THURSDAY 13th JUNE 2013 AT 7.30pm
Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr. M. Scoble
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr C. Bone
Cllr R. Mann (& Cornwall Cllr) Cllr I. Phillips
Cllr S. Bates Cllr V. Peake
Cllr G. Tanner
Cornwall Cllr W.Maddern
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and three members of the public
PC Thomas
2. Acceptance of Minutes
It was proposed by Cllr Roberts, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on Thursday 9th May 2013 be accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Roberts – item 9 Planning, PA13/01478, two storey side extension at Pendragon, New Mill as a friend of the applicant.
Cllr Scoble –item 12, co-option of councillor to Madron Parish Council as a friend of the applicant
4. Public Participation
Mr Graham Hughes gave his views on his application for a two storey side extension to Pendragon at New Mill, in which he agreed he could address various concerns about the permitted development, the size of the extension and the status of his land. He pointed out that the building was low enough not to be seen from the road and objections which had been made were misleading. Chairman informed Mr Hughes that his points would be taken into account when item is discussed in item 9.
Hilary Richings commented on the upgrading of the footpath at Mulfra to a bridleway and diversion to be discussed in item 10. She was strongly in favour of this on the grounds of safety to horses and pedestrians as it would take them away from the road.. Mr James commented on the same item saying that he would favour the original path and not the added diversion due to flooding problems along the lane.
5. Police Report
In the absence of police officers the clerk gave the report. During May there were four offences compared to six offences in May 2012. A man was cautioned for possession of cannabis, a man was arrested for an assault ABH on a police officer after an arrest for being drunk and disorderly and there was a common assault where enquiries are in progress.
6. Chairman’s Comments
7. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Tanner reported that there is a B and B sign at the Trevaylor end of footpath 33. He had asked the people concerned at Trevaylor Vean to move it but it was still there and clerk was instructed to inform Countryside Access to arrange removal.
Cllr Roberts has received complaints about parking in New Mill at the junction with the lane to Trythall particularly at weekends when access to tractors is impeded and drivers leaving Trythall lane have their vision impaired by vehicles obstructing their vision.
Clerk has reported this to PC Thomas at Penzance and has received replies from PCSO Taylor that the junction has been visited over the weekend at those times all was in order.
Cllr Roberts also has had a request from Zennor Council concerning superfast broadband. They request that residents continue to write in order to put pressure to receive this facility in the area. Cornwall Cllr Mann attended this meeting and he reported that it was anticipated that this facility would be available to an estimated 95% of people in the Zennor area in the first half of 2014 and New Mill in the second half of that year. Clerk reminded members that a presentation was made to this council in June last year when members were requested to phone in with their concerns in order to put pressure on to have superfast broadband.
Cllr Scoble has received concerns that people are living on agricultural land at the bottom of Bone Valley at the eastern end of Bone Farm and there is a post box there which appears to show that this is being used as a permanent residence. Cllrs Scoble and Tanner have found that the original planning application was PA12/03963 dated 24th April 2012 and does not refer to any residential use. Clerk has never received this application and his enquiries with planning show that it was never put out for consultation as it was not a proper application in that sense and residential use was never part of any application. The clerk was instructed to report this to Planning Enforcement and Cornwall Cllr Mann will also take this up on behalf of this council.
Cllr Roberts reported that there were no watering cans in the cemetery at Madron and Cornwall Cllr Maddern and clerk will take this up with Cornwall Council.
8. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Maddern reported that the ownership of the path between Church Road and Trelawney Estate was still in dispute between Cornwall Council and Devon and Cornwall Housing and the same situation applies to clearing a grass bank in Trelawney Estate. He has reported the problems with hazards on the footpath at the back of Trafalgar Fields to Countryside Access for action. Cornwall Council felt that a request for markings over The Green for the school was not feasible. Finally Cllr Maddern informed the meeting that he had passed his planning examination and was now at the same level as a Cornwall Council Planning Officer.
Cornwall Cllr Mann reported that he had been in contact with the manager of Castle an Dinas Quarry where an electric sub-station was installed to assist with dust and other problems and work was ongoing in improvements to the site. He had also taken the new localism officer at Penzance for a tour of the parish. He had addressed the matter of fingerposts in the parish and had ascertained that the price would be in the region of £600 each but grants were available towards the cost and he was exploring this issue. Finally he was concerned that returns should be made in respect of any councillors expenses incurred from recent elections and this included nil returns and clerk was instructed to enquire into this and bring the result of his enquiries to the next meeting.
9. Planning
PA13/03939 – single-storey side extension at Poltair Cottage, Madron – supported
PA13/03946 – demolition and reconstruction of existing detached garage to match existing following fire damage at Roseland, Churchway, Madron – supported
PA13/01478 – two storey side extension at Pendragon, New Mill – it was agreed that there were a number of anomalies in the application and clarification was required prior to any recommendation being made by this council. The full details are in an addendum to these minutes.
PA13/03119 – removal of hedgerows at The Curlews, Gulval – application withdrawn.
Other Planning Matters
Planning Enforcement EN13/00979 – alleged non-compliance with approved plans – driveway has been extended at land at side of post office, Church Road, Madron.
EN11/02017 relating to alleged unauthorised commercial building at Waste Transfer Station, Castle Gate, Ludgvan is closed as a planning application has been received.
Protect Congleton Civic Society, Cheshire, request support for their petition for an amendment to the National Planning Policy Framework. , This has been circulated to councillors by email and it was agreed that no response was required as it was not applicable to this area.
Clerk has also circulated by email details of the Local Enforcement Plan for information
10. Public Rights of Way
Clerk has forward the schedules of paths to be cut with contracts, maps and requests for public liability insurance to contractors for work to commence during June. The contractors have signed the contract and forwarded copies of their public liability insurance.
Cornwall Council has published a definitive map modification order to upgrade the footpath to bridleway and an additional bridleway at Mulfra Hill under Section 53 of The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. They invite any comments by 28th June. Cllr Tanner had looked into this closely and advised members that nothing could be added by this council. However concerns were expressed that in parts the path was a hazard for horses and pedestrians meeting from opposite directions due to the narrowness and also the uneven surface and it was proposed by Cllr Tanner, seconded by Cllr Scoble and agreed that the clerk should inform Countryside Access that a safety assessment should be made prior to the approval.
11. Clerks Report and Correspondence
All Instructions from the last meeting have been completed by the clerk. However Peninsular Health Care mislaid the letter concerning Poltair Hospital and so a reply is still awaited.
So far as the worries about the bus service to Penzance from Madron in the mornings is concerned the manager at Camborne has replied to the effect that the letter has been forwarded to his HQ at Exeter. Nothing further has been heard but efforts are being made to obtain a response.
The Trafalgar celebrations will take place on Sunday 20th October 2013, being the Sunday nearest to 21st October. Clerk is applying for the street closures giving the three months’ notice. He is also, during June, writing to the Commanding Officer at RNAS Culdrose to confirm the involvement of his men and also for him to take the salute and also Edward Bolitho as Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall. As Cllr Prtchard, chairman of the council and Cllr Jenkin as secretary to the church will be away at the time of the parades and celebrations; clerk will liaise with Cllr Roberts as vice-chairman and Rev. Tim Hawkins. In view of this clerk asks if members can give their support this year both for the service and at the point where assistance is required with traffic control and removal of vehicles prior to the event when matters are planned nearer to the event.
On 20th June at 4.30pm Code of Conduct Training will take place at St Clare until 7pm.
Clerk will attend the training and he reminded councillors that they should all receive Code of Conduct training. Eight councillors informed the clerk that they would be available to attend.
Clerk pointed out that the West Cornwall Town and Parish Forum for that evening had been cancelled and the next forum will take place on 8th August 2013.
The Local Landscape Character Assessment Workshop will take place at Redruth on 18th June and places have been reserved for Cllrs Mann and Tanner.
CALC ‘This Week’ issue 06 has been circulated by email
Details of Cornwall Community Foundation community benefits have also been circulated by email – noted
Places have been booked for Cllr Pritchard and provisionally for Cllr Roberts for Chairmanship Training at Redruth at 7pm on 15th July 2013. It seems that Cllr Roberts will be available and so the cost for each person will be £20.00 plus VAT per person but there is a 10% discount if three people attend from a council. It has been suggested that the clerk should attend if there are vacancies and he is willing to do so if the council feels he should and so this will be an extra payment. It was proposed by Cllr Matthews, seconded by Cllr Mann and unanimously agreed that expenses incurred in connection with Chairmanship training will be approved.
Clerk has received complaints from a member of the public concerning the state of the equipment in the playing fields which was purchased by this council for the playing field committee. It is alleged that some of the equipment is damaged and also maintenance is required on other items. Clerk reminded members that when this equipment was provided it was with the understanding that all would be maintained in good order.
The complainant in this case says that she has spoken to members of the playing field committee and their officers but nothing has been done to remedy the problems. Cllr Pritchard agreed to take this matter up with the chairman and secretary of the Playing Field Committee.
Cruse Bereavement Care AGM, 7.30pm 18th July 2013 at New County Hall,T ruro – noted
12. Co-option of New Councillor for Madron Ward on Madron Parish Council.
(Cllr Scoble declared an interest) Clerk has received a letter from Mrs Gill Burlton from Madron in connection with the vacancy and this has been circulated to councillors.
It was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that Mrs Burlton be invited to the next meeting to be co-opted for the vacancy. Clerk will write to Mrs Burlton accordingly
13. Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund.
Cornwall Cllr Mann is attempting to obtain a decision on this from Cornwall Council but to no avail at this time but he will continue to press for a decision.
14. Parish Council Notice Boards
Cllr Scoble has been liaising with Mr Pearce, the blacksmith, at Badgers Cross and the following estimates have been received by the clerk- : change position of notice board from Madron Church to cemetery and provide new galvanised steel back plate for that board and boards at New Mill, Badgers Cross and by post office at Madron – £632.40 plus £126.50 VAT and also a second estimate for laminated safety glass for all four boards £238.50 plus VAT.
Cllr Mann has asked for an increase in the size of the board at Badgers Cross and so the estimate for the board to be renewed with galvanised steel back is £316.53 less the original estimate for Badgers Cross board of £158.12 now amounts to a further £158.41. The totals for all the work amounts to £1029.39 plus £205.88 reclaimable VAT = £1235.27.
It was proposed by Cllr Mann, seconded by Cllr Bone and unanimously agreed that the estimates be accepted and clerk to instruct Mr Pearce to continue with the work with a request that this be completed as soon as possible as clerk has received requests from various people as the boards are not operational at this stage. It was also agreed that the litter bins should be erected as soon as possible by the chapel and on the cemetery wall – Clerk and chairman to obtain price from Mr Pearce and if reasonable instruct him to go ahead.
15. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid:- W.E. Wilkins, clerk, salary £536.90, office allowance £30.00, mileage £23.00, disbursements £31.29; HMRC, PAYE and Nat Ins. £138.35
16. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 4th July 2013 at Madron Community Rooms