THURSDAY 7th APRIL 2016 AT 7.30pm
Draft to be approved on 5th May 2016
Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (chairman) Cllr V. Peake (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Mrs G. Burlton
Cllr S. Pritchard Cllr G. Tanner
Cllr S. Bates Cllr C. Bone
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr I. Phillips

Cornwall Cllr R Mann

Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and one member of the public

Cllrs M. Scoble and H. Eddy and Cornwall Cllr W. Maddern
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community rooms on 3rd March 2016 were unanimously approved.
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Dispensations
5. Public Participation
Petra Elkin spoke on behalf of the applicants for PA16/2153 at Badgers Lodge, Badgers Cross. She assured members that there were no alterations to the front of the building, the materials blended in with the property and the construction of the balcony deck is the reason for the application.
6. Police Report
Clerk informed the meeting that there would only be a police report when more serious matters affecting the parish were relevant. However if there was anything of concern councillors can contact PC Thomas or inform the clerk who will make the contact.
Clerk has attempted to obtain recent crime figures for the parish but was unsuccessful. PC Thomas has also tried but like the clerk and clerks at Marazion and Ludgvan he has also been unable to obtain the information.
7. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Roberts reported that the verge outside the cemetery has been cut up badly by parked cars. After discussion it was established that the whole of Trelawney Estate was suffering like the rest of the village with parked cars. Clerk explained that efforts had been made to rectify this problem but neither Devon and Cornwall Housing or Cornwall Highways had sufficient funds to concrete verges to create more parking spaces.

As there were no available funds it was with regret that no further action can be taken.
Cllr Bates also stated his concerns that if the proposed new houses are built there will be even more parking problems
8. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Clerk informed the meeting that Cllr Scoble had emailed him to mention that the 9am bus from Madron to Penzance had not turned up on a recent Monday morning.. His concern was that as there was a limited service it was important that buses should run to timetable. Cllr Pritchard, as transport councillor, agreed to express this concern to Mr Mel Williams in charge of this service at Camborne.
Cllr Peake reported that work had commenced on the barns at sites called Gear Downs Farm and Higher Cranken, Gear Hill, without planning permission. There is a caravan on site and people living there. Cllr Roberts informed the meeting that the landowner is a Paul Antonelli and the work is a project part of the Permaculture Group (www.permaculture.org.uk). Cllr Roberts has been in contact with other parties who are complaining to Planning Enforcement and it was agreed that the clerk should also make a complaint to endorse the views of residents.
9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Mann reported that plans were afoot for 30 houses on the old Poltair Hospital site and another 60 plus including land at the corner of Josephs Lane. Some of these plans had been put to Penzance Town Council which are within Madron Parish. Clerk was instructed to write to Matthew Brown at Cornwall Council at Camborne asking him to establish the locations in the correct areas for the attention of local councils to be able to comment.
10. Planning
PA16/02153 – flat roofed extension to east side with balcony deck over Badgers Lodge on B3311 between Badgers Cross and Tregassack Hill, Badgers Cross – supported
PA16/00729 – revised plans for conversion of existing attached garage to guest lounge and bedroom at Trenant Farm, Great Bosullow, Newbridge. Clerk informed members that this was a revised plan to the plan supported by this council at their meeting in January 2016. Cllr Tanner advised members that there had been complaints concerning access by neighbours but no complaint had been made to this council so this application was again supported.
PA16/02873 – proposed new vehicle garage together with internal alterations at Trehiven, Madron. Clerk reported that this was the first paperless planning application received by this council and the link to the plans has been circulated to councillors by email and the parish council computer was also available at the meeting should anyone wish to view the plans. It was agreed that this application be supported.
PA16/00681 & 682 – internal works and porch roof canopy at Boswarthen Vean, Boswarthen, Newbridge – approved
PA16/00159 /PREAPP – pre-application advice for construction of an ecological park (artists’ studios) – three sustainable live works units with one open market sustainable live work unit and associated works at land south of Orchard Flower Farm, Madron.
PA16/00612/PREAPP – pre-application advice sought for livestock building to house dairy animals at Trengwainton Farm, Trengwainton, Madron.
Other Planning Matters
Clerk reported that as can be seen in the planning applications, paperless planning is now operational.
He has also received notification from Cornwall Council that an informal hearing of an appeal against the refusal of temporary permission for the retention of a static caravan for use as an agricultural workers dwelling at Slight Hill, Heamoor, will be held in Room GW.02, Cornwall Council, Dolcoath Road, Camborne at 10am on 26th April 2016. Persons with an interest may attend the hearing.


11. Public Rights of Way
Clerk circulated to members a detailed plan of the proposed diversion of part of bridleway 104/62 at Castle an Dinas Quarry (S19 Highways Act 1980). Cornwall Council is enquiring if the parish council have any objections to the proposal. It was proposed by Cllr Tanner, seconded by Cllr Bates and unanimously agreed that there was no objection and Clerk will inform Cornwall Council accordingly.
Cllr Tanner informed the meeting that he had been in contact with Bolitho Estates concerning footpath 24, Ginger Lane. He reminded members that PAROW had opened up this path last year as a permissive path but the lane was not cleared. As PAROW are not currently funded he feels that other organisations could be approached with a request for funding to clear the lane and maybe the British Horse Society would assist. However before that, the council would need approval from Bolitho Estates. It was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Burlton and unanimously agreed that Cllr Tanner should go ahead with this project and report back to the council in due course.
Clerk reported that he had sent details of the contracts to the contractors to cut back public rights of way this year and these had been signed and returned. He had also informed Cornwall Council to say that this council accepts the funding offered.
12. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting had been completed. The new email address [email protected] is also operational.
He also handed to members the last edition of the Good Councillors Guide books and the invoice will be discussed in the finance item of the meeting.
Old Cornwall Society is holding an exhibition of all their archives at Landithy Hall on 30th April from 10am to 4pm. Entrance is free, refreshments available and the Carfury Antiquarians will also be in attendance
13. Neighbourhood Plan
Clerk reported that he had informed the Cornishman of the two meetings at Landithy Hall on 14th April and Trythall on 21st April and this was reported in the Madron Section of the newspaper on 30th March. He has also confirmed with James Hardy the Cornwall Council liaison officer that he will attend both meetings. Cllr Roberts confirmed that Trythall School was booked and Cllr Scoble had confirmed that Landithy was also booked for their respective meetings. Various councillors stated their availability to attend these meetings but Cllr Scoble had informed the clerk that he will not be able to assist owing to a prior commitment. Cllrs Burlton and Jenkin agreed to provide tea and coffee at the meetings
Clerk reported that Cornwall Council is organising workshops in May and June for Neighbourhood Planning. He suggested that after the initial meetings in this parish in April we would be able to determine the need for attendance and this can be discussed at the next meeting on 5th May. This was agreed
14. Cornwall Land Community Trust
Clerk reported that this had been deferred from the last meeting at the request of Cllr Pritchard. This organisation aims to assist local councils in matters, but particularly in relation to affordable housing. It was agreed that details of this organisation should be noted.
15. West Cornwall Community Network Panel
This meeting followed a tour of St Johns Hall and Cllrs Roberts, Peake, Scoble, Pritchard and the clerk attended the forum. Sgt Freestone from Devon and Cornwall Police reported on the new police engagement with town and parish councils, James Hardy led discussions on Local Devolution Fund and also Joint Commissioning and Purchasing arrangements. It was unanimously agreed that the forum, on this occasion, was disappointing.
16. Weed Spraying in Madron
Clerk has circulated by email the result of his enquiries with Cormac and also Complete Weed Control South West from St Austell.
Cormac quoted £619.68 for the parish out to Tremethick Cross and £239.28 for just Madron Village while CWS quoted £620.00 for the parish out to Tremethick Cross and £240.00 for Madron Village.


All quotes are for two sprays per year and do not include VAT which in our case is reclaimable. It was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Bone, and unanimously agreed that the spraying be limited to Madron Village as shown on the maps which had been circulated. It was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Burlton and unanimously agreed that the contract be offered to Complete Weed Control South West. Clerk was instructed to make the necessary arrangements and ideally the work could be done at the same time as the work is being done in Penzance.
17. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Burlton, seconded by Cllr Pritchard and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £640.61, office allowance £30.00, mileage £31.50, petty cash £31.56; Moneysoft for calculating PAYE and National Insurance £72.00; HMRC – PAYE and National Insurance £177.20, Trythall CP School for 5 meetings £50.00.
Clerk has received a request for a financial donation from Pengarth Day Centre towards the cost of transport. It is relevant as 728 visits were made per year to Madron Parish and copies of the letter have been circulated to councillors. It was proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr Pritchard and unanimously agreed that the sum of £200.00 should be donated (S.137 Local Government Ac t 1972).
Clerk has also received an invoice from CALC for £26.80 for the 12 Good Councillors Guides purchased for and issued to councillors. It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Bates and unanimously agreed that this sum should also be paid.
Clerk reported that the annual subscription to CALC is due and the fee this year is £453.49 which includes £47.29 reclaimable VAT. The fee last year was £433.96. In view of the cost involved he recommended that this be deferred to the next meeting. This was agreed.
Clerk advised members that he had completed the end of the year accounts and these are ready for audit. The plan is for them to be audited by auditing councillors and David Gallie will do the independent internal audit before the next meeting when the accounts will have been forwarded to councillors for acceptance. The auditing councillors are Cllrs Tanner and Scoble but Cllr Scoble will not be available to perform this particular audit. A second auditor will be required. Cllr Roberts agreed to perform this task and it was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Pritchard and unanimously agreed that this offer be accepted.
18. Time and Date of Next Meeting
Annual Parish Meeting at 7.00pm on Thursday 5th May 2016 at Madron Community Rooms, followed by the Annual Parish Council Meeting