THURSDAY 6th FEBRUARY 2014 AT 7.30pm
Draft to be approved on 6th March 2014
Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr M. Scoble
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr V. Peake
Cllr C. Bone Cllr G. Tanner
Cllr S. Bates Cllr H. Eddy
Cllr I. Phillips
Cornwall Cllr W.Maddern
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and two members of the public
Cllr Mrs G. Burlton
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on Thursday 2nd January 2014 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
Item 18, Finance – Cllrs Scoble, Bone, Pritchard and Jenkin declared interests in relation to payments for work at St Maddern School, Cllr Jenkin and Cllr Pritchard as governors and Cllr Scoble and Bone as trustees.
4. Dispensations
Item 13, Playing Equipment for Madron Playing Fields, Cllr Bates used his dispensation as a playing field committee member
5.. Public Participation
Rev Tim Hawkins addressed the meeting on behalf of the Playing Field Committee as this council had agreed to finance the purchase of playing equipment for the playing field to the value of £15000 plus VAT. He had emailed the clerk with details of estimates from South West Play at Newlyn, Wicksteed Play at Northampton and Outdoor Play Peopl;e at St Columb and these estimates had been printed off by the clerk and made available to councillors. Rev. Tim Hawkins stated that he was available to accept any questions. He felt that South West Play was his personal choice but two members of the committee had not yet seen the estimates.
Mr Phil Davies, Madron Well-wishers, spoke in relation to the request for a bus shelter to be sited at the end of Trelawney Estate, Madron. He asked for the support of the council pointing out that the ‘Well-wishers’ had circulated houses in Madron concerning the bus shelter and had received over 60 replies mainly in favour of the shelter. He was also available to answer any questions.
6. Police Report
In the absence of the police, the clerk gave the police reports for December 2013 and January 2014. In December there were three reported crimes, the same number as December 2012. The first was offensive text messages under the Communications Act and the offender was dealt with by Restorative Justice. The second was a case of arson to a plastic bin at an isolated farm and the third a drink/drive incident in Bellair Road, Madron.
There has been one reported crime in January compared to three in January 2013. AP14/108 relates to a rear window of a car parked in a residential area of Madron being smashed between 2200 and 2230 on 16th January.
The female wheelchair user who has been causing issues for motorists has been identified and will be spoken to in due course. This refers to a report from this council at the last meeting.
Reports of anti-social behaviour remain low..
7. Chairman’s Comments
None as his comments related to items on the agenda.
8. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllrs Jenkin and Pritchard commented on the updates of the consultation relating to the future of Poltair Hospital by West Cornwall Health Watch. Cllr Jenkin reported that there had been over 70 replies to the consultation but it was apparent that Bolitho Hospital would not be used. It appears that the favourite location to be converted and take over the role was excess unused room at St Clare which was very convenient to West Cornwall Hospital. These views were endorsed by Cllr Pritchard. The report from West Cornwall Health Watch was felt to be of value and clerk was instructed to write a letter of support to the Health Watch in support of their views.
The AGM of West Cornwall Health Watch will take place at 7pm on 28th March 2014 at St Clare, Penzance and invitation is extended to councillors. Cllrs Jenkin and Pritchard stated their intention of attending.
Clerk reported that Cllr Burlton had agreed to arrange for the new rubbish bins to be emptied and when she is not available Cllr Pritchard will empty the bins in her absence. Cllr Tanner asked if Cornwall Cllr Maddern could assist in persuading SITA to collect the rubbish and Cllr Maddern agreed to make enquiries.
Cllr Jenkin reported that the drains on The Green needed attention and clerk was instructed to contact Aqua Rod to deal as these drains are the responsibility of this council.
Cllr Scoble reported that there had been problems with the website which cut out when minutes were being inserted. There have been problems throughout Madron for other computer users with internet speed, but the website is now fully operational and the problem appears to have been rectified. He is liaising with Cllr Eddy in the near future to make any improvements which may be required.
9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cllr Maddern reported that there still had been no action concerning speed checks on Madron Hill. He also stated that his Community Chest had now been used and was closed until the new financial year.
Finally Cllr Maddern reported that Cornwall Council were considering policies relating to maintenance of country lanes. Councillors all felt that this was a concern for the safety of people, damage to vehicles and cyclists and it was proposed by Cllr Roberts, seconded by Cllr Peake and unanimously agreed that the clerk should a write to the Chairman of Cornwall Council with copies to the Head of Highways and Cllr Bert Biscoe expressing the concerns of this council if any maintenance was reduced.
10. Planning
PA14/00049 – replacement buildings to create kitchen and utility extension with balcony at Kenegie Lodge, Gulval – supported
PA13/10506 – store rooms and shed at Windman Cottage, Trezelah – approved
PA13/00734 – outline application with all matters reserved for construction of a dwelling at land west of Lower Trebean, Fore Street, Madron – refused
PA13/10145 – listed building consent for various internal and external alterations at Chy-an-Bara, Church Road, Madron – approved.
Other Planning Matters
EN13/02517 – alleged unlawful siting of an advertisement at Landithy Farmhouse, Church Road, Madron – item closed and then re-opened following complaints that the sign had been erected on a trailer and returned to the original position. Enforcement officers have photographed the board and a further letter has been forwarded to the advertiser and the matter is ongoing.
EN14/00093 – alleged change of use of land/wood for erection of yurts and poly-tunnels at New Mill Road, Gulval – enquiries in hand.
Cllr Scoble asked if the people were still living on site at the static caravan at Slight Hill. Cllr Eddy replied that they were but the matter was in hand.
11. Public Rights of Way
Cllr Tanner reported that PAROW were awaiting results for their funding arrangements and were at this stage unable to take on any extra work
12. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting have been completed.
Devon and Cornwall Housing representatives had visited Madron with Cornwall Cllr Maddern and agreed that work would be done in the new financial year to repair the surface of the path between Trelawney Estate and Church Road. Clerk had contacted Lou Fryett from the same organisation regarding hard core being laid on the island at the end of Trelawney Estate to use the area for car parking. She agreed to report this but did not hold out any expectations of approval. Clerk agreed to follow this up.
Cornwall Council has replied to the clerk concerning the spraying of herbicide on roads. The roads concerned are all in Madron Village and the cost amounts normally to £318 per year. Details have been circulated by email. This is to be borne in mind if the need arises.
Andrew George MP has written to councils in relation to his campaign under Local Communities Act for rights of appeal by town and parish councils in relation to planning decisions and a new class called ‘User Class’ referring to non-permanent residence (second homes), both with the object of strengthening local decision making. Copies of the letter which invite contact with Mr George if there are any comments have been circulated to councillors with their agendas. Noted
CALC ‘The Week’ issue 1/14 has been circulated to councillors by email
CALC AGM will take place at New County Hall at 7pm on Thursday 20th February 2014. The guest speaker will be Mr Tony Hogg, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall. No councillors will be available to attend.
Cornwall AONB Annual Forum will take place from 10am to 2pm on Saturday 22nd March at Duchy College, Stoke Clinsland, Callington. Replies are requested from any councillor wishing to attend. Cllr Tanner reported that the organisation concentrates on an area each year and this area is not included in 2014. Calendars and copies of the Delivery Plan were made available to councillors
A consultation is now in progress for 12 weeks in relation to replacing the existing public libraries and mobile One-Stop facilities with a range of community based initiatives such as using shops, pubs, community rooms, etc. Details have been circulated to councillors by emails and further information is available and further comments on www.cornwall.gov.uk/libraryconsult. Cllrs Scoble agreed to discuss this with Cllr Pritchard concerning the use of Landithy Hall Billiard Room. Cornwall Cllr Maddern was extremely concerned about these changes and he was organising a campaign to retain the library van as it is invaluable to people in remote areas. Clerk was agreed to write a letter of support for Cllr Maddern’s campaign.
A further consultation is taking place concerning the future provision of school transport. School, pupils, town and parish councils and any interested parties are invited to respond on www.cornwall.gov.uk/schooltransport or telephone 0300.1234.101. Again details have been circulated to councillors.
Finally, clerk has circulated to councillors a copy of a letter from 1st Madron Brownies. They are asking for a donation as they intend to take part in a camp and other summer activities this year and the cost of insurance is around £700. They also need a new flag as part of the national event celebrating 100 years of the brownie movement. The pack was formed in 2008 with 6 brownies and now has 24 with a waiting list. This council has assisted the pack when they started and also when they needed a shed for a store. Clerk stated that this new request will be for consideration at the next meeting in March but he is mentioning it to be borne in mind in view of the financial decisions to be made later during this meeting
13. Equipment for Madron Playing Field
The council has agreed to finance new equipment for Madron Playing Fields and there is up to £15,000 available and this includes a donation of £1000 from Cornwall Cllr Maddern’s Community Chest. Clerk stated that the equipment will be purchased by the council, recorded as an asset and then donated to the Playing Field Committee. Chairman reported that if this is approved an agreement will be drawn up with the Playing Field Committee to the effect that the committee will be responsible for the insurance, maintenance and any repairs.
It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Scoble and unanimously agreed that Standing Orders be suspended in order to allow Rev. Time Hawkins to comment further and show photographs of the equipment available. The meeting continued after this suspension had taken place. After further discussion it was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Matthews and unanimously agreed that the decision on what to purchase be left to the Playing Field Committee within the limits of the fiancé available from this council. Clerk to write to confirm this and to emphasise the conditions in relation to the insurance and maintenance of the equipment. Also that all invoices should be addressed to Madron Parish Council and forwarded to him in order to claim back VAT.
The chairman thanked Cllr Maddern for his donation to the purchase of equipment.
14. Bus Shelter for Madron Village
Clerk reminded that the cost of a new shelter and base would be £4282.27 plus reclaimable VAT. Planning permission would not be required as it is a permitted building but permission would have to be obtained from Cornwall Council as they owned the verge at end of Trelawney Estate and Fore Street. Annual insurance would be in the region of £37 to £40 per year. He has received an email from the ‘Madron well-wishers’ showing a big response from their circulars to houses in the village asking if people wished for a shelter and this has been circulated by email to councillors. The email shows that over 50 people have responded and there are comments from residents both for and against the shelter. Some people are concerned about misuse of the shelter by youths and also potential damage. There are also comments from P.C Thomas, the Neighbourhood Beat Officer, which endorses the concerns relating to the shelter being used as a meeting point for youths with the problems of noise and nuisance to nearby residents as well as potential damage. The Chairman then invited comments from councillors.
Cllr Scoble reported to the meeting that he had conducted a survey between 9am and 6pm on Thursday 28th January when only 5 people used the bus stop at the end of Trelawney Estate and most people boarded at the end of Aldreath Road. Cllr Bates endorsed the view that the Trelawney Estate bus stop was not well used and he was able to view this regularly. Cllr Bone
expressed his concerns that this council was spending funds built up which may be required as funding is likely to became more difficult in the future. Concerns discussed included the police views and that the returns from the survey included people who would not use the bus or lived in the other part of the village and would catch the bus from the junction with Aldreath Road. It was also suggested that if £5000 was made available to the village, people may have other priorities.
It was proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr Bates and unanimously agreed that the request for the bus shelter be refused at this stage and the clerk was instructed to write to the ‘Well-wishers’ informing them of this decision. The chairman did emphasise appreciation of the ‘Well-wishers’ efforts in the organisation of the survey.
15. Notice Board for Madron Village
It had been agreed at the last meeting that the ‘Well-wishers’ should make the necessary enquiries and permissions needed for the community board and take ownership, and this
council would consider making a donation towards the cost when details were brought to this council. This was explained to the representative of the ‘Well-wishers’ at the meeting. Clerk will formally write to them and to ask them to inform him when the information required for the request is available,
16. Donation from Castle-an-Dinas Quarry for Gulval Ward
Castle an Dinas Quarry has made a donation of £500 to a project or amenity in the Gulval Ward. This is a last payment in what used to be £5000 per year from Aggregates Levy.
Clerk has circulated a letter from Gulval Christmas Lights Committee asking to be considered for this donation. Cllr Peake informed the meeting that he had received verbal requests that the money could be directed to Trythall School for them to use as they felt fit or to finance repair of the sign post in New Mill. Clerk reported that he had emailed Cornwall Cllr Mann to see if the sign post repairs were being financed by Cornwall Council but had received no reply at this stage. It was proposed by Cllr Scoble , seconded by Cllr Tanner and unanimously agreed that the finance should be directed to Gulval Lights Committee as these lights were appreciated by many Madron Parish residents.
17. West Cornwall Town and Parish Forum – 30th January 2014
This forum dealt with transport and bus services. Cllr Pritchard reported that over 50 representatives of local councils were present and also representatives from bus services and the portfolio holder for Transport on Cornwall Council, Cllr Biscoe. The topics for discussion were based on an a detailed report by Cornwall Cllr McKenna and resulted in many questions which were taken back by the people responsible. The availability of the Community Bus was also included in the discussion and it all resulted in various recommendations being made. Full details will be circulated by Cornwall Council and this will be emailed to councillors when received by the clerk. It was generally agreed that this was a very worthwhile forum which will benefit the community.
18. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Mathews , seconded by Cllr Peake and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £542.16, office allowance £30.00; mileage £29.70, petty cash £13.80; HMRC – PAYE and Nat Ins £140.47; West Country Fruit Sales – Christmas tree for Madron Village £75.60; H. Pearce £664.53 and W.M. Laity and Sons £1308.00, both for provision of a nursery area at St Maddern School.(S.19 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976) (Cllrs Pritchard, Jenkin, Scoble and Bone declared interests)
19. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 6th March 2014 at Madron Community Rooms