THURSDAY 29th MAY 2014 AT 7.30pm
Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (chairman) Cllr V. Peake (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Mrs G. Burlton
Cllr S. Pritchard Cllr. M. Scoble Cllr H. Eddy Cllr G. Tanner
Cllr C. Bone Cllr S. Bates
Cllr I. Phillips
Cornwall Cllrs W.Maddern and R Mann
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins, no members of the public
Cllr R. Matthews
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on Thursday 1st May 2013 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Dispensations
Cllrs Burlton and Bates – item 8, Councillors Comments in relation to Madron Playing Field as committee members.
5.. Public Participation
6. Police Report
In the absence of police officers the clerk gave the police report for April. There were four reported crimes compared with two in April 2013. AP14/772 – an adult male was punched in the face by a male trespassing on victim’s drive. Suspect was arrested and interviewed but insufficient evidence to proceed. AP14/775 – an outbuilding on a farm at New Mill was entered and power drills stolen. AP14/974 – between 6pm on 26th and 9.30am on 27th April an item of post was taken from an insecure vehicle parked in Aldreath Road, Madron. AP14/1007 – between 25th and 30th April a juvenile has pushed another juvenile on two occasions.
At this stage there was no police report for May.
7. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Roberts thanked Cllr Peake for standing in for her at the handover of the play equipment to the Playing Field Committee at Madron. She also informed the meeting that she would be absent from the July meeting and Cllr Peake would take the chair. During the month she had attended various meetings which will be discussed later in this meeting.
8. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllrs Jenkin and Pritchard commented on the Poltair Hospital report and recommendations which have been circulated by email to councillors. They both felt that the whole matter was predetermined and the consultation was purely a PR exercise. There was no decision yet regarding using St Clare as a complete medical centre with a small hospital, doctors’ surgery, pharmacy, etc., but that was the choice of the Cllrs Pritchard and Jenkin. Cornwall Cllr Maddern pointed out that the local Cornwall Councillors also shared this view. The meeting endorsed this opinion and the clerk was instructed to write to Cllr Jim McKenna, as the cabinet member for health and adult care at Cornwall Council, to emphasise the views of this council and Cornwall Cllr Mann would also pass on these comments. Cllr Mann also informed the meeting that there was talk of using the Poltair site for building 79 houses and it was something to keep in mind.
Cllr Pritchard reported that the play equipment has been installed in Madron Playing Field and was handed over to the Playing Field Committee on 13th May. Cllrs Peake, Burlton and the clerk accompanied him to the opening of the play area and the hand over to the Playing Field Committee. A large number of young children were present and immediately made use of the facilities which will be a great asset to the village.
Cllr Tanner has suggested that a plaque be attached to the play area showing that the equipment was purchased by this council and handed over to the Playing Field Committee.
Cllr Pritchard has made enquiries with Squirrel signs at St Just who will make and secure a hand painted sign and attach it for around £25 and Long Rock Memorials would make a slate plaque which would be more expensive. Cllr Burlton agreed to take these proposals back to the Playing Field Committee to seek their views and report back to the next meeting. Cllr Burlton was also concerned that dog walkers were allowing their dogs to defecate in the play area and consideration would have to be given to banning dog walkers. Consideration was given to notices being placed on the field and Cornwall Cllr Maddern agreed to ask for attention by Dog Wardens. He also understood the PCSOs were possibly being given powers to issue fixed penalty tickets for this type of nuisance and if this comes in to being he will ask for their attention also,
Cllr Eddy mentioned that the car park sign at the entrance to Madron Wishing well was missing having been removed by Cornwall Council when work was being done there. Cornwall Cllr Maddern agreed to follow this up and try to get it returned.
Cllr Roberts informed the meeting that the branches of trees between Gulval and Trevaylor Nursing Home were over the road and causing problems for high vehicles. Cornwall Cllr Maddern pointed out that this was the responsibility of the land owner and the clerk was instructed to write to Mr Wallis, the landowner in this case, requesting that they be cut back.
9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Mann reported that superfast broadband was expected to be installed for the New Mill area in October/November this year.
10. Planning
Clerk reported that there were no applications to put before the meeting.
PA14/02463 – proposed kitchen extension and first floor extension providing space for upstairs bathroom at Demelza Cottage, New Mill – approved
PA145/02411 – proposed redesign and rebuild of existing sunroom and new extension to the Main dwelling at Chysauster Farm, New Mill – approved
Other Planning Matters
Clerk reported that enquiries are in hand in respect of the caravan at Crankan but the trespasser at Grove Corner on Mulfra Hill appears to be on Zennor Parish and the enforcement officers and Zennor Parish Council are aware. Cornwall Cllr Maddern informed the meeting that the Dog Warden and Police had visited the caravan at Grove Carner due to problems with the dogs and also the dogs being shut inside the van in hot conditions. The Gypsie Liaison Officer had also been involved.
Cllr Scoble asked if there was any news of complaints about planning matters at Tregoddick Farm and the clerk was instructed to make enquires with Planning Enforcement.
11. Public Rights of Way
Clerk reported that he had received a communication from Penwith Landscape Partnership asking for support for their application for Heritage Lottery Funding. The Penwith Landscape Partnership includes PAROW who assist this Parish. Letters of support had to be received before this meeting and so the clerk had been given approval by the chairman, vice-chairman and Cllr Tanner, as footpath councillor, to write a letter of support which he had done.
Clerk has received the public indemnity insurances from the contractors and he has forwarded to them the schedules for necessary work on paths in time for work to commence in June.
12. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
All instructions from the last meeting have been completed.
Clerk has followed up with CALC the instructions for clerks to keep a ‘Decisions Register’ and as a result of that a Register has not been purchased. All council decisions are recorded in the minutes and the clerk is not entitled to make decisions without the approval of the council which is minuted and so this is not relevant to this council.
The report by the Passenger Transport has been circulated by email to councillors. Cllr Pritchard, as transport councillor, commented that applications had been made to cover routes but cut backs were inevitable due to the financial constraints
Clerk produced for members a Western Power Emergency pack which had been issued to councils. This contained facilities for use in the event of any emergency involving power cuts. The pack contains analogue telephone, torch with batteries, power bank for charging essential items, rechargeable radio, foil blanket, reusable hand warmer and an information booklet. It was agreed that this should be stored at Landithy Hall and Cllr Scoble took possession of the pack..
‘Penwith Plus’ Group have circulated their ‘Full of Life’ plans for the fortnight commencing 15th June. This has been circulated by email and hard copies photocopied for notice boards.
CALC ‘This Week’ has been circulated by email to councillors. This contains items on transparency, access to meetings, audit regulations, etc.
Clerk reported that he had been in contact with Lou Fryett at Devon and Cornwall Housing with regard to the proposed parking on verges in Trelawney Estate. She informed him that her manager had been away but was now back and so the matter will be discussed in more detail
She will contact Cornwall Cllr Maddern in the hope that he would assist with obtaining financial assistance from Cornwall Council or from his community funds as this will be a factor in having the work completed as several of the houses in Trelawney Estate are now privately owned and not the responsibility of Devon and Cornwall Housing. Cornwall Cllr Maddern explained that the Highways Dept. had no available money and Community Chest could not be used for items such as this. Cllr Pritchard reminded members that he had obtained estimates amounted to £7400 for this work and he suggested that this be deferred with a view to this council providing 50% of the cost later in the financial year if Devon and Cornwall Housing would contribute the other 50%. Clerk to contioue to liaise with Devon and Cornwall Housing.
Clerk pointed out that no third signatory had been appointed at the Annual Parish Council meeting to replace Cllr Scoble who is now an auditing councillor. Cllr Pritchard agreed to accept this position. Clerk will prepare a letter of authorisation and pass this to Cllr Pritchard who will make contact with Barclays Bank.
13. Madron Parish Council website
Cllrs Scoble and Eddy, as website councillors, met the representative of Audana, a company based in Penryn with a view to creating a new website for Madron Parish Council as the service provided by the present providers, ‘1 and 1 Internet’, is unsatisfactory. Also present at the meeting were Cllr Roberts and the clerk.
Both website councillors were impressed with the service offered and the cost of setting up the site was quoted as £550.00 plus VAT and with a rent/service charge of £25.00 per month or £300.00 per year.
The website councillors recommended that the quote be accepted as they were satisfied with the service and the company were local should any problems arise. They also were in favour of setting up a direct debit for the £25.00 per month.
Clerk has made enquiries with Ludgvan Parish Council. They deal with a company from the West Wycombe and their costs in setting up and monthly payments are exactly the same as ‘Audana’. ‘1 and 1’ charged this council 135.11 last year, but the service was found to be impossible to operate efficiently.
After discussion it was agreed that a good website was essential and it was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Bone and unanimously agreed that the offer be accepted and the website councillors should meet Chris Hambley from Audana to make the necessary arrangements and the tclerk is authorised to make the arrangements for payments as stated when required.
14. Fingerposts at New Mill/Trythall
Cllr Peake has reported that the old fingerpost outside the old New Mill Post Office has been renovated by local people. This is one of the oldest in West Cornwall having been made at Holmans Foundry in 1890. Cornwall Council has taken the arms from four other local posts but is not prepared to continue funding beyond this. Cornwall Cllr Mann agreed to request Cornwall Council expedite the repairs.
The concern now is the arm from the Old Post Office fingerpost.. Local people will make an effort to raise funds if necessary as the sign will have to go to a foundry at Wadebridge for repair. A further point is that the new sign will not be large enough to include Bodrifty and Tredinnick The local people estimate that the cost of the renovation of this sign is £420 + VAT and Cormac have agreed to fund half of the price if the parish council will provide the other half. As the new sign will not show Bodrifty and Tredinnick but will show Trythall and Ding Dong, Cormac will need the approval of this council for the amendments on the arm of the post. Cornwall Clerk had contacted Cornwall Cllr Mann to ask for a contribution from his Community Chest but Cllr Mann has informed him that money from Community Chest was not available for type of work and again, Highways had no available funding.
As the comments from local people were made verbally Cllr Peake was asked to obtain full details of their request in writing and report back to the next meeting.
15. Neighbourhood Planning Meeting at Zennor on 19th May 2014
This meeting involved representatives of Zennor, Morvah, Ludgvan, Towednack and Sancreed parish councils in addition to Madron. Cllrs Roberts, Peake and Tanner represented this council with the clerk.. A representative of Cornwall Council was the principal speaker at the meeting in which the procedures, benefits of clustering and the drawbacks were all explained. Cllr Tanner informed the meeting that the representatives of this council were very much against taking any action as it would cost between £3000 and £10000, the work would take two years by dedicated councillors, there would be various vetting procedures at various stages, it would have to conform to Cornwall Council Local Plan and at the conclusion there would have to be a referendum with a simple yes or no answer required which could kill off the work involved. Cornwall Cllrs Maddern and Mann both felt that the only time this would be of any value if there were threats to the parish. These were the reasons why councillors attending this meeting felt that this form of Neighbourhood Planning was not of benefit to this council. It was unanimously agreed that the views of the councillors attending this meeting be accepted and clerk was instructed to inform Zennor Parish Council, who hosted the meeting, of this decision.
16. West Penwith Town and Parish Community Forum -27th May 2014
This forum was attended by Cllrs Roberts and Scoble and the clerk representing this council.
The subjects discussed were Penwith Radio Launch of FM service by Cllr Goninan and housing numbers by representatives of Cornwall Council Planning and Regeneration Service
Cornwall Cllr Goininan reported that Penwith Radio would be on 97.2 FM in August this year. They had in the region of 70 volunteers and an office in Wharfside and an audience estimated to be up to 1000. Sponsors are urgently sought and any suggestions or contributions would be appreciated.
The second part of the meeting related to housing numbers which included points about Neighbourhood Planning which had been discussed at the meeting at Zennor earlier in the month. Housing numbers required were gradually being reduced as planning applications were being approved but there were still concerns about expansion on to green field sites.
It was pointed out that the old Penwith Local Plan was still a good guideline for planning but it will be gradually overtaken by the Cornwall Local Plan
17. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £606.63, office allowance £30.00, mileage £63.00, petty cash £108.39; HMRC –PAYE and Nat. Ins. £164.74; Aon Ltd – Parish Insurance £270.95; Cllr Scoble – mileage to Trispen for audit training £30.60; Micky Pearce – installation of litter bins £170.40; South West Play – final payment for playground equipment £4395.00.
Clerk finally reported that HMRC had accepted the claim for £2185.65 VAT for refund for 2013-2014 and since the publication of the agenda he has received a notification that this has now been credited to Madron Parish Council account..
18. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 3rd July 2014 at Madron Community Rooms