THURSDAY 1st AUGUST 2013 AT 7.30pm

Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Mrs G. Burlton
Cllr. M. Scoble Cllr S.Bates
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr C. Bone
Cllr R. Mann (& Cornwall Cllr) Cllr I. Phillips
Cllr V. Peake

Cornwall Cllr W.Maddern PC. Thomas

Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and two members of the public

Cllr Tanner.
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on Thursday 4th July 2013 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Dispensations
Cllr Burlton requested dispensation in matters relating to Madron Playing Field and also Madron Youth Group as a committee member of the playing Field Committee and organiser of the Youth Group. Clerk agreed to this dispensation.
Clerk informed members that councils now need to record which members intend to use their dispensations at meetings. The following dispensations are to be used during this meeting: –
Cllr Bates – Madron Playing Field as ex committee member
Cllr Jenkin – markings on the Green as a governor of St Maddern School.
Cllr Burlton – Madron Playing Field as a committee member
5. Public Participation
6. Police Report
PC Thomas gave the police report for July. During the month one crime was reported as opposed to two in July 2012. AP13//1744 – between 19th and 20th July a wooden cross on a grave was pulled out and flowers destroyed. Enquiries are on-going Reports of anti-social behaviour in Madron remain low, although there have been complaints in relation to anti-social use of mopeds and this is being addressed with local youths PC Thomas asked for any information relating to the mopeds and their riders to be forwarded to him.


7. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Pritchard attended a NHS Kernow meeting which dealt with local problems and policies The main interest was geared to Poltair Hospital, but the subject was reluctantly discussed as it had been planned to discuss this in closed session. People asked for an honest assessment as to what was happening to the hospital as it appears that the hospital was likely to be closed for purely financial reasons. People present were informed that there will be a consultation regarding this but emphasis now is now being concentrated on community work and visits to
patients’ homes.
8. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Peake informed members that Hilary Richings, who is the New Mill correspondent in ‘The Cornishman’ and has been a great supporter of this council, is ill and he suggested that the clerk should send a ‘get well’ card with the best wishes of this council. This was unanimously agreed.
Cllr Peake wished it to be recorded that recently in the region of 60 hounds had been walked by four people in the area of ‘Break my Neck’ Lane and the hounds had been aggressive to walkers whilst they were out of control. Complaints have been made to the Hunt and apologies have been received but there have been previous incidents, one where a walker has been bitten and it was worthy of recording the incident for information..
Cllr Mann suggested that future agendas be changed so that ‘Public Participation’ becomes the first item in the agenda as this is the policy of several other councils. Cllr Pritchard felt that this was a backward step as the public have a chance to see how the council operates by being present for a short time before they speak. Cllr Burlton supported this view saying that when her youth group had attended a meeting they had learned a lot listening to the procedures before their item was discussed in Public Participation. The general feeling was that the agenda should remain and Cllr Mann assured members that this was a comment and not a proposal.
Cllr Bone reported rubbish dumped near to the Newbridge turn on the Morvah side of Madron Carn. Cornwall Cllr Maddern agreed to take this to Cornwall Council on the morning after the meeting,
9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Maddern was concerned about the responsibility for the poles on the footpath at the rear of Trafalgar Fields left by builders, causing a hazard. The question of responsibility for removing these was open to question and Cllr Bates offered to remove the poles and clear the path.
Cornwall Cllr Mann reported that so far as Madron was concerned things were quiet although issues were present in Ludgvan and Long Rock. He would comment on Aggregates Levy and Planning Enforcement at the appropriate point in the meeting
10. Planning
PA13/06012 – listed building consent in respect of extension and alterations to form annex accommodation – amended scheme PA11/10056) – at Lower Boskenning Barn, Heamoor. Clerk reminded members that the original application was supported by this council in January 2012. It was unanimously agreed that the application be supported.
PA12/07252 – certificate of lawfulness for internal works to studio/workshop to provide a studio/apartment incidental to the property at Hellangove Barton, Gulval – granted
PA13/02860 – retention and completion of a single storey rear extension to Floriana, New Mill – approved.
Other Planning Matters
EN13/01515 – new case – alleged unauthorised stationing of a residential caravan at land at Lower Bosulval Farm, New Mill. Cllr Mann informed members that this was under investigation.
EN13/02116 and EN12/01920 – alleged unauthorised change of use of land to caravan site and alleged breach of condition at Demelza Cottage, Ladydowns – breach now ceased and condition not expedient – case closed

EN12/00678- alleged unauthorised sub-division of house at Berkeley Lodge, Kenegie Hill, Gulval, to form two residential units of accommodation – breach now ceased – case closed
EN12/02840 – alleged use of property for full time residential use at 14 Old Court, Kenegie Manor Holiday Park, – no breach found.
Clerk reported that concern was expressed at the June meeting that an agricultural barn was being used for residential accommodation at the bottom of Bone Valley. Sally Brown from Planning Enforcement has contacted the clerk to inform him that a visit had been made and the occupants seen. It was quite correct that people were living in a static caravan on a permanent basis alleging that they required staying on site due to the produce being grown there. The occupants will put in a planning application for permanent occupation and for agricultural use and this is expected to be forthcoming within the next month. They are aware of the planning regulations but an added complication is that there is a child resident in the caravan. Sally Brown will now be on leave and the new officer dealing is Donna Proctor. Cornwall Cllr Mann endorsed the clerk’s comments and agreed to maintain an interest in this matter.
Cllr Roberts reported that caravans have been moved to Noongallas Site on Saturday 27th July and clerk was instructed to inform Planning Enforcement and Planning Officers as this was the first day of their 28 day period to allow caravans on site.
11. Public Rights of Way
Clerk reported that all the silver paths had been cut on time by the contractors and he had received no complaints concerning the work. The invoices from the contractors are included in the finance section of this agenda. Cllr Tanner was checking the New Mill side and Cllr Burlton the Madron side. Cornwall Cllr Mann reported that bridleway 55 was only cut to footpath width and clerk was instructed to ask the contractors to ensure that this is cut to the proper width in the second cut in September.
12. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions had been completed from the last meeting.
CALC are issuing a new edition of ‘The Good Councillors Guide’ at a cost of £2 each, plus postage. Clerk has spoken with the chairman as there are only limited amounts available and, with his agreement, has ordered 14 copies, one for each councillor, one for the clerk and one to be held in reserve.
Clerk has circulated details of seagull proof packs being held by Cornwall Council for town and parish councils to buy in bulk to sell on locally. These are priced at £3 each. Clerk reminded that these packs had been on offer before but this council had declined to take up any offer as wheelie bins were in use in the parish. Details have been circulated to councillors by email and it was agreed that no further action was necessary
Dr Neil Walden from NHS Cornwall has written concerning a review of West Cornwall services and Poltair Hospital. This letter has been circulated to members by email and it is proposed to hold a 12 week consultation from the beginning of September and the public will be able to have their say through a series of public meetings and workshops.
Trafalgar Sunday, 20th October 2013. Clerk reported that he had arranged for the printing of invitations to be completed by Cornwall Council. He has also had meetings with the chairman, Revd Tim Hawkins and Revd Mike Hersant to decide on a list of people to be invited and Cllr Jenkin was able to add her views. He has ordered the coach for the sea cadets and confirmed arrangements for the road closures and for the coning to be done on 19th October.
The notice boards are now complete and in place and an invoice will be submitted for the work to be paid at the next meeting
West Penwith Community Network Panel (Forum) meet at 7pm on Thursday 8th August 2013 at St Johns Hall – agenda has been circulated to councillors by email. Cllrs Roberts and Scoble agreed to attend with the clerk. Cllr Pritchard suggested that the forum should consider the use of people on probation being used to assist parishes with various services as this facility had been of benefit previously and some councils were not aware of this being available. Cornwall Cllr Maddern noted this.


13. Madron Playing Field
Cllrs Bates, Jenkin, Scoble, Burlton and the chairman and clerk attended a meeting with the Playing Field Committee on 11th July. It was agreed that the playing field was in a worrying state and every effort would be made to invite people from the village to be involved with the field. It was decided to contact as many as possible to attend an Annual General Meeting on 24th July.
Clerk attended this Annual General Meeting on behalf of the parish council at the request of the chairman as all local councillors were unavailable. There were seven people present in addition to the clerk. No accounts were available as the treasurer had resigned and so a true assessment of the financial situation could not be made. The chairman stood down from the meeting, Connie Strowger will remain as secretary, Revd. Tim Hawkins will take over as treasurer and Steve Palmer is the new chairman. A full committee has been appointed and Cllr Gill Burlton from this council is a member of the new committee. There was huge disappointment that there was poor support from people in the village, particularly those with children but the people present were determined to press on and do all they could to ensure the field remains in use in the village. Cllr Burlton informed members that she intended to target the school and the youth groups in an effort to involve parents with the playing field.
14. Aggregates Levy
Clerk informed members that currently Ludgvan Parish have received £5000 as Cornwall Council feel that they are mostly inconvenienced by the lorries from the Quarry. Consideration was being given to Madron’s share but it was likely to be less than the previous year’s £5000 as it was felt that Madron was not badly inconvenienced. Clerk reminded members that at the last meeting he had reported that Ludgvan Parish Council had instructed their clerk to submit an invoice to Cornwall Council for £5000 to get things moving and this had paid dividends, and in view of this he had been instructed to take the same action on behalf of Madron (see item 15 of minutes for meeting on 4th July 2013) which he had done.
Cornwall Cllr Mann informed members that he had been in discussions with Cornwall Council regarding this but he felt members should be aware that the term Aggregates Levy was a misnomer as the government was no longer responsible for this as the onus had been passed to Cornwall Council two years ago. The grant is now discretionary and there are suggestions that Gulval should receive compensation for lorries travelling through the village.. The term Aggregates Levy had been retained for convenience. He hoped that by the next meeting he would be able to inform members the sum allocated to this parish
15. Markings on The Green surface
Cllr Mann asked the meeting for this to be held in closed session as contracts were being considered and the chairman deferred this item to the end of the meeting.
16. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Matthews, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £536.90, office Allowance £30.00, mileage £29.70, disbursements £54.54; HMRC – PAYE and Nat Ins. £138.35; N. Prowse and A. Clemens for cutting silver paths £640.64 each; Cornwall Council for uncontested elections £254.52 Clerk reported that CALC had taken up with Cornwall Council the costs incurred in uncontested elections but most of the costs were mandatory and so no reduction could be given.
Cllrs Roberts and Tanner visited the clerk on 9th July and conducted the firs audit of this financial year and all was found to be in order.
Clerk reported that his mileage rate should be reduced from 50p per mile to 45p per mile in order to comply with tax requirements. He has claimed at the 45p rate for July. This was agreed
Clerk then reported that there has been an agreement for a national pay rise for parish and town clerks and this means that his salary should increase by 11.1 pence per hour and this is backdated to 1st April 2013.
It was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Bates and unanimously agreed that the clerk should be paid in accordance with the amended NALC pay scales.


Clerk reported that he had in the region of 90 invitations to send out for the Trafalgar Sunday and each envelope had a reply card included. Second class stamps are 50p and so each invitation will cost £1 in postage and so he asked for a cheque for the sum of £100.00 and he will record the stamps used in his postage book which was used previously to save on postage when the last price rise came in. It was proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr Scoble and agreed that the clerk be issued with £100.00 for second class postage. This was infamously agreed..
Cllr Pritchard then felt that this was an appropriate time to review the payment of disbursement as he felt that the clerk’s personal money should be kept separate from the council money and as the clerk was out of pocket for a period each month he felt that a petty cash system should be brought into operation. This was endorsed by Cllr Scoble who proposed that the clerk should hold the sum of £100.00 in petty cash and this should be brought up to the £100 level at each meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Bone and unanimously accepted.
Clerk reported that the Jubilee Sailing Trust had made a request for a donation (circulated by email to councillors) It was agreed to defer this to the end of the financial year in accordance with council policy
Item 15 (deferred)
Clllr Mann proposed, Cllr Roberts seconded and it was unanimously agreed that the public and press be excluded from the meeting on the grounds that it may disclose exempt information in accordance with Part 1A, schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972. Two members of the public left at this point)
Clerk reported that estimates had been received for the markings on The Green to ensure the safety of children from the cars parking and driving away. A quotation of £259.83 plus VAT (recoverable) by Cormac was accepted and it has been confirmed that the work can be done during the school holidays
17. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm on Thursday 5th September 2013 at Madron Community Rooms.