THURSDAY 6th DECEMBER 2012 AT 7.15pm

Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Miss M. Christopher
Cllr. M. Scoble Cllr D. Westlake
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr C. Bone
Cllr I. Phillips Cllr V. Peake

Cornwall Cllr W.Maddern

Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and two members of the public

Cllrs R. Mann and S. Bates, PC Thomas
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on 1st November 2012 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
Clerk reported that he had received dispensation request forms under the Code of Conduct from Cornwall Council. These applications for dispensation have been completed by Cornwall Cllr Madderm as a Cornwall Councillor, Cllrs Jenkin, Roberts, Bone and Matthews as tenants of Bolitho Estates, Cllrs Pritchard, Scoble and Matthews as Landithy Hall Managers, Cllrs Jenkin and Christopher due to involvement with St Maddern Church.
Clerk reported that this dispensation was part of the Code of Conduct which is to be discussed formally later in the meeting but has been adopted in its initial form at the meeting on 5th July 2012 (minute 15 on 36/10) and these dispensations were approved.
In addition the following declarations of interest were recorded for this meeting: –
Cllrs Westlake and Peake – item 9 Planning, PA12/09353 at Bythmoy, New Mill as friends of the architect
Cllr Roberts – item 9 Planning, PA12/10126 at Demelza Cottage, New Mill as a neighbour.
Cllr Roberts – item 17 Finance in relation to money from Cornwall Council Community Chest as a governor of Trythall School.
4. Public Participation
Hilary Richins expressed her thanks for the work done for the parish by Cornwall Cllr Bailey who had resigned due to ill health.
5. Police Report
In the absence of police officers the clerk gave the crime report for November 2012. There were three reported crimes as opposed to five in November 2011.


On 6th November a man was arrested in Madron and cautioned for possession of cannabis; on 10th November an offence under the Communications Act was recorded due to prank phone calls; between 1st and 20th November a car in Madron was damaged on three separate occasions possibly by local youths and enquiries are ongoing.
PCSO Natalie Zeini has joined the team and it is hoped she will be introduced to councillors soon.
6. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Pritchard gave an account of the Remembrance Sunday service and laying the wreath at St Maddern Church and Memorial Garden on 11th November. The occasion was well supported and he had laid the wreath at the war memorial on behalf of this council.
He pointed out that the War Memorial was in need of refurbishment and he comented that during the next financial year it will be 100 years since the start of the First World War and he suggested that this should be borne in mind when setting the precept as the council could assist with this work. It was agreed that this was worthy of attention and clerk was instructed to make enquiries with Royal British Legion and War Memorial Trust as to the ownership of the memorial and report back when ownership has been determined.
Cllr Pritchard also reported that the chain of office had a silk chain and he had been to St Justin Jewellery in Long Rock and the company were very pleased to be given the opportunity to update the chain they had made over 20 years ago. They have made and fixed a pewter chain to the frontage and Cllr Pritchard handed this to members to gather their opinions. He stated that the cost was £25.00 plus VAT. The members agreed that this was a big improvement and at the price quoted it was worthwhile and it was unanimously agreed that the chain should be purchased by this council. Cllr Pritchard will follow this up and payment will be placed on the agenda at the next meeting.
Cllr Pritchard has also attended a multi-agency meeting at St Ives dealing with policies relating to problem children and families. This was worthwhile as the agencies are now co-operating and sharing information in order to attempt to solve some of the problems..
7. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Scoble informed members that the post office at Heamoor will be relocated into the nearby general store and it is proposed that the outdoor cash dispenser will be located inside the premises. Cllr Scoble has emailed the Post Office (copy to all members by email) to the effect that he objects to this on the grounds that this machine has a large catchment area including Madron and the 24 hour service covers a radius of at least 2 miles. Without this facility transport would be required for people to travel to Penzance or to a supermarket. In addition to this the shop area is small and would not be able to accommodate queues inside the premises and any concerns about late night rowdy behaviour could be solved by closing down the machine from 10pm to 12 midnight. It was agreed that this council supports the action taken by Cllr Scoble and clerk was instructed to forward the views of this council to the Post Office
Cllr Westlake was concerned that at the edge of the road to Trythall School there is large drop and as cars and tractors pass regularly here this was a potential hazard. Cornwall Cllr Maddern agreed to take this up with the Cornwall Cllrs who were taking responsibilities for Gulval Ward and if they are unable to help he will contact Highways.
Cllr Bone reported that the mine shaft at Greenborough Stack had not been fenced as requested by this council and was a danger to people visiting. Cornwall Cllr Maddern agreed to take this up with Cornwall Council.
8. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Clerk reported that had received a formal letter stating that Councillor Irene Bailey was retiring as a Cornwall Councillor due to ill health. The meeting expressed their appreciation of all that Cllr Bailey had done for Madron Parish over the years and the clerk was instructed to send Miss Bailey flowers and write to her thanking her and wishing her a good recovery and all the best for the future. Clerk added that Cllr Bailey had left £668 in her Community Chest to this council and the distribution of this was available for discussion later in the meeting.


Cornwall Cllr Maddern endorsed the remarks of appreciation for Miss Bailey’s work for the area. Cornwall Cllrs Sue Pass and Sue Nicholas were taking over Miss Bailey’s area and they had agreed that Cornwall Cllr Maddern should represent them at Madron Parish Council meetings. Cornwall Cllr Maddern reported that the problems along Trewern Lane at Newbridge had been remedied. He also agreed to supply funding for two dog bins for Madron Village and clerk was instructed to purchase the bins to be delivered to Cllr Scoble and submit a claim for reimbursement from Cornwall Council Community Chest. (ss 5,6 Litter Act 1983)
9. Planning
PA12/09735 – construction of one two-storey pitched roof single family dwelling at land south of 1 Badgers Cross, Gulval. Clerk informed members that Cllr Mann had inspected the plans and he found them totally out of character with the area and he strongly opposed the application and he asked the clerk to convey these views to this meeting. Cllr Phillips agreed with Cllr Mann’s observations and it was unanimously agreed to oppose the application on the stated grounds.
PA12/10126 –(Cllr Roberts declared an interest) removal of condition 3 of W1/10/0060 relating to holiday use only at Demelza Cottage, New Mill. Clerk reported that this council objected to the original application when the address was given as Lady Downs Barn due to over development in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. He has attached to the file a letter of objection from Mr Graham Tanner in which he feels that the applicant’s view that it is not viable as holiday accommodation cannot be taken into account as it only became holiday accommodation in August 2012 and the booking sheet at Classic Cottages show that there are bookings in both December 2012 and during 2013. Council unanimously recommended that they object to this application on the same grounds as their original objection.
PA12/09353 – erection of a detached garage and garden shed at Bythmoy Barn, New Mill – (Cllrs Westlake and Peake declared interests) supported
PA12/09969 and PA12/09977 (listed building) – removal of former greenhouse walls, erection of new greenhouse and poly-tunnel, installation of new tractor/machinery washpad , and water re-cycling plant, additional staff parking, perimeter internal fencing at The Bothy Trengwainton, Madron – supported.
PA12/10913 – two storey side extension at Poltair Cottage, Madron – supported
PA12/06117 –installation of domestic wind turbine and fencing at the top of the adjacent field, buried cable to take the power to the house at Sunny Corner, Trengwainton – approved
PA12/10050 – felling of a Cornish Palm at 7 Bellair Road, Madron – decided not to make a TPO
PA12/06751 – proposed two-storey extension at Pendragon, New Mill – refused
PA12/8307 – installation of 10kw Aircon 10 wind turbine on 10m tower for renewable and sustainable electricity at Moorvue Rural Centre, Great Bosullow – refused
Other Planning Matters
Planning Enforcement EN12/02840 – new complaint of use of property for full time residential occupation at 14 Old Court, Kenegie Holiday Parc
Planning Enforcement Results -EN12/02622 – use of land for camping in excess of 28 days at Noongallas Farm, Gulval – breach now ceased: EN11/2905 – alleged unauthorised stationing of two caravans at Castle Gate lay-by between Badgers Cross and Nancleddra – breach ceased
PA12/08505 – erection of 16 holiday lodges, associated drainage, parking and associated work at Kenegie Manor Holiday Park – clerk reported that this was discussed by planning committee on 3rd December and Cornwall Cllr Maddern confirmed that the application had been granted with conditions to protect the privacy of a nearby property.
10. Public Rights of Way
Clerk reported that full funding for the public rights of way cutting had been received from Cornwall Council and the payment had been raised to 100% of the costs this year which amounted to £3843.4

11. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting had been completed.
Cornwall Council are holding a Caring for the Carer Course at Hayle, 5/6/7 February 2013 – enquiries to 07775756454 or [email protected] – circulated by email
CALC ‘This Week’ issue 29 including the guide to the Localism Act has been circulated to councillors by email.
Clerk informed members that there are four of Queen’s Diamond Jubilee mugs left and asked for ideas as to disposal. It was unanimously agreed that the mugs be donated to Madron Methodist Chapel
The Cornwall Mining World Heritage draft consultation on management plan 2013-2018 has been passed to the Chairman. Cllr Pritchard stated that it was a thorough document and there was nothing that this council can add.
Cornwall Council has asked for views on councils holding seagull proof waste packs. It was agreed that this was not applicable to this parish as wheelie bins had been supplied to residents’. Clerk to respond accordingly
Cornwall Council is holding a day event on reducing costs of community buildings at Roche Victory Hall on 18th December. Clerk has circulated this to the chairman of Landithy Hall.
Natural England has written to landowners and occupiers of land within Penwith Moors concerning surveys to be carried out in 2013 concerning wildlife, habitat, etc. A copy of the letter has been sent to the clerk and reference is made to the strategy on www.defra.gov.uk/publications/2011/08/19/pb13583-biodiversity02020/ and more details on www.naturalengland.org.uk/ourwork/conservation/designatedareas/sss/default.aspx.
12. Code of Conduct
Clerk had circulated a document explaining the Cornwall Code of Conduct to all members at the last meeting. The draft had been accepted by this council at the parish council meeting in July 2012. It was proposed by Cllr Mathews, seconded by Cllr Bone and agreed that this council will adopt the full Code of Conduct with eight councillors voting for this and Cllrs Westlake and Peake abstaining.
It was also proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Roberts and unanimously resolved that this council delegates the power to grant dispensations to the Clerk. This power rests under Section 33(1) of the Localism Act 2011and the basis is set out under Section 33(2). So far as gifts to members are concerned it was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Matthews and unanimously agreed that all gifts and hospitality over the sum of £25.00 should be declared and it was also agreed that the Clerk should record any such gifts in a register of interests
Clerk added that there was a training session on the Code of Conduct at St Ives on Tuesday 15th January 2013 from 6pm to 8.30pm.
13. ’Madron Together’ and Junior Youth Group
Cllr Pritchard reported that he had been in contact with Carrie Ann Durrant from ‘Madron Together’. They are setting up a formal committee, treasurer and bank account and will request financial assistance when these actions have been completed.
Clerk has received mail from Mrs Jones saying the Junior Youth Group will be putting in a request for equipment in the near future. Recently the Junior Youth Group have been making Christmas cakes for the Feast Fair which sold well and have also been involved in a tea party for pensioners in Madron which was big success. Members commented on the work that these two organisations were doing to improve the parish and everything should be done to support them.
14. Christmas tree for Madron Village
Clerk reported that he had ordered a 14 foot Christmas tree from West Country Fruit Sales and this is to be delivered to the front of Landithy Hall in the week commencing 10th December. Caretaker of Landithy Hall has been informed. This council is to pay for the tree which will be £84 plus VAT and Cornwall Cllr Maddern has agreed to deduct the cost of the tree from his Community Chest and the VAT will be re-claimed at the end of the financial year. Cllr Christopher informed the meetings that there will be carols at the tree on Wednesday 19th December when mulled wine will also be served.


15. West Cornwall Community Forum – 15th November 2012
Cllrs Pritchard, Scoble and Jenkin and clerk represented this council at this event.
The main items on the agenda were the Review of West Cornwall Community Services by Dr Neil Walden and the work of Penwith Housing Association in Penwith by Andy Moore.
Cllr Pritchard reported that this was an excellent forum where Dr Walden and two other doctors explained how positive actions were taking place with services working in union to promote health improvements in West Cornwall. It was also stated that the reason for the closure of Poltair Hospital was due to the cost of maintaining the service. Andy Moore from Penwith Housing, a part of Devon and Cornwall Housing, outlined major refurbishment schemes involving huge sums of money which were taking place and again this was a very positive outlook for the organisation.
16. Budget for Precept for Financial Year 2013-2014
Clerk reported that he had circulated his projected income and expenditure until 31st March 2014 to all councillors in order for them to make an assessment for the precept for the financial year 2013-2014. He informed members that there have been several suggestions in the pipeline where facilities are wanted in the parish and will not be available without contributions from this council. Among the things mentioned were a play area in the playing field, assistance with the church wall which is in need of upkeep, repairs to the war memorial in readiness for 2014 which is 100 years from the start of the first world war, modern high visibility bus shelter, lighting in the church lychgate and more urgently, assistance for ‘Madron Together’ and the Junior Youth Group. These are not included in the figures produced but can be considered when taking into any account of the precept for 2013-2014.
After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the precept for 2013-2014 should be £20,000 which is the same as this financial year. Clerk to inform Cornwall Council.
17. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk, salary 520.46, office allowance £30.00, mileage £34.50, Disbursements £11.24; HMRC, PAYE £130; SLCC, annual subscription £114.00
Clerk reported that wreath had been supplied by the Royal British Legion for the Remembrance Service in Madron and a donation for this was in order. It was proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr Christopher, and unanimously agreed that the sum of £50 be donated to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.(S.137, Local Government Act 1972)
Clerk reported that the sum of £668.00 had been made available for funding in this parish from Cornwall Cllr Baileys Community Chest. (Cllr Roberts declared an interest) Trythall School have asked for assistance for their scheme for outdoor building by children under supervision. National Trust has supplied rot resistant timber logs and the other costs involved in the fabrication and remaining materials amounts to £643 plus VAT. The VAT can be reclaimed by the school. After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Matthews, seconded by Cllr Peake and unanimously agreed that the £643 should be allocated to Trythall School. (S.19, Local Government (miscellaneous Provisions Act 1976) Clerk was instructed to pay the school and reclaim the cost from Cornwall Council.
Clerk reported that he had received a request for a donation to the Cornwall Air Ambulance. It was unanimously agreed that this should be deferred until the last meeting of the financial year in accordance with the policy of this council
18. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm – Thursday 3rd January 2013 at Madron Community Rooms

Later discussion with chairman – item 6 on page 57/12 should be amended from dog bins, to litter bins