THURSDAY 4th JULY 2013 AT 7.30pm

Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr. M. Scoble
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr. V. Peake
Cllr S. Bates Cllr I. Phillips
Cllr S. Tanner Cllr Mrs G. Burlton (from item 3)

Cornwall Cllr W.Maddern

Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and two members of the public

Cllrs Bone and Mann, PC Thomas
2. Acceptance of Minutes
It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Roberts and unanimously agreed that the minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on Thursday 13th June 2013 were unanimously accepted
3. C-option of Mrs Gill Burlton to Madron Parish Council.
The agreement to co-opt Mrs Burlton as a Parish Councillor was made at the last meeting. She has completed her disclosure of Interest forms and she signed the acceptance of office which was countersigned by the clerk. Chairman welcomed Cllr Burlton as a member of the council as an asset in view of her work particularly with younger people in Madron.
4. Declarations of Interest
Item 10 Planning – PA13/04178 at Pendragon, New Mill, Cllrs Roberts and Burlton declared interests as friends with the applicant and the applicant’s wife.
Item 10 Planning – PA13/02860 at Floriana, New Mill ,Cllr Peake as a friend of the applicant
Item 10 Planning – PA12/09942 at Madron Meat site, Cllr Roberts due to family involvement.
Item 7 Chairman’s Comments, Cllr Jenkin as governor of St Maddern School
5. Public Participation
6. Police Report
Clerk gave the reporte submitted to him by PC Thomas. In June there were 6 crime reports as opposed to 5 in June 2012. AP13/1306 -between 4th and 6th burglary to a private shed in Madron; AP13/1329 -8th and 9th criminal damage where a wing mirror was smashed off a car in Madron; AP13/1414 – 16th, common assault in Madron, enquiries on-going; AP13/1537 – 28th, drink driver arrested and charged in Madron; AP13/1531 between 1600 and 1700 on 28th and AP13/1538, between 1500 and 1530, there were thefts from vehicles at the Wishing Well car park in Madron


Police request that all be aware of the thefts at the Wishing Well as it appears that these offences are committed by travelling criminals targeting beauty spot car parks. People are advised to secure their vehicles and leave valuables at home. Any information about suspicious vehicles lurking in these areas would be appreciated. Cllr Bates suggested that warning signs should be erected at the Wishing Well car park and clerk was instructed to contact police for the signs which can be erected by this council
7. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Pritchard reported that he had discussed line markings on The Green with the head of St Maddern School and he recommended that consideration be given to this council providing a line marking on the surface of The Green from the school to half way to the lychgate with crosses and ‘Keep Clear’ marked between the hedge and the church wall and a further along the wall to the lychgate as Cornwall Council are not agreeable to performing this task.(Cllr Jenkin declared an interest) Clerk was instructed to obtain a price for this work from D.L. Giles and report back to the next meeting on 1st August with a view to having the work completed while the school was closed for summer holidays. Cornwall Cllr Maddern also agreed to obtain an estimate from Cormac,
A memorial service is to be held at St Maddern Church on Friday 5th July for Canon Hocking and it was agreed that Cllr Pritchard should represent this council.
Cllr Pritchard also reported that he would attend an open meeting of the governing body of NHS Kernow to be held in Penzance at 10.30am on 9th July.
8. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Tanner gave his views on the Local Landscape Course Assessment which he attended on 18th June at Redruth He pointed out to members that the proposed structure was for a national policy framework, a local plan for Cornwall and neighbourhood plans which should show areas for development. It was agreed with the support of others present who had attended previous similar courses that this council should await further developments.
Cllr Jenkin gave an update to members on points made at Standards Committee particularly relating to members only acting with the approval of the full council.
Cllr Tanner reported that the B and B sign has been removed from footpath 33 near to Trevaylor Vean after complaints to Cornwall Council.
9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Clerk reported that he had received an email from Cornwall Cllr Mann as he is committed at another meeting. He addresses comments in relation to the planning application at Pendragon and also Aggregates Levy which the clerk will put to the meeting later when these items are discussed.
Cllr Mann reported that the Woodland Trust has free saplings in packs of 20 or 100 with free delivery to parishes for planting in November. Details can be obtained on line at woodlandtrust.org.uk/communitytrees – noted
Cornwall Cllr Maddern reported that there were problems with organisation which had resulted in the email to inform all that the next Town and Parish Forum was cancelled. He had ensured that the drains around Poltair had been cleared and Cllr Bates confirmed that there was no longer flooding at that location. He added that the Penwith Local Plan was no longer in existence for planning matters but Cornwall Council was referring to their Local Plan. Finally due to a change of staff at St. Clare his enquiries regarding the path between Trelawney Estate and Church Road at Madron were still pending
10. Planning
PA13/02860 – retention and completion of a single-storey rear extension at Floriana, New Mill (Cllr Peake declared an interest) – supported
PA13/03304 – extension to waste sorting shed, replacement office building and secure vehicle store at Quarry Lane Yard, Castle an Dinas – approved.
PA13/03939 – single-storey side extension at Poltair Cottage, Madron – approved
PA13/03946 – demolition and reconstruction of detached garage to match existing garage at
Roseland Churchway, Madron – approved.


PA12/09942 – extension of time decision notice W1/08-1694P dated 9th April 2010 for the conversion of the building to form nine residential dwellings, demolition of other buildings and construction of three storey building to form 51 care apartments, two storey building to form 59 bed nursing home and four residential dwellings with associated parking and two retail units at Madron Meat Company, Tally Ho, Madron – approved (Cllr Roberts declared an interest)
Other Planning Matters
Clerk has received a reply from Planning Enforcement regarding vehicles being located at Noongallas Camp Site on 30th March. The owners allege that they have been away for three months and the campervan was the property of the people looking after their property, pets and livestock and had now been removed. Planning Enforcement has instructed the site owners to ensure that if friends look after their property their vehicle should be parked within the curtilage of the dwelling house. They have also been requested to let Planning Enforcement know when the 28 day period for camping commences and that a comprehensive record is made of the dates camping takes place on the land.
Clerk then referred to PA13/01478, an application for a side extension to Pendragon at New Mill which had been discussed at the last meeting. (Cllrs Roberts and Burlton declared interests) He had responded as instructed to the effect that no recommendation could be made from this council as clarification was required on a number of points. Cllr Mann has had a meeting with the applicant and clerk read out his comments to the meeting which resulted in him having no objection to the application. Clerk has received mail from the applicant, planning department and observations by Cllr Tanner, all of which have been circulated to members by email.Cllr Tanner, in his email, puts forward a proposal that this council recommends that the two storey extension is approved on the condition that the property’s permitted development rights are withdrawn in order to prevent further unplanned development and the planning authority ensures that adequate and sufficient car parking meets the needs of the developed property without overspill on to the highway. It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Scoble and unanimously accepted that there was no objection to this application
11. Public Rights of Way
Clerk reported that the gold paths have been cut by contractors and their accounts are included in the financial item on this agenda. He has received no complaints concerning the work. Cllr Tanner will be given an up to date list of paths to be cut and he will oversee some of the work. Cllr Burlton agreed to walk some of the paths on Madron side and she will liaise with Cllr Tanner who is covering the New Mill side.
Bridleway 62 by the quarry at rear of Hellangove, which was cut by contractors on 10th June, will be closed from 23rd July to 3rd January due to heavy vehicles. Clerk to inform contractors as this is a gold path due for a second cut in September.
12. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions had been completed from the last meeting.
He has received a reply from Peninsula Community Health to his letter concerning using Poltair Hospital to assist with the need for more bed space. This has been circulated to all members. Peninsula Community Care point out that staff from Poltair have been relocated to other hospitals but a review will be taking place in the near future and any recommendations will be put to public consultation.
Clerk reported that the next Code of Conduct Training Session will take place in this area at St Just Council Offices from 7pm to 9.30pm on 12th September and then at Helston Town Council from 6.30pm to 9pm on Wednesday 2nd October. He reminded members that the Code of Conduct requires members to take this training and those not attending the training previously should partake. Cllrs Burlton, Bates, Scoble and Phillips agreed to attend the event at St Just – clerk to inform organisers.
The Planning and Regeneration Service have circulated a notice of registration of 184 hectacres of common land encircling Carn Gulver in Zennor, Morvah and Madron parishes. Details have been circulated to members by email – noted.


Clerk reported that he had written to Captain Garrat RN at RNAS Culdrose and he had agreed to take the salute and has given permission for the clerk to liaise with his Gunnery Officer in making arrangements for the Parade. He has also applied to ‘Streetworks’ at Cornwall Council for the usual road closures and Rev. Tim Hawkins has supplied details of the preacher at the service which will take place on 20th October. In order to go ahead with printing invitations he asked if Cllr Roberts, as vice-chairman of this council, should be shown as inviting people as the chairman will be abroad at the time of the service. This was agreed. Provisionally, clerk asked if Cllr Scoble could circulate notices to residents asking them to ensure their cars were not parked on the parade route and if Cllr Bates would be free to check the route on the morning prior to the parade to ensure vehicles do not obstructed the parade. Cones should have been put out by Cornwall Council on the day prior to the parade. Cllrs Scoble and Bates agreed to this. Two points will have to be manned to hold traffic whilst the parade passes before and after the service at the top of Fore Street and the top of Madron Hill. Cllrs Bates and Peake offered to perform these roles.
Clerk has circulated by email for information details of the Lands End Peninsular Community Land Trust AGM and policy. Noted
13. Madron Parish Council Plan
Clerk drew attention to the plan on the website where the last section itemises aims for the forthcoming year and asked members for their aims to be inserted on the plan. It was agreed that in addition to the items on the plan this council wishes to give support to Playing Fields and other youth organisations, schools and any other parish organisations and take actions to respect the centenary of the commencement of the first world war in 1914.
14. Madron Playing Fields
Chairman reported that he had been in contact with the chairperson and secretary of the playing field committee concerning the poor state of damaged equipment and maintenance and it was agreed that members of the playing field committee will meet at Madron Community Rooms at 7pm on Thursday 11th July. Chairman and clerk will attend the meeting and it is important that Parish Councillors, particularly in the Madron Ward, also support the meeting as the playing field is an important asset to the village. The Playing Fields are short of funds and the equipment in the field is in need of repair and general maintenance is required.
There is little doubt that the parish council will have to become involved as they have a responsibility for the village assets.
15. Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund
Cornwall Cllr Mann has informed the clerk that he has no news at this stage but he feels we should go ahead asking for details of projects as he feels there are reserves should the funding not materialise. Clerk informed members that the clerk at Ludgvan had invoiced Andy Bartle, the manager at Castle-an-Dinas Quarry for the £5000.00 having been instructed to take this action. It was proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Peake that the clerk also invoice for the sum of £5,000.00 to the manager of the quarry. This was supported with the exception of Cllr Phillips who abstained.
16. Councillors’ Election Expenses
Clerk has informed all councillors that a return, including nil returns, must be submitted in connection with expenses incurred at the last election. He has spare forms should anyone need one. Clerk added that this council will be invoiced for the sum of £254.52 for expenses incurred by Cornwall Council for the election, this being the Madron Parish share of the costs.
17. Parish Council Notice Boards and Litter Bins.
Clerk and Cllr Scoble have been in contact with Mr Pearce, the Blacksmith from Badgers Cross and any delay incurred is due to galvanising the board backs. The installation of the litter bins will only add an expected £40 to the price depending on the extent of work involved. Cllr Scoble agreed to follow this up in an effort to have the boards operational as soon as possible.

18. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Burlton and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £536.90, office allowance £30.00, mileage £22.00, disbursements £30.11; HMRC – PAYE and Nat Ins. £138.35; CALC £24.00 – chairmanship training; N. Prowse and A. Clemens £640.40 each for cutting gold paths in June. Clerk will forward an invoice to Cornwall Council for reimbursement for the cost of path cutting..
Chairman has received a letter from Pengarth Day Centre in Penzance which supplies meals to several Madron pensioners on a regular basis to the effect that funding is required to replace kitchen equipment and a donation is requested It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Scoble, and unanimously agreed that £250.00 be donated and the clerk to inform the manager of the Centre that further donations will be considered at the end of the financial year depending on finances available at that time.
Clerk reported that the forms have been returned from the Audit Commission for the financial year 2012-2013 and all is in order and no changes or actions are required. An invoice has been received for the audit from Grant Thornton who act for the Audit Commission with this work and we are obliged to pay this sum of £240.00 It was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that this payment be made.
It was agreed that a request for a donation from Cornwall Blind Association be deferred until that last meeting of the financial year in accordance with council policy.
19. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 1st August 2013 at Trythall CP School