

Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (chairman) Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin
Cllr Mrs G. Burlton Cllr S. Pritchard Cllr. M. Scoble Cllr G. Tanner
Cllr H. Eddy Cllr S. Bates
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr I. Phillips

Cornwall Cllrs W.Maddern and R Mann

Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins, no members of the public

Cllrs V. Peake and C. Bone
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on 1st December 2016 were unanimously approved.
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllrs Scoble and Bates – item 9 Planning – PA16/11449 at King William 1V Inn, Madron, as regular customers.
4. Dispensations
5. Public Participation
6. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Roberts had reported a tree overhanging the road at the bottom of Cranken Hill causing problems. Clerk informed Highways and both Highways and Cllr Roberts contacted Bolitho Estates, the landowner, and the tree was eventually cut down.
7. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Matthews reported that the footpath sign by Bosoljack Farm in New Mill has rotted down. Clerk to inform Countryside Access
Cllr Jenkin commented on a large bus being regularly parked on The Green. Cllr Burlton stated that the bus originally parked badly but is now being parked in a way which does not cause obstruction. Cllr Bates informed the meeting that he knew the driver who lives in the village and he will advise him. It was also agreed that attention will be paid to the parking on The Green as there is also a Cormac lorry parked there.
8. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllrs Mann and Maddern had nothing to report as whilst there were a lot of items being dealt with, none affected Madron.

9. Planning
PA16/11449 – conversion and extension of store to provide self-contained family accommodation at King William 1V Inn, Madron (Cllrs Scoble and Bates declared an interest and left the room) – supported, but members would prefer a small pitch roof with a skylight
PA16/11611 – re-building of an existing extension to form a new bathroom adjacent to an existing studio within the grounds of the house at Higher Gear, New Mill – supported
PA16/11491 – removal of condition 4 (10 month occupancy option)at decision 1/86/P/0222/F to allow all year round occupancy at 13 Old Court, Kenegie Manor, Gulval – supported
PA16/08978 – listed building consent for the conversion of a domestic storage outbuilding to a bedroom and en-suite, new roofing work at Carfury Farm, Carfury, New Mill – approved
PA16/09638 – demolition olf a garden shed and construction of a single-storey extension at Bythmoy, access to Nanscowan, New Mill – approved
PA16/02847 PREAPP – pre-application advice for a category C single-storey single dwelling
At Higher Hellangove Farm – withdrawn
PA16/09233 – retrospective planning application for replacement of condemned office facilities with new main offices, rest room and welfare facilities, laboratory, washing and drying rooms and weighbridge offices and creation of a staff and visitor car parking area adjacent to offices to avoid conflict with quarry vehicle movements at Castle an Dinas Quarry, Castle Gate, Ludgvan – withdrawn
PA16/10566 – listed building consent for conversion of store to disabled W.C. at The Garden Cottage, Tengwainton, Madron –approved.
Other Planning Matters
Planning at Cornwall Council has replied to the mail from clerk concerning the circulation of PREAPPS if this parish does not intend to give such advice. They have informed the clerk that parishes can sign up for alerts of applications and parishes will be advised how to take this action. Nothing has been received to date but clerk will follow this up.
10. Public Rights of Way
Clerk gave Cornwall Council’s response to letter from clerk to repairs and signs required for the paths at Kennel Lane/Vingoes Lane which had been circulated by email to councillors.
They point out that they are unable to give any time scale for the work to be done on sign posts as sign posts are not regarded as a priority. If the signs are passed to this council Countryside Access would need to ensure contractors had a sector scheme 12 Certificate and Chapter 8 Awareness. Also Countryside Access would need to undertake services checks before any digging is carried out – noted
Cllr Tanner reported that he hoped that planned work on Ginger Lane will take place this year and now that a donation from this council has been approved he will contact other interested parties, including the British Horse Society, in an effort to obtain more funding..
Clerk has been trying to make contact with English Heritage concerning repairs required to the car park at the Wishing Well and Baptistery. The nearest contact was at Bristol and they say they have no responsibility for the required work. Clerk then contacted Bolitho Estates Office as they are the landowners and they will attempt to obtain more information and come back to the clerk after Christmas. Clerk will follow this up.
11. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting have been completed.
All CALC Weekly News Roundups have been circulated to councillors by email – noted
CALC explanations of election costs have been circulated to councillors by email – noted
Cornwall Council Special Bulletin regarding dogs on beaches survey, which is to be completed by 12th January, has been circulated to councillors by email – noted.
Police Commissioner’s reply to this council’s complaint about lack of policing in this area has been circulated to councillors by email. The problems are appreciated but there appears to be no answer provided other than contacting a link officer who covers West Cornwall, Sgt Lynn Gooding. The letter has been circulated to councillors by email –noted.

Clerk added that there had been no further mention of chairmen and clerks meeting with police at Penzance, which was suggested at a forum some months ago. Cornwall Cllr Maddern expressed concern that the future of West Penwith Town and Parish Forum was under review by Cornwall Council and should it cease to take place it would be a great loss.
Cornwall Council Special Bulletin concerning referendum principles not being extended to parish and town councils for the forthcoming financial year, has been circulated to councillors by email – noted
Helston Town Cllr Potter has written to all parishes asking for views as to whether the cycling ‘Tour of Britain’ should be invited to Cornwall and also if parishes are happy for the route to be through their parish. Full details have been circulated to councillors by email. It is pointed out that there is a cost to enter but the financial returns are huge. It was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Bates and unanimously agreed that this council would support the invitation and are happy for the route to come through this parish. Clerk was instructed to inform Cllr Potter.
On the day of this meeting a Special Bulletin was issued calling for evidence of damage or injury incurred by lanterns or balloons as there is currently a ban on them being used on Cornwall Council managed land. This has been circulated to councillors by email – noted
12. Cornwall and I.o.S Health and Social Care Plan 2016-2021
Clerk reported that a public meeting concerning this plan is to be held at St Johns Hall, Penzance from 7pm to 8.30pm on Tuesday 10th January 2017. An explanatory book has been seen by Cllrs Jenkin and Pritchard as Health Councillors with survey forms concerning the plan and they will complete them on behalf of this council. The book was brought to the meeting for information of interested councillors. Both Cllrs Jenkin and Pritchard agreed that there was nothing new and it was a re-hash of previous policies.
13. Precept for 2017-2018 Financial Year
Clerk has forwarded to all councillors details of a guideline budget for 2017-2018 with anticipated income and expenditure. He emphasised that this was purely a guideline as all these figures cannot be guaranteed. For example during this month a new cabinet will be ordered and this is not in the budget and no doubt other items of expenditure and income will crop up. Cllr Pritchard gave any repairs to fences as an example if the allotments become the responsibility of this council and Cllr Jenkin felt the same about the Churchyard. It was agreed that safety reserve was required and it was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Matthews and unanimously agreed that the precept for the next financial year should be set at £25,000. Clerk was instructed to take the appropriate action with Cornwall Council.
14. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Burlton and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Willkins, clerk – salary, £695.10, office allowance £30.00 mileage £9.90, petty cash £86.30: HMRC – PAYE and National Insurance £200.19; Cllr Peake – mileage for meeting re. Heliport at Penzance at Truro £25.20; Trevena Cross Nurseries – 2 Christmas trees £350.00
Clerk will forward the forms for a grant from Cllr Madderrn’s Community Chest for the sum of £200 which is the cost of the larger tree less VAT
Clerk reported that he has continued negotiations with Cornwall Council over the payment of an invoice dated 5th August 2016 for cutting silver paths and a second invoice dated 11th October 2016 for the second cut of gold paths. The October invoice has now been paid in late December. He has been informed today that the August invoice has now been traced and this will be paid within the next few days as it has been passed to the finance section marked urgent.
Finally Cllrs Tanner and Scoble completed the December Audit with the clerk at his home on 12th December 2016 and all was in order.
15. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 2nd February 2017 at Trythall CP School