THURSDAY 3rd NOVEMBER 2011 AT 7.30pm

Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Miss M. Christopher Cllr S. Bates Cllr. M. Scoble
Cllr D. Westlake Cllr I. Phillips Cllr V. Peake Cllr C. Bone

Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins, no members of the public

Cllrs Mrs A. Jenkin, R. Mann, Mrs C. Roberts, R.Matthews, Cornwall Cllrs Maddern and Miss I Bailey, PC Thomas, PCSOs Taylor and Nicholas
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on 6th October 2011 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Public Participation
5. Police Report
In the absence of police officers, the clerk gave the police report for October. There were 4 reported crimes compared to 7 in October last year. AP/11/2606 – between 11th and 12th October a wheelie bin was stolen from outside a house at New Mill; AP/11/2621 – between 7th and 8th October a car parked in Madron had a lock removed from the driver’s door; AP/11/2645 – on the evening of 15th October two male youths assaulted another male youth causing minor injuries and the matter has been dealt with; AP/11/2721 – between 22nd and 23rd a burglary at a dwelling occurred in Madron and investigations are ongoing.
6. Chairman’s Comments
Chairman reported that the clerk had suffered problems with his computer and this had brought to light the need for the parish council to purchase their own machine for the clerk to work with. This would ensure that when the clerk left his post this would ease the handover to the next clerk. It was unanimously agreed that Cllrs Pritchard and Westlake should investigate the most suitable computer for the job and to obtain the computer and arrange for the installation and report back to the next meeting – clerk to make this an agenda item.
Chairman then thanked Cllrs Bates and Peake for their assistance with road closures in connection with Trafalgar celebration parade which will be discussed later in the meeting.


7. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Clerk reported that he had been asked by Cllr Mann to bring to notice the closure of a ward at West Cornwall Hospital. Penzance Town Council had written to Cornwall Councillor Sue Nicholls as Head of Health and Scrutiny Committee objecting to the closure and Cllr Mann suggested a letter from this council may support the objection. Clerk had spoken with Cllr Jenkin as the Madron Councillor responsible for health issues and she raised no objection to the proposal by Cllr Mann but felt that the letter would have little impact as the decision had been made to close the ward until the start of the next financial year on 1st April 2012. It was agreed that the clerk should write a letter as requested to support the objections.
Cllr Bates reported that there was still a water leak on The Green but Cllr Scoble was able to say that the repair to the pipe was in hand with South West Water.
8. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Clerk reported that Cllr Maddern had advised parishes to purchase their own Christmas trees and claim back the VAT. The invoices should be sent to him and he will reimburse the parishes their costs from his allowance. Clerk reported that Cllr Jenkin has asked for the tree to be erected this year at Landithy Hall and it was proposed to have celebrations involving St Maddern School commencing on 12th December. Landithy Hall managers had no objection to this and it was unanimously agreed that the tree be erected as requested by Cllr Jenkin.
It was proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr Westlake, and unanimously agreed that the clerk should contact Cornwall Cllr Maddern and Cornwall Council at Penzance to arrange the purchase of a 14 foot tree from their suppliers or a local supplier if there had been no agreement involving other parishes. Clerk was instructed to report back to the next meeting.
9. Planning
Clerk reported that it had been decided that a Planning Advisory Panel was not required for the applications received during this month.
PA11/08228 – conversion of a redundant former agricultural barn into a dwelling at Bythmoy, New Mill – objection in relation to the access to the property, the volume of traffic as this was to be a permanent dwelling and councillors felt that they should support the local people who had raised objections.
PA11/07713 – construction of heliport including improved vehicular access point on Station Approach/Treloweth Lane, car parking areas, terminal building, hanger, fuel installation and one helipad at land adjacent to Station Approach, Treloweth Lane, St Erth – no comment.
PA11/03921 – screening opinion request for the proposed erection of a wind farm at land south of Quarry, Castle Gate, Ludgvan – withdrawn. Clerk could give no further detail as this is all that was circulated to him.
PA11/7337 – erection of conservatory at Chyvellin, New Mill – granted
PA11/06521 – extension to dwelling at Oaklea, Bellair Road, Madron – granted
Other Planning Matters
Cornwall Council – consultation on proposed changes to the pre-application service. Clerk reported that details of this have been sent by email and this enables members to link into full detail on the Cornwall Council website. Any responses are to be made by 25th November. It was unanimously agreed that the paper was reasonable and no comment was required
10. Public Rights of Way
Clerk reported that he had received notification from Cornwall Council that the expenditure incurred by this council in connection with path cutting in the LMP was approved and 90% of the cost would be reimbursed.
Clerk had liaised with Cllr Westlake regarding a stile which had been reported as requiring attention on footpath 27 and he will contact Cornwall Council to confirm the location.
11. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting had been completed.
CALC ‘The Week’ issue 45 had been circulated to members by email.
Cornwall Council Localism Newsletter (24 pages) had been circulated to members by email.


Members are invited to Homestart AGM which will be held at 12.30pm on 24th November 2011 at All Saints Community Centre, Church View Road, Camborne
Clerk reported that he had ordered a wreath to be laid at the Remembrance Sunday service at St Maddern Church on 13th November. Cllr Pritchard informed members that he was available to lay the wreath on behalf of this council
The notes from the last West Cornwall Town and Parish Community Forum held on 22nd September will be circulated by email. Clerk advised members that the next Forum would be held at 7pm on Thursday 24th November 2011 at St Johns Hall and there will probably be items on the agenda which were passed to Cornwall Cllr Maddern at the last meeting.
CALC had forwarded further information concerning the future Code of Conduct. It is apparent that councils will have to adapt their own Code but further clarification is being sought and CALC will pass on information as matters develop.
Cornwall Council have decided to implement the 30mph speed limit at Sennen and the 40mph speed limit at Trevescan and the proposals for the 50mph speed limit between Sennen and Penzance all on the A30 have been abandoned. This is a result of the objections raised at the consultation concerning the proliferation of signs along the road. This is for information as this council responded to the consultation.
12. Trafalgar Celebrations and Nelson Memorial Service and Parade –
23rd October 2011
Clerk reported that the day had been a success and no problems had occurred. Cllrs Bates and Peake had assisted in the control of the traffic at the road closures and Cllrs Pritchard, Westlake, Jenkin, Matthews and Christopher from this council had attended the service. All the usual civic leaders and other councillors together with Naval and other organisations also attended and Captain Williamson and personnel from RNAS Culdrose had also given full support for the day. Various thanks had been received for the contribution from this parish with a particularly nice letter of thanks to the chairman, councillors and clerk from Cllr Jan Ruhrmund as Mayor of Penzance. Cllr Pritchard wished thanks be recorded to the clerk for his organisation.
Cllr Westlake asked the clerk to contact RNAS Culdrose as several photographs were taken and also to request permission to copy them to the new Madron Parish Council website.
Cllr Pritchard also instructed to write to Captain Williamson at RNAS Culdrose to thank him for his support for the event.
13. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
Clerk reported that Cllr Jenkin had left him a message to the effect that there are 35 pupils at St Maddern School and she favoured the presentation of celebration mugs as opposed to medals.
Clerk has details of prices for mugs which include in the design the details of the Parish Council circulated by ‘Clerks and Councils Direct’ which have NALC approval. The prices of these mugs are £4.95 each plus VAT and post and packaging according to order.
Cllr Phillips was concerned that children resident in the parish who did not attend schools within the parish would not receive mugs and a brief discussion ensued as to how this concern could be addressed. It was agreed that a full discussion should take place at the next meeting to determine policy in relation to residence and ages..
14. Madron Parish Council Website
Cllr Westlake informed members that the website was now fully operational and to date there have been 147 hits. He had made amendments as more information had come to light and he asked members to check and let him know if any more amendments should be made or items added. He had intended to have public rights of way on the website but a check was being made on copyright before any input is made.
1 and 1 Internet had circulated that they would not accept cheques and it was unanimously agreed that a Direct Debit be set up. Cllr Westlake agreed to arrange this in conjunction with the clerk if necessary and when complete clerk instructed to cancel the last cheque to the company for rental.


Cllr Westlake felt that it is appropriate for this council to elect ‘IT’ councillors. It was unanimously agreed that Cllr Westlake should perform this role until May 2012 when it will be reviewed and Cllr Scoble will act as back up to Cllr Westlake.
15. Circulation of Minutes and Other Items to Councillors
Cllr Westlake asked for a firm policy to be agreed my members with regard to the publishing of agendas, minutes and other information as from now on the minutes will be available on the new website. However due to the low attendance at this meeting it was agreed that this item should be deferred until the meeting on 1st December.
16. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Bone and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid:-
W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £433.65, Office allowance £30.00, mileage £11.00, disbursements £34.82, Trafalgar mileage £22.00, Trafalgar disbursements £1.82; HMCR – PAYE for clerk £108.40.
Cllr Pritchard pointed out that the clerk had incurred expenses amounting to £90.00 in connection with the problems with his computer which has always been used for Madron Parish Council work and he proposed that the clerk should be reimbursed. This was supported by all members present but clerk informed the meeting that any matter such as this should be placed on the agenda and proper notice given. Clerk was instructed to include this on the agenda on 1st December.
Clerk has received a request for a donation from ‘Penhaligon’s Friends’ an organisation offering support for children suffering from family bereavements. It was agreed to defer this until the last meeting of the financial year
Clerk advised members that he has just been informed that the precept for the financial year 2012-2013 will have to be agreed at the next meeting. He will prepare his usual format for comments and he will email this to members with a hard copy following with the next agendas.
17. Time and Date of Next Meeting.
7.30pm on Thursday 1st December 2011 at Trythall CP School.