
THURSDAY 7th JULY 2016 AT 7.30pm
Draft to be approved on 4th August 2016
Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (chairman) Cllr V. Peake (vice chairman) to point stated
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr S. Pritchard Cllr. M. Scoble Cllr G. Tanner
Cllr H. Eddy Cllr S. Bates
Cllr C. Bone Cllr R. Matthews
Cllr I. Phillips

Cornwall Cllr R Mann from point stated

Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and four members of the public

Cllr Mrs G. Burlton and Cornwall Cllr W. Maddern
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on 2nd June 2016 were unanimously accepted.
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Jenkin – item 17 – donation towards the cost of repair to St Maddern Church clock as secretary to the church.
Cllr Peake – item 10 Planning – PA16/04968 at Bythmoy, New Mill as a neighbour
4. Dispensations
5. Public Participation
Andrew Vinall referred to planning application PA16/04968 at Bythmoy, New Mill as he is the owner of the adjoining property, The Old Post Office. He objected as the plans for the application were flawed and incomplete. Also there was over cramming as all other houses were separated by gardens, and the applicant planned to remove a hedge to the next garden. In addition, the extension was in Flood Zone 3. He also informed the meeting that the plans intruded onto property which he owned.
Mr Harris spoke as the applicant for PA16/04406 at Carnequidden. He said that the shed, subject of the application, has already been built and therefore this was retrospective planning as he had been told by Planning Enforcement that an application was required. He was using the land for planting and maintaining trees including willows on boggy land, oaks, etc. and the encouragement of wild life. The shed was 6 ft x 4 ft and was used for cover in bad weather when chopping wood and performing other work and storing materials
6. Police Report
Clerk reported that there had been no reports from the police. Cllr Mann arrived at this point.
7. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Roberts informed the meeting that there is to be a twining meeting (Madron/Mont-Dol) to be held at 4.30pm on Tuesday 19th July 2016. She will be unable to attend as she is working. Cllr Jenkin agreed to represent this council at the meeting.
Cllr Roberts had concerns that not all councillors were able to view planning applications on line and she felt that councillors who had not viewed the plans should abstain from voting when recommendations were made. The clerk offered to print off the basics of the plan if it may help those councillors at the meeting but it was not practical to print off all the details, however this was not regarded as satisfactory. Councillors agreed that the best way forward was for the clerk to ensure the council computer was brought to meeting venues well before the meeting for councillors to have assistance in looking at plans. This was not a problem at Trythall as the school had Wi-Fi, but there was no Wi-Fi at Landithy Hall. Cllr Scoble, as chairman of the Hall Managers, agreed to look at the feasibility of installing this at the hall.
Seven of the councillors present agreed that arrangements should stay as they are with the onus on councillors to gain access to the applications.
8. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Pritchard commented on the NALC briefing on the Bus Services Bill 2016. He agreed that the responsibility for services should be localised but there had to be a national policy to make this practical.
Cllr Pritchard informed members that that anew Community Bus will be in operation at the end of the month.
Cllr Bone reported that a bed and other items had been dumped on the verge by the 30mph sign at the entrance to Madron on the road towards the north Coast. Clerk to inform Highways.
Cllr Peake reported that he had been in contact with Planning Enforcement concerning excess building at Higher Cranken and they were looking into the complaint
Cllr Peake added that the burnt out car in the stream near to New Mill was still in situ. He and the clerk were awaiting further updates from police end environment department.
Cllr Scoble reported that the hedges had been cut back on Madron Hill and the Highways had done an excellent job. This opinion was endorsed by Cllr Bone and the clerk was instructed to send an email showing this council’s appreciation of the work.
9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Mann commented on decisions made by Planning Inspectorate to ensure that this council received details. He also advised members that any comments were now required in relation to the Local Plan for Cornwall.
10. Planning
PA16/04760 – listed building consent for re-roofing utility lean-to and re-pointing external walls at Chy-An-Bara, Church Road, Madron – supported
PA16/04968 – single storey extension to existing house at Bythmoy, access to Nanscowan, New Mill – (Cllr Peake declared an interest and left the room) Clerk reported that in addition to the comments made in public participation he has received a letter of objection to this application from Esme and Neil Stanford of New Mill which has been circulated to councillors. Councillors discussed this in detail and the recommendation made was that this council objects to the application on the grounds that the plans lack detail affecting adjoining properties, there were various inaccuracies including property boundaries and the application changed the character of the property and neighbourhood.
PA16/50008 – removal of condition 4 in relation to decision notice W/86/P/0222/F dated 28.2.1986 to allow full occupancy at 15 Old Court, Kenegie Manor, Gulval – supported.
PA16/01577PREAPP – pre-application advice for first floor extension above modern garage at Carfury Barn, Carfury, New Mill – noted
PA16/04406 – agricultural shed for accommodation of machinery and implements and storage of horticultural equipment (tree guards, stakes, etc.) and to provide undercover space for chopping wood and shelter when working on the land at Carnequidden, New Mill. This was previously subject of Planning Enforcement EN16/00320 in which the enforcement officer decided no further action was necessary at land – supported

PA16/01869/PREAPP – pre application advice for demolition of existing timber frame building and construction of a single storey dwelling and associated works at land west of Fore Street, Madron – noted
PA16/03422 – conversion of film studio to a dwelling at The Studio, Tremearne, Bone Valley, Heamoor – approved.
PA16/02106 and PA16/02737 – variation of condition 7 (holiday occupancy) of application W/1/78P/0321 dated 22.5.1978 to allow full occupancy at Nos. 3 and 4 The Park, Kenegie Manor, New Mill – approved.
PA16/03979 – livestock building to house dairy animals and associated access at Trengwainton Farm, Madron – approved
PA16/00459/PREAPP9 – pre application advice for amendments to P46.ENV, review of mineral planning permissions at Cornwall Solutions, Castle-an-Dinas Quarry, Ludgvan – approved on 28.3.1999.
Other Planning Matters
Clerk reported that he is circulating by email all weekly planning applications in Cornwall and he asks councillors to look at applications in neighbouring parishes which may affect the residents of this parish and contact him so that he can inform the planning officer of this council’s interest and include it on the next agenda.
Clerk is also concerned that errors have been made in relation to notification of planning applications where he should have been receiving emails giving details of the application and importantly the return date and contact for officer dealing. He has taken this up with officers at Camborne and he expects a response next week.
EN15/1515 – Planning Inspectorate – enforcement appeal at Lower Bosulval Farm, New Mill. Operational development, appeal allowed, notice quashed. Material change of use, appeal dismissed, notice varied and upheld (details circulated by email to councillors)
PA16/03653 – development of 24 houses at Vingoes Lane, Madron. Clerk has circulated to councillors an email from Mark Crosby on behalf of developers addressing comments and recommendations made by councillors at the last Madron Parish Council meeting on 2nd June.
The planning officer has forwarded revised plans with these amendments and invited any further comments. It was agreed clerk should report that the action taken by the developers is appreciated by this council.
11. Public Rights of Way
Cllr Tanner gave an update on progress he has made in the aim to open up Ginger Lane. He has managed to obtain support from Jennie Olds of Bolitho Estates and Adrian Nicholls who farms the land for the lane to be used. As a result of this he has requested assistance with the funding from The British Horse Society as the lane was well ridden prior to the neglect. Adrian Bigg from that society will also speak to Chris Fry from PAROW as he can give details of the work to be done and when the costs involved are known they will consider assistance from that society and /or West Penwith Bridleways Association. It was agreed that Cllr Tanner should go ahead with his work on this project and report back to the next meeting. The Chairman thanked Cllr Tanner for his work and this was endorsed by councillors.
The Cornwall Council (Bridleway 62, Madron (part) (Castle-an-Dinas Quarry) Public Path Diversion Order 2016 at land at Castle-an-Dinas in Madron Parish has been made by Cornwall Council. Any alterations recommended should be forwarded to Cornwall Council by 18th July 2016. It was agreed that this matter had been discussed at previous meetings and had the approval of this council.
Cllr Tanner referred to a request for 16 councils to be involved in a review of the Local Maintenance Partnership and he recommended that this council offers to be involved. This was agreed. Clerk to make the contact.
Clerk reported that the first cut of gold paths has been completed and he has received invoices from the two contractors. These are shown in the financial items on this agenda. Clerk has prepared invoices to claim back the costs from Cornwall Council.


12. To consider a request for this Council to pursue a Modification Order in respect of the path through Poltair Woods.
This refers to the cutting down of the trees in Poltair Woods which occurred on 26th May and was discussed by this council at their meeting on 2nd June.
Clerk advised councillors of the work envisaged in making a modification order including contacting and taking statements from people who have walked the path for 20 years, and other administration. He stated that it could take years for the modification order to be enforced and Cllr Tanner quoted an example where such an order took up to 15 years. As such this would not help immediate problems. Cllr Tanner explained that the order would be a straight line of the path but in this case people walked over various parts of the woods which would make it impracticable. It was pointed out that it was not necessary for a council to apply for a modification order as it can be prepared by members of the public or any organisation and many are done by The Ramblers. Cllr Pritchard added that parts of the paths were in Madron Parish and Penzance Town and there were questions over the rights of the new landowner. Cllr Pritchard proposed, Cllr Eddy seconded and it was unanimously agreed that this council should take no action in relation to this matter. Clerk to inform Cornwall Cllr Fonk.
13. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting had been completed. A reply from Cornwall Council to his letter requesting better emergency cover for their services at weekends and out of hours has been made available to councillors. This explains that due to occasional use it was felt that it would not justify putting officers on call.
He suggested to members that The Police Report item on all agendas should be removed as there is no longer an automatic report and should anything arise from the police the clerk will include this in his monthly report. This was unanimously approved.
Clerk had submitted a report to The Cornishman newspaper concerning the apathy of residents to the Neighbourhood Plan. This has resulted in the Madron Wellwishers commenting that the cutting of the trees in Poiltair Woods may have shown the importance of such a plan. They have offered to assist with circulation of details of meetings to houses if consideration is given to renewing consideration for a plan in the autumn.
Camborne Town Council asks for letters of support to Cornwall Council and Ward Councillors asking for the support of all councils for the transfer of the freeholds of Camborne Recreation Ground from Cornwall Council to Camborne Town Council in its entirety for community involvement. They point out that this is the Rugby Ground with a long history and is important to the whole of Cornwall. Full details have been forwarded to councillors by email. It was proposed by Cllr Tanner, seconded by Cllr Pritchard and unanimously agreed that this council supports the transfer of the freehold of Camborne Recreation Ground to Camborne Town Council.
The North Coast Group of Councils have informed other councils that Cornwall Council are now conducting an enquiry into funding for street cleaning and public path maintenance as a result from their pressure and support from other councils, including this council.
Cornwall Council Governance Review is open for discussion throughout the county including the Acorn Theatre, Penzance from 7pm to 9pm on 19th July 2016.
A session of Chairmanship Training is to be held from 7pm to 9pm also on 19th July at Trelawney Suite, New County Hall, Truro. Cllr Peake has agreed to attend. This is open to all councillors at a cost of £20 each. Clerk added that no payments have yet been made in this financial year from the training budget. Cllr Eddy agreed to attend. It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Bates and unanimously agreed that the payment of these costs be approved.
Cornwall Council Communities Devolution Newsletter dated 30th June has been circulated to councillors by email. This edition contains the priorities for the year ahead from the new Chief Executive including savings which could affect small councils, waste management, housing and empty properties, NHS, LMP review.
‘Cornwall for Change’ – have circulated a petition to demand that the government gives Cornwall the money due from the EU. This has been circulated by email to councillors- noted

Cornwall Council Special Bulletin – Stakeholder Survey relates to how we can work more effectively in partnership across Cornwall. This survey takes about 15 minutes to complete and has to be completed by 4th August which is the date of the next Madron Parish Council meeting. Cllr Roberts, as chairman, agreed to complete the survey.
14. Venues for future Madron Parish Council Meetings
There were problems at the June meeting of this council in obtaining access to Trythall School as it was half term. This problem has occurred previously. It has been suggested that all meetings in school holidays should be transferred to Landithy Hall in Madron. Cllr Roberts assured councillors that arrangements are in place for the next meeting to be held at Trythall and there were no holidays at the dates of meetings until April 2017. It was unanimously agreed that the present arrangements remain in place until April 2017 when it can be reviewed and any further changes will be addressed at the Annual Parish Council Meeting in May 2017. (Cllr Peake left at this point)
15. Defibrillators at Landithy Hall and Trythall CP School
Clerk has made enquiries and circulated responses to councillors by email. These enquiries show no support for any form of compensation from either the Charity Commissioners or the AED charity. After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Bates, seconded by Cllr Tanner and unanimously agreed that the matter be closed as there appears to be little hope of any compensation. Cllr Bates has agreed to treat the cabinets to eliminate the rust.
16. Madron Parish Council Plan
Clerk has circulated the Parish Plan as agreed in July 2015 inviting any amendments and further aims for the forthcoming year. He has received amendments from councillors, including the closing down of the Brownies, prior to this meeting and also added is to give any assistance and advice to residents in the new 24 house project at the end of Vingoes Lane, Madron
17. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Bates, seconded by Cllr Eddy and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £681.89, office allowance £30.00, mileage £9.90, petty cash £2.62; HMRC – PAYE and Nat Insurance £194.73; Audana – annual fee for website £300.00; A. Clemens – 1st cut of gold paths £640.40; N. Prowse – 1st cut of gold paths £640.40
Cllr Scoble reported that the clock on the tower had stopped and was in need of repair (Cllr Jenkin declared in interest and left the room). Repairs would cost in the region of £1300.00
It was proposed by Cllr Bates that the sum of £500.00 be donated to the church towards the repair. This was seconded by Cllr Bone and unanimously agreed. (S.137 Local Government Act 1972)
Cllr Scoble has an estimate from Micky Pearce at Badgers Cross for the repair of the village pump as reported at the last meeting. The cost would be in the region of £600.00 plus VAT (reclaimable). It was unanimously agreed that this was more than expected and Cllr Bates, who has the key, agreed to do the basic work to refurbish the pump.
Finance Training will be held for clerks at Camborne RFC from 10am to 3pm on 12th July 2016.
18. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 4th August 2016 at Trythall CP School, as agreed at item14.