THURSDAY 1st DECEMBER 2016 AT 7.30pm
Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (chairman) Cllr V. Peake (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Mrs G. Burlton
Cllr S. Pritchard Cllr. M. Scoble
Cllr G. Tanner Cllr S. Bates
Cllr C. Bone Cllr R. Matthews
Cllr I. Phillips
Cornwall Cllr W.Maddern
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and one member of the public
Cllr Eddy, Cornwall Cllr Mann
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on 3rd November 2016 were unanimously approved after amending comments from Cllr Scoble to show the amended photograph on the website as King William 1V pub and not St Maddern Church
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Roberts – item 9 Planning – PA16/10575 at land west of 29 Fore Street, Madron as a friend of the applicant.
Cllr Burlton – item 9 Planning – PA16/10592 at Windman Cottage, Trezelah as a friend of the applicant.
4. Dispensations
Cllr Burlton – item 15, draft budget, as a member of the Playing Field Committee
5. Public Participation
Mr Jon Pender addressed the meeting in respect of Planning Application PA16/04469 at Windman Cottage at Trezelah as the planning agent for the applicant, giving his support. He based his comments on changes from the original application on the grounds that this annex is now smaller Also similar applications have now been approved, several of which were bigger and further away from the main premises and he had been in contact with the planning officer to ensure the original issues had been addressed.
6. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Roberts reported that she had represented this council in the Madron Feast parade and church service.
7. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Tanner informed the meeting that he had scanned through the Minerals Safeguarding Development Plan Document and there is content that is within our parish. Castle-an-Dinas Quarry is referenced twice in the Aggregates map A5 and the Infrastructure maps at 15. However the safeguarding boundaries proposed are those that approximately encompass the site as we know it so there is no impact on this parish outside the quarry. Basically the safeguarding prevents development within the defined area, but he cannot conceive of an instance when someone other than the quarry operator would want to propose development with the quarry. Noted
Cllr Scoble informed the meeting that ex Parish Councillor Jean Smith has passed away and the clerk has written to her daughter offering the condolences of this council. He commented that she had been particularly keen on planning applications in order to retain the character of the village and after retiring from the parish council she was still involved in numerous activities to the benefit of the village. Several councillors will be attending the funeral.
Cllr Peake commented on Remembrance Sunday where he laid a wreath in the Memorial Garden and attended the service in St Madddern Church in the morning. Later in the day he represented this council at Gulval Church.
Cllr Burlton has received further complaints of parking in Trelawney Estate as residents feel that situation is becoming even worse. Clerk pointed out that enquiries were made into this problem last year when it was found that costs to harden the verges was far more than Cornwall Highways, Devon and Cornwall Housing and this council could afford and in this climate it is still unaffordable. The meeting had to accept that they have done their best but the money was not there for improvements.
Cllr Scoble had reported that there have been instances of fly-tipping on Madron Hill by a Tregoddick Farm gateway and also in a gateway opposite Trelan. Clerk has arranged the removal.
Cllr Pritchard informed the meeting that West Cornwall Community Bus took delivery of a new 16 seater bus on 25th November for £8000 to replace the original bus purchased in 2004.
Clerk was able to say that Highways have checked Bone Valley to ensure their culverts are free of leaves during recent heavy rains after complaints to councillors by the public. Also mud had been cleared from Gear Corner.
8. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cllr Maddern had been to a Technical Development meeting at Truro in respect of the planned application for a replacement heliport at Penzance. Cllrs Peake and Tanner also attended from this council and it looks like the planners are looking on this application favourably. He was also attending a site meeting at Tremain on the A3071 on the day after this meeting.
9. Planning
PA16/10566 – listed building consent for conversion of store to disabled WC at The Garden Cottage, Trengwainton Gardens, Madron – supported
PA16/10592 (amendment from PA16/04469) – conversion of part of loose box/store to an annex at Windman Cottage, access to Trezelah, Trezelah, Gulval. (Cllr Burlton declared an interest and left the room) Clerk reminded councillors that 6 members voted to support the original application on 2nd June 2016 while the remainder of the members abstained. Due to the changes, councillors unanimously agreed to support the application.
PA16/10575 – Demolition of existing timber frame building and construction of a single storey dwelling house and associated works at land west of 29, Fore Street, Madron –
(Cllr Roberts declared an interest and left the room) – supported
PA16/03177 /PREAPP – planning performance agreement for conversion and extension of Poltair Manor and the erection of 12 dwellings at Poltair Hospital, Madron. Noted, but councillors will keep abreast of any recommendations as this is a matter of concern to the parish. Clerk will inform the planning officer.
PA16/08981 – removal of condition 4 (10 month occupancy restriction) in respect of decision 1/86/P/0222/F dated 8.7.1986 to allow all year round occupancy at 16 Old Court, Kenegie Manor, Gulval – approved
Other Planning Matters
Cornwall Planning Partnership pre-application protocol – resolution required if this council wishes to adopt pre-application agreement, pre-application protocol and pre-application planning profile. It was felt that there was no need for this council to take on pre-application responsibilities but we do need to be aware of pre-applications taking place.
Cllrs Roberts, Scoble and Tanner attended a planning conference on 10th November at Penzance. Cllr Scoble was in a session relating to Neighbourhood Plans and he formed the opinion that in a large number of cases things were not as expected. Cllr Roberts was mainly looking at Enforcement and was dispirited to hear that action was only really being taken when it was a certainty that the case would be won due to the costs involved if a case was lost. Cllr Tanner mainly dealt with future planning in Cornwall. Due to the number of houses required Cornwall are considering building council houses and factory built houses which are easy to construct and erect. Overall there were mixed views on the standard of the training, some good and some poor.
Cornwall Local Plan Strategies Policies 2010-2030 (The Local Plan) was adopted on 22nd November 2016. The plan 2010 -2030 sets out policies which will determine future applications – noted
The next meeting of the Penwith Landscape Partnership will be held at Landithy Hall on Tuesday 6th December at 7pm and several councillors will be attending.
10. Public Rights of Way
Cllr Burlton examined footpaths in the region of Kennel Lane and the Wishing Well after a complaint from a member of the public to the effect that signs and stiles had been broken. She confirmed that repairs were necessary to some posts and signs but the stiles were mostly granite and had been the same for years. Clerk has forwarded this to the Countryside Access for attention. Clerk was instructed to contact Cormac to ensure that they are will do this work and if not ask them to send the signs to us and we will do the necessary. He was also instructed to contact English Heritage as the Car Park and the path to the Wishing Well and Baptistery are in a very poor state.
Cllr Tanner reported that he has emailed BHS and PAROW asking when they plan to start on the Ginger Lane project and if we have some idea councillors may consider a donation to BHS and PAROW as a mark of appreciation. A reply has been received to the effect that the cost of labour and required furniture will be in the region of £2k to £3k. Efforts are being made to obtain funding.
Clerk reported that he has been chasing Cornwall Council for payment of invoices for LMP work submitted on 5th August and 8th October amounting to £2560.80. He has been told that the invoice payments have been moved from Cormac to Cornwall Council and the changeover has resulted in problems and there are a number of other parishes who have not been paid. Councillors agreed that this was unsatisfactory and clerk was instructed to write to the Chief Executive at Cornwall Council stating the view of this council. Clerk added that he had received an invoice for £930.06 for weed spraying from Cormac in Madron this year. In fact weed spraying this year has been done by another company and this invoice appears to be a copy of the invoice for work last year which this council paid with a cheque on 7th January 2016 which has been cleared. Clerk was instructed to include this in his letter to highlight the problems with finance between Cornwall Council and Cormac.
11. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
The instructions from the last meeting have been completed with the exception of purchasing a cabinet and moving files to Landithy Hall and this will be done after the next meeting.
A reply to this council’s concerns about the retrospective planning application from Castle an Dinas Quarry, PA16/09233, was sent by the clerk to Cornwall Planning and the explanatory reply has been circulated to councillors by email. Now the application in question has been withdrawn and will be re-submitted.
A request for information concerning part of New Mill Common on land NNE edge of New Mill to the west of disused New Mill Quarry was discussed. This is subject to an application for deregulation of 2.3 acres of common land. The requester asks for information that the land had or had not been used as a town or village green or lawful sports and pastimes or had been subjects to rights as a common prior to 1965. Councillors were unable to help with this enquiry.
Two Christmas trees have been ordered for Madron village. Cornwall Cllr Maddern will provide funds from his Community Chest towards the cost. Councillors expressed their thanks to Cornwall Cllr Maddern.
Cornwall Council Natural Environment has requested that Madron Parish Council take over the grass cutting in St Maddern Churchyard. This is currently performed by Cormac as this is a closed churchyard. They will be responsible for gravestone maintenance, measuring the church yard area and giving a grant. Councillors agreed that they are interested in taking this on but do need to know the amount of the grant and also resolve the problems with the safety of the wall alongside the road which is need of pointing up. Clerk to reply accordingly.
The Pensions Regulator acknowledges that Madron Parish Council is not an employer under the Pensions Act 2008 due to the age of the clerk. Fail to register this could incur a fine hence this being minuted.
CALC weekly News Roundup issues 19, 20 and 21 and other circulations have been circulated to councillors by email – noted
Cornwall Council Special Bulletin – shaping the future of health and care services (circulated to councillors by email) – noted
Cornwall Council Special Bulletin – 2017 Off Street Parking Orders consultation closes on 16th December 2016 – comments can be made by telephone to Cornwall Council or by accessing their website – noted
Rural Services Newsletter and similar circulations have been circulated to councillors by email – noted
Devon and Cornwall Police Commissioner November Report has been circulated to councillors by email – noted
A newsletter from Penwith Dementia Action Alliance has been received and circulated to councillors by email – noted
On 29th November 2016 Cornwall Council has confirmed a Tree Preservation Order made on 31st May on land associated with Poltair Manor (formally Poltair Hospital) under Town and Country Planning (Tree Preservation – England) Regulations 2012. In certain circumstances the decision can be challenged at the High Court, but objectors should contact Lee Viner at Cornwall Council Planning Service 01209.615603 for further advice and information.
Pengarth Day Centre has invited anyone with an interest in the Centre to a networking breakfast at the day centre from 8am to approximately 9.30am on Wednesday 7th December – free of charge. No one was available to attend.
12. West Penwith Community Network Panel – 17th November 2016
Cllrs Roberts, Peake, Pritchard, Scoble and clerk attended the forum which was based on Health and Care provision in Cornwall. A panel consisting of six people involved in health and care services answered questions and it was apparent there would have to be lots of changes as health services in the future cannot be maintained under the system.
13. West Penwith Integrated Care System
Cllr Pritchard attended a meeting where all 9 practices in the Penzance area are combining to share facilities and equipment and also over weekend supplying patient’s records to all nine practices to assist with emergencies. He highlighted the supplying of drugs by chemists on repeat prescriptions especially to care homes and there are examples of many drug cabinets being full and no longer required. The costs involved in this amounts to thousands of pounds.
Further concerns were expressed in relation to the closures of community hospitals and an example was the attempted closure of Edward Hain Hospital where it was reported as unaffordable to repair and make it fireproof to keep it serviceable but ‘Friends of the Hospital’ paid for an independent inspection which proved that repairs and fireproofing were nothing like the figure quoted and it was quite viable to keep the hospital open.
14. Proposal to enlarge St Ives Parliamentary Constituency due to it being smaller than Recommended Population by the Boundary Commission
Clerk has forwarded a copy of a letter from St Ives Conservative Association in which they state that the Boundary Commission are attempting to ensure all Parliamentary Constituencies have a population of between 71,031 and 78,507 electors. As St Ives currently has a small number of electors it is proposed that St Ives Constituency should be enlarged to cover the whole of St Ives Bay, Hayle town, skirt around Camborne, through Stithians Reservoir to conclude at the Helford River. It was agreed the proposal should only be noted.
15. Draft Budget for Financial Year 2017-2018
Clerk has drawn up a budget for the financial year from 1st April 2017. Copies have been circulated to all councillors in advance of the meeting.
There is a proposal that more equipment should be purchased for the Playing Field in addition to the present match funding. The Playing Field Committee have given three suggestions with details of the costs. It was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Jenkin, and unanimously agreed that £2095 be allocated for the purchase of equipment.
Cllr Jenkin proposed and Cllr Bates seconded that the present match funding of up to £1000 per year should continue. This is funding to match the money raised by the Playing Field Committee and this to be included in budget for the year. This was unanimously agreed.
Cllr Tanner reminded members of his mention of a donation to PAROW and BHS for work on Ginger Lane and it was proposed by Cllr Tanner, seconded by Cllr Peake and unanimously agreed that £500 be included in the budget.
Cllr Matthews asked if allowance could be made to assist the Gulval Parish Church Toilet Appeal as the previous toilet has been condemned. The Church has just received planning permission and it will cost £12,000 to £13,000 to do the replacement. Cllr Jenkin proposed that £500 should be set aside and this was seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously approved.
Clerk advised the councillors that this was really their last chance to consider any further projects for 2017-2018 and there were no more to be considered.
Clerk will draw up the anticipated income and revised expenditure will be included in the full budge. This will be brought before the next meeting when the precept will be decided.
14. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk salary £694.90, office allowance £30.00, mileage £19.80, petty cash £46.67; HMRC – PAYE and Nat Ins. £200.39;
Landithy Hall Managers – Room hire for meetings £120.00, contribution to gardener’s wages and trimming one side of the hedge between the Green and the Memorial Garden £150.00;
SLCC – clerks annual membership £139.00.
Clerk reported that RBL had provided the wreath for Remembrance Sunday and this council normally gives a donation to the poppy appeal. It was proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr Tanner and unanimously agreed that the sum of £100 should be donated to the RBL Poppy Appeal.
Clerk reported that Cllrs Tanner and Scoble will conduct the December audit with the clerk on 12th December and report back to the next meeting.
Finally, for information, Cornwall Council have now informed the clerk that the cost for contested elections due in 2017 which would have to be paid by this council will be £2322.66 to Madron Ward and £1920.67 to Gulval Ward, a total of £4243.33 and this has been included in the budget for the next financial year
15. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 5th January 2017 at Madron Community Rooms