
THURSDAY 7th AUGUST 2014 AT 7.30pm
Draft to be confirmed on 4th September 2014
Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (vice chairman) Cllr V. Peake (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr H. Eddy
Cllr S. Pritchard Cllr. M. Scoble
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr C. Bone
Cllr G. Tanner Cllr S. Bates Cllr I. Phillips

Cornwall Cllrs W.Maddern and R Mann

Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and 6 members of the public

Cllr Mrs G. Burlton
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on 3rd July 2014 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
Item 10 Planning – application PA14/06659 at Garris Farm, Gulval – Cllr Phillips declared an interest as applicant.
Item 10 Planning – application PA14/05987 at Mulfra Farm, New Mill – Cllrs Roberts Matthews and Bone declared interests as friends of the applicant.
4. Dispensations
5. Public Participation
Mr Roy Curnow addressed the meeting in his capacity as a planning consultant in relation to the planning application at Mulfra Farm and Mr Olds added his comments to the effect that this was a to be a home for Mrs Old’s son, wife and three children in the farm which had been in the family possession since 1961.
6. Police Report
Clerk reported that PC Thomas had emailed to report that there were no reported crimes within the parish during July – this compares with one report during July 2013.
7. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Roberts reported that she had received reports of three letter boxes outside Foxes Farm Shop at Trevaylor and there are concerns that there may be people living in the farm sheds. It was agreed that further information is required before any action can be taken as it was not known if there were any names on the boxes and they could relate to workers presently staying there.


Cllr Roberts also had concerns that there may be erosion under the road at New Mill opposite the entrance to the old quarry which is now overgrown as the road is sinking and there are pools of water in the dip in the road. Clerk was instructed to ask Highways to investigate.
Cllr Roberts has also been informed that there was unlikely to be any update of broadband in the New Mill area for five years. Cornwall Cllr Mann understood that it was believed the work would be done during the latter part of this year but he will follow this up.
8. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Pritchard commented on the concern that there was no bus service from Madron to Penzance between 8am and 9am when it is one of the peak times. Responses had been made by Cornwall Cllr McKenna and Mr Williams, Area Manager for First.. He edxplained that there were no services available to fit into the structure and the Community Bus woukld be unable to leave Penwith College until 8.50am which would not solve the problem.
Cllr Pritchard reported that the new plaque stating that the play equipment had been supplied by this council in May 2014 is to be fixed to the fence on the young children’s area of the playing field. He expressed the view that it was an extremely smart addition to the play area.
Cllr Scoble informed members that there were complaints about the untidy appearance of areas around gas installations in the village and he requested that the clerk contacted the Gas Board asking for areas around these installations to be covered in gravel. This was agreed.
Cllr Scoble has been receiving notices pushed through his door with requests that they be inserted in the notice boards. However when council notices are installed there is virtually no room. Clerk reminded members that the Openness and Transparency Regulations 2014 state that the latest agendas, minutes and council notices must be displayed in a prominent place and therefore council notices must take preference. He also pointed out that the matter of a community notice board was broached in January and the ‘Well Wishers’ made enquiries as it had been agreed that that organisation would supply the board and be responsible for its maintenance and notices and this council would consider giving a donation towards the cost..
Clerk was instructed to write to the ‘Well Wishers’ that after 1st January 2015 only parish council notices will be displayed as it was understood that the ‘Well Wishers’ had sufficient funds to provide the board as promised.. He was also instructed to provide notices of this decision to be placed on the boards so that the public are aware.
9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Maddern.informed the meeting that James Hardy, the new Cornwall Council Network Manager for Penwith, has taken up his post and initial observations are very favourable. Mr Hardy wishes to visit council meetings to introduce himself to all councillors and it was agreed to invite him to the Madron meeting on 2nd October. Clerk to confirm this by email.
Cornwall Cllr Mann informed the meeting that the traveller had now left Heather Bray. He then advised the meeting that the Library service was likely to be reduced to one vehicle for the whole of Cornwall and there would inevitably be a longer term between visits to villages and several villages will be without the service. There will be a consultation period to review this.
Cllr Mann has also been involved in the ‘Penzance Framework for the next 20 years’ and there are likely to be 80 houses planned for the Poltair Hospital site when it is sold in July next year. Cllr Maddern added that there are also further possibilities about changes to the Penzance By-Pass to reduce speed and have pedestrian crossings as further housing was proposed alongside this road. At this stage this is only speculation and Cllr Pritchard felt that it will be a ‘fait accompli’ with no chance of objection if this is planned.
10. Planning
PA14/04961 – conversion of existing barn to form annexe for ancillary accommodation at Carnequidden Barn, New Mill – supported
PA14/06659 – alterations top cowshed to include relocation of south gable wall and partially rebuild east elevation and re-covering roof at Garris Farm, Gulval – (Cllr Phillips declared an interest and left the room) – supported


PA14/05987 – conversion and extension of redundant barn to dwelling at Mulfra Farm, New Mill (Cllrs Roberts, Bone and Matthews declared interests and left the room) – supported.
PA14/06584 – reduction of branches on one macrocarpa tree and reduction of conifer hedge at Vicarage Cottage, Church Road Madron. Clerk informed members that this was forwarded to this council for information and would be decided by delegated powers and no comment was required from this meeting.
Other Planning Matters
PA13/007693 – retention of static caravan for use as an agricultural worker’s dwelling at Slight Hill, Heamoor – an appeal against the refusal of this application was held at Camborne on 5th August 2014. It is anticipated that the result will not be known for a few weeks
11. Public Rights of Way
A public enquiry will be held at Landithy Hall on13th January 2015 regarding the upgrading of a footpath to bridleway and extension of the bridleway at Mulfra. Clerk reported that this council did have concerns about the suitability due to poor surface and also the narrowness which would cause problems when horses had to pass from opposite directions. However this was a safety issue as opposed to an objection. It was agreed that there was no need for attendance from this council at the enquiry.
Cllr Tanner has produced a thorough report on the state of the footpaths in the parish and this has been circulated by email to all councillors.(Appendix 1) He had walked several paths and was satisfied that the contractors had done a good job, three stiles had been missed but they had returned and completed this work.
He was concerned that paths 35, 37 and 18 had been obstructed by overplanting of crops. It was agreed that the problem will not exist in a few weeks when the harvesting is completed but the clerk was asked to write to the farmer, Mr Adrian Nicholls of Boswarthen Farm, asking for his cooperation in future years.
The next problem was that the upper section of path 24 is missing as it is completely overgrown with scrub and bracken and is no longer visible. This is a silver grade path. It now terminates at Mount Whistle but it should continue north across country to join up near the bottom of a green lane which is blocked at a point where it should meet path 24. The OS map shows the lane should continue to meet the track from Ding Dong down to the Madron/Morvah road. Cllr Tanner has taken this up with Cornwall Council and the clerk was instructed to write to the landowner, Bolitho Estates, to inform them of the intention to re-open this route.
12. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
All instructions from the last meeting have been completed.
The date for the Trafalgar Celebrations and Nelson Memorial Service and parades will be Sunday 19th October this year. Clerk has made the necessary arrangements regarding road closures and cones for the route of the parade. He has also informed the police and been in contact with the PCSOs who will attend. He has contacted Captain Mark Garratt from RNAS Culdrose, who will take the salute, and he has also been in contact with the Gunnery Officer who will arrange the parade. Arrangements have also been made for the Mayor of Penzance to lay the wreath, and Col. Bolitho, as Lord Lieutenant, has been informed
Clerk met with Rev Tim Hawkins and it was agreed that 85 invitations should be sent out and the printing for this is now completed. Clerk required assistance of councillors to halt traffic at the top of Fore Street and at the top of Madron Hill while the parade passes and also to ensure no cars are parked along the route early on the Sunday morning. Cllr Bates volunteered to stop traffic at the top of\Fore Street and Cllr Peake at the top of Madron Hill. Cllr Pritchard will check the route on the morning of the event.
Cllr Scoble agreed to circulate notices to appropriate residents a few days before the parade giving them warning of the event and asking for the road to be clear of parked vehicles.
The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations has been circulated to councillors by email listing various changes. Noted


The Localism and Devolution Bulletin has also been circulated by email and this includes details of Cornwall Councillors’ Community Chests and conditions for grants.
Cornwall Council have also requested formal acceptance that Landithy Hall and Trythall CP School are suitable for use as polling stations and this was agreed
A letter from the War Memorial Trust has been received via PC Thomas in which they discuss the use of ‘Smart Water’ as a protecting agent and also a crime prevention measure.
As police liaison councillor with a particular interest in the War Memorial this has been referred to Cllr Pritchard who feels that there is no need for this as the memorial in Madron is in granite.
Finally eight councillors and the clerk attended the Code of Conduct Training at Penzance on 29th July. At the training clerk has been informed that there is no longer a need to have a separate register of declarations of interest if they are shown in the minutes.
13. NHS Meeting at Goldsithney concerning the Future of Poltair Hospital
Cllrs Jenkin and Pritchard attended the last meeting representing this council. It had been confirmed that the hospital will be closed by July 2015, a decision the councillors feel could have been announced months ago as this had already been decided.
14. Madron Parish Council Website – Update
Cllr Scoble reported that there has been some problems with photographs fitting into the new scheme but he will take photographs himself and continue to liaise with Audana as it will cost £100 for a professional photographer to do ther work. He will report back to the next meeting.
15. Annual Risk Assessment
Cllrs Roberts and Tanner checked all notice boards and litter bins with the clerk and all was in order although New Mill board required a new lock and some staining. Cllr Peake will do the necessary work.
16. Parking Problems in Trelawney Estate, Madron
An email has been received from Lou Fryett from Devon and Cornwall Housing in which she explains that there is no finance available to assist with the surfacing of grass areas in Trelawney assist with the parking problems. She also has pointed out that the road is the responsibility of Highways and several of the houses in the estate are now privately owned. It was pointed out that Devon and Cornwall Housing cut the grass and so the verge was their responsibility. Cllr Scoble was concerned that if we took on the financing of this it could create precedence as several roads in Madron are likely to have similar problems in the future. Cllr Eddy and other councillors were concerned about parish council responsibilities to the public as there could be no access for emergency services while other councillors supported Cllr Scoble’s views. Cllr Pritchard suggested that this should be considered as a project in the next financial year and it was agree to defer this until the November meeting as the precept is prepared for the next financial year in December. He will obtain a new estimate at that time. It was also agreed that the clerk should contact the emergency services asking for their views about access problems and write to the head of Devon and Cornwall Housing conveying the concerns of this council.
Clerk had noted that there is a large area in front of the houses opposite the old peoples’ bungalows in Fore Street which could be utilised but there would have to be markings on the surface. It was felt that this would not help the problem as it would not be used.
17. West Penwith Town and Parish Forum – 16th July 2014.
Cllrs Roberts, Scoble and Pritchard attended this meeting with the clerk and the main topics were transport and the future format of the forum. Cllr Pritchard informed members that the problems of reductions in finance, staff reductions and other companies not prepared to service some routes were discussed in detail. Smaller operators are now being used for some routes which were not covered.
Clerk reported that the format of the forum is now governed by Cornwall Council to ensure all forums are operating in the same way. The main items for the future are that the forums in Penzance will be held on the second Thursday of the second month, the next one being due in September. There will be no restriction on the number of councillors attending and meetings will also be open to the public to conform to the new openness regulations.


18. Proposals of Disaffection with Cornwall Council
Clerk has circulated by email correspondence from Chasewater Parish Council in which they complain about Cornwall Council. Chasewater Parish Council are suggesting a meeting be held with councils who share their views concerning excessive pay for executives, lack of support for planning recommendations, the use of ‘Cormac’ while not offering jobs to tender and the roles of officers in the ‘business arm’ dealing with items such as Newquay Airport. They allege this is a lack of democracy The Leader of Cornwall Council has responded to these allegations and his response has also been circulated by email to councillors. It was agreed that the clerk should respond to the Leader of Cornwall Council asking him to attend a Town and Parish Network Forum to answer questions and concerns in West Penwith. Cornwall Cllr Maddern will also take this up with the new Network Manager
19.Common Land – Deputation to DEFRA offices in London
Clerk has circulated mail from Edward Richardson from Farm UK in which he invites a representative of this council to join a deputation of four or five interested parties to accompany Andrew George MP to meet with Lord de Mauley, the Minister responsible for the registration of common land to discuss issues affecting this parish on 4th September at 1130am. Cllr Eddy agreed to represent this council and it was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Bone that the expenses incurred should be reimbursed by this council. Clerk to confirm this with Edward Richardson.
20. Clarification of Application to Register Waste of the Manor – Carn Downs
Clerk has circulated a response to his letter to the Planning Inspectorate in which this council feels that the changes in the application warrant a withdrawal and new application. However, the Planning Inspectorate does not agree with this and the application request will go ahead. It was agreed that no further comments were required as the concerns expressed in the original application had been addressed.
21. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Pritchard and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £606.63, office allowance £30.00, mileage £51.30, Trafalgar mileage £21.15, petty cash £97.13; HMRC – PAYE and Nat Ins 164.74; Long Rock Memorials – plaque for playing field £60.00; N. Prowse – cutting silver paths £640.64; A. Clemens – cutting silver paths £640.64.
Clerk will invoice Cormac for reimbursement for path cutting.
Barclays Bank has accepted |Cllr Pritchard as a signatory replacing Cllr Scoble who is now auditing.
20. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 4th September 2014 at Madron Community Rooms.