Draft to be approved on 2nd June 2016
Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (chairman) Cllr V. Peake (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Mrs G. Burlton
Cllr M. Scoble Cllr S. Pritchard
Cllr G. Tanner Cllr H. Eddy
Cllr C. Bone Cllr S. Bates
Cllr I. Phillips
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins, 2 members of the public
1 Election of Chairman
Cllr Roberts, proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr Scoble and unanimously agreed
2. To Receive the Parish Council Chairman’s acceptance of office
Cllr Roberts signed her Acceptance of Office Form and this was countersigned by the clerk.
3. To receive the updated Notification of Financial and other Interests from Councillors
All councillors present signed their Notification of Financial and Other Interest forms and any amendments made where appropriate (Cllrs Jenkin, Tanner and Eddy) and these were handed to the clerk. Clerk will forward these to Cornwall Council.
4. To elect Vice-Chairman
Cllr Peake, proposed by Cllr Jenkin seconded by Cllr Burlton and unanimously agreed.
5. Apologies
Cllr R. Matthews, Cornwall Cllrs W. Maddern and R. Mann
6. Declarations of Interest on items on this agenda
Cllrs Scoble and Burlton – item 19 Planning – PA15/05392 at Monterey, Madron, as friends of the applicant.
Cllr Bone – item 19 Planning – at Trengwainton Farm, Madron as father of the applicant. (planning number not available at time of the meeting)
Cllr Roberts – item 16 Chairman’s Comments in relation to Trythall School as a governor.
7. Dispensations
8. To appoint Councillors with Specific Responsibilities for :-
Footpaths and Public Rights of Way Cllrs Tanner and Burlton
Police Liaison Cllrs Pritchard and Bates
Parish Council website Cllrs Scoble and Eddy
Health and Hospital Services Cllrs Jenkin and Pritchard
Transport Cllr Pritchard
Waste Disposal and Re-cycling Cllr Eddy
Neighbourhood Plan (4) Cllrs Tanner, Peake, Eddy and Burlton with Cllr Jenkin as reserve
Planning Councillors Chairman, Cllrs Scoble, Jenkin Tanner, Matthews and any councillor with a specific interest in the matter under consideration
Auditing councillors (to include risk assessments) Cllrs Tanner and Cllr Scoble
Risk Assessment Cllr Pritchard with auditing
councillors, chairman and clerk
Liaison with Playing Field Committee Cllrs Burlton and Bates
Liaison with Madron Parish/Mont Dol Twinning Committee Cllr Roberts
Older Peoples Forum Cllr Matthews
Trustees to Daniel School Foundation Cllrs Jenkin and Bone
Trustees to Tripconi Trust Cllrs Peake and Phillips
Affordable Housing To be decided when needed
Routine maintenance throughout Parish Cllr Bates
Town and Parish Forum representatives Chairman, clerk, Cllr Scoble – any
councillor is entitled to attend.
Press Liaison Chairman and Clerk.
All the above appointments were formally proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously accepted.
9. To review the Conditions of Service of the Clerk
It was agreed that this item should be deferred to the end of the meeting
10. To approve Standing Orders
Clerk stated that consideration could be given for a new standing order for the appointed planning officers to hold a meeting to make recommendations to Cornwall Council when an extension in time has not been granted for a planning application and a reply was required before the next meeting. He felt that events such as this were so rare that it was not necessary and an extraordinary meeting was sufficient as any recommendations made by a planning committee had to have retrospective approval from the next meeting which was often too late to change. As there were no objections this was agreed and Chairman signed the approved Standing Orders.
11. To approve Financial Regulations
There are no changes required to the Financial Regulations from previous years when they were formally approved. It was unanimously agreed that the Financial Regulations be adopted. The Regulations were signed as approved by the Chairman.
12. To confirm three signatories to Barclays Mandate for Madron PC.
It was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Burlton and unanimously agreed that Cllrs Pritchard, Jenkin and Bone continue as signatories
13. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on Thursday
7TH April 2016 were unanimously accepted
14. Public Participation
Mr Peter Bowden, a planning consultant, spoke in relation to the planning application for a livestock building to house dairy animals at Trengwainton Farm. He stated that there were current problems for dairy farmers and this was essential for the survival of the business. The proposed building was next to a similar building 220 feet long and 100 feet wide and there were amendments to paths. He provided plans and photographs for the benefit of councillors.
15. Police Report
Clerk reported that there has been contact this month as police informed the clerk that a lady is allowing her dogs to foul in the Memorial Garden and this has been passed to Landithy Hall Managers for their attention.
16. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Roberts thanked members for her re-appointment as chairman.
She has received an email from the Head at Trythall School asking for support of this council for a new building at Trythall School as this council is a user of the school for parish council meetings bi-monthly. He requires evidence that the school at present is unsatisfactory as it is too small and there is difficulty in gaining access to the main hall. Clerk has circulated this request to councillors by email. (Cllr Roberts left the room at this point while this was discussed and Cllr Peake acted as chairman). After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Eddy and unanimously agreed that the clerk should send a letter of support for the need for the building but without any commitment from this council.
17. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Peake reported that he had received 150 cones from Cornwall Council as agreed and four were damaged. He will arrange for half to be forwarded for storage at Landithy Hall.
Cllr Pritchard reported that he had, with assistance, been involved in various repairs at Madron Playing Field which had saved the Playing Field Committee a considerable sum of money. Cllr Pritchard then added that the new Community Bus will be available next month.
Cllr Tanner referred to a letter from the North Coast Cluster Group of Parish Councils in which they are concerned that extra money due to parishes for the statutory Local Maintenance Project and street cleaning has been retained by Cornwall. Clerk was instructed to write to the North Coast Cluster of Parish Councils to offer support for their campaign to obtain this extra funding.
18. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
No Cornwall Councillors were present.
19. Planning
PA16/02106 – variation of condition 7 (holiday occupancy) of application W1/78/P/0321 dated 22nd May 22nd May 1978 to allow full occupancy at 3 The Park, Kenegie Manor, Gulval and PA16/02737 – application as above in respect of 4 The Park, Kenegie Manor, Gulval.
It was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Bates that both applications be supported.
PA16/ – livestock building to house dairy animals at Trengwainton Farm, Madron. Clerk reported that this was due to be registered shortly before this meeting and was subject of PA16/00612PREAP. (Cllr Bone declared an interest and left the room). Clerk advised members that at the time of this meeting it had not been registered by Cornwall Council. He has been in contact with the planning officer dealing with this application and she agrees that this should be discussed at this meeting as a time extension will have to be applied for if it is not heard now and this may not be possible. The application, plans and comments are exactly as in the pre-application which have been available on line and so councillors have been able to work from these and this information has been passed on to councillors. It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Pritchard and unanimously agreed that that this application be supported.
PA16/02153- flat roof extension to the east with balcony deck over at Badgers Lodge on B3311 between Badgers Cross and Tregassick Hill – approved
Other Planning Matters
PA15/05392 – construction of annexe at Monterey, Madron. Clerk informed members that he had received a Notice of Appeal against refusal of planning permission. He reminded councillors that the original application was supported by this council in July 2015 any further comments have to be made by 10th May 2016. It was agreed that no further comments were necessary.(Cllrs Scoble and Burlton declared interests but remained in the meeting as no further comments were considered necessary)
Clerk has been informed that the planning application for new houses at the end of Vingoes Lane will be registered this week and will be available for discussion and recommendations at the next meeting
20. Public Rights of Way
Clerk reported that there have been complaints via Devon and Cornwall Housing that the footpath 104/1/1 between Trafalgar Fields and Hillside Parc was overgrown. Cllr Scoble has visited the path and taken photographs and it was apparent that the path was quite walkable at this stage.
Cllr Tanner had confirmed that this was a gold path but the path was not on our cutting schedule although the stiles are to be kept clear. It was proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr Bates and unanimously that the clerk should obtain a quote from our LMP contractors to cut this path twice this year.
21. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all actions from the last meeting had been completed but he was still waiting for a reply from Malcolm Brown at Cornwall Council for any confirmation of new housing at Poltair and Josephs Lane.
He had been in contact with Complete Weed Control and the first treatment in Madron Village has been completed and the payment is listed on this agenda. Cllr Burlton, supported by other councillors, felt that the company had done a good job.
Details of the next Cornwall Carers Service meeting will be held at Hanover Court, Wharf Road, Penzance between 2pm and 4pm on Wednesday 25th May. This forum gives support and advice to carers. This has been circulated by email to councillors and copies printed for notice boards. Noted
Clerk has received an email from Chrissie Hogg of CAG Consultants who are working for the Cornwall Led Development Company. This organisation is working with Cornwall Council to have funding available for deprived neighbourhoods. The funding is coming back from the European Union. The mail has been circulated to councillors. She is asking for the opportunity to bring her publicity material to Madron, either by hiring Landithy Hall or at the next Neighbourhood Plan meeting as a separate display from the meeting. The meeting felt that this request could not be granted as it may detract from the Neighbourhood Plan meeting and Cllr Tanner was of the opinion that this request was 12 months too early and he proposed that the clerk should inform Chrissie Hogg accordingly. This was seconded by Cllr Bates and unanimously agreed.
22. Parc Abnac Allotments
Clerk reported that there was no movement from Coodes solicitors and Cornwall Council and he had been receiving requests for updates from allotments holders and also someone who wishes to be considered if any allotments become available. He asked councillors if he should write to the known allotment holders and give them an update of progress.
Cllr Pritchard proposed that the current allotments holders be told in the letter that this council will permit them to remain on their allotments free of charge until a decision is made which hopefully would be in the region of Michaelmas. This was seconded by Cllr Jenkin, and unanimously agreed. It was also agreed that the letter should ask for a reply to ascertain if the allotment holders wish to keep their allotments or intend to terminate their agreements.
23. Defibrillators at Landithy Hall and Trythall School.
Clerk reported that he had been in contact with AED who supplied the defibrillators and their cabinets concerning the first signs of rust appearing on the cabinets. He had pointed out that there was a 7 year guarantee on the cabinets and defibrillators. However it appears that the company has ceased to trade and the organisation is now a charity. They state that there is nothing they could do other than offer us new cabinets at a cost price but these prices are excessive. Cllr Cllr Bates agreed to look at them in order to see if he can treat the cabinets to prevent any further problems. Cllr Scoble, who originally reported the problem, suggested that the clerk should write to the Charity Commissioners to inform them of the problems which have occurred as they may help and this was unanimously agreed.
24. Neighbourhood Plan for Madron Parish
Meetings were held at Landithy Hall on 14th April and Trythall School on 21st April and clerk has made notes and forwarded them to councillors by email. At each meeting presentations were given by James Hardy from Cornwall Council and Cornwall Cllr Mann who explained how the system was working in the initial stages at Ludgvan.
5 members of the public attended the meeting at Madron and 14 at Trythall. Clerk and nine of the 12 Madron Parish Councillors attended either one or both of the meetings
The general opinion was that a further meeting should be held at Landithy Hall when residents of both areas of the parish should be invited to see if any of the residents are prepared to be involved as a chairman, secretary or committee member . James Hardy has agreed to be present and has given clerk the dates he will be available and these tie in with the availability of Landithy Hall
It was proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that this meeting be held at Landithy Hall at 7pm on Thursday 26th May 2016
Clerk was asked to inform James Hardy of the date. He was also instructed to provide posters for the notice boards and contact the Cornishman asking for coverage in that newspaper and also to enter details under the New Mill section. All councillors with contacts in other organisations or having the facilities to advertise the meeting were requested to do so.
Cllr Roberts pointed out that the number of volunteers and their degree of participation will determine the future of any Neighbourhood Plan and she urged all councillors to make an effort to be at the meeting.
25. Finance
Clerk has circulated, by email and hard copies, details of the Receipts and Payments and all accounts to councillors with the agendas for this meeting. These accounts have been audited by Cllrs Scoble and Tanner as auditing councillors throughout the year and at the end of the financial year by Cllr Tanner and Cllr Roberts. An independent internal audit has been carried out by Mr D. Gallie, the ex-clerk to Penzance Town Council and he has responded to the effect that all accounts are correct and in good order with a proper paper trail and he is pleased to endorse them as approved. It was proposed by Cllr Peake,seconded by Cllr Eddy and unanimously agreed that the accounts for the financial year 2014-2015 be approved and the chairman and clerk signed the respective copies for the final auditors.
Clerk reported that he had submitted a VAT refunding return to HMRC for the sum of £352.19 for the last financial year and payment is awaited.
It was proposed by Cllr Bates , seconded by Cllr Bone and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid:- W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £640.41, office allowance £30.00, mileage £42.30, disbursements £83.95; HMRC – PAYE and Nat. Ins. £177.20; D.J.L. Gallie – audit and PAYE assistance £120.00; Aon Insurance – annual parish council insurance (2nd year of a 3 year agreement) £267.29; Complete Weed Control – 1st treatment in Madron Village as agreed £144.00.
The subscription to CALC is now due and amounts to £453.49. This was reported at short notice at the last meeting and it was agreed to defer this to this meeting. Councillors were concerned as to the value of membership but felt that the clerk should write a letter with the payment asking for CALC to be more pro-active and visual with their support. This was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Peake and agreed with the exception of Cllr Jenkin who opposed the payment.
9. To review the service and conditions of the clerk – deferred.
It was proposed by Cllr Burlton, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting whilst this item is discussed on the grounds that it may disclose exempt information in accordance with Part 1, Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972.
Clerk reported that he is paid at NALC scale 27 for 65 hours per month with an office allowance of £30.00 per month and mileage at 45 pence per mile. (Clerk left the room at this point). It was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Bone and unanimously agreed that that the clerk should be paid for 70 hours per month as his hours of work exceeded the present figure.
27. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 2nd June 2016 at Trythall CP School