THURSDAY 7th FEBRUARY 2013 AT 7.15pm
Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (vice chairman Cllr Miss M. Christopher Cllr. M. Scoble
Cllr D. Westlake Cllr V. Peake
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr C. Bone
Cllr R. Mann Cllr I. Phillips
Cllr S. Bates
Cornwall Cllr W.Maddern
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and one member of the public
Cllr Mrs A.Jenkin, PC Thomas
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on Thursday 3rd January 2013 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Explanation of Planning Rules in relation to Camp Sites in Madron Parish
The chairman introduced Mr Jeremy Content, a senior planning officer with Cornwall Council.
Mr Content based his presentation of the annual applications for camping at Noongallas in Madron Parish which were continually refused. Currently the site could be open for 28 days but in actual fact the site was regularly open from April to September and was well advertised on the Noongallas website. The complaints about the road access were refuted by Cornwall Council who had no record of accidents along the access road but it was pointed out that as the road was so narrow vehicles could only travel at extremely slow speed so that accidents were unlikely but the road was still unsuitable for holiday traffic. Planning Enforcement felt that they had little powers as if they took Noongallas to court they would only receive a small fine and the second time probably a larger fine but these fines would be far less than the income generated from fees received at the site. Eventually an injunction could be made but this would be a matter of time. An application for an Article 4 of the Town and Country Planning Act to restrict all camping sites in the area was commenced by Penwith District Council but when the new unitary authority took over this action was not completed. The new authority was not keen to take forward this action as this is only used in extreme circumstances as it is difficult to obtain a favourable judgement and the council could face a high financial cost for actions and any compensation.
Mr Content asked members to consider supporting a reconsultation which will be forwarded in due course with severe conditions in relation to the number of caravans and tents, screening, noise complaints, etc. He felt that this would be easier for Planning Enforcement to take action and control the conditions.
Cllr Mann pointed out that noise was generated late at night with music and also fireworks on occasions and Cllr Westlake reported that it was intimidating to walk the public footpath which goes through the site and walkers with dogs faced more intimidation with loose dogs from residents. Mr Content agreed that photographic evidence would be valuable.
Chairman thanked Mr Content for his informative presentation and the councillors will consider the points made when the reconsultation comes before the council.
5. Public Participation
6. Police Report
In the absence of police officers the clerk gave the police report for January 2013.
There were three reported crimes, the same number as in January 2012. AP13/13 – on 2nd January a man was arrested and later charged with drink driving; AP13/59 – between 5th and 7th January 3 wooden fences were smashed at a rural location in Madron Parish and enquiries are continuing; AP13/254 – between 14th And 21st January the tyre of a vehicle parked in Madron was damaged having been punctured with a nail.
Reports of anti-social behaviour remain low.
7. Chairman’s Comments
Councillor Pritchard drew attention to the report of the January meeting of this council in The Cornishman newspaper. He referred to the incorrect report and the subsequent apology relating to a planning matter. Cllr Pritchard wishes it to be minuted that the error was not due to this council or the clerk.
Cllr Pritchard attended a NHS111 conference at Bodmin on 4th February which dealt with a new non-emergency line for the NHS to give advice, but if an ambulance or any other urgent action is required the service will make the necessary arrangements.
8. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Mann brought up the matter of the minutes being posted on notice boards and web-site before they had been approved by the full council which he considered to be an incorrect procedure.
Clerk replied to the effect that this observation was correct but there are two alternatives. The minutes can be published a month after the meeting when they have been approved but the problem with this is that when the public read them they are out of date and any response will only appear before the council two months after the original point was made. The clerk favoured a second way and that was to publish the minutes as previously but the heading should state that this was a draft which will be put before the next council meeting for approval and this would surpass the problems as shown by holding back for a month. He agreed that this action would have to be confirmed with CALC but Cllrs Mann and Westlake felt that this was still unsatisfactory as most councils in the old Penwith area do not publish minutes in this manner.
Cllr Mann also felt that the clerk should not email the minutes to councillors on the weekend immediately after the meeting as this was unfair on the two councillors who did not have internet access. After further discussion it was agreed that the clerk should cease emailing minutes and that hard copies of the minutes should be posted to councillors with the agendas for the next meeting. It was proposed by Cllr Mann, seconded by Cllr Westlake that after the minutes had been approved by the succeeding meeting clerk would forward copies for the notice boards. This was agreed.
Cllr Scoble reported that Devon and Cornwall Housing had not completed the work on The Broadwalk and the surface was deteriorating badly. Also a broken branch was over the walk and could easily fall on walkers. Clerk has contacted the Housing Association and asked them to expedite the work.
Cllr Scoble reported that stones had come off drives on to Madron Hill This had been reported by the clerk to Highways and the stones were cleared on the same afternoon. Cllrs Matthews and Westlake reported that Highways had also completed good work in respect of complaints made at the last meeting concerning the road surface giving way at the edges and filling in dangerous pot holes in Bone Valley and New Mill. Clerk was instructed to write to Highways thanking them for their prompt and efficient actions in a busy period due to the weather condition
9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Maddern reported that the surface damage to Trewern Lane had been patched and arrangements are in hand for signs to show the limits for vehicles along the lane. He also confirmed that the West Penwith Town and Parish Forum on 14th February had been postponed to a date to be arranged
10. Planning
PA12/12026 – erection of an agricultural store and block of three loose boxes at Hellangove Farm, Gulval – supported providing clarification is made to establish whether this is equestrian or agricultural
PA12/11335 – erection of extension to dwelling and construction of a garage at An Govva, Higher Trewern Farm, Newbridge – supported
PA13/00803 – Removal of condition 4 of 86P/0222 to allow 12 months occupancy at 42 Old Court, Kenegie Manor, Gulval – supported
PA12/1148 – extensions to east and west sides of dwelling incorporating annexe and associated works at Primrose Cottage, Boskednan – approved
PA13/00202 – alterations to and replacement of four windows at Swallow Farm, Trezela – approved
PA12/10126 – removal of condition 3 in relation to decision notice W1/10-0060 relating to holiday use only at Demelza Cottage, New Mill – approved.
PA12/0996 and PA12/09977 – ( listed building) – removal of former greenhouse walls, erection of a new greenhouse and poly-tunnel, installation of new tractor/machinery washpad, water recycling plant, additional staff parking perimeter and internal fencing at The Bothy, Trengwainton – approved
PA12/11791 – submission of details to discharge condition 2 in relation to decision notice PA12/06961 (landscaping) at Poppy Coppice, New Mill – discharge of condition apps. (Details of landscaping have been submitted and accepted by the trees officer)
Other Planning Matters
Cornwall Council – notice of appeal against refusal of permission for PA12/02103 – retention of land from agricultural to temporary siting of four holiday caravans (1st April to 30th September) and one caravan proposed to house showering and washing facilities at Demelza Farm, Ladydowns, New Mill. This appeal commenced in January 2013 and all objections from this council are before the Planning Inspector. From enquiries made by the clerk it is likely to be April before a decision is reached.
Planning Enforcement EN13/00192 – allegation of exceeding the approved number of lorry movements exiting the Road Stone Coating Plant at Castle-an-Dinas Quarry, Castle Gate, Ludgvan
11. Public Rights of Way
Cllr Westlake reported that all the excellent work done by County to make ‘Break-my-Neck’ lane accessible in safety had been ruined by recent heavy rains and the path was washed out again. Clerk will email Cornwall Council for their information.
He also advised members that an exhibition will be held at Trythall School at 7.30pm on 17th February regarding mining and footpaths in the New Mill area with an assortment of old maps and information which he had found fascinating at an earlier presentation he had attended.
12. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions had been completed from the last meeting.
He had contacted Devon and Cornwall Housing regarding the uneven surface in the Broadwalk at Madron, as they had reported that work had been completed which was not the case. (Please see comments from Cllr Scoble in Councillors Comments)
Clerk has made further enquiries in relation to the memorial in the Memorial Garden. Cornwall Council has no record of any maintenance work ever having been carried out on the memorial by themselves or Penwith District Council. Edward Bolitho has mailed to say that the memorial cross was donated to Madron RDC in 1919 and as the garden is the responsibility of Landithy Hall Managers it would appear that they also are responsible as trustees for the memorial cross. Clerk has contacted the secretary of Landithy Hall Managers and she has replied to the effect that the Managers have no problem with the Parish Council obtaining quotes for the repair of the memorial. Cllr Pritchard agreed to take this back to Landithy Hall Managers and obtain estimates of the work to be done and report back to this council when the estimates are received.
Cornwall Council report that all members’ register of interests have been inserted on to their website
South West Water book ’What’s in the Pipeline’ looking at plans for the next 25 years is available from the clerk for interested councillors.
Cornwall Council has circulated mails concerning their budget proposals for 2013-2014, council tax support funding, the precept setting and tax base and these documents have been emailed to councillors.
Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Forum will be held from 10am to 3pm on Saturday16th March 2013 at Truro College – details have been circulated by email to councillors.
Lanner Parish Council has also circulated details of High Court Queens Bench Division refusal to prevent affordable housing in their parish and the correspondence between that council and the Cornwall Council cabinet minister. Lanner Parish Council is asking for support for their stand. This has also been circulated to councillors by email. It was agreed to avoid being involved in this matter.
CALC ‘This Week 01 has been circulated to councillors by email – noted
Cornwall Council Community Resilience and Working Together to use local knowledge in emergency situations event will be held at The Eden Project from 10am to 2pm on 13th February. Details have been circulated to councillors by email
Cornwall Council Sustainable Action Plan for Green Cornwall. This 71 Page document has also been circulated by email.
Clerk with Cllrs Pritchard and Jenkin attended Cornwall Neighbourhood Planning and Landscape Workshop at St Clare on 31st January where advice was given in preparing plans to put forward firm evidence of the landscape of parishes to assist with objections to planning applications and to preserve important landscapes..
Cornwall Council Town and Parish newsletter – Edition 12 was circulated to councillors by email.
Healthwatch, Cornwall has circulated details of their development and plans and this has been circulated to councillors by email.
13. Litter Bins
After discussion it was decided that the bins should be sited at the entrance to Trelawney Estate and also opposite the allotments in Parc Abnac. Cllr Scoble suggested that he contact Micky Pearce, the blacksmith from Badgers Cross regarding the installation of the bins and Cornwall Cllr Madden gave the chairman the details of the officer at Cornwall Council responsible for arranging emptying bins and the chairman will make the necessary contact.
14. Notice Board Repairs and siting of board at top of Village
Clerk has written to Chris Burlton, Ian Clinch, Duchy Builders and Duane Williams inviting tenders to waterproof and paint notice boards.
Ian Clinch has quoted £190 to paint the boards but he only paints and so would not do the waterproofing. Chris Burlton explained that he also only would be able to do the painting. Duchy Builders will not quote as they are very busy at present.
Duane Williams has looked at the boards in Madron with Cllr Scoble and it is apparent that the problem is the backing to the boards is porous and this allows the wet to get into the notices. There is a need for a metal back to cure this problem. Cllr Scoble has contacted Micky Pearce, the blacksmith at Badgers Cross who will examine the boards and give an estimate for the repairs.
Cllr Pritchard has informed the clerk that he felt the best place for a notice board at the top of the village would be on the cemetery wall. Clerk has contacted Susan Cannon at Cornwall Council who is responsible for the cemetery and she has given her approval for the board to be attached to the wall. It was agreed that the notice board on the church wall be moved to the cemetery wall and Cllr Scoble will also refer this to Micky Pearce, the blacksmith at Badgers Cross.
15. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Mann, seconded by Cllr Peake, and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid:-
W.E. Wilkins, clerk, – salary £520.46, office allowance £30.00, mileage £11.00, disbursements £5.70; HMRC – PAYE £130.00; Landithy Hall Managers – meetings during 2012 – £55.00.
Clerk reported that Madron Playing Fields treasurer has emailed him reporting that during this financial year they had raised £184.48 from events and also had received a £20.00 donation which means their income from these sources amount to £204.48. Cllr Westlake, as auditing councillor, felt that this insufficient detail to pay the funding and the clerk was instructed to contact the treasurer of the playing fields for a copy of the accounts of the organisation for this financial year to include the items to be considered for match funding. This was agreed.
1st Madron Brownies are attending a PGL adventure holiday in Devon from 27th to 31st
May. They are paying the cost of £190.00 each themselves. The cost of the coach is £540.00 and although PGL supply 2 adults, an extra adult has to be paid as one child has disabilities and this will cost a further £190.00. Clerk has spoken to the leader and she informs him that Rotary Club have agreed to make a donation, another £50 donation has been promised, coffee mornings will be arranged and the brownies are doing two bag packs at Tesco.
It was proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Mann and unanimously agreed that £150.00 be donated to the 1st Madron Brownies. (S.19Local Government Act (Misc Prov) 1972). Cllr Westlake requested clerk to ask for the donation be returned if holiday did not go ahead for any reason.
St Maddern School have written in relation to the ‘switching on of the Christmas Lights’. They have submitted invoices for £60.47 for food and items purchased for the event and ask this council to subsidise some or all of the expense. It was proposed by Cllr Matthews, seconded by Cllr Bone and unanimously agreed that £60.47 be paid to St Maddern School towards this event. (S.137 Local Government Act 1972)
Cllrs Roberts and Westlake, as auditing councillors, completed an audit with the clerk on 29th January and all was found to be in order.
16. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 7th March 2013 at Madron Community Rooms.