THURSDAY 7th JULY 2011 AT 7.30pm
Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin
Cllr Miss M. Christopher Cllr. M. Scoble
Cllr D. Westlake Cllr S. Bates
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr C. Bone
Cllr I. Phillips Cllr V. Peake
Cornwall Cllrs W. Maddern and Miss I. Bailey
Clerk, Mr W. E. Wilkins, no members of the public
Cllrs R. Mann and Mrs C. Roberts
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on 2nd June 2011 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllrs Maddern and Bailey – item 9, all planning applications as Cornwall Councillors.
Cllr Peake – item 9, planning application PA11/04739 at The Old Barn, New Mill, as a friend of the applicant.
Cllr Phillips – item 9, planning application PA11/05229 at Bosgarrack, Hellangove, Gulval, as a neighbour.
4. Public Participation
5. Police Report
Clerk gave details of his request for crimes within the parish for June which he had obtained from the Devon and Cornwall Police website. Instead of a recent update he had received a review of the last 12 months. These details have been emailed to councillors but he was unable to give any recent update.
PC Thomas had emailed the clerk advising him that Ludgvan had a reduced anti-social behaviour problem in Crowlas and this was due to initiatives by Ludgvan Parish Council.
Clerk has spoken with Nigel Honess, the chairman of Ludgvan Parish Council and it appears that last year the Aggregates Levy Sustainability funds had been spent on paying Youth Workers to come out from Penzance Youth Centre to organise a Youth Club in the parish and also numerous trips had been organised and funded from this source. Since then the problems had reduced considerably. Clerk pointed out that funding had been provided by this council to Madron Youth Club when requested; two sums of aggregates levy funding allocated to the playing fields and £200 donated to the brownies in the last two years. Cllr Bates added that Youth Workers had come out from Penzance regularly to assist with activities for the youngsters in Madron.
6. Chairman’s Comments
7. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Clerk reported that Cllr Mann had asked him to remind members that it is the Queen’s Diamond Anniversary in June next year and suggested thought be given to some form of celebration in the parish. Cllr Westlake suggested this be left to nearer the time.
Cllr Westlake reported more problems with pot holes in Gear Hill, up the hill from Chapel Brook and the road really is need of re-surfacing. Clerk to contact Highways.
8. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cllrs Maddern and Bailey enlarged on the circulation relating to a Festival of Sport to be held between 14th and 16th September 2012 which will bring money into the area and lengthen the holiday season. The route for the cycle racing and diversions go through Madron Parish. The start is at Tremethick Cross and proceeds through Newbridge and returns from the direction of St Ives through Badgers Cross to Penzance. The road from Tremethick Cross through Heamoor is a diversionary route. Any comments or objections are invited from this council to these sections. The Cornwall Cllrs advised that the route will be marshalled by motor cyclists from a professional company and the road closures will be in place only while cyclists are passing through. There were no objections from this council to these routes, clerk to inform the organisers.
Cllr Bailey gave an update on the availability of The Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund for this year. She had discussions with Cornwall Council officers and had refused to negotiate a reduction in the funding and had now been verbally guaranteed that £5,000 would become available to this council by the end of July. Clerk was instructed to wait until this was confirmed in writing before taking any direct action, but he will inform councillors when the payment is made so that they can advise potential applicants.
9. Planning
(Cornwall Cllrs Bailey and Maddern declared interests in all applications). Clerk reported that the Planning Advisory Council had met on 4th July and made the following recommendations to be considered at this meeting
PA11/03822 – conversion of dwelling into two dwellings and installation of roof lights at Landithy Farmhouse, Bellair Road, Madron. Clerk reported that the last application in relation to this premises was for conversion into five dwellings in September 2008. There was strong opposition to this application and clerk had discussed the present application with the planning officer. The officer feels that previous concerns regarding drainage (he had no objection from South West Water) and parking did not apply as this was a large building capable of being divided into two dwellings.
The Planning Advisory Panel recommended that this be approved but it was felt that the new front and rear doors should match the original door.
PA11/04189 – replacement of second floor windows at Trevaylor Manor Nursing Home, Gulval. The Senior Conservation Officer has no concerns and the Planning Advisory Panel recommend that the application be supported.
PA11/04522 – change of use from storage unit to light industrial at Higher Trembath House, Buryas Bridge. Clerk felt that there was a lack of information in this application and had spoken with the planning officer who stated that there was no change to the actual building, the planned light industrial use is to rent the property out for a laundry business on the ground floor to serve local guesthouses and hotels. This conformed to planning policies and there were no other houses nearby which could be affected by the change of use. Planning Advisory Panel recommended approval.
PA11/04714 – ground floor storage extension and first floor extension to form domestic studio at Karoi, Aldreath Road, Madron. The Planning Officer felt that there was no objection in principle as design, materials and scale are acceptable and there is no impact on neighbours. Planning Advisable Panel recommended approval
PA11/04739 – erection of replacement extension and rear doors at The Old Barn, New Mill. (Cllr Peake declared an interest) The Planning Officer has no concerns and so the Planning Advisory Panel recommended approval.
PA11/00255 – erection and use of a new building to serve as a fines aggregates store and salt/grit barn at Castle an Dinas Quarry, with the salt/grit store being used to supply council gritting lorries servicing the local public highways. The Planning Officer will support this application as any visual impact will be minimal and it will be a big bonus for local gritters as presently they have to travel to and from Scorrier to collect grit which is both expensive and unfavourable environmentally. The new Surfacing and Recycling Manager anticipates that there will be an increase in lorry traffic, but local roads should receive a better service. The Planning Advisory Panel again recommended approval. However concerns were expressed that the narrow lane down to Gulval Churchtown should not be used by lorries as a short cut as this road is not suitable for this type of traffic. Cllr Phillips added that the entrance to the quarry should be improved.
PA11/05229 – construction of a single storey extension at Bosgarrack, Hellangove Farm, Gulval. (Cllr Phillips declared an interest) Clerk reported that this application had been received after the publication of the agenda but it had been considered by the Planning Advisory Panel. They recommended approval after the Planning Officer had advised the clerk that the windows do not overlook any other property and it was compatible with the area.
It was proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr Peake, and unanimously agreed that the recommendations of The Planning Advisory Panel be accepted
Other Planning Matters
Clerk has circulated to members a request from Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council asking for support for their proposals in relation to large planning applications. These proposals would require applicants of major applications to attend a meeting of the town or parish council and/or fund a public meeting to answer questions from residents. The Planning Advisory Panel recommends that clerk should show our support for these proposals and it was unanimously accepted that this recommendation be accepted.
CALC have circulated details of a new leaflet ‘Right to Build’. This includes parts of the neighbourhood planning network which relate to the Localism Bill before parliament and this shows how decisions can be influenced by community groups, views supported by over half a community in a referendum and other independent assessments. Noted.
10. Public Rights of Way
Clerk has been in contact with the contractors. They have forwarded to him their public indemnity insurances and have signed the contract of agreement for the work to be completed at the beginning of July. Details of paths where problems exist have been passed to them for particular attention. Cllr Westlake will check various paths during this month.
11. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting have been completed.
Clerk advised members that the annual risk assessments are due in July and this is normally carried out by the chairman and auditing councillors with the clerk and it this will take place on 14th of this month.
Cornwall Council has circulated a large booklet entitled Draft Beach Management Strategy. This is available for interested members from the clerk.
The next West Penwith Town and Parish Forum will be held at St Johns Hall, Penzance at 7pm on Thursday 21st July 2011. The agenda has not yet been published but there no items to be put forward from this council.
CALC issues 32 to 35 have been circulated to councillors by email.
SPACE, a disabled children’s charity are holding a sponsored ‘zip it’ at Liskeard on 20th August. Details have been circulated by email to councillors for personal attention
Cornwall SLCC June newsletter has also been circulated by email to councillors
An invitation has been received for councillors and clerks to meet Alec Robertson, the leader of Cornwall Council, at St Johns Hall at 7pm on Monday 25th July. Cllrs Pritchard, Scoble, Jenkin will attend with the clerk, clerk to give details to the organisers.
Cornwall Council’s latest localism monthly report for West Penwith has been circulated to councillors by email.
Clerk has written formal invitations to Lady Mary Holborow and Captain Toby Williamson to attend the Trafalgar service and parade on 23rd October 2011. Captain Williamson has accepted the invitation to take the salute and authorises the usual attendance by RNAS Culdrose personnel. In view of this acceptance clerk has taken the normal invitations to Cornwall Council print room at Penzance for printing. Lady Mary Holborow retires as Lord Lieutenant in September and she will pass on the invitation to her successor. The chairman commented that the clerk had written to Lady Mary Holborow thanking her for her support for Madron and wishing her a happy retirement.
Cornwall Council has secured a small amount of funding as part of a European Programme relating to energy. There will be an exhibition for communities at Gaia Centre, Delabole on 29th July, and entrance is free. Should this council wish to be involved an ‘expression of interest’ will have to be submitted for any proposed scheme. Noted.
Andy Bartle, Cornwall Council Surfacing and Recycling Manager, who is responsible for Castle an Dinas Quarry, has offered to meet representatives of Ludgvan and Madron Parish Councils in relation to the increase in traffic and any other matters affecting residents and the quarry. The Planning Advisory Panel feels that this meeting should be supported. Cornwall Cllrs Bailey and Maddern advised members that the meeting should include themselves with the chairmen and clerks from both Ludgvan and Madron at a time and date to be agreed.
‘Community Action Through Sport’ have a lunch at Lanhydrock Golf and Country Club at 12 noon on 16th September to launch their organisation and an invitation is extended to councillors – noted
12. Proposed Madron Parish Council Website
Cllr Westlake asked that this again be deferred as due to other commitments he had been unable to progress this matter.
13. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Bates and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £433.65, office allowance £30.00, mileage 22.00, disbursements £40.27, Trafalgar £24.04; HMCR – PAYE for clerk £108.40.
Tanya’s Courage Trust which gives assistance to young people with cancer throughout Cornwall has asked for a donation as they are currently experiencing great financial difficulty.
This organisation assists through Cornwall with counselling, entertainment to ensure these people are not isolated and assistance with funeral expenses where there is a sudden need. Clerk reported that this council last donated £50.00 to this organisation in March 2010. It was proposed by Cllr Mathews, seconded by Cllr Peake and unanimously agreed that the sum of £100.00 be donated to this charity. (Section 137 Local Government Act 1972)
Clerk reported that he had received an email from Madron Playing Field Committee informing this council that £147.75 had been raised from a recent bingo session and £34 from a car boot sale. Clerk has asked the treasurer to keep a tally. Cllr Westlake proposed that the Playing Field Committee should present details of their funding at the end of the financial year and match funding should be made by this council at that stage. This was seconded by Cllr Scoble and unanimously agreed.
Clerk has circulated for information by email the CALC response to the consultation concerning local audits. At this stage there is no information about the future procedures.
Clerk has also had a meeting at Barclays Bank in an effort to obtain better interest rates, but this was not successful and he understands that all banks will have similar rates in the present financial climate.
14. Time and date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday, 4th August 2011 at Trythall CP School.
THURSDAY 7th JULY 2011 AT 7.30pm
Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin
Cllr Miss M. Christopher Cllr. M. Scoble
Cllr D. Westlake Cllr S. Bates
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr C. Bone
Cllr I. Phillips Cllr V. Peake
Cornwall Cllrs W. Maddern and Miss I. Bailey
Clerk, Mr W. E. Wilkins, no members of the public
Cllrs R. Mann and Mrs C. Roberts
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on 2nd June 2011 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllrs Maddern and Bailey – item 9, all planning applications as Cornwall Councillors.
Cllr Peake – item 9, planning application PA11/04739 at The Old Barn, New Mill, as a friend of the applicant.
Cllr Phillips – item 9, planning application PA11/05229 at Bosgarrack, Hellangove, Gulval, as a neighbour.
4. Public Participation
5. Police Report
Clerk gave details of his request for crimes within the parish for June which he had obtained from the Devon and Cornwall Police website. Instead of a recent update he had received a review of the last 12 months. These details have been emailed to councillors but he was unable to give any recent update.
PC Thomas had emailed the clerk advising him that Ludgvan had a reduced anti-social behaviour problem in Crowlas and this was due to initiatives by Ludgvan Parish Council.
Clerk has spoken with Nigel Honess, the chairman of Ludgvan Parish Council and it appears that last year the Aggregates Levy Sustainability funds had been spent on paying Youth Workers to come out from Penzance Youth Centre to organise a Youth Club in the parish and also numerous trips had been organised and funded from this source. Since then the problems had reduced considerably. Clerk pointed out that funding had been provided by this council to Madron Youth Club when requested; two sums of aggregates levy funding allocated to the playing fields and £200 donated to the brownies in the last two years. Cllr Bates added that Youth Workers had come out from Penzance regularly to assist with activities for the youngsters in Madron.
6. Chairman’s Comments
7. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Clerk reported that Cllr Mann had asked him to remind members that it is the Queen’s Diamond Anniversary in June next year and suggested thought be given to some form of celebration in the parish. Cllr Westlake suggested this be left to nearer the time.
Cllr Westlake reported more problems with pot holes in Gear Hill, up the hill from Chapel Brook and the road really is need of re-surfacing. Clerk to contact Highways.
8. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cllrs Maddern and Bailey enlarged on the circulation relating to a Festival of Sport to be held between 14th and 16th September 2012 which will bring money into the area and lengthen the holiday season. The route for the cycle racing and diversions go through Madron Parish. The start is at Tremethick Cross and proceeds through Newbridge and returns from the direction of St Ives through Badgers Cross to Penzance. The road from Tremethick Cross through Heamoor is a diversionary route. Any comments or objections are invited from this council to these sections. The Cornwall Cllrs advised that the route will be marshalled by motor cyclists from a professional company and the road closures will be in place only while cyclists are passing through. There were no objections from this council to these routes, clerk to inform the organisers.
Cllr Bailey gave an update on the availability of The Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund for this year. She had discussions with Cornwall Council officers and had refused to negotiate a reduction in the funding and had now been verbally guaranteed that £5,000 would become available to this council by the end of July. Clerk was instructed to wait until this was confirmed in writing before taking any direct action, but he will inform councillors when the payment is made so that they can advise potential applicants.
9. Planning
(Cornwall Cllrs Bailey and Maddern declared interests in all applications). Clerk reported that the Planning Advisory Council had met on 4th July and made the following recommendations to be considered at this meeting
PA11/03822 – conversion of dwelling into two dwellings and installation of roof lights at Landithy Farmhouse, Bellair Road, Madron. Clerk reported that the last application in relation to this premises was for conversion into five dwellings in September 2008. There was strong opposition to this application and clerk had discussed the present application with the planning officer. The officer feels that previous concerns regarding drainage (he had no objection from South West Water) and parking did not apply as this was a large building capable of being divided into two dwellings.
The Planning Advisory Panel recommended that this be approved but it was felt that the new front and rear doors should match the original door.
PA11/04189 – replacement of second floor windows at Trevaylor Manor Nursing Home, Gulval. The Senior Conservation Officer has no concerns and the Planning Advisory Panel recommend that the application be supported.
PA11/04522 – change of use from storage unit to light industrial at Higher Trembath House, Buryas Bridge. Clerk felt that there was a lack of information in this application and had spoken with the planning officer who stated that there was no change to the actual building, the planned light industrial use is to rent the property out for a laundry business on the ground floor to serve local guesthouses and hotels. This conformed to planning policies and there were no other houses nearby which could be affected by the change of use. Planning Advisory Panel recommended approval.
PA11/04714 – ground floor storage extension and first floor extension to form domestic studio at Karoi, Aldreath Road, Madron. The Planning Officer felt that there was no objection in principle as design, materials and scale are acceptable and there is no impact on neighbours. Planning Advisable Panel recommended approval
PA11/04739 – erection of replacement extension and rear doors at The Old Barn, New Mill. (Cllr Peake declared an interest) The Planning Officer has no concerns and so the Planning Advisory Panel recommended approval.
PA11/00255 – erection and use of a new building to serve as a fines aggregates store and salt/grit barn at Castle an Dinas Quarry, with the salt/grit store being used to supply council gritting lorries servicing the local public highways. The Planning Officer will support this application as any visual impact will be minimal and it will be a big bonus for local gritters as presently they have to travel to and from Scorrier to collect grit which is both expensive and unfavourable environmentally. The new Surfacing and Recycling Manager anticipates that there will be an increase in lorry traffic, but local roads should receive a better service. The Planning Advisory Panel again recommended approval. However concerns were expressed that the narrow lane down to Gulval Churchtown should not be used by lorries as a short cut as this road is not suitable for this type of traffic. Cllr Phillips added that the entrance to the quarry should be improved.
PA11/05229 – construction of a single storey extension at Bosgarrack, Hellangove Farm, Gulval. (Cllr Phillips declared an interest) Clerk reported that this application had been received after the publication of the agenda but it had been considered by the Planning Advisory Panel. They recommended approval after the Planning Officer had advised the clerk that the windows do not overlook any other property and it was compatible with the area.
It was proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr Peake, and unanimously agreed that the recommendations of The Planning Advisory Panel be accepted
Other Planning Matters
Clerk has circulated to members a request from Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council asking for support for their proposals in relation to large planning applications. These proposals would require applicants of major applications to attend a meeting of the town or parish council and/or fund a public meeting to answer questions from residents. The Planning Advisory Panel recommends that clerk should show our support for these proposals and it was unanimously accepted that this recommendation be accepted.
CALC have circulated details of a new leaflet ‘Right to Build’. This includes parts of the neighbourhood planning network which relate to the Localism Bill before parliament and this shows how decisions can be influenced by community groups, views supported by over half a community in a referendum and other independent assessments. Noted.
10. Public Rights of Way
Clerk has been in contact with the contractors. They have forwarded to him their public indemnity insurances and have signed the contract of agreement for the work to be completed at the beginning of July. Details of paths where problems exist have been passed to them for particular attention. Cllr Westlake will check various paths during this month.
11. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting have been completed.
Clerk advised members that the annual risk assessments are due in July and this is normally carried out by the chairman and auditing councillors with the clerk and it this will take place on 14th of this month.
Cornwall Council has circulated a large booklet entitled Draft Beach Management Strategy. This is available for interested members from the clerk.
The next West Penwith Town and Parish Forum will be held at St Johns Hall, Penzance at 7pm on Thursday 21st July 2011. The agenda has not yet been published but there no items to be put forward from this council.
CALC issues 32 to 35 have been circulated to councillors by email.
SPACE, a disabled children’s charity are holding a sponsored ‘zip it’ at Liskeard on 20th August. Details have been circulated by email to councillors for personal attention
Cornwall SLCC June newsletter has also been circulated by email to councillors
An invitation has been received for councillors and clerks to meet Alec Robertson, the leader of Cornwall Council, at St Johns Hall at 7pm on Monday 25th July. Cllrs Pritchard, Scoble, Jenkin will attend with the clerk, clerk to give details to the organisers.
Cornwall Council’s latest localism monthly report for West Penwith has been circulated to councillors by email.
Clerk has written formal invitations to Lady Mary Holborow and Captain Toby Williamson to attend the Trafalgar service and parade on 23rd October 2011. Captain Williamson has accepted the invitation to take the salute and authorises the usual attendance by RNAS Culdrose personnel. In view of this acceptance clerk has taken the normal invitations to Cornwall Council print room at Penzance for printing. Lady Mary Holborow retires as Lord Lieutenant in September and she will pass on the invitation to her successor. The chairman commented that the clerk had written to Lady Mary Holborow thanking her for her support for Madron and wishing her a happy retirement.
Cornwall Council has secured a small amount of funding as part of a European Programme relating to energy. There will be an exhibition for communities at Gaia Centre, Delabole on 29th July, and entrance is free. Should this council wish to be involved an ‘expression of interest’ will have to be submitted for any proposed scheme. Noted.
Andy Bartle, Cornwall Council Surfacing and Recycling Manager, who is responsible for Castle an Dinas Quarry, has offered to meet representatives of Ludgvan and Madron Parish Councils in relation to the increase in traffic and any other matters affecting residents and the quarry. The Planning Advisory Panel feels that this meeting should be supported. Cornwall Cllrs Bailey and Maddern advised members that the meeting should include themselves with the chairmen and clerks from both Ludgvan and Madron at a time and date to be agreed.
‘Community Action Through Sport’ have a lunch at Lanhydrock Golf and Country Club at 12 noon on 16th September to launch their organisation and an invitation is extended to councillors – noted
12. Proposed Madron Parish Council Website
Cllr Westlake asked that this again be deferred as due to other commitments he had been unable to progress this matter.
13. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Bates and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £433.65, office allowance £30.00, mileage 22.00, disbursements £40.27, Trafalgar £24.04; HMCR – PAYE for clerk £108.40.
Tanya’s Courage Trust which gives assistance to young people with cancer throughout Cornwall has asked for a donation as they are currently experiencing great financial difficulty.
This organisation assists through Cornwall with counselling, entertainment to ensure these people are not isolated and assistance with funeral expenses where there is a sudden need. Clerk reported that this council last donated £50.00 to this organisation in March 2010. It was proposed by Cllr Mathews, seconded by Cllr Peake and unanimously agreed that the sum of £100.00 be donated to this charity. (Section 137 Local Government Act 1972)
Clerk reported that he had received an email from Madron Playing Field Committee informing this council that £147.75 had been raised from a recent bingo session and £34 from a car boot sale. Clerk has asked the treasurer to keep a tally. Cllr Westlake proposed that the Playing Field Committee should present details of their funding at the end of the financial year and match funding should be made by this council at that stage. This was seconded by Cllr Scoble and unanimously agreed.
Clerk has circulated for information by email the CALC response to the consultation concerning local audits. At this stage there is no information about the future procedures.
Clerk has also had a meeting at Barclays Bank in an effort to obtain better interest rates, but this was not successful and he understands that all banks will have similar rates in the present financial climate.
14. Time and date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday, 4th August 2011 at Trythall CP School.