THURSDAY 5th NOVEMBER 2015 AT 7.30pm
Draft to be approved on 3rd December 2015
Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (chairman) Cllr V. Peake (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Mrs G. Burlton
Cllr S. Pritchard Cllr. M. Scoble
Cllr G. Tanner Cllr H. Eddy
Cllr S. Bates Cllr C. Bone
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr I. Phillips
Cornwall Cllr R Mann, and PC Thomas (until point stated)
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and four members of the public
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on 1st October 2015 were unanimously approved
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Eddy – item 10 Planning applications PA15/09262 and PA15/08927, both at Tremearne, Heamoor, as a neighbour.
Cllr Roberts item 10 Planning application PA15/09695 at the access track from Carnequidden Farm, The Stables, New Mill, as a neighbour.
4. Dispensations
5. Public Participation
Andy Golay, a planning consultant, addressed the meeting in relation to a proposed planning application which will come before this council in the near future. This relates to a retreat and restoration of a barn for use for Nordic-walking and other outdoor activities with accommodation in Trye Valley between New Mill and Mulfra
Mr Cordery, as the applicant for PA15/09262 for alterations to a dwelling at Tremearne, Bone Valley and Mr Terris as the applicant for PA15/09695 for conversion of a barn at the access track from Carnequidden Farm addressed the meeting in turn to explain their background and proposals to councillors.
6. Police Report
PC Thomas reported that there had been two crimes reported to the police in October as opposed to three in the corresponding month last year.
On 11th a wallet was stolen from an insecure motorhome at a camping and caravan site at Bone Valley and on 13th a vehicle was scratched by unknown means at Drift Reservoir.
PC Thomas updated councillors in relation to problems at Madron Meat premises. Suitable warning signs have now been erected and the area patrolled by a security company which, hopefully, will deter trespassers. The owner has also made more efforts to make it more secure and the situation will be monitored by police and environmental officers.
Cllr Pritchard asked for attention to motor cyclists speeding in the Madron Hill area at evenings and weekends, PC Thomas noted this and asked if any identification of the motor cyclists or offenders are obtained they should be forwarded to him. (PC Thomas left at this point.)
7. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Roberts commented on the Trafalgar celebrations and Nelson Memorial parade and service held in Madron on Sunday 18th October 2015 which was again a success. She thanked the councillors who attended and gave their support, Cllr Scoble for delivering no parking requests to various houses along the route and assisting the clerk with road closure notices, Cllr Pritchard for checking the parade route and arranging removal of parked cars prior to the parade and Cllrs Bates and Peake for stewarding the points at the top of Fore Street and also the top of Madron Hill whilst the paraded was in progress. She also thanked the clerk for his organisation of the event.
She noted that the garden at the edge of the Green had been cleared prior to Remembrance Sunday.
8. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Scoble informed the meeting that he had a visit from Rev Tim Hawkins asking for support for the twinning of Mont Dol with Madron from councillors when events are arranged. This help will mainly be at the reception as the French side were very keen to visit in the not too distant future.
Cllr Roberts, as the parish council representative on the twinning committee, reported that she had not been informed of any meetings and the clerk had received no information in relation to meetings or news and updates from the twinning organisers are awaited.
Cllr Pritchard commented on Penwith Integrated Carers Forum. This is a group of doctors and support workers who aim to give advice and help to carers. There are 10 similar groups in Cornwall and Cllr Pritchard has been appointed as a lay-member of the local organisation and asked for the support of councillors. The next meeting will be at Hanover Court in Penzance from 2pm to 4pm on Thursday 24th September and all are invited. Clerk has printed notices for the notice boards and Cllr Scoble will put details on the website.
Cllr Scoble reported that he had received concerns that the tree in the Old Vicarage had grown out and was obstructing the light on the adjoining path to Trelawney Estate which was a hazard for pedestrians. There were also concerns about the same problems from the lights along Madron Hill. Clerk was instructed to write to the occupier of the Old Vicarage
and also inform Highways of the problem on Madron Hill.
Cllr Jenkin invited all to the Madron Feast Service to be held at 11am on Sunday 29th November at St Maddern Church.
Cllr Peake informed councillors that Hilary Richings, who writes the New Mill column in The Cornishman and is a great supporter of this council, is very seriously ill. Clerk was instructed to send a card. (Hilary Richings passed away in the night after this meeting)
9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Mann reported that several libraries have been taken over by local organisations as a result of the proposed closures.
He had a meeting with representatives of the Planning Inspectorate to endeavour to reduce planning appeals which incur considerable expense. It was noted that generally one third of planning appeals are approved.
Other items of news are that Penwith Moors have received a grant of £2.7 million towards upkeep, etc. and Cornwall Council have been instructed build 52, 500 house when only 17,000 are needed for local residents.
10. Planning
PA15/08966 – proposed construction of a sand school for private use at The Aboret access track from Carnequidden Farm to Higher Conquer Farm, New Mill – supported.
PA15/09695 – amended application to previously approved application PA15/00775 dated 25th March 2015 (supported by this council) for the conversion of Barns to a single dwelling namely to incorporate stepped ridge to provide mezzanine floor at the access track from Carnequidden Farm, The Stables, New Mill – (Cllr Roberts declared an interest and left the room)-this council is concerned that this application appears to change the original shape and size which may contravene planning policy GD7.
PA15/09204 – first floor side and rear extensions, slate hanging to first floor of existing rear and part end walls at The Barn, Lower Ninnes, New Mill –the size and shape of the premises increased the restrictions laid down in planning policy GD7
PA15/09262 – single storey front extension, portico in place of porch, re-siting porch as a detached orangery, replacement roof covering at Tremearne, Bone Valley, Heamoor – (Cllr Eddy declared an interest and left the room) – supported
PA15/08927 – conversion of a film studio to form a dwelling at The Studio, Tremearne, Heamoor – (Cllr Eddy declared an interest and left the room)- this application is supported but the comments concerning public rights of way were noted.
Other Planning Matters
Clerk has issued instructions on how to obtain details of planning applications in the area to councillors responsible for notice boards and also the website. This is to help the public in receiving this information as Cornwall Council no longer publish details in the local press.
Cllrs Roberts and Scoble attended paperless planning training at Chasewater. Cornwall Cllr Hannaford apologised for the way the scheme had been brought into place but it is necessary. Both councillors agreed that the training was informative and all decisions will be made after the clerk and councillors have attended similar training at Penzance later this month.
11. Public Rights of Way
Cllr Tanner referred back to the meeting of this council in September when silage bales were reported as being stacked across footpath104/38/1 at the rear of houses at Carfury. It was understood that in spite of requests the bales had not been moved and Cllr Tanner will contact Cornwall Council to take action.
12. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting have been completed.
John Pollard, leader of Cornwall Council and his deputy Adam Paynter are holding an ‘Open doors’ at The Gallery, Humphrey Davey School, Coombe Road, Penzance from 6.30pm on Monday 23rd November 2015 to answer questions put to them by the councillors and public. All are invited.
Cornwall Council Community and Devolution bulletin has been circulated to councillors by email.
It is requested that details of precepts required will be received by 31st December and also the amount of Council Tax Support for each council will be supplied with the precept forms.
Clerk will provide budget for this council for 2016-2017 to the next meeting
Also the Lengthsman schemes explain how parishes will be able to purchase extra work such as repairs to highways from Cormac and also to deal with their own private contractors in addition to various other items.
The chairman has approved the clerk taking his main leave in February 2016. He will commence the leave after completing work from the meeting on 4th February and will be away from his office from Monday 8th February until Thursday 25th February 2016 when he will publish the agenda for the meeting on 3rd March 2016.
Clerk reported that our usual supplier of Christmas trees will no longer provide trees.
He has liaised with a neighbouring clerk and there are few options available and the price will increase enormously due to transport from north Cornwall or West Devon. These locations are where the suppliers to Penzance and St Buryan are located.
Clerk has a potential source for a 14 foot tree and the chairman for a 12 foot tree and they are following these lines up. It was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the matter should be left in the hands of the chairman and clerk to make the arrangements and decision. Clerk added that Cornwall Cllr Maddern had arranged for the cost of the tree being taken from his Community Chest.
13. Consideration of Neighbourhood Plan – update
The clerk has submitted a report showing his enquiries into this item. He has made contact with the clerks at Ludgvan, Marazion, Perranuthno and councillors from Porthleven and he has also spoken to James Hardy as the Local Community Link Officer who will give his support. Marazion are still considering the matter but the others are active to various degrees.
All began by hiring premises for public meetings which were advertised on notice boards and website and by councillors attending schools and local organisations to explain what is involved with questionnaires for people to hand into appointed ‘drop in’ locations. Clerk has also spoken with John Williams at The Cornishman and he will also give help in advertising meetings and plans.
Clerk has circulated to councillors the questionnaire used by Ludgvan Parish Council for initial contact. This invites people to be involved in operating the plan which should have a chairman and secretary away from the Parish Council. The returns and attendance at the public meetings will show whether the viability of the plan can be successful. Ludgvan had 80 forms returned with 15 people with skills who volunteered to be part of the steering group.
The involvement by clerks varies from none at all to just attending meetings and taking notes and in one case a council employed a secretary. All councillors will be involved to some degree.
Councils doing plans are progressing to various points. Some are optimistic but there is one other council which is not confident about the referendum being successful. It generally costs between £7000 and £30000 for major plans, but Madron should be on the lower scale and grants are available. It usually takes about 2 years to complete.
The issues to be decided are whether this council wishes to go ahead and when to have the initial meetings and circulation of questionnaires.
It was proposed by Cllr Tanner, seconded by Cllr Burlton and unanimously agreed that arrangements for a Neighbourhood Plan will go ahead and it will be left for the public at these meetings to decide whether or not to go forward.
It was proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Peake and unanimously agreed that the initial meetings should be planned for 14th April at Madron and 21st April at Trythall.
14. Parc Abnac Allotments – update
The clerk’s pre-meeting report to councillors gives a detailed update on progress involving him with Coodes solicitors and other councils. The present quotation by the solicitor was for £500 plus VAT and Cornwall Council had agreed to pay £500 towards this council’s costs.
There are issues to be decided concerning searches in various forms, all of which cost money. Questions concerning initial searches, which would have cost an extra £600, were circulated by email to councillors and the eight councillors who replied to the clerk agreed that the expense was not justified and the solicitor was informed accordingly
There is a matter of overage on the contract between Cornwall Council and Madron Parish Council which could mean extra costs to this council should the land increase in value. 50% of the increase in value would be passed back to Cornwall Council. To avoid this, a restrictive covenant was requested on behalf of this council but Cornwall Council refused to agree to this addition.
In order to be sure of protection from further restrictions the solicitor could make more searches which would cost a further £300 plus VAT. Similarly the solicitor can review the present contract between the allotment holders and the allotment owner for a further £100 plus VAT. The clerk has obtained a copy of the contract used by Marazion Town Council and their allotments holder and also the present contract between Cornwall Council and the allotment holders at Parc Abnac, all of which are available to councillors.
It was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Bone and unanimously agreed that the solicitor be informed that this council does not wish any more searches to be made or contracts reviewed and to go ahead with the transfer.
Clerk then asked if there could be councillors appointed to work with him in relation to the allotments to confirm with him contracts before being put before the full council, inspections, repairs required and allocation of allotments as they become vacant.
Cllr Pritchard who has an allotments owned by Penzance Council is experienced in these matters and he agreed to take over this role Cllr Bates agreed to assist as he lives near the allotments and knows people there. It was unanimously agreed that these two councillors work with the clerk.
15. Law changes in relation to circulation of Agendas, Minutes and other Council Documents by Email.
These law changes have been circulated to councils by CALC. It is now in order for clerks to circulate agendas, draft minutes and other appropriate matters by email without hard copies. Details have been circulated by email to councillors.
There is a form to be completed by councillors to show their agreements to this individually with other points to be agreed. If adopted this should result in considerable savings on postage
Clerk will circulate copies of the agreement form to councillors for the next meeting which should be returned at that meeting. He suggests that he will print hard copies which will be available at the meetings to save individual councillors having to print copies but they will have sufficient time to consider items in advance in accordance with the regulations.
It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Scoble and unanimously agreed that this law change should be adopted and the clerk should provide hard copies of agendas at meetings
16. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Matthews, seconded by Cllr Burlton and unanimously agreed that the following payments should be approved: W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £640.41, office allowance £30.00, mileage £45.00, Trafalgar mileage £19.80, petty cash £45.83; HMRC – Nat. Ins. and PAYE £177.40; Cllr Jenkin – mileage to Localism Conference at Truro £22.50; Cllr Roberts – mileage to Planning Conference at Camborne £14.85 and mileage to Chasewater for paperless planning £23.85 (all mileage at 45 pence per mile)
17. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm on Thursday 3rd December 2015 at Trythall CP School