THURSDAY 2nd FEBRUARY 2012 AT 7.30pm
Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Miss M. Christopher
Cllr. M. Scoble Cllr D. Westlake
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr C. Bone
Cllr R. Mann Cllr I. Phillips
Cllr S. Bates Cllr V. Peake
Cornwall Cllrs W.Maddern and Miss I. Bailey.
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and one member of the public
PC Thomas, PCSOs Taylor and Nicholas.
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on 5th January 2012 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
Cornwall Cllr Bailey and Maddern – item 9 Planning – all applications as Cornwall Councillors.
Cllr Matthews – item 9 Planning – PA11/10056 at Lower Boskinning Barn, Heamoor as a neighbour.
Cllr Scoble, Matthews and Pritchard – item 15 Finance – payment to Landithy Hall Managers – Cllr Scoble as chairman and Cllrs Matthews and Pritchard as committee members of Landithy Hall Managers.
Cllr Pritchard – item 15 Finance – request for donation to West Cornwall Community Bus Association as a committee member of that organisation.
Cllrs Westlake and Peake – item 9 Planning – PA11/10554 and 10555 – at Mill House, New Mill as neighbours
4. Public Participation
5. Police Report
In the absence of police representatives, the clerk gave the police report for January 2012. There were two crimes reported compared to seven in the same month last year. AP12/209 relates to two padlocks on a cowshed being damaged between 14th and 22nd January 2012 at Chysauster Ancient Village and AP12/257 relates to a domestic assault which occurred at a private dwelling on 29th January 2012. PC Thomas also reported to the clerk that reports of anti-social behaviour remain very low.
6. Chairman’s Comments
The Chairman suggested that the councillors and their partners arrange to have a meal at the councillors own expense and he suggested that members discuss this after the meeting.
7. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Bone reported that a trampoline and black bags had been dumped by the Wishing Well at Madron and Cornwall Cllr Maddern agreed to arrange for these items to be collected.
Cllr Westlake reported that he had received a letter from Rev. David Mann concerning the Penzance Food Bank and he had entered details on the parish council website.
Cllr Christopher asked if it would be possible to have a notice board at the top of Madron Village. Members agreed that there were sufficient information points with the board in Fore Street, the website and items in The Cornishman newspaper and so this suggestion was rejected at this stage.
8. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Bailey informed members that she had been assured that arrangements were in hand for the replacement of the finger post at Trythall
9. Planning
Clerk reported that the Planning Advisory Panel had not met this month due to there being only two applications. (Cornwall Cllrs Bailey and Maddern declared interests)
PA11/10554 and PA11/1055 – proposed open porch to front elevation and detached garage in the curtilage of the dwelling at Mill House, New Mill (Cllrs Peake and Westlake declared interests )– supported
PA11/10056 – listed building consent for the formation of an annexe to form ancillary accommodation at Lower Boskenning Farm, Heamoor. (Cllr Matthews declared an interest) This council had supported the original application relating to this in December 2011 but there have been amendments to the plans and these have now been re-submitted. It was unanimously agreed to support this application.
Cllr Mann understood from an item in The Cornishman under the Gulval section that there was a planning application in process for Kennegie Manor. Clerk informed members that he had not been notified of this and he was asked make enquiries as this location is within Madron Parish.
PA11/09439 – lifting of condition 2 of W1/02/P/0888 to allow full residential use at Polly’s Cottage, Boskednan Farm, New Mill – approved
PA11/08159 – larger ground floor extension to previously approved planning permission (PA11/2324) to create a snoezelen room and patio area on flat roof at Trevaylor Nursing Home, Gulval – approved.
Other Planning Matters
Clerk reported that the books relating to ‘Planning Future Cornwall’ with the Core Strategy for West Cornwall pre-consultation draft had been given to Cllr Pritchard and Cllr Westlake and messages left for all councillors to contact Cllrs Pritchard and Westlake if they wished to study the detail prior to the meeting. In addition to this the Core Strategy newsletter had also been circulated by email and all could be viewed on http://consult.cornwall.gov.uk/portal/. Members expressed concerns that the core strategy was considering building between Heamoor and Madron which would destroy the green belt between the two locations. Further concerns were expressed in relation to the volume and density of the houses in the north of Penzance and the fact that there was insufficient infrastructure included in the strategy. It was pointed out that there were many empty houses which could be renovated and the old DSS building could be converted into flats. Finally it was yet again felt that the majority of finance was directed to the centre of Cornwall to the detriment of West Cornwall. Clerk was instructed to forward these views to the consultation at Planning and Regeneration.
Cllr Jenkin asked the clerk to enquire about the Trafalgar Fields Site in Madron which had been earmarked for development and nothing had happened to further this.
The Clerk has also circulated details of the expansion of the householder planning team in West Cornwall to councillors.
Leiston-cum-Sizewell Parish Council and Suffolk Association of Local Councils asks parishes who supported their argument for parish councils to be consulted in more detail regarding major planning applications to email them to confirm their support as there appears to be some objections to their concerns. This council did support this proposal and clerk was instructed to confirm this by email.
10. Public Rights of Way
Cllr Westlake reported that the sign on footpath 48 had not been repaired and he was of the opinion that this section of Cornwall Council was not doing their job. He would make a temporary repair.
Cllr Mann reported that the latch on the gate on footpath 52 had been broken off by the hunt and had not been replaced. Cllr Roberts agreed to make contact with the people responsible to ensure the latch was replaced..
11. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting had been completed
CALC ‘This Week 01’ has been circulated to councillors by email
Messages from the leader of Cornwall Council on 6th and 23rd January have been circulated to councillors by email. These messages particularly referred to transport and bus services.
Clerk gave details of Cornwall Council’s proposal to close Penzance Re-cycling Centre. This is due to the latest round of constraints and the increase in household collections. There is a policy of centres such as this being within 20 to 30 minutes’ drive and there only a few isolated points in the far west which are beyond this distance from St Erth Household Waste Recycling Centre. The present Penzance contract could continue for another 23 years and the cost would be over four and half million pounds. Cllr Maddern was surprised by this statement as the recycling places in Penzance were under the control of the supermarkets and there was no provision from Cornwall Council.
Cornwall Council has again written asking for details of any potential housing sites. Cllr Pritchard suggested that the allotments at Parc Abnec are not well used and these may be considered as of more value for housing. After discussion it was agreed to leave this proposition alone at this point in view of the points made to the Core Strategy consultation earlier in this meeting.
Cornwall Council Town and Parish Localism newsletter of 19th January has been circulated by email.
CALC – ‘The Week issue 02’ has been circulated to members by email. The AGM for CALC will be held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 29th February 2012 in the Council Chamber at New County Hall, Truro – agendas have been circulated by email shortly before this meeting. It was agreed that attendance at this meeting was not necessary
Clerk reported that he had circulated by email details of Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Conference to be held between 10am and 3pm on Saturday 17th March 2012 at Zennor Building, Penwith College, St Clare Street, Penzance. This event is free and booking forms are attached to the mail for interested councillors to complete and forward to Cornwall AONB Unit, 13 Treyew Road, Truro by 5th March 2012
12. Recycling Bank at Madron Cemetery
Clerk informed the meeting that Cornwall Council has written concerning other changes in relation to recycling facilities and they have detailed sites which will not be funded for recycling by Cornwall Council from 1st April 2012. One of the sites is at Madron Cemetery. Cornwall Council state that any site can be retained by a private arrangement with Cory Environment who hold Cornwall Council’s contract or any other waste management company.Clerk informed members that he had obtained figures in relation to the use of the recycling bank at Madron Cemetery and the tonnage collected in the 12 months from April 2010 to March2011 amounted to 1.51 at a cost of £22.79 which shows that the use is considered to be very low. Members agreed that as collections were still being made from houses that this recycling facility at Madron Cemetery is excess to requirements.
13. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
Clerk reported that to date he had a request from one parent for mugs for his two children.He reminded members that the closing date for applications is 28th February, the matter will be finalised at the meeting of this council on 1st March. Cllr Roberts and Jenkin will enquire about numbers from Trythall and St Maddern Schools and other councillors will have their numbers and cheques where necessary, at the meeting on 1st March.
Clerk reported that a letter had been received from Col Edward Bolitho as Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall in which he asked this council to register and hold a bonfire on 4th June and also consider a big lunch function and any other celebrations. Clerk has replied explaining that this council registered for a bonfire in August 2011 and whilst other celebrations had been discussed it was felt that no action could be taken due to a lack of support for similar events. He had also advised Col. Bolitho of the parish website where he could obtain updates on all parish council matters. Cllr Roberts asked if there would be a request for the Young Farmers to do a barbeque and members asked for this to be arranged by Cllr Roberts. It was agreed that the bonfire would be lit at 8.30pm and clerk was instructed to write to Col. Bolitho, Lord Lieutenant, asking him to light the fire
Clerk reported that funding is available for events from Cornwall Community Foundation and Cllr Jenkin asked clerk to forward details as the church were arranging a lunch and Cllr Westlake requested details for the website..
14. West Cornwall Town and Parish Forum -19th January 2012
This forum was attended by Cllrs Pritchard, Roberts, Scoble and Jenkin from this council with the clerk. The forum was devoted to the increase in facilities, staff and plans for West Cornwall Hospital which were received with approval. Members were reminded that the next forum would take place on 15th March 2012.
15. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the following payments be approved: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk, salary £433.65, office allowance £30.00, mileage £25.00, disbursements £46.90: HMRC, PAYE for clerk £108.40; R. Hibbert £10.00 for meeting at Trythall School; Landithy Hall managers £50.00 for meetings during 2011 (Cllrs Scoble, Matthews and Pritchard declared interests); Cornwall Council £9.27 for printing invitations and reply cards for Trafalgar celebrations.
Clerk reported that he had received requests for donations from West Cornwall Community Bus Association (Cllr Pritchard declared an interest) and Penzance Citizens Advice Bureau. It was unanimously agreed that these be deferred to the March meeting when all requests for donations would be considered.
16. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm Thursday 1st March 2012 at Madron Community Rooms.