THURSDAY 31st MAY 2012 AT 7.15pm
Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr M. Scoble
Cllr D. Westlake Cllr R. Matthews
Cllr C. Bone Cllr V. Peake
Cllr R. Mann Cllr I. Phillips
Cllr S. Bates
Cornwall Cllrs W.Maddern and Miss I. Bailey.
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and four members of the public
Cllr Miss M. Christopher, PC Thomas and PCSO Taylor.
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on 3rd May 2012 were unanimously accepted
3. Completion of Disclosure of Interest Forms by Councillors not at Annual Parish
Council Meeting
Cllr Matthews signed his form, amended where appropriate.
4. Declarations of Interest
Cllrs Scoble, Matthews and Pritchard declared an interest in item 15 – Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund as Landithy Hall Managers.
Cornwall Cllrs Bailey and Maddern declared an interest in item 10 – Planning as Cornwall Councillors
Cllrs Mann, Cornwall Cllrs Bailey and Maddern declared an interest in item 16 – Finance as trustees of Pengarth Day Centre
5. Superfast Broadband
Chairman introduced Mr Matt Silver of Superfast, Cornwall, which is controlled by Cornwall Council. Mr Silver gave a presentation relating to the technology in the area and the potential for much faster broadband but people needed to register on the Superfast website by putting in their telephone number in order to show the demand and if the facility was available at present. The company are also involved in training children and people of all ages and courses can be arranged if there are sufficient numbers. All present were invited to email Mr Silver at [email protected] if they required any advice or assistance.
Cllr Pritchard thanked Mr Silver for his presentation which was interest to most people present.
6 . Public Participation
7. Police Report
In the absence of police officers, the clerk gave the report for May 2012. There have been six crimes reported in May compared to one for the same month last year. Four of these offences occurred at Poltair Hospital and all Penzance officers have been briefed to increase patrols in the area but any information regarding these offences would be appreciated.
AP12/1145, 20th May, theft from vehicle at Poltair Hospital; AP12/1166, 22nd May, theft from motor vehicle at Poltair Hospital; AP12/1165, 22nd May, burglary at Farm Shop, New Mill; AP12/1184, 25th May, criminal damage to motor vehicle at Poltair Hospital; AP12/1194, 26th May, criminal damage to a motor vehicle at Poltair Hospital; AP12/1214, 28th May, harassment offence at Bone Valley.
8. Chairman’s Comments
9. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Roberts reported problems with trees overhanging the road between New Mill, Trythall and Tredinnick – clerk to contact Highways
Cllr Peake was concerned about the slippery road service in the centre of New Mill – clerk to inform Highways
Cllr Scoble asked why the West Penwith Town and Parish Forum was cancelled and Cornwall Cllr Maddern explained that there were insufficient items to warrant a meeting but already there are sufficient items for the next forum.
Cllr Bates informed the meeting that rubbish bins were not emptied in Madron, Gulval and Heamoor last Monday as the operatives felt that the rubbish was not bagged up properly. Cornwall Cllr Maddern agreed to take this up with the company concerned.
10. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Brief comments were made by both Cornwall Cllrs in relation to the proposed stadium for Cornwall.
Cllr Bone had reported to the clerk that a settee and bags of bottles had been dumped 300 yards on the Madron side of Lanyon Farm. Clerk had emailed Cornwall Council but these items had not been collected and Cornwall Cllr Maddern agreed to take this up with the environmental officers.
11. Planning
PA12/03758 – proposal for 16 holiday lodges and associated drainage at Kenegie Manor Holiday Park at Gulval.
This was an agenda item and clerk had received sixteen letters of objection to this application from people who had lodges in the site. However on the day prior to this meeting he had received an email from the agent in the case to say that the application has now been withdrawn.
PA12/02906 – to fell one macrocarpus fir tree at The Old Vicarage, Madron – approved
PA12/00732 – porch and single storey extension at Nanscowan Barn, New Mill – approved
PA12/01014 – completion of and minor alterations to a domestic outbuilding to allow part of the building to be used as ancillary accommodation at The Old Stables, Mulfra – approved
Other Planning Matters
Clerk has circulated to councillors a letter from The Village Housing Guild relating to concerns that local people were not being given priority for affordable housing as people on District Housing Lists were given preference. The letter suggested a scheme whereby local applicants put down £100 deposit to the Parish Council who would regulate the tenancies. The Village Housing Guild will negotiate and acquire land and if the applicant is unsuccessful his deposit should be refunded less £10 administration fee. The Village Housing Guild asked for comments. After discussion Cllr Westlake felt that it was wrong for a parish council to operate this scheme and Cllr Mann felt that many people would not be able to provide £100 easily. The meeting endorsed these views but all councillors believed that the council should receive details of applicants in order to ensure that local people are given preference and clerk was instructed to respond to The Village Housing Guild with these views.
Clerk has been in contact with Planning Enforcement officers in relation to complaints about Tregoddick Farm at Madron and Pendragon at New Mill. Both enquiries are ongoing.
Sally Brown from Planning Enforcement has informed the clerk that there is concern that the dogs are being kept in stables and the dog warden is looking at this matter. A further site visit will be made as there may be a planning breach
David Clough from Planning Enforcement has been in contact to say that so far as the allegation about lack of action at Pendragon is concerned his enquiry is as yet incomplete but he has been in contact with the complainants who are happy with the action taken so far regarding this matter.
Clerk will also enquire about the planning application at Demelza which was opposed by this council.
Clerk has circulated a request for parish councils to give support by emailing the two MPs involved in the Planning Applications (Appeals by Town and Parish Councils) Bill which would give parishes the right to appeal if their recommendations were ignored. The email invites all councillors to individually email their support for the bill and clerk was instructed to email the support of this council for the bill. The MPs are Peter Aldous – [email protected] and Neil Carmichael – [email protected].
Application PA12/01414 – change of use and conversion of a studio workshop to create a self-contained annex accommodation at Hellangove Barton, Gulval will be decided by Planning Committee at 5pm on 6th June 2012 at Council Offices, Dolcoath Avenue, Camborne. Noted.
A complaint has been lodged with Planning Enforcement concerning a potential breach of planning at Poppy Coppice, New Mill, where a new shed has been constructed. The shed is 5m x 5m and has a bright orange roof which is visible from a wide area and is in an AONB
12. Public Rights of Way
Cllr Westlake and the clerk have been in consultation with Cornwall Council concerning the financing of the Local Maintenance Project for this year. On the day before this meeting clerk has received an offer of £3848 for the grant for the present year. This compares with this council receiving £3165 and paying out £3517 for each of the last two years. Cllr Westlake has seen the details of the schedules and offer and he recommends that the offer be accepted.
It was felt that time was short now to put this out to tender and so the work should be offered at County rate to Nick Prowse and Anthony Clemens who are our present contractors. It was proposed by Cllr Westlake, seconded by Cllr Peake, and unanimously agreed that the offer be accepted and the work be allocated to Prowse and Clemens. In the event of any problems with these contractors Cllr Westlake and the chairman should be allowed to refer the offer to another contractor.
Cornwall Council has written confirming that the Diversion Order on footpath 40 at Bodrifty Farm and Bodrifty Vean has been approved – this council raised no objection to this diversion.
13. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting had been carried out where possible. The exception is attending West Penwith Town and Parish Forum which was cancelled.
‘First’ have responded to the letter of complaint sent on behalf of this council relating to buses reversing over the verge at the entrance to Trelawney Estate. They will carry out a full risk assessment and inform the clerk of the result.
Clerk added that he had checked with Zurich Insurance and there is a £100 excess in claims for damage and the repair of the glass in the notice board by the Green was less than this and so there can be no insurance claim.
NALC had forwarded guidance in relation to the Code of Conduct and this has been circulated to councillors. This was included in CALC ‘This Week’ issue 14 and this was also circulated.
CALC ‘This Week’ issues 13 and 15 have also been circulated. Issue 13 contains a guide to National Planning Policy for information.
Cornwall Council Leader’s messages of 14th and 25th May have been circulated by email.
West Penwith Community Network Area Volunteer Transport Service for Cornwall Blind Association has forwarded details of the income from various sources. Under Town and Parish Councils £538 has been donated and £150 of this came from this council.
Details of an event at Liskeard to support young children acting as carers in Cornwall was also circulated to members for information,
Clerk will update Parish Plan during the next month and councillors are requested to inform him of any aims during the next year and these will be included.
He will also contact Highways to make arrangements for the road closures for Trafalgar Sunday on 21st October 2012 as three months’ notice is required.
Cornwall Rural Housing Association is a charitable housing association which builds and manages affordable housing throughout Cornwall. This is a voluntary board, which meet every 2 months near to Bodmin to decide on policies. A number of members are approaching their maximum period as board members and therefore new members are being sought. Anyone prepared to become members should contact the clerk for details.
Cornwall Council are extending their consultation period to 30th September 2012 for the proposed harmonised licence conditions for Caravan and Camp Sites Full details are available on www.cornwall.gov.uk/campsitelicences. A licencing forum is to be held at the Council One Stop Shop, Dolcoath Avenue, Camborne from 2pm to 5pm on Thursday 21st June 2012 and the contact is Bob Mears, the Licencing Compliance Manager on 01209.614417. Noted
14. Queens Diamond Jubilee
Clerk reported that all celebration mugs have been donated or purchased and the clerk will provide a breakdown of the expense to the next meting
He has prepared notices for notice boards to advertise the Beacon being lit at Bulls View at 9.30pm on Monday 4th June and Cllr Christopher provided an entry in The Cornishman.
Cllrs Bates and Matthews reported that all was in place for the beacon and people were advised to be at Bulls View from 8.30pm on Monday 4th June. The beacon will be lit by Cllr Pritchard at about 9.30pm. Cllr Roberts informed the meeting that The Young Farmers had everything in place for a barbeque.
Clerk informed councillors that the police and fire brigade had been informed of the beacon and Zurich Insurance had emailed to assure all that sufficient insurance is in place. Cllr Westlake pointed out that a Risk Assessment was advisable and Cllr Pritchard agreed to this (Cllr Pritchard completed this risk assessment on Friday 1st June)
Clerk reported that Sainsburys were sponsoring the beacons and had sent a book of vouchers to assist with refreshments at beacons. This had been passed on to the Young Farmers who were preparing food at the parish beacon but none were of use for the event. Donating the vouchers to Penzance Foodbank was considered but it was found that the vouchers were inappropriate for that organisation. The vouchers were retained by the clerk to be available at the time of audits.
15. Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund
Clerk reported that the work had been completed in laying the practice artificial batting ends for practice at Gulval Cricket Club and this will account for £2795 of the £5,000 grant after VAT has been reclaimed. The invoice for this will be forwarded to this council for payment in order to claim back the VAT. This leaves a balance of £2205
Clerk reminded members that the other applicant is Landithy Hall Managers who are spending £6314 on improvements to the hall. (Cllrs Scoble, Matthews and Pritchard declared interests). This was discussed at the last meeting and it was suggested that the best value would be for this council to pay for items which are subject to VAT which can be reclaimed and the work donated to the Landithy Hall Managers.
The main item is for floor covering which amounts to £3298 and this is not subject to VAT and so the items subject to VAT amount to £3016 but when VAT is deducted this comes down to £2489. After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr Mann and unanimously agreed that the balance of £2205 from the Aggregates Levy Grant should be used for the work and the extra £284 be donated from this council’s budget for donations.
J and H Plumbing and Heating in Penzance have written to this council asking for a deposit of £600 for the work at Landithy Hall to commence. The letter says that Landithy Hall Managers asked for this request to be sent to this council in the event of their request for a grant being successful. It was again proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr Mann and unanimously agreed that this payment be forwarded to the company and the clerk obtain a receipt and a full VAT receipt at the termination of the work.
16. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Mann, and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid:
W.E. Wilkins, clerk, salary £520.46, office allowance £30.00, mileage £31.00, disbursements £14.40; HMRC PAYE £130.00; Zurich Insurance renewal for 2012-2013 £372.41; Rays Glass Centre for repair to notice board by The Green £87.90.
A letter has been received from Pengarth Day Centre in Penzance asking for donations towards a motor vehicle to be used to transport elderly and/or disabled people to and from the Day Centre. (Cllr Mann and Cornwall Cllrs Bailey and Maddern declared interests). The cost of the vehicle will be in the region of £5000. It was agreed that this request was relevant to this council as several people from the parish used the Day Centre.
It was proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Jenkin, and unanimously agreed that the sum of £250.00 be donated towards the cost of the vehicle for Pengarth Day Centre as a grant.. (Section 29 of Local Government and Rating Act 1997)
17. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm Thursday 5th July 2012 at Madron Community Rooms..