
THURSDAY 3rd NOVEMBER 2016 AT 7.30pm
Draft to be approved on 1st December 2016
Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (chairman) Cllr V. Peake (vice chairman) Cllr Mrs G. Burlton Cllr S. Pritchard Cllr. M. Scoble Cllr G. Tanner Cllr S. Bates Cllr R. Matthews
Cllr I. Phillips

Cornwall Cllrs W.Maddern and R Mann

Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and three members of the public

Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin C. Bone, H. Eddy
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on 6th October 2016 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Burlton – item 9 Planning – PA16/09638 at Bythmoy, New Mill as Cllr Burlton works with the applicant.
Cllr Peake – planning application PA16/09638 at Bythmoy New Mill, as above, as a friend of the applicant.
4. Dispensations
Cllr Roberts is now a Landithy Hall Manager and clerk has forwarded her dispensation for being able to be involved in any Landithy Hall discussions at meetings to Cornwall Council.
The legal department of Cornwall Council have emailed back to say that this form of dispensation is no longer necessary.
5. Public Participation
Mr Leiworthy spoke in support of his planning application PA16/09638 at Bythmoy, New Mill. He outlined his reasons for needing an extension which was mainly for his children growing up and requiring more space in the house. Utilising his garden area will enable them to have this. He has lived in the house for 13 years and has no wish to move. He withdrew his first application as there were objections to the plans by neighbours and also this council and he has had the plans adapted in an effort to rectify the objections.
Pauline Wilkinson referred to the same application saying that she was the neighbour most affected by these plans and she found no problems and supports the application. She added that the village needs children to bring some life and energy to an older population and she would be very concerned if the family were forced to move.


6. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Roberts informed the meeting that a local lady had complimented this council for the prompt removal of rubbish near to the Wishing Well after she had reported this to Cllr Jenkin and the clerk had arranged the removal.
7. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Matthews informed the meeting of the road surface problems between Bone Valley, Trythall Moor and Boskednan had been inspected by Mike Peters from Cornwall Highways after the clerk had made contact. Mr Peters had acknowledged that there were problems with the slippery surface which had proved a danger to horses and riders. Cllr Matthews is now awaiting further developments.
Cllr Tanner reported a deep pothole on the road outside Little Chysauster, New Mill – clerk to inform Highways.
Cllr Phillips reported rubbish dumped in the area where the the chippings are stored at Badgers Cross – clerk to arrange removal
Cllr Pritchard reported that the tree which needed cutting back to ensure it did not fall over the road in Bone Valley has now been cut down.
Cllr Scoble reported a more up to date photograph of the King William IV pub had been put on the Website. The dimensions however were different form the other photos and will need amending as soon as the opportunity arises.
Cllr Burlton reported that the street light in Church Road by the Board Walk was not operating. There was no identification number on the post. Clerk to inform Cornwall Council.
Cllr Pritchard asked for a letter to be sent to the Police and Crime Commissioner emphasising the fact that there was now no local policing at all in Madron and this was considered by this council and residents as unacceptable. It was agreed that the clerk should write as instrtucted.
8. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cllr Mann reported that there will be a Landscape Partnership Meeting in relation to available grants at 6pm on 24th November at Landithy Hall and he asked for the support of members and interested parties. He also reported that the mess on the gravel at Tremethick Cross has now been removed
Cllr Maddern enquired about arrangements for Christmas trees this year in Madron Village and clerk informed him that it had been agreed that this council will purchase a 14 foot tree for Landithy Hall and a 10 foot for the side of the pub as this had been renovated. Cllr Maddern informed the meeting that he would finance one of the trees from his Community Funds. Clerk has placed the order and will follow up the prices with the supplier.
9. Planning
PA16/08981 – removal of condition 4 (10 month occupancy restriction) in respect of decision 1/86/P/0222/F dated 8.7.1986 to allow all year round occupancy at 16 Old Court, Kenegie Manor, Gulval – supported.
PA16/09638 – demolition of garden shed and construction of a single-storey extension at Bythmoy, access to Boscowan, New Mill. Clerk reminded members that the original application due to be discussed by this council in August 2016 was withdrawn prior to that meeting. He had also received a letter of support from the applicant’s agent and an email of objection from a neighbour who was unable to attend the meeting. These had been printed out and made available to councillors. It was unanimously agreed to support this application in view of the changes made to the original application providing the planning officer approves.
PA16/09233 – retrospective planning application for replacement of condemned old office facilities with main new office facilities, laboratory, washing and drying rooms and weighbridge offices, creation of a staff and visitor parking area close to offices to avoid conflict with quarry vehicle movements at Cormac Solutions Ltd., Castle-an-Dinas Quarry, Castle Gate, Ludgvan. It was unanimously agreed that this council should support the application but the clerk was instructed to write to the Manager of Castle-an-Dinas Quarry and the Planning Department expressing the view that this work had been completed well in advance of this application and this was unsatisfactory for a Cornwall Council/Cormac concern.


PA16/02847/PREAPP – application advice for a category C single-storey dwelling at Higher Hellangove Farm, Gulval – noted
PA16/07543 – variation of condition 7 (holiday occupancy) of application W/1/78P/0321 dated 22.5.1978 to allow full occupancy throughout the year at 25 The Park, Kenegie Manor, Gulval – approved.
PA16/08567 – application for non-material amendment in relation to PA15/05680 (retrospective planning application for conversion of existing attached garage, store and utility room) for vertical boarding instead of pebble dash to replace garage door – approved.
PA16/02754/PREAPP – pre application advice for conversion of part of loose box/store building to an annex at Windman Cottage, access to Trezelah, Gulval – advice given, closed.
Other Planning Matters
The chairman of Cornwall Council Strategic Planning Committee invites councillors from Penzance, Ludgvan and Madron to a technical briefing at 10am on Friday 25th November in relation to PA16/09346, Penzance Heliport,to be held at Trelawney Room, New County Hall, Truro. Ludgvan have questioned when the determination of the application will be made and if it is before this briefing asked if threre will be an opportunity to re-consider any recommendation from their parish. However, Madron Parish Council has not been invited to make any recommendation. The Cornwall Cllrs advised the meeting that a decision was not anticipated until January or February and a Strategic Planning Committee can overrule local parish council comments. Details of members representing these councils are requested and Cllrs Peake and Tanner agreed to represent Madron Parish Council. Clerk to inform the organisers.
10. Public Rights of Way
Clerk reported that after his letter to Countryside Access, 104/2/3 and 104.29 have now been added to LMP schedules. However they are trying to locate Ginger Lane. Cllr Tanner will confirm the length of 104/2/3 and advise re. the location of Ginger Lane.
Clerk has also been trying to obtain £1280.80 back from Cornwall Council for the cutting of silver paths. The invoice was submitted on 5th August 2016. The Countryside Information Officer is looking into this.
11. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting have been completed with the exception of the purchase of a new filing cabinet due to clerk’s sickness. The cabinet will be purchased in conjunction with Cllr Scoble and the old files and rarely used files will be moved to the cabinet for storage in Landithy Hall in due course.
Clerk has circulated to councillors by email details of the closure of Lesingey Lane from 0730 to 1800 hours from 14th to 18th November 2016 for apparatus work by Western Power. Noted.
Also circulated by email to councillors are details of public enquiry events at Mercure Exeter Rougemont Hotel Exeter on 7th and 8th November, New County Hall, Truro on 10th and 11th November and other events in Poole, Dorset and Bristol in relation to Parliamentary Boundary Review proposal for a Bideford, Bude and Launceston Parliamentary Constituency. Oral representations can be made at these events or written comments to Boundary Commission (full details on Cornwall Council website) before 5th December 2016. Noted.
Among items circulated by email for information by clerk to councillors were CALC weekly News Roundup to 28th October 2016 and the Special Bulletin with proposals for a town parking review. These contained items which councillors considered worthy of discussion.
Cllr Scoble felt that the meeting should consider the council tax referendum campaign and
after discussion it was unanimously agreed that the clerk should write to our MP expressing the views of this council which oppose capping precepts for local councils. Prices for parish councils providing services are increasing and also extra services are likely to be passed down to them and this makes the prospect of capped precepts unworkable. If it came to a referendum, as would be the case if increases are requested, the costs would be enormous.
The Town Parking Review will look at pay and display on some streets and residents parking zones in various towns throughout Cornwall including Penzance and St Ives. Residents Parking Zones permit will cost £50 in first year and £75 afterwards.


On Wednesday 8th November 2016 there will be a public exhibition from 10am to 8pm at The Exchange, Princes Street, Penzance to enable people to find out more about the proposals. Details have been emailed to councillors. It was again unanimously agreed that the clerk should write to Cornwall Council opposing this as residents may pay out these sums and find that there is still nowhere to park due to the high volume of car ownership.
12. Trafalgar Thanksgiving and Nelson Memorial Service and Parade
23rd October 2016
Clerk reported that the parade and service took place on a windy but dry Sunday morning and it was regarded as a successful event again this year. The organising of the 70 invitations to the naval parade and civic parade and the people going straight to church has been particularly difficult as a number of the people concerned are getting older and have passed on responsibilities to new secretaries. Several have deceased so the unreported changes resulted in a large amount of time being spent on tracing people. This is likely to be a regular problem as ex-service men and women are fewer each year. On the bright side contacts at RNAS Culdrose are still in post and so that side of the organisation was very simple.
Unfortunately, the Mayor of Penzance was unable to attend due to illness and we were pleased to have Cornwall Councillor Mann lead the civic parade with Cllr Roberts and lay the wreath on behalf of Penzance Town Council. Also there were less Madron Parish Councillors at the event than before but Cllrs Roberts, Peake, Pritchard, Jenkin, Burlton and Matthews were present..
As a council we are particularly grateful to Cllr Scoble for putting up street closure notices, circulating parking notices to residents and assisting with the putting out and collecting the traffic cones. Cllr Pritchard checked the parade route early in the morning to ensure there were no obstructions and he and Cllr Peake organised the collection and distribution of cones with further assistance from Cllr and Mr Burlton. Cllrs Peake and Bates acted as stewards for traffic whilst the parade marched and Cllr Bates gave further assistance in tracing and contacting any parked vehicle owners.
At the reception in Landithy Hall at the end of the march-pass and service, appreciation for this council’s organisation was given to Cllr Roberts and the clerk and this is always appreciated. Cllr Pritchard suggested that all possible attendees should be listed in the civic procession to ensure no one who attended without informing the clerk is omitted.
13. Meeting with Derek Thomas MP with local councils including Madron on
20th October 2016
Cllrs Jenkin, Burlton, and Pritchard attended this event representing Madron Parish Council. The councillors agreed that this was an interesting and positive event and all were given an opportunity to speak. From a Madron angle concerns were expressed about land being purchased, planning applications being obtained and then the land left for a later sale whilst the value was increasing. It was believed that schemes are being considered to counter this. It was also pointed out that all matters relating to Poltair Hospital were referred to Madron Parish Council prior to the sale but at this point Madron were not consulted and matters have been passed on to Penzance Town Council. An apology was received.
14. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Bates and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £695.10, office allowance £30.00, council mileage and Trafalgar mileage £29.70, petty cash £14.34, Kaspersky Computer Security £44.99; HMRC – PAYE and Nat Ins £200.39
Clerk will shortly be preparing the budget for the financial year 2017-2018. This will be brought before the December or January meeting depending on instructions from Cornwall Council. Should any councillor wish to recommend any particular items please contact the clerk so that this can be included before he brings the proposal to the full council meeting for discussion and approval.
15. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, on Thursday 1st December 2016 at Trythall CP School