THURSDAY 2nd JUNE 2016 AT 7.30pm
Draft – to be approved on 7th July 2016
Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (chairman) Cllr V. Peake (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr. M. Scoble
Cllr G. Tanner Cllr H. Eddy
Cllr S. Bates Cllr C. Bone
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr I. Phillips

Cornwall Cllrs W.Maddern and R Mann (to point stated)

Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and nine members of the public

The chairman informed the meeting that the cutting down of trees in Poltair Woods has occurred since the publication of the agenda and so now this will be discussed under Item 8 Councillors Comments, but public will have the chance to speak under Item 5 or at any other time directed by the chairman provided councillors agree to suspend Standing Orders.

Cllr Mrs G. Burlton and Cllr S. Pritchard
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on 5th May 2016 were unanimously approved.
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Roberts Item 10 Planning – PA16/03618 at land SSW of Carfury Farm as her land adjoins this location
4. Dispensations
5.. Public Participation
Mark Crosby from Galliford Trye addressed the meeting regarding planning application PA16/3653 relating to 24 new houses on land at the end of Vingoes Lane, Madron. He had met councillors before and a public viewing of the plans had been on display at Landithy Hall. He offered to be available for any questions.
Peggy Rickaby represented the applicant for planning application PA16/ 04469 at Windmans Cottage, Trezelah. She informed the meeting that the reason for the application is that the wife of the applicant was 55 years old and suffers from dementia and the applicant still has to work. The lady’s parents have offered to stay at the premises and look after their daughter. There is no question of this becoming a separate dwelling as there is no kitchen and there is no external alteration to the original building.

Peggy Rickaby also spoke of planning application PA16/03422 at The Studio, Treamearne in Bone Valley. The original application had been turned down, but the reasons for this have been remedied and this new application submitted.
Mr Ken Wood and Mr Geoff Roberts, long term residents of Carfury, addressed the meeting in relation to planning application PA16/03618 at land SSW of Carfury Farm, New Mill. Mr Wood argued that new build properties in this area are constrained by special circumstances and the last new build was a substantial farmhouse occupied by the applicant and was granted as an agricultural holding to manage Carfury Farm which currently occupies approximately 70 acres. The need for a further building to service the farm is questionable and the site is not suitable for a two-storey house, not least because of the prominent position.
Mr Roberts added that the erection of a brick four bedroom, two bathroom house dominating the skyline would be totally out of character. He pointed out errors in the Design and Access Statements and errors in other documents including the foul drainage report.
Both speakers expressed concern about the lack of consultation as they were next to the farm and also that notices were not sited at the boundary of the site.
Mr Shaun Strick stated that he was present at the meeting to hear any updates in relation to the cutting down of the trees in Poltair Woods as he was one of the first on site and had commenced making contacts to try and prevent the cutting work continuing.
6. Police Report
Allison Hernandez, the new Police and Crime Commissioner has circulated her May Report in which her aims are for care and support of victims, review police station closures, funding and safety on-line and in our streets. This has been circulated to councillors by email. Noted.
7. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Roberts reported that the cemetery in Madron was badly in need of having the grass mowed and she had requested the clerk to contact Cornwall Council. This has been done and the mowing had been completed today.
She then informed the meeting that a car had left the road and was in the stream on the Gurnards Head side of New Mill. Cornwall Council Environment had been informed due to potential pollution. The police had been informed and it appears that the car had been stolen.
Police and Fire Brigade had attended but as the car was not insured there were problems concerning the removal. Clerk was instructed to email the Cornwall Council Environmental Dept. pointing out the dangers of pollution and expressing the need to expedite the removal.
8. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Bates reported that residents of Trelawney Estate had received a letter from the new Neighbourhood Manager of Devon and Cornwall Housing concerning parking issues in the Estate. The new Neighbourhood Manager had informed residents that the Housing Association were aware of the problems which her predecessor had attempted to resolve but there was insufficient funding available from Highways to convert grass verges into hard ground for parking. She emphasised that any anti-social behaviour over issues would not be tolerated and any problems should be directed to the police or Cornwall Highways. Clerk reported that this council had been involved in attempting to address this problem previously but there was insufficient funding available to solve the issue and there were continual parking problems throughout Madron. Cllr Jenkin felt that we should not let matters rest and it was agreed that the clerk should write a strong letter to Mike Peters at Cornwall Highways askingfor action to remedy the problem.
Cllr Bone commented on the the condition of Landithy Hall in Madron. The rooms were spotless and the whole place was a credit to Connie Strowger, the caretaker/manager working for the Hall Managers. This view was unanimously endorsed and clerk was instructed to write a letter to Connie Strowger showing that her work and professionalism were greatly appreciated by this council.
Cllr Scoble informed members that copies of Landithy Hall’s public liability insurance were available for organisations hiring Landithy Hall with particular concerns over special requirements. Whilst these conditions were not strictly relevant to the meetings of this council, as the council’s liability insurance was in place, it was a condition that this council, as a hirer, should be informed. Noted.


Cllr Scoble referred to the condition of the ancient village pump which is in Fore Street, Madron. It is apparent that the pump was in need of refurbishment as nothing has been done to it for many years and it is a part of the history of Madron. He proposed that Micky Pearce, the blacksmith from Badgers Cross who has done work for this council previously, be contacted and asked for a quote to do the sandblasting required. This was seconded by Cllr Eddy and unanimously approved.
Cllr Scoble has received a complaint concerning the level of the kerb at the bus stop in Madron and elderly people are having trouble with the length of the drop when alighting from the bus. Cllrs Scoble, Pritchard and the clerk have looked at the problem and if the bus stops a short distance back within the bus stop area there should be no problem. Cllr Pritchard has contacted the bus service with this request.
A complaint was made to Cllr Scoble concerning trees being cut down at Poltair Hospital apparently without any approval. Cllrs Tanner and Eddy visited the location immediately and were also concerned about this and Cllr Bone was amazed to see the amount of trees that had been cut down as this was all done on the Saturday of a Bank Holiday weekend when no one could be contacted to take any action. The matter is in the hands of Cornwall Cllrs Fonk and McKenna as Cornwall Cllr Maddern was unavailable through serious illness. These councillors took action over the bank holiday weekend and this has been the subject of news items by local radio due to concerns by local people. There is a great deal of destruction but at that time no TPOs were in force.
The whole matter has been referred to Cornwall Council Planning Enforcement and the Forestry Commission and TPOs have been brought into force. This includes stumps where trees have been removed. Clerk has received a formal copy of the ‘Poltair Woods, Madron, Penzance, Tree Preservation Order 2016’ under Town and Country Planning Act 1990 commencing from 31st May 2016 in the post today. This is valid for 6 months or until the Order is confirmed by Cornwall Council.
Cllr Scoble has received information that there was a previous application to remove 4 Monterey Pines and one sycamore plus any young sycamore within one meter of the road which may cause future problems. This application, PA15/07291 shows the parish as Penzance and so we were not consulted. I have confirmed this by checking our planning records. Clerk has referred this complaint to Cornwall Cllr Hannaford who is looking into a similar complaint from this council at West Penwith Town and Parish Forum. Cllrs McKenna, Fonk and Cllr Mann at county level have been copied in to the email making the complaint. Clerk reported that Madron Parish Council should have been consulted in relation to the application, whether or not this was on the Penzance area, as the location was so close to the boundary and affected Madron Parish.
Cllr Eddy voiced the view that Cornwall Council should have an enforcement officer on call 24/7 to prevent similar actions taking place in the future by using a stop notice. Cllr Scoble was of the opinion that as a public body sold the side there should have been TPOs in place to prevent action such as this and Cllr Tanner pointed out that in the PREAPP (pre-application adivice) for the site it was advised that TPOs should be in place. This has been ignored. All these points were accepted unanimously by councillors and the clerk was instructed to write to the Chief Executive of Cornwall Council concerning all the issues including the failure to inform this council of planning issues in or close to the boundary of this parish.
Cllr Peake joined in a walk with over twenty people organised by the Carfury Antiquarians recently and the amount of interest and other activities by the organisation shows that the donation from this council to assist in the setting up of these Antiquarians was money well spent.
Cllr Matthews handed in his Disclosure of interest forms as he was absent from the Annual Parish Council meeting when this was done by members in May. He also reported that the road from Bone Valley to New Mill was very slippery and horses were sliding on the surface. He understood that there had been at least one fall. He asked the clerk to email the concerns with a request for resurfacing and this action was agreed by members.


9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cllr Mann had nothing to report to add to the items discussed on the agenda and Cllr Maddern reported that the Deputy Mayor of Penzance who lives near to Poltair Woods phoned Cornwall Council at the time of the cutting taking place. She reached the switchboard but was left holding with no further contact. Both councillors pointed out that in the days of Penwith there was a list of ‘out-of-hours’ contacts for services but this does not exist with Cornwall Council and they both were trying to put pressure on to have the same service as in the Penwith days. It was unanimously agreed by the meeting that the clerk should write to the Chief Executive at Cornwall Council to emphasise the need for out of hour’s services to be available for emergencies.
Cllr Maddern referred to the parking problems in Madron but he pointed out that Cornwall Council would ask for suggestions where any suitable location can be used for parking. It was agreed that there were no really suitable areas and this was a further problem.
10. Planning
PA16/03422 – conversion of a film studio to a dwelling at The Studio, Tremearne, Bone Valley, Heamoor. Clerk reported that this council supported the original application in October 2015. This application was also supported.
Cllrs Jenkin and Eddy wished to ask questions of the representative of the developers and so it was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Scoble that Standing Orders be suspended to allow a response to the questions.
PA16/03653 – erection of 24 dwellings including 9 affordable homes, construction of infrastructure and landscaping at land off Vingoes Lane, Madron. Cllr Jenkin, as chair of St Maddern School Governors, was attempting to obtain S. 106 funding for the School who have 43 pupils and there is a likelihood that there will be an increase in numbers from the new housing. Mr Crosby explained the problems of relating this to the housing but Cllr Jenkin stated that she would continue to attempt to obtain this funding. Cllr Eddy felt that the houses looked very plain, just plastic and wood and uninteresting on the plans and he asked for consideration to use granite and local materials for variation and also insert some Cornish hedges. Mr Crosby noted this. It was unanimously agreed that this council would support the application but also include the recommendations made by Cllr Eddy.
Standing Orders were now again in force.
PA16/03618 – construction of an agricultural dwelling and associated works at land SSW of Carfury Farm, Carfury, New Mill (Cllr Roberts declared an interest and left the room and Cllr Peake took over the chair). Cllr Tanner felt that the plans were confusing and full of mistakes, Cllr Scoble felt that there was a lack of need and the amount of work on the farm did not justify two houses and Cllr Jenkin was of the opinion that a thorough examination should be made by the Land Agent. Councillors agreed unanimously to object to the application on the grounds of lack of functional need, mistakes in the plans and that a thorough inspection be made by the Land Agent.
PA16/04469 – conversion of a loose box/store building to an annex at Windman Cottage, Trezela. Cllr Scoble pointed out that illness was not a reason for a planning decision and there were comments made concerning the building. It was agreed that this application be supported by 6 councillors but Cllrs Scoble, Eddy and Philips all abstained.
PA16/02873 – proposed new vehicle garage together with internal alterations at Trehiven, Madron – approved.
PA15/11341 – application of reserved matters following outline approval PA14/09985 dated 9.12.14 – access appearance layout scale and landscaping at access to Bone Farm, Heamoor – approved
Other Planning Matters
Agricultural building at Trengwainton Farm, Madron – planning application supported by this council is now registered as PA16/03979.
Cornwall Cllrs Mann and Maddern left at this point.


11. Public Rights of Way
Clerk reported that he had forwarded all schedules for contractors to commence work on first cut of gold paths in June. They have also informed him that they can do two cuts of the path between Trafalgar Fields and Hillside Parc for £50.00. It was proposed by Cllr Bone,seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that this quotation be accepted. Clerk to inform contractors.
12. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting had been completed. Matthew Brown from Cornwall Council has replied to clerk’s letter showing concern that Madron Parish Council had not been informed of planned housing at Josephs Lane and Poltair. Mr Brown had stated that the site in Josephs Lane was in Penzance Town Council area but the plans will be open for public consultation, probably in the summer.
All other results are included in other items.
There has been no movement in the takeover of the Parc Abnac allotments from Cornwall Council but the allotments have been inspected by Cllrs Pritchard and Scoble with the clerk. Several were not well tendered and will have to be cultivated to a better state if and when this council takes over.There is one allotment still vacant and clerk has received a request from Jenny James who lives opposite the allotments to take this over. He has been in contact with Cornwall Council who is still the legal owner and they have agreed to allow Ms Jones to take this over if she applies in the usual manner and pays the rent. Any excess rents will be passed to this council on completion of the transfer. Ms Jones has been advised accordingly.
Clerk reported that a Neighbourhood Plan meeting to combine residents of Madron and New Mill was held at Landithy Hall on 26th May 2016. He had informed all people who had attended previous Neighbourhood Plan meetings, and left their details, that this was to take place and it was well advertised in The Cornishman website and notice boards. Unfortunately only three members of the public attended the meeting and so it was decided by the councillors present that, at this stage, the plan was not feasible. However it is open for any councillor to ask for this to be reviewed in the autumn. As instructed, clerk has prepared a notice for all notice boards, website and The Cornishman informing the public of the lack of response and the likely future problems. Although this was a lost opportunity, the matter may be reviewed in the autumn. This has been approved by councillors and it was unanimously agreed that this be circulated as planned.
Invitation to apply for GWR’s Customer and Communities Improvement Fund – circulated to councillors by email. Clerk advised that any applications have to be submitted by 30th June but it is worthwhile considering any future project before the Parish Plan is updated next month.
13. Defribillators at Landithy Hall and Trythall CP School
This item has been brought forward from the last meeting when some rust was found in the cabinets. The suppliers have gone out of business and the company is now a charity.
Clerk has written to the Charity Commission asking for assistance but a reply is awaited. This was recorded due to complications with the contact address and he has confirmed that his letter was signed for by a P.McVey on 16th May 2016. Cllr Bates has inspected the cabinets at Trythall and Landithy Hall and he would be able to remove the rust but he was asked to wait until there was a reply from the Charity Commission.
14. West Penwith Town and Parish Community Network Panel – 19th May 2016
Cllr Jenkin attended this forum with Cllrs Peake, Pritchard, Scoble and the clerk. Present were Cornwall Cllr Hannaford and Phil Mason, the head of Planning and Enterprise. Cllr Hannaford informed the large meeting that the local plan was under review and is expected to be complete at the end of July. Cornwall is expected by government to provide 52,500 new houses within the next 20 years and many applications are in the pipeline.
Cornwall has over 8,000 planning applications each year, the highest workload in the country and efforts are being made to provide pre-application guidance for parishes.


The Housing and Planning Bill is expected to say that developments of 10 or less houses will not be required to provide affordable homes but Cornwall Council are meeting to recommend that when any more than two homes are built affordable homes come into the equation.
Other items discussed included ‘Link Planning Officers’ for councils and the St Ives Referendum, as well as other matters. Cllr Pritchard raised the point that Madron Parish Council was not informed of the planned new housing plans for details Poltair and Josephs Lane and Cllr Hannaford apologised and promised to look into this. James Hardy gave an update on Police Community Initiative and it was anticipated that clerks would be invited to the police station to discuss policing engagement.
So far as the Local Devolution Fund is concerned £4.383 will be allocated to each Cornwall Councillor for use by parishes and this will be considered for Madron in the next few weeks.
15. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary for May at new rate plus 1% National increase from 1st April 2016, £708.11, office allowance £30.00, mileage £20.70, disbursements £64.65; HMRC – PAYE and Nat Ins. £205.86.
16. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 7th July at Madron Community Rooms.