THURSDAY 4th AUGUST 2011 AT 7.30pm

Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr. M. Scoble
Cllr D. Westlake Cllr R. Matthews
Cllr C. Bone Cllr I. Phillips
Cllr S. Bates Cllr V. Peake
Cornwall Cllr Miss I. Bailey
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins, and 11 members of the public

Cllrs Christopher and Mann, Cornwall Cllr Maddern, and PC Thomas,
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on 7th July 2011 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
Cornwall Cllr Bailey – item 9 in relation to all planning applications as a Cornwall Councillor.
Cllr Jenkin – item 11 Clerks Report and Correspondence in relation to the Code of Conduct as a member of the Standards Board.
Cllr Roberts – item 9 Planning – PA11/05605, conversion of domestic workshop and garage to self-contained annex at The Old Stables, Mulfra as a friend of the applicant.
Cllr Pritchard – item 9 Planning – PA11/02138, construction of respite accommodation at Moorvue Farm, Great Bosullow as his work involves this property.
Cllr Phillips – item 9 Planning – PA11/04950, erection of extension and conservatory at Higher Hellangove Farm, Gulval and PA11/03306, conversion of a redundant farm building into a rural brewery (microbrewery) at End Unit, Badgers Cross Farm Units, Badgers Cross as a neighbour to both properties.
Cllrs Westlake and Peake – item 9 Planning – PA11/03306, conversion of a redundant farm building into a rural brewery (microbrewery) at End Unit, Badgers Cross Farm Units, Badgers Cross as a friend of the applicant.
4. Public Participation
Rex Henry, an architect from St Ives, addressed the meeting in support of planning application PA11/04950 at Higher Hellangove Farm at Gulval.
Colin Noble and Nicky Brown then addressed the meeting regarding their proposal for outline planning permission at Lower Trevaylor for an eco-sustainable project consisting of a camp site, poly-tunnel, agricultural building etc. Clerk had circulated full details of the project to councillors by email. The chairman advised Colin Noble and Nicky Brown and the public that this council would take into account the presentation but could not make any comment until the formal application was received from Cornwall Council. They were advised to return after the full application had been submitted.

Mr Graham Tanner explained his objections to planning application PA11/05605 at The Old Stables at Mulfra to support his letter of objection.
5. Police Report
Clerk informed members that there has been a change in policy from Penzance Police and crime reports will again be submitted on a monthly basis. PC Thomas is on annual leave but forwarded his report for July 2011.
There were three crimes during the month as opposed to five for the same period in 2010. AP11/1674 – between 4th and 5th a vehicle parked in a private car park in Gulval was scratched by unknown means; AP11/1840 – at 1pm on 20th a male juvenile was assaulted by another male juvenile causing injury in Fore Street, Madron and enquiries are ongoing; AP11/1861 between 21st and 23rd an external gas meter was damaged in Fore Street, Madron.
PC Thomas also reported that there has been a reduction in reports of anti-social behaviour logs following a brief spate of problems around Trelawney Estate. ASB warnings have been issued with children and parents have been spoken to and there has been positive feedback from some residents stating that the Estate has been peaceful recently.
PC Thomas has forwarded the following statement and he asks for comments from this Council ‘Special Constables are volunteers from the community who act ain support of the regular police officers and PCSOs within the community. Special Constables have the full powers of as regular police officer when they are on duty and properly trained and equipped to carry out a variety of policing functions. How would you like to see them utilised to best effect within this community’. Councillors felt that more visible patrols, talking to children in schools and having delegated areas of responsibility would be beneficial.
6. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Pritchard informed the meeting that there had been difficulties in changing the signatories to Barclays Bank and he asked the meeting to reconsider the recommended change whereby he would replace Cllr Jenkin and to allow Cllrs Jenkin, Bone and Scoble to remain as signatories. This was unanimously agreed.
7. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Christopher had received a request from Playing Field AGM for the Parish Council agenda and minutes to be posted on the notice board by The Green and leave Fore Street board to be used for advertising local events. Clerk suggested common sense should prevail as it is important to have the agenda and minutes in the centre of the village and also on the board by The Green. The agenda should take priority in the week before the meeting and after the meeting any current notices can be placed over the minutes for the time that those posters are relevant and removed immediately after the event had taken place. This was agreed.
Cllr Jenkin wished it to be recorded that there are safety concerns relating to the church wall and this has been reported to Cornwall Council for action as they are responsible.
Cllr Scoble was concerned that the cover to the gas meter on the wall to King William Public House was never closed and this could be a danger if for any reason the pilot light went out. Clerk was instructed to write to the licensee of the public house with a copy to the police. (Cllr Scoble checked again on 5th August and the meter box had been secured)
8. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Bailey informed the meeting that she will follow up the payment of the Aggregates Levy funding with Cornwall Council and also follow up, for Cllr Westlake, progress with finger posts in the Trythall area.
9. Planning
(Cornwall Cllrs Bailey declared interest in all applications)
Planning Advisory Panel had met on 1st August and looked at the plans in detail and recommended the following: –
PA11/04950 – erection of extension and conservatory to dwelling at Higher Hellangove. (Cllr Phillips declared an interest). Clerk has been advised by the planning officer that originally she felt that the modern design is inappropriate for a traditional rural property. The flat roof is in a modern form whereas additions within a farmstead should be dual pitched or monopitched to mimic the normal pattern of extension to rural properties.

In addition to this the proportions of the extension do not relate to the existing property and appear more as a substantial granite wall. However after meetings with the agents and re-assessing the computerised pictures it was ascertained that there is local stone which will be used and therefore be more appropriate. As such the planning officer has mixed views and awaits the views of councillors.
The Planning Advisory Panel advised that providing there were no objections from neighbours at the meeting, the application should be supported. As most comments from the public on the website were favourable to the application and after listening to and taking account of the views of the architect in public participation had been it was recommended that the application be supported and this was accepted by the meeting.
PA11/03306 – conversion of a redundant farm building into a rural brewery (microbrewery) at End Unit, Badgers Cross Farm Units, Badgers Cross (Cllrs Westlake Peake and Phillips declared interests). Planning Panel supported the application and the meeting agreed.
PA11/05605 – conversion of a domestic workshop and garage to self-contained annex at The Old Stables, Mulfra (Cllr Roberts declared an interest) – this was supported by the Planning Panel. Clerk reported that since the Planning Advisory Panel meeting a letter of objection has been received from a Graham Tanner and this has been attached to the plans for councillors to read. The Planning Officer has been in contact with the clerk just before this meeting and has expressed concerns that the extension is much larger than was originally discussed. It is situated some distance from the main house and so becomes a new dwelling in the countryside in an AONB , and initially for these reasons she will object to the application. It was agreed that there should be an objection to this application on the grounds that the extension is larger than thought and as it is situated some distance from the main house it becomes a new dwelling in the countryside in an AONB
PA11/02138 – construction of respite accommodation (amended design and siting from W1/07P0239-F) at Moorvue Farm, Great Bosullow, Newbridge. (Cllr Pritchard declared an interest) Clerk reported that the original application in March 2007 was supported by this council. He has been in contact with the planning officer who accepts that there is a small change in location and other minor matters but feels that there are no reasons in the changes not to support the application. Planning Advisory Panel agreed to support the application and this was accepted.
PA11/04522 – change of use of storage unit to light industrial at Lower Trembath, Buryas Bridge – approved.
Other Planning Matters
Clerk had circulated a paper from Cornwall Council to members concerning the use of IT systems for reading plans and making recommendations to applications. This was discussed at West Cornwall Community Forum after a presentation by Planning Officers and the unanimous feeling was that this was completely unpractical for parishes for numerous reasons including the need for IT facilities for all members and all locations where meetings are held. The argument that responses would be quicker was opposed as the clerk emails recommendations to planning officers within 24 hours of the parish council meeting. These points were accepted and members agreed that the clerk should complete the feedback form on behalf of the council.
Clerk has received a request from a builder from Newlyn asking to address this council with his ideas for affordable housing at the rear of Tregoddick Farm. However this builder came back asking to defer this as he needed more information before coming before a full council meeting. He stated that there are 42 affordable homes required in Madron. Clerk has contacted Will Morris, the affordable housing officer for Cornwall Council and it appears that there are 55 people on the waiting list with some Madron connection. In view of the problems elsewhere with ‘part, buy part rent’ schemes being beyond the means of local people an enquiry has been made for the numbers of people in residence in Trafalgar Fields who rent or part buy, but various authorities appear to be loath to give these figures. Will Morris will come back to the clerk should any further information become available.


Cornwall Council invites one member to attend the Local Planning Forum to be held at 5.30pm on Monday 3rd October at the Council Chamber at St Austell One Stop Shop. The main topic will be ‘The Localism Bill – Neighbourhood Planning’. Cllrs Pritchard and Scoble attended the last Local Planning Forum at Truro and it was not felt that the benefits justified the journey. It was agreed that this council would not send a representative – clerk to reply.
10. Public Rights of Way
Clerk has been in contact with the contractors and the work has not yet been completed. It was anticipated that all would be cut back by this stage. In view of this he has asked the contractors to only submit the completed schedules and invoice when all work is complete and give sufficient time for some of the paths to be walked and checked. When this is done the invoice will be put before the council for payment, ideally at the meeting on 1st September. Cllr Westlake has inspected some of the paths and found more work is required in the New Mill area and the meeting expressed concern that this work is late in being completed this year.
11. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
All instructions, where applicable, from the last meeting have been completed. The patching on the highway at Gear Hill will take place between 9th and 11th August, weather permitting.
All issues of CALC ‘This Week’ have been circulated to councillors by email.
Cornwall Council – ‘Public Transport Consideration letter has been circulated by email to councillors who have attended the traffic management course for information. This has been used by clerk as extra information required for road closures for Trafalgar celebrations.
Solar Solutions are suggesting a community evening at parish councils village halls. They ask if this is possible. It was agreed that the organisers can contact Landithy Hall if they wish to do a presentation in the parish.
Cornwall Council June Localism newsletter has been circulated by email to all councillors.
Cornwall Council Green Paper for Active lifestyles has been circulated to councillors by email as there was an event to voice views on the document at Truro Health Park at on 27th July. Noted.
Cornwall Highways announce a road closure between 19th and 23rd September for poling works on B3306 between Higher Bojewyan and Trevowhan, Morvah, and diversions are through Madron. Noted
MacMillan Cancer Support is asking people to organise ‘World’s largest coffee mornings’ on 30th September. Notices have been circulated for notice boards
Clerk has circulated to members a letter from Cornwall Council concerning the future of the Code of Conduct. (Cllr Jenkin declared an interest). Since the publication of the agenda CALC have forwarded details of letters relating to the code. These have been circulated to members by email. Clerk has discussed this with members present at the Planning Advisory Panel on 1st August. The feeling of these councillors is that we cannot be our own judge and jury and we should be interested in an advice service from Cornwall Council which may cost between £200 and £400 annually but may be worth the expense to ensure that the public see that this council is acting properly and that any complaints are properly investigated. However there will be future meetings to find the best way forward and it was unanimously agreed that it is advisable to await developments. The clerk was instructed to complete the questionnaire accordingly.
Cornwall Council Older Peoples’ Advisors are represented by Cllr Matthews in this parish. Cornwall Council is asking if any other councillors wish to be involved. Cllr Matthews reported that he had only dealt with one enquiry and it was felt that any councillor would direct any elderly person with problems to Cllr Matthews.
CRCC are asking villages to compete for ‘Cornwall Sustainability Village of the Year’ The winning village will receive £1000 and all entrants will receive a practical prize – noted


Clerk informed members that the clerk at Sithney Parish Council, where the clerk was in office for eight years, has resigned suddenly as she has been offered a new job which means she will be unable to carry on her duties at Sithney. Sithney Parish Council has asked the clerk to consider returning but he has declined. However he has stated that providing Madron Parish Council has no objections he will take over if necessary until a new clerk is in place. This arrangement is anticipated to be for a maximum of two months. It was agreed that there was no objection to the clerk assisting Sithney Parish Council.
The Rotary Club are organising a sponsored cycle ride on Sunday 11th September from Marazion and posters will be posted to boards.
12. Proposed Madron Parish Council Website
Cllr Westlake reported that he has had meetings concerning the transfer of the Madron website to this council. He has a change of account management form which should be amended to show the clerk as the owner and payments to be made from Madron Parish Council, Community Account. He will liaise with the clerk and various items have to be agreed and clarified. He will report back to the next meeting but he is hopeful that the website should be operational by the autumn.
13. Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund
Clerk reported that he had received formal notice that £5000.00 was available from Cornwall Council in lieu of this fund. They state that this is no longer forthcoming from the government and any future grants will have to be negotiated. The actual payment is still awaited and clerk understands that the payments will be made in early August. He has emailed councillors to inform them that this money will be available for community projects asking them to advise organisations. He has also discussed this with the chairman and vice chairman and it is recommended that any applications be submitted to the clerk by 26th August at the latest, and he will place these before the council meeting on 1st September for decisions to be made where the money is to be allocated. He has also prepared notices to be attached to boards
14. Allotments within Madron Parish
Chairman and clerk looked at Parc Abnac allotments whilst touring the parish on 14th July and found them to be in a poor state. They looked at the land as possible use for affordable housing if the allotments were out of use. Clerk contacted Cornwall Council Estates Office at Penzance at it appears that the allotments on site are allocated. One contains chickens from a long standing agreement, one holder has a broken collar bone, three are being maintained properly, two have just been taken over and the three remaining allotment holders have been informed that if there was no improvement by 25th July the allotments would be allocated to people on the waiting list. He has also spoken to Sheila Wilson at Bolitho Estates who states that there are 15 allotments at Landithy all in use and inspected regularly. There is a waiting list of 25 people awaiting allotments at this location. Local councillors were asked to check on the allotments from time to time and if there are no improvements clerk will go back to Cornwall Council. This is for information.
15. West Penwith Town and Parish Community Forum – 21st July 2011 and Visit of Leader of Cornwall Council and Cabinet Members to Penzance on 26th July 2011
This forum was attended by Cllrs Pritchard and Scoble and clerk. The item relating to IT for planning applications has been discussed in other planning matters at item 9. The other item related to the lack of attention to the Penzance area by Cornwall Council and this was the focus of the meeting with Alec Robertson and his cabinet members at Penzance on 26th July.
There were many questions from the floor directed at the considered lack of attention by Cornwall Council to Penzance. Examples are the closure of the tourist information centre, street cleaning, moving planning details to Camborne and problems relating to West Cornwall Hospital. The Cornwall Councillors listened to the complaints and whilst they stated they were handicapped by a 20% cut in funding they will return in 6 months to show what had been done to address the complaints or to explain why they were unable to do so.
The next Town and Parish Forum will be held at St Johns Hall, Penzance on Thursday 22nd September 2011 at 7pm. The notes from the last meeting have been circulated by email.


16. CALC – The Queens Diamond Jubilee Beacons
There is a proposal to light 2012 beacons across the United Kingdom on Monday 4th June 2012 to celebrate the Queens Diamond Jubilee and there is a registration form to be completed if Madron Parish Council wishes to take part. It was unanimously agreed that Madron should be involved and Cllrs Matthews and Bates will take responsibility for the beacon and clerk to complete the registration.
17. Finance
Cllr Scoble proposed and Cllr Jenkin seconded, and it was unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid:- W.E. Wilkins, clerk, salary £433.65, office allowance £30.00, mileage £66.00, Disbursement £26.25, Trafalgar expenses £0.92; HMCR, PAYE for clerk £108.40; R. Hibbert for this meeting £10.00.
As explained in item 10 – Public Rights of Way, at this stage there are no invoices pending for LMP contractors.
18. Time and date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 1st September 2011 at Madron Community Rooms.