THURSDAY 3rd JANUARY 2013 AT 7.30pm

Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Miss M. Christopher – to point stated Cllr. M. Scoble Cllr D. Westlake
Cllr C. Bone Cllr R. Mann
Cllr I. Phillips Cllr S. Bates
Cllr V. Peake

Cornwall Cllrs W.Maddern, PC L. Thomas – to point stated
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and two members of the public

Cllr Mathews, Cornwall Cllrs Nicholas and Pass
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on Thursday 6th December 2012 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Bates requested dispensation from declaring interests in items relating to King George V Playing Field at Madron as a member of the Playing Field Committee – this has been approved by clerk.
4. Public Participation
Samantha Church introduced herself to members as the Development Officer for Devon and Cornwall Housing in this area with a role of assisting local community groups and will assist the new community initiatives in Madron where possible.
5. Police Report
The clerk reported that he had received a summary of police figures for the year November 2011 to November 2012. There were 53 recorded offences, the same as the previous year but violent crime increased from 10 to 13 cases. There were no domestic burglaries reported as opposed to 3 in the previous year but other burglaries increased from 3 to 4. Finally criminal damage decreased from 23 offences to 20 offences.
PC Thomas gave the Police Report for December. There were three crimes reported as opposed to one in December 2011. AP12/3052 – on 21st December a man was arrested for being drunk and disorderly in Madron; AP12/3107 – between 22nd and 23rd December a car parked in Madron was damaged by a bolt being placed under a tyre; AP13/28 on 17th December a padlock was stolen from a garden gate in Madron. PC Thomas informed members that offences of criminal damage are a concern and will be targeted in 2013. Reports of anti-social behaviour remain low and using ASBO warnings has been successful. (PC Thomas left the meeting at this point)


6. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Pritchard gave reports on events he had attended representing this council since the last meeting.
Firstly Madron Feast was satisfactory but the walk through the village had to be cancelled due to the weather.
Cllr Pritchard attended a meeting at The Queens Hotel in Penzance relating to the production of tourist maps in the Penzance area which included Madron. He produced maps of other towns to show the attractive and informative way the maps were presented and they met with the approval of members. The maps costs 40 pence each to produce and are financed by sponsorship and in other areas have been delivered to houses in the area with extra copies to hotels, guest houses, etc. It was agreed that this council may consider contributing to the scheme when it comes into operation in the Penzance district.
Cllr Pritchard also attended the Transport Forum which detailed facilities for patients travelling to and from hospitals and the availability of the Community Bus to assist with this service. The aims are to provide transport so that people can be assisted, not only in this way, but with care in the community. There will be more emphasis on care in the home and the contract with Peninsular Health Service is being reviewed to concentrate on facilities at home with a proper control of equipment which is very lax at the present.
The Forum also discussed plans to have a cycle track from the new park and ride facility at St Erth into St Ives, Hayle, Marazion and down to the Penzance area.
Particular concern was expressed that due to cutbacks, rural bus services are likely to be reduced severely and clerk was instructed to write to Cornwall Council to emphasise the need for these services in villages.
7. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Clerk reported that Cllr Matthews had reported concerns about a large pot hole on the bend opposite Lower Boskinning Farm on leaving Heamoor on the road to Bone Valley. Vehicles avoiding this pot hole are moving to the centre and offside of the road and confront vehicles coming round the bend from the opposite direction. Clerk has reported this to Highways expressing urgency. Highways have acknowledged receipt of this message.
Cllr Christopher has had discussions with the public concerning an extra notice board to be situated at the top of Madron Village as the bus leaves from there and people now have no need to come to the lower part of the village where a notice board is located as the shop and pub are closed. It was agreed that the best place would be either Parc Abnac or Trelawney Estate. It may be advisable to move the board from the side of The Green to provide better use at that end of Madron. The chairman, with Madron councillors, will look at the locations and the ownership of the land and report back to the next meeting.
Further concerns were expressed with the state of notice boards at New Mill, Badgers Cross and Madron Village all of which are in need of sealing and overhaul. Clerk was instructed to write to Duchy Builders at Trythall, Ian Clinch at Penzance and Duane Williams who does work for Landithy Hall asking for their estimates for the work and this will be included on the agenda at the next meeting.
Cllr Scoble has received a reply from the Post Office Services to the effect that an outside cash dispenser will be installed at the new Heamoor Post Office. Thanks were expressed to Cllr Scoble for making contact with the Post Office to ensure this facility will be retained.
Cllr Westlake had advised the clerk that he had concerns that the public may have a right to inspect councillors’ private emails under the Freedom of Information Act. Clerk had made enquires with CALC and they assured him that this was not the case but they could look at mails between councillors and the clerk. Clerk had circulated details of this matter to councillors by email and concerns were still expressed but councillors were advised to use emails in a formal manner.
Cllr Bates reported that the edge of the pavement had been eroded by the heavy rains opposite Poltair Hospital on Madron Hill. Clerk to inform Highways.
Cllr Bone reported that temporary fencing had been erected around Greenborough Stack and Cllr Maddern was able to report that a more substantial fence will be erected in due course.

Cllr Westlake reported that the ‘Break my Neck’ path had been repaired and was in excellent condition but he was concerned that while time had been spent on this other more important jobs on highways were not being addressed. Cllr Peake had spent considerable time rodding out drains on the Trythall Lane and the drain outside Bay of Biscay was in particular need of attention. Both Cllr Peake and Cllr Westlake were concerned that the road was breaking up as had been reported at the last meeting but Cornwall Council had attended but not inspected the sides of the road properly and they were a danger to vehicles passing. Cornwall Cllr Maddern agreed to take this up on behalf of this council and ask the people dealing to make contact with Cllr Westlake in order that he can show them the true extent of the problem. Clerk was instructed to mail this problem to Cornwall Cllrs Nicholas and Pass who were temporarily covering the Gulval Ward.
Cllr Jenkin reported that the road in Trewern Lane was also breaking up and Cornwall Cllr Maddern suggested that with the amount of work required after the heavy rains it is likely that the main roads will take priority and the smaller roads will have a long wait before any work can be done. Clerk was instructed to email Cornwall Highways with a list of the reported damaged roads.
Cllr Jenkin reported that nothing at been done by Devon and Cornwall Housing to repair the surface of The Broadwalk in Madron and this was still a hazard to pedestrians. Samantha Church, who was at the meeting as a member of the public, agreed to take this up with Louise Fryett of Devon and Cornwall Housing who had received the original report from the clerk.
8. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Maddern agreed to take up all the complaints by councillors. He also advised members that the reports of remuneration and expenses increases to Cornwall Councillors were inaccurate as these reports have to be adopted by the new council after the elections in May.
Clerk reported that he had forwarded minutes of last meeting and agenda for this meeting to Cornwall Cllrs Nicholas and Pass who are responsible for Gulval Ward until the elections in May. Cllr Nicholas has forwarded her apologies for tonight as she is at Perranuthnoe Council meeting as a member of that council but hopes to attend our February meeting and Cllr Pass is working at Treliske Hospital.
9. Planning,
PA12/11148 – extensions to east and west sides of dwelling incorporating annexe and associated works at Primrose Cottage, Boskednan, New Mill – supported
PA12/01806 – erection of agricultural barn and toilet/welfare units to be used for storage of forestry equipment, processing of Christmas trees and packing, retention of and greening up of hard core track and retention of septic tank at land southwest of Castle Gate Farm, Castle Gate, Ludgvan – objection as the size of the construction was not appropriate to the size of the plot.
PA12/08505 – erection of 16 holiday cottages, associated drainage, parking and associated works at Kenegie Holiday Park, Gulval – approved
PA12/09353 – erection of detached garage and garden shed at Bythmoy Barn, New Mill – approved
AP12/09735 – construction of one two storey pitched roof, single family dwelling at land south of 1 Badgers Cross – refused
Other Planning Matters
Planning Enforcement EN/03074 – alleged unauthorised residential occupation of premises in breach of extant enforcement notice W1/96/N/0097 at The Powder Mag, Ladydowns, New Mill
Planning Enforcement EN02571 – alleged construction of a large extension to house without planning permission at Tre-an-Pras, Vingoes Lane, Madron – PD or Deemed Consent.
10. Public Rights of Way
Cllr Westlake reported that paths in the parish were passable with care but the onus is on walkers and riders to take appropriate care on damaged paths in the present poor weather

11. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting had been completed with the exception of the enquiries concerning the war memorial which will be available for the next meeting.
Cornwall Council draft consultation in relation to taxis and private hire vehicles conditions and specifications had been received and circulated to councillors on 8th December 2012. Cllr Pritchard had read this thoroughly and had experience of these matters. He recommended that the clerk should reply to the consultation to the effect that this council supports the proposals. This was agreed.
Two places have been allocated to each council to attend a local landscape character assessment for community planning at Penzance on 31st January. Clerk has circulated this to councillors by email and Cllrs Pritchard and Jenkin have asked to represent this council and their details have been forwarded to the organisers. Clerk has asked to be put on a ‘reserve list’.
CALC ‘This Week’ issue 31 has been circulated to councillors by email.
Cornwall Council has circulated a summary list of present and future consultation for information and this has been emailed to councillors.
It has been pointed out by CALC that Standing Orders for councils should be reviewed in view of changes in the Code of Conduct. Clerk suggested that he should be left to draw up new standing orders to conform to requirements and he will put these before the chairman, vice-chairman and Cllr Jenkin as a member of the Standards Board and when approved by them the new standing orders should be placed before the Annual Parish Council Meeting in May 2013.
Planning Inspectorate – formal notice of hearing application to register waste land of a manor as common land at Chun Downs under Schedule 2(4) of Commons Act 2006 and Commons Registration Regulations 2008 commencing at 10am on Tuesday 5th February 2013 at St Just Community and Business Centre. Clerk reminded members that at the meeting of this council in July 2012 members of the public attended the meeting and explained that some of the land had been purchased by a farmer in 1936 and this was included in deeds. The farmers had to maintain the monuments, the public were able to walk the land and any major work had to be approved by the Secretary of State. In view of these comments this council opposed the land registration. This decision replaced a proposal of failing to support the application after a casting vote from the chairman. The clerk had mailed the co-ordinator of ‘Save the Moors’ campaign and Cornwall Council stating that this council opposed the registration due to issues of tenure. It was decided that clerk should write to Planning Inspectorate to emphasise the views of this council.
Clerk advised members that changes will have to be made to the dates of Madron Parish Council meetings in both May and June this year.
The first Thursday in May is 2nd May and this is the date of elections and in an election year standing orders show that the Annual Meeting must be held on the first Thursday following the fourth day after the election. It was unanimously agreed that the Annual meeting should be held on Thursday 9th May.
Moving on to June, the first Thursday will be 6th June and several members of this council will be at the Royal Cornwall Show. In previous years this meeting has been put back to the last Thursday in May which would be 30th and alternatively it could be put back to 13th June. In either case there would be a gap of 3 weeks and 5 weeks between meetings in May and June.It was unanimously agreed that the June meeting should be held on 13th June 2013
12. Litter Bins
Clerk has purchased two litter bins having discussed this with the chairman. Rather than simply having bins which could be removed it was agreed to purchase two bins with fittings and poles to fix into the ground. The cost of these was £304.91 plus VAT and Cornwall Cllr Maddern has kindly agreed to allocate £300 from his Community Fund towards the bins.
The bins have been delivered to Cllr Scoble. It was agreed that Cllr Jenkin will make contact with Mrs Burlton to find the views of the Junior Youth Group regarding the siting of the bins as they made the request for the bins and this will be deferred until the next meeting.

Cllr Christopher left the meeting at this point.
13. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: –
W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £520.46, office allowance £30.00, mileage £22.00, disbursements £69.11, Kaspersky computer security protection £47.98; HMRC – PAYE for clerk £130.00; St Justin, Long Rock – chain for chairman’s chain of office £29.00; Glasdon – two litter bins £365.89; West Country Fruit Sales £100.80.
Cllr Pritchard proposed that the clerk should write a letter of thanks to St Justin for the work that they had done in connection with the chairman’s chain of office and the price charged. This was unanimously agreed.
Clerk asked members to note that Cornwall Cllr Maddern had paid for the Christmas tree from his Community Fund with the exception of VAT which will be reclaimed as is the case with other items being paid from this meeting. Out of interest, £1171.26 has been paid out in VAT so far this financial year and this will be reclaimed in April 2013.
CALC have issued details of the Secretary of State’s announcement regarding precepts for this year and future years. This does not affect this year but may affect parish councils in the future. This has been circulated by email
Cornwall Council – Parish and Town Councils provisional council tax base for 2013-14 had been circulated to councillors by email.
Clerk reported that he had received a notification of a BACS payment of £947.90 being paid from Cornwall Council Community Chest for the litter bins and the outdoor building blocks for Trythall School.
Cllr Westlake and Cllr Roberts will liaise with the clerk during January to conduct an audit.
14. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 7th February 2013 at Trythall CP School.