THURSDAY 2nd AUGUST 2012 AT 7.15pm

Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr I. Phillips
Cllr. M. Scoble Cllr D. Westlake
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr C. Bone
Cllr R. Mann Cllr S. Bates
Cornwall Cllr W.Maddern .

Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and one member of the public

Cllrs Miss M. Christopher, V. Peake, Cornwall Cllr Miss I. Bailey, PC Thomas, PCSO Taylor. Cornwall Cllr Maddern reported that Cornwall Cllr Bailey was ill and clerk was asked to forward a ‘get well’card to Cornwall Cllr Bailey on behalf of this council.
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on 5th July 2012 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
Item 9 Planning – all applications – Cornwall Cllr Maddern as a Cornwall Councillor
Item 14 Finance – item relating to Landithy Hall – Cllrs Scoble, Pritchard and Matthews as Landithy Hall Managers.
4. Public Participation
Hilary Richins reported that some horse riders are playing music and texting as they ride in New Mill, Gulval and Madron areas which created a hazard to road users. Cllr Pritchard agreed and also noticed that horses rode abreast on the road regularly and did not tack back when traffic was in their vicinity. Clerk was instructed to email police requesting attention to the problem and Cllr Matthews would report these problems to local stables in Bone Valley.
5. Police Report
In the absence of police officers clerk gave the police report for July 2012. There were two crimes compared to three in the corresponding month last year. AP12/1666 – between 8am and 9.30am on 22nd a window was smashed at a business premises in Madron: AP12/1742 – between 4pm on 29th and 10am on 30th stones were removed from an ancient building at Madron. Locals to the area have replaced the stones and completed repairs.
Reports of anti-social behaviour in Madron remain low but orange paint ball pellets have been fired at several properties. There is no long lasting damage and youths have been spoken to and enquiries are ongoing

6. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Pritchard reported that he and the clerk had discussions with Cllr Christopher in relation to entries relating to parish council meetings in The Cornishman newspaper. Cllr Christopher states that she will endeavour to include detail from meetings in her column relating to Madron as soon as possible after the meeting.
Cllr Pritchard referred to the email circulation relating to a presentation by St Dennis Branch to Cornwall Waste Development Advisory Panel on 11th July 2012. Full details have been circulated to councillors by email. Cllr Pritchard felt that Cornwall Council had made a big mistake in not adopting these proposals as they have worked well in other areas.
Cllr Pritchard attended the Kernow Care Commissioning Meeting held at St Clare on 25th July 2012 under the chairmanship of Dr. Walden. The meeting concentrated on obtaining peoples’ experiences of the health service. These experiences helped to assist Kernow Care. It was also stated that there was an Urgent Care Clinic at West Cornwall Hospital which was running but delays had been due to some problems but particularly in persuading ambulance drivers to go to West Cornwall as opposed to Treliske. On the positive side Dr Walden was amazed how much help there was in the voluntary sector. Cllr Pritchard suggested that this was an ideal topic for the West Cornwall Community Forum and Cornwall Cllr Maddern agreed and will put the suggestion forward for consideration.
7. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Phillips reported that the surface on footpath 55 near to Chysauster had eroded badly due to the wet summer. Cllr Westlake suggested that councillors with these complaints should contact Cornwall Council themselves as they can give more details if required and Cllr Phillips agreed to do this.
8. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Maddern agreed to support various items discussed on this agenda.
9. Planning
(Cornwall Cllr Maddern declared an interest) PA12/05884 – change of use of former barn/ancillary residential building to a detached dwelling at Boskednan Farm, New Mill – supported
PA12/06117 – a domestic (under 10m) wind turbine and fencing at the top of the adjacent field, buried under cable to take the power to the house at Sunny Corner, Trengwainton – supported
PA12/05844 – felling of one sycamore at Herb Cottage, Far End, Fore Street, Madron – decided not to make a Tree Preservation Order.
Other Planning Matters
Clerk has made enquiries with Cornwall Council Planning Enforcement in relation to complaints regarding Pendragon at New Mill and Tregoddick Farm at Madron.
David Clough has contacted the clerk regarding Pendragon and he has held meetings with both the complainants and the site owners concerning various matters. This has resulted in certain aspects being referred to other services for consideration and advice. Cornwall Council has also now received a further application (PA12/06022) for a certificate of lawfulness for a proposed single storey extension to the property and another application for a proposed two storey extension is expected to be received shortly. Determination of the applications has implications for the enforcement position and Mr Clough will be liaising with the planning officer dealing with the applications.
Enforcement Officer Sally Brown has informed clerk and Cornwall Cllr Maddern that a dog warden has visited Tregoddick Farm and the animals are in order. It is understood that the homing of the dogs is a temporary measure. Sally Brown will have a meeting with the owner of the property on 15th August and will update the clerk if any matters raise concern.
10. Public Rights of Way
Clerk reported that the contractors work is on schedule, the gold paths having had their first cut before the last meeting and now the silver and other paths have been cut. The invoices from the contractors are included in the finance section of this meeting.

Cllr Westlake reported that he had attended the AGM of PAROW. The organisation has a large quantity of equipment and is now in a position to do private work which may be useful to this council in the future. Cornwall Council now allocates their work on public rights of way to Cormac who bill the council. Comments were also made concerning the ‘Tinners’ Way’ which is really a footpath and as such there is no right for the use of the path by horses or motor cycles.
Cllr Westlake also reported that the contractors had informed him of a problem where a path had been obstructed by barbed wire over a stock fence. This is on footpath 27, a gold path, at Eureka Farm, Bosullow on land owned by Mr Poor. Cllr Westlake asked the clerk to make an official complaint to Cornwall Council on behalf of this council requesting enforcement in order to keep this path open. This was agreed by the meeting.
Clerk reported that he had received an email from Cllr Christopher complaining that a stile had not been cut out properly on footpath 5 between Madron and Heamoor. It was again agreed that the councillor should contact the contractor directly and clerk should forward the contact number to Cllr Christopher
Cornwall Council has written to confirm the Public Path Order on footpath 40 on land at Bodrifty Farm/Bodrifty Vean. This council had raised no objection to the order.
11. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting had been completed but to date he was still awaiting responses from The Delivery Manager at Royal Mail, Penzance to his letter concerning issues from previous meeting.
‘First’ have replied to the concerns about buses turning at Trelawney Estate. They say they have carried out a risk assessment. They found no damage and are satisfied that there is no need to change the present arrangement as it is considered that there is sufficient room to turn vehicles at this point. However, they offer a site visit if councillors so wish. After discussion with Cllr Bates it was decided that a site meeting would serve no purpose.
Clerk has also received a reply to his letter to Trythall School regarding the parking outside the school. The Headteacher promises complete co-operation and has contacted parents and will do all possible to ensure that the road is kept clear of cars causing any obstruction.
Cornwall Council has issued a review of the recommendations concerning polling stations. This council had supported no change regarding Trythall School and Landithy Hall, but there is further request for approval of the draft. This was accepted and clerk to inform the elections officer accordingly.
Rotary Club of Mounts Bay are sponsoring a bicycle ride on 9th September from Marazion for Cancer Research UK. Details have been forwarded for notice boards.
Cornwall Council Localism newsletter dated 17th July 2012 has been circulated by email.
CALC ‘This Week’ issues 21 and 22 have been circulated by email.
Cornwall Council Leader’s message of 20th July has also been circulated by email.
Newquay Town Council letter to councils concerning public convenience devolution from Cornwall Council has been forwarded to councillors by email for information.
11a. West Penwith Town and Parish Council Community Forum – 19th July 2012
Chairman, Cllr Scoble and clerk attended the event. Presentations were given in relation to a Festival of Sport to be based at Marazion from 14th to 16th September, the feedback from consultations to Planning and Regeneration on The Core Strategy and Community Network Area discussion papers, Street Light pilots proposal, and the ‘Cleaner, Greener, Safer action plan’ by the Penwith Community Network Manager.
Chairman gave details of the street light project in relation to dimmer lights, and some lights being turned off at midnight, but lights would operate all night in areas where CCTV is in operation and town centres
The Community Safety officer outlined the problems in Penzance which had the highest anti-social and domestic violence problems in the county and more drugs in St Just area than anywhere else in Cornwall. He described the efforts being made to educate people and reduce the problems


The Core Strategy and Community Network had taken into account matters raised by this council and other councils with concerns about creating employment for the new householders and also ensuring that villages do not join and lose their identity
An email from David Slatter, Group Leader of Delivery Team for Planning and Regeneration has been forwarded by email to councillors inviting responses to the framework vision for Penzance/Newlyn by 24th August. It was agreed that this council had expressed their concerns in the original consultation and therefore no further comments were necessary
Clerk reported that on the subject of Cornwall Council’s Core Strategy, a letter from ‘Save our unspoilt land’, ‘Trelawney Alliance’, ‘Truro Concern’ and ‘CoSERG’ has been circulated to councillors by email. This relates to a policy of building 48,000 houses over the next 20 years to tie in with the alleged increase in population and they estimate that the population of Cornwall will exceed 1 million by the end of the century. The organisations are concerned about saving the countryside and feel that the actual need is for 12000 to 13000 houses. They ask parish councils to agree to sign the letter attached to the mail addressed to Cornwall Councillors. It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Scoble and agreed that the letter should be signed conveying the support of this council to the objectors. This action was also supported by Cornwall Cllr Maddern
12. Parish Risk Assessment for Parish – 16th July 2012
This assessment had been carried out by Chairman, clerk and auditing councillors on 16th July. Generally all was in order, but the hedge at the side of The Green needs trimming and Cllr Pritchard was dealing with this. After the assessment had been completed and circulated by email to councillors Cllr Christopher expressed concerns that the notice board in Fore Street, Madron, leaked. Cllr Bates agreed to attempt to make this waterproof and Cllr Mann also offered to take similar action on the boards at Badgers Cross.
13.Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration mugs.
Clerk reported that he had ordered 10 mugs at a price of £80.40. It appears that the mugs are made at Connor Downs and so the company have advised clerk to collect them when they are ready in order to save the cost of transport and insurance. This was approved. Six of the mugs have been ordered and paid for and so there are four remaining for sale at £6 each.
14. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Matthews, seconded by Cllr Mann, and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £520.46, office allowance £30.00, mileage £30.00, mileage in connection with Trafalgar celebrations £22.00, disbursement £2.10; HMRC – PAYE for clerk £130.00; Audit Commission – audit 2010-2011 £342.00; invoices from the two contractors, N. Prowse and A. Clemens for path cutting amounting to £640.64 each. Cllr Westlake had received no complaints and all work was done on schedule.
Clerk has also received an invoice from J and H Plumbing and Heating for £624.71 for work at Landithy Hall.(Cllrs Scoble, Pritchard and Matthews declared interests) A deposit of £600.00 has already been paid and the expenditure was agreed by this council as part of the ALSF grant to Landithy Hall. It was proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr Mann, and unanimously agreed that the above accounts be paid.
15. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm on Thursday 6th September 2012 at Madron Community Rooms
16. Exclusion of Public and Press from remainder of meeting
It was proposed by Cllr Westlake, seconded by Cllr Roberts, and unanimously agreed that the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds that it may disclose exempt information in accordance with Part1A, Schedule 12 of The Local Government Act 1972.
17. Code of Conduct and Councillors’ Register of Interests.
Chairman, Cllr Scoble and clerk had attended a meeting at Ludgvan on 18th July where Sarah Mason from CALC had given advice on the new Register of Interest forms. Clerk has forwarded to members blank Register of Interest forms which were completed by members at the meeting and returned to the clerk to forward to Cornwall Council