THURSDAY 01st JUNE 2017 AT 7.30pm
Draft Minutes to be approved 06th July 2017
Cllr V Peake (chairman) Cllr Mrs. C. Roberts (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Mrs G. Burlton
Cllr Mrs L. Phillips Cllr. M. Scoble
Cllr H. Eddy Cllr S. Bates
Cllr R. Mann Cllr I Phillips
Clerks, Mrs J.L. Ellis and Mr W.E. Wilkins and 3 members of the public
1. Apologies were received from Cllr. A. Burrows, Cornwall Cllrs. Mrs. H. Hawkins and Cllr. S. Elliott.
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting on 15th May 2017 at Madron Community Rooms were unanimously approved.
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Burlton – item 15, assistance to Playing Field Committee as a committee member.
Cllr Burlton – item 9 Planning – PA17/03504 at Landithy Farmhouse as an immediate neighbour.
Cllr. I. Phillips for Item 16. Donation to Gulval Church as a PCC Member.
4. Dispensations –
None received.
5. Public Participation
Roy Blewett – On behalf of SHED (Save Heamoor from Excessive Development), spoke to advise they are not against some development as long as it satisfies local needs. The aim of the group is to give residents of Heamoor a voice. To date the group has 150 people signed up. Being part of Penzance, CC is advising that the Penzance area will need 1235 houses. The need is actually far less based on Cornwall’s own population the Penzance area will need less than 450 houses over the next 12 years. The main concerns of the group are: 1.The risk of even more flooding in an area that is already classed as a critical drainage area. This area must have a sustainable drainage system plan in place before any new builds. The Environment Agency is still reviewing this. 2. Additional Traffic and risk to pedestrians, 514 houses around Heamoor would result in 1000 plus more cars in an already congested area. 3. The value of the landscape is high for most of Trannack, so building there is
against CC’s own policy. 4. Planning criteria, any new development should be an extension to the area, all proposed builds are outside the village on pure greenfield sites classed as prime agriculture land.
Mr Blewett advised the next phase of the project is the publication of the tracts of land by CC around the 12.06.17.
SHED are holding a public meeting at Heamoor British Legion on the 15th June at 6.30pm.
6. Chairman’s Comments – Chairman Cllr. Peake advised it was the first meeting of the new clerk and the last for the outgoing clerk Mr Wilkins. Cllr. Peake thanked Mr Wilkins for all his hard work and said his leaving was a great loss to Madron P.C.
Cllr. Peake thanked Cllr. Roberts for organising the leaving gift for Mr Wilkins.
7. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Parking on the Green at Madron – Cllr. Burlton advised that she had been approached by a parishioner with concerns that the coach has been parking on the green outside the church at weekends and during the holidays. The coach has been parked end on which is making it difficult for church goes to access the church. The agreement was that the coach could park there Monday to Thursday inclusive but not at weekends and in holidays. It was agreed the clerk would write to the coach driver to remind him of the original conditions.
Madron Hill – Cllr. Scoble reported the hedges are overgrown and are starting to encroach on the footpath causing people to have to walk in the road. It was agreed the clerk would contact Highways.
Photos – Cllr. Roberts advised she has photos of the council at a cost of £6.00 each if anyone wold like to purchase them.
8. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr. S. Elliott is unable to attend this evening due to training at New County Hall and has sent a report. The clerk has circulated this to all Cllrs by email.
9. Planning
PA17/02944 – Chysauster Ancient Village, Newmill, TR20 8XA – Installation of a viewing platform of structural pine with steps leading up to a platform height of approximately 1200mm.
Cllr. I. Phillips advised he had visited site and people are using the walls to get higher to take photos, and so the new platform would be beneficial and safer.
It was proposed by Cllr. I. Phillips, seconded by Cllr. Roberts, all in favour that Madron P.C supports this application.
7.45pm Cllr. Burlton left the room
PA17/03504 – Landithy Farmhouse Bellair Road Madron TR20 8SP –
Construction of 3 detached dwellings.
Cllr. Scoble advised that he had called Jenny Olds (Bolitho Estate Land Agent) re this application to see if they are aware of the application, which they were.
Cllr. Eddy advised the design appears to be modern looking and not in keeping with the materials used on other properties in the area.
Cllr. L. Phillips advised that the comments online objecting to the application are in respect of the issues surrounding the drainage and concerns over the septic tank.
It was agreed that the clerk would advise CC that at present the PC could not support the application due to the issues above.
7.53pm Cllr. Burlton returned.
Results – None.
Other Planning Matters
Objection by group protesting against the erection of 750 houses before 2030 in area
around Heamoor. As Cllrs heard earlier in the public participation section of the meeting, the parish council will take these comments on board should a formal application come through from Cornwall Council.
Planning Induction Training – Camborne – 06th June 2017.
Mr Coultard has contacted the clerk to advise that due to the popularity of the training only 3 Cllrs from each PC may attend, however they will be running more training in the near future and will ensure that all of the information and presentations slides are sent out after the events for the rest of our councillors to go though and should they have any questions, comments or queries please forward on to CC and they will seek answers and reply asap.
It was agreed that Cllrs. Peake, I. Phillips and L. Phillips would attend.
Holiday accommodation at Keneggy Lodges – Cllr. Roberts advised that she had spoken to the lady at Keneggy Lodges and she will be in contact with Cornwall council. Keneggy Lodges have advised if anyone from Madron P.C would like to view the site, they are more than welcome.
10. Public Rights of Way
No matters to report.
11. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
All instructions from the May meeting have been completed including the submission of the annual return to Grant Thornton and Councillor Register of Interests forms to Cornwall Council.
The clerk has replied to Cornwall Air Ambulance and they have advised that Thursday 27th July at 1pm is free- All Cllrs attending need to bring photo ID of either driving license or passport. It was agreed that Cllrs. Burlton, Roberts, Jenkin, Peake, Scoble and Mann would be attending.
The clerk has contacted CC to request a further code of conduct training date for all 12 members in the Penzance area or at Madron. The clerk has supplied CC with booking details of Landithy Hall, but they only use venues that are free to ensure that the training remains free. Cllr. Mann advised there is training on the 8.8.17 at St Johns Hall. The clerk would contact CC.
Pengarth Day Centre has invited anyone with an interest in the Centre to a networking breakfast at the day centre from 8am to approximately 9.30am on Wednesday 7th June. Cllr. L. Phillips advised she already attends and so will represent the council.
Phil Eddy has asked if anyone has any events coming up in June or July, if they let him know, he will add it onto the Madron Well Wishers what’s on page.
Training schedule has been circulated to all Cllrs.
Clerk Mr Wilkins expressed his thanks for his gift and advised that it had been an honour to serve Madron P.C for the last 15 years and wishes the council every success in the future.
12. Co-option of Councillor to vacant seat on Madron Ward.
Also allocation of any responsibilities to new councillor – Auditor and PROW.
The clerk reported that there had been one application received from Mr Graham Tanner by email which had been circulated to all Councillors.
It was proposed by Cllr. Roberts, seconded by Cllr. Burlton, all in favour that Mr Tanner is Co-opted onto Madron Parish Council, Madron Ward. Mr Tanner will resume responsibilities as Auditor and Public Rights of Way.
13. Election of Vice-Chairman to this council.
It was proposed by Cllr. Roberts, seconded by Cllr. Scoble and unanimously agreed that Cllr Tanner would be the Vice-Chairman for the 2017/2018 year.
14. Transfer ownership of Playing Field Equipment to Madron Playing Field Committee
Donation of the equipment purchased by this council on 15th May 2017 to Madron
Playing Field Committee. It was proposed by Cllr. Burlton, seconded by Cllr. Eddy, all in favour that Madron P.C donates the new playing field equipment and responsibilities to Madron playing Field committee.
15. Donation to Madron Playing Field Committee towards security at Playing Field.
Cllr. Burton has been unable to obtain 3 quotes. Item will be deferred to 6th July 2017.
8.05pm Cllr. I. Phillips left the room.
16. Donation to Gulval Church re Toilets – Cllr. Jenkin advised work had begun on the toilets in the grounds of the church where the old toilets used to be situated. Cllr. Mann asked if any paperwork or accounts from the church had been received by the council, the clerk advised not. Cllr. Jenkin advised she would try and obtain them for the 06th July 2017.
8.08pm Cllr. I. Phillips returned.
17. Barclays – Change of Clerk Details
The clerk has compiled a letter to be signed by the bank signatories to update the new clerk details with Barclays. The clerk asked if Cllrs wish the clerk to have ‘View Only’ online banking access to be able to view up to date information. It was proposed by Cllr. Roberts, seconded by Cllr. Mann, all in favour that the bank signatories sign the letter to request the change in details and online banking access.
1. Finance
The clerk reported that the PAYE system had adjusted the salary and Tax figures by 20p compared to those on the agenda. The correct figures are below. It was proposed by Cllr. Roberts, seconded by Cllr. Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: –
W.E. Wilkins, Clerk Salary £703.68
Office Allowance £ 30.00
Mileage £
Disbursements £22.66
Mrs Jodie Ellis, clerk Salary £241.70
HMRC PAYE & Nat. Ins £203.33
PAYE (Mrs J Ellis) £ 60.40
1. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 6th July 2017 at Madron Community Rooms