THURSDAY 7th JANUARY 2016 AT 7.30pm
Draft minutes to be approved at the next meeting on 4th February 2016
Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (chairman) Cllr V. Peake (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Mrs G. Burlton
Cllr S. Pritchard Cllr. M. Scoble
Cllr G. Tanner Cllr C. Bone
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr I. Phillips
Cornwall Cllr R Mann
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins, no members of the public.
Cornwall Cllr Maddern, Cllrs Eddy and Bates
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on 3rd December 2015 were unanimously accepted after minor amendments by Cllrs Scoble and Tanner.
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Dispensations
5. Public Participation
6. Police Report
In the absence of police officers the report for December 2015 was given by the clerk. There were two crimes reported in the month compared to three for December 2014. Overnight 4th/5th the rear door of a dwelling in Madron was damaged by unknown means and between 21st and 22nd the tyres of a car parked at New Mill had a wheel damaged by a nail.
7. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Roberts advised members that the annual meal will take place at the Yacht Inn in Penzance on 28th January 2016. She has circulated the menu by email and the cost will be £19.95 per head
The chairman was also disappointed that there was no mention of this meeting in the Madron column of The Cornishman and a New Mill correspondent is being sought in the near future.
8. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Pritchard reported that he had taken the chairman’s chain of office to St Justin for repair. The work has been done and there is no charge. Cllr Pritchard proposed that the clerk writes a letter of thanks to Jeremy Gilbert at St Justin and this was unanimously agreed.
Cllr Scoble reported that the defibrillator case at Landithy Hall is showing signs of rust starting. Cllr Roberts stated that she will check the case at Trythall School and inform the clerk who was instructed to contact the supplier.
9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Mann has informed Planning Enforcement of the report at the last meeting of a possible new building being erected at Parc Abnac. He then informed the meeting that whilst the LMP payments from Cornwall Council to parishes for 2016 is the same as last year there is a possibility that they will increase next year. Finally he informed the meeting that the government are considering boundary changes in the future and Cornwall Council are opposed to this.
10. Planning
PA15/10195 – to join two barns together via a glass conservatory corridor and convert into a holiday let at 2 The Retreat, Badgers Cross, Gulval. It was unanimously agreed that this council opposes this as the plans are lacking in detail and at various points the application makes assumptions rather than facts. Also there are problems with car parking along this road and there are no facilities for parking at the property.
PA15/11341 – application of reserved matters following outline approval PA14/09985 dated 9.12.2004: Access appearance layout scale at access to Bone Farm, Heamoor. Clerk informed the meeting that this application has been withdrawn due to technical inaccuracies and it is anticipated that the application will be put before this council at the next meeting.
PREAPP – PA15/03501 – pre-application enquiry for the construction of a new two bed dwelling on land NE of Kenegie Manor Farmhouse, Kenegie Manor, Gulval reported for information
PA15/07431 – retrospective planning application for various matters discussed at last parish council meeting on 3rd December 2015 at Castle-an-Dinas Quarry, Ludgvan – withdrawn.
PA15/08927 – conversion of a film studio to form a dwelling (development may affect public right of way) at The Studio, Tremearne, Gulval – refused
PA15/108451 – certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of the building known as The Cart Shed as a dwelling at The Cart Shed, Resoon,Gulval – granted
Other Planning Matters
11. Public Rights of Way
Cllr Tanner advised the meeting that the Cornwall Council ranger has contacted the landowner in relation to the blockage by landslide in Break-my-Neck Lane.
12. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that instructions from the last meeting have been completed
Andrew George, Cornwall Land Community Trust – letter entitled @Meeting Local Housing Needs in Madron’ (circulated to councillors by email – noted.
CALC December newsletter (circulated to councillors by email) – contains comments on Neighbourhood Planning, LMP, etc. – noted
Clerk referred to the invoice to be paid to Cormac for weed spraying in 2015 which amounts to £775.05 plus £155.01 VAT = £930.06. He is in the process of obtaining a quote from Cormac for 2016.
Clerk has also spoken to Penzance Town Council who deal with Complete Weed Control (South West) at St Austell and they find them cheaper than Cormac and very efficient. Clerk has received an email from that company which he has circulated to councillors and he will follow this up and report to the next meeting. Councillors felt that if this company combined the work at Madron with Penzance a discount may be considered.
It was also felt that the matter of weed spraying should be discussed at the next West Cornwall Town and Parish Community Forum as other parishes in the area may wish to combine and a larger discount may be obtained. Clerk was instructed to contact James Hardy, the local Cornwall Council liaison officer, requesting that this be put on the agenda for the next forum.
Clerk is in the process of altering the Parish Council email address from [email protected] to [email protected]. Cllr Eddy is assisting with this and councillors and other interested parties will be advised when it is complete. This will ensure that only parish council matters are on the computer and not the clerk’s personal mail.
13. Neighbourhood Plan
The dates and venues for the initial neighbourhood meetings at Landithy Hall on 14th April and Trythall on 21st April 2016 have been agreed at the meeting in November 2015 The purpose is to assess the extent of interest and willingness of the public to become involved in the scheme.
Clerk suggested that the notice in CALC December newsletter, which he has copied to councillors, should be used as a guide for website. The clerk will adapt this to the needs of this parish for notice boards and website, together with early notification of the initial meetings. This was agreed unanimously. He reminded councillors that in previous discussions councillors should attend organisations and schools to invite the public to attend the meetings. It was agreed that the responsibilities for this should be allocated at the meeting in March.
14. Parc Abnac Allotments
Clerk reported that matters were still pending between Coodes Solicitors and Cornwall Council as Helen Willett at Coodes was making further enquiries to ensure agreements are secure. In the meantime clerk has adapted the contract between Cornwall Council and Parc Abnac tenants to suit this council. This has been approved by Cllrs Pritchard and Bates as councillors responsible for the allotments. An attempt has been made to circulate the contracts by email and if there have been problems receiving councillors have been given the opportunity to receive a hard copy from the clerk if required. Hard copies have been provided for Cllrs Bates and Pritchard as ‘allotment councillors’. Cllr Jenkin asked if the rents should be considered. Cllr Pritchard has made initial checks of the allotments and felt that this will be best left until the size of allotments are confirmed. Cllr Pritchard asked the clerk to obtain a list of the present tenants for his information.
15. Litter Bins in Madron
Clerk reported that the present contract with Cory to empty the litter bins in Madron expires during this month. Last year we paid £169.50 plus VAT and I have received a quote of £185.12 plus VAT for 2016. It was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Bone and unanimously agreed that the quote for this year be accepted. Clerk was instructed to make the necessary arrangements.
16. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Burlton, and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £640.61, office allowance £30.00, mileage £9.90, petty cash 19.17; HMRC – PAYE and Nat. Ins. £177.20; Cormac Solutions – weed spraying £930.06.
Clerk reported that the invoice for Trevena Cross was awaited.
The clerk added that he has always supplied the rotary trimmer for council use as he regarded it as part his office allowance. It has now broken and he wishes to retain the new one he has purchased with no charge to the council. It was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that as the trimmer was being used for council work that the clerk be reimbursed in his expenses at the next meeting.
Cllrs Scoble and Tanner have commenced the audit but it has not yet been finalised and they will report to the next meeting.
Clerk reported that Landithy Hall Managers have increased the charge for meetings to £15 from 1st January 2016.
17. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 4th February 2016 at Trythall CP School.