Gallie – audit and PAYE assistance £120.00.
Cruse Bereavement have circulated request for donation to their 2014 appeal. It was agreed that this be deferred to the last meeting of the financial year in accordance with council policy.
9a To review the service and conditions of the clerk – deferred.
It was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Scoble, that all press and public be excluded from the meeting whilst this item is discussed on the grounds that it may disclose exempt information in accordance with Part 1 Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972. Clerk reported that he is paid at NALC scale 25 for 60 hours per month with an office allowance of £30.00 per month and mileage at 45 pence per mile. (Clerk left the room at this point)
It was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Peake and unanimously agreed that due to the increased legal requirements for recording and auditing and additional work from Cornwall Council and other bodies that the clerk should increase his salary to NALC scale 26 and payment for the hours of work to 65 per month.
25. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 29th May 2014 (to avoid the Royal Cornwall Show) at Trythall CP School