THURSDAY 6th OCTOBER 2011 AT 7.30pm
Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin
Cllr D. Westlake Cllr S. Bates
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr C. Bone
Cllr R. Mann Cllr I. Phillips
Cornwall Cllrs W.Maddern and Miss I. Bailey.
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins, and two members of the public
Cllrs Scoble, Peake, Roberts and Christopher, PC Thomas, PCSOs Taylor and Nicholas
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on 1st September 2011 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Westlake – item 9 Planning – PA11/7337 erection of a conservatory at Chyvellin, New Mill as the applicant.
Cornwall Cllrs Bailey and Maddern – item 9 – all planning applications as Cornwall Councillors
4. Public Participation
5. Police Report
Clerk reported that PC Thomas is still off work due to sickness, and in the absence of police officers, the clerk gave the police report for this month.
There were two crimes in September as opposed to eight in September 2010. On 10th September there was a theft in Madron where the offender was known to the complainant and on 28th September criminal damage was caused to a motor vehicle in New Mill where the offender and complainant were known to each other.
Clerk reported that Cllr Christopher has reported to the clerk receiving complaints that youths are riding scramble motor cycles around Madron Village at high speeds usually in early evenings. She has also had complaints that youths are banging doors around midnight causing dogs to bark and disturb the neighbourhood. Clerk has emailed details of these matters to Penzance Police.
PCSO Taylor has responded to the effect that two Madron youths have recently obtained motor bikes and they are in order and have been checked out on PNC. One of the youths was due have been seen with regard to several matters including the use of the motor bike.
PCSO Taylor is aware of problems regarding the banging on doors and other matters. A new family has moved into the area and one of the youngsters has been spoken to and will be monitored. PCSO Taylor emphasises that it is important that the police be contacted at the time of trouble on the new emergency number for this type of event – 101 – and hopefully a positive I/D can be made and further action taken.
6. Chairman’s Comments
7. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Westlake asked for action to be taken over the brown signs directing people to Mulfra Trekking Centre. Mrs Hibbert no longer operates trekking and she asked for the signs to be taken down and she has offered to take them down herself as people still appear asking for trekking. This offer has been refused and the sign is still standing. Cornwall Cllr Bailey agreed to take this up with Cornwall Council.
Cllr Mann asked that all relevant matters should be sent to him and Cllr Phillips with hard copies as they are unable to receive emails and they have the right to receive this information. The meeting agreed that the clerk should send out minutes and instructions together with any other items which directly affect these councillors. Cllr Westlake asked for the matter to be agreed formally as the full council had decided to abandon hard copies of these items and it would be correct to have a proper debate. Clerk was instructed to make this an agenda item for the next meeting.
8. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Maddern reported that a 20mph zone has been agreed for outside St Maddern School in Madron.
Cornwall Cllr Bailey informed the meeting that the replacement of the finger posts at Trythall was in hand.
9. Planning
Clerk reported that there had been no Planning Advisory Panel meeting this month.
PA11/06521 – extension to dwelling at Oaklea, Bellair Road, Madron. Clerk reported that this application has been re-submitted at the request of this council as due to the short notice the public would not have been aware of the new plans submitted caused by errors in the original application. It appears that the roof over the kitchen is approximately one meter lower than in the original application and the roof will be a natural slate and not cement fibre. It was agreed to support the new application.
PA11/07337 – erection of a conservatory at Chyvellin, New Mill – (Cllr Westlake declared an interest and left the room)- supported
PA11/07211 – installation of a BT modular broadband cabinet at 56 Trelawney Estate, Madron – supported
PA11/08061 – listed building consent for the extension to dwelling at Trevaylor Nursing Home, Gulval. Clerk reported that this application had been received by him on the morning of this meeting and he had spoken with the planning officer who informed him that neither she nor the conservation area officer had any objections to the application. It was unanimously agreed that the application be supported
PA11/02138 – construction of respite accommodation (amended design from W1/07P/0239F at Moorvue Farm, Newbridge – granted
PA11/03306 – conversion of redundant farm building into a rural brewery (microbrewery) at End Unit, Badgers Cross Farm Units, Badgers Cross – granted
PA11/05605 – conversion of a domestic workshop and garage to self-contained annex at The Old Stables, Mulfra – withdrawn
Other Planning Matters
Details of the Local Validation List for Cornwall Council is available on www.cornwall.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=22558 This details requirements for applications for tree applications, householder applications and also larger details for non-householder applications. It was agreed that no response was necessary at this time
The feedback from the Cornwall Core Strategy for the development plans for Cornwall has been circulated to councillors by email – noted.
Councillors have asked the clerk to make enquiries concerning camp sites, Demelza and Noongallas, as a result of complaints made to them. In view of this he has been in contact with Planning Enforcement and a visit has been paid to Demelza and the owner has stated that he will apply for planning permission during the winter and the caravans will be put in store. Enforcement envisages problems with gaining permission due to access and they will check to ensure that the caravans are stored off site. The Planning Enforcement Officer has referred the matter of Noongallas to her senior officer and he has replied to the clerk to the effect that due to the history of problems at this site various options are being considered for control/enforcement in future years and this may include an Article 4 direction and/or a more pro-active approach to monitoring/enforcement. The officers have agreed to keep the clerk informed of developments.
10. Public Rights of Way
Cllr Westlake reported that he has walked paths in the New Mill area and all the work has now been done satisfactorily. He has had no feedback from councillors on the Madron side of the parish so he recommended that the contractors should be paid their invoices which are included in the finance item on this agenda. He reported that he had assisted by clearing stiles on footpath 37 that had not been used in recent years and Cllr Mann reported that footpath 55 has now been cut out. Cllr Pritchard felt that consideration for the work to be put out to tender next year should be considered as the work was behind schedule this year and not initially completed properly.
Cllr Westlake added that the minutes of the PAROW meetings show that organisation is in a healthy state and may be available to help in work on paths if necessary.
11. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting had been completed.
Issues of CALC ‘This Week’ received during the month had been circulated to councillors by email
Clerk reported that he had visited West Penwith Town and Parish Community Forum on 22nd September with Cllrs Scoble and Jenkin. The main item was a presentation on changes of police operations by Insp. Jean Phillips from Penzance Police who gave a positive stand on the policies she wished to enforce which in many cases went back to firmer policing and liaison with councils. The PACT meetings will be replaced with a ‘Have your Say’ session where local people will have a chance to address their problems directly to the officers responsible for the area.
Andy James, who is in charge of Environment and Highways for West Cornwall which have now merged, gave a talk on the new department but this disintegrated into councillors and Cornwall Councillors talking about their own particular problems and this was not of interest to other delegates present.
Clerk felt that the attendances had dropped at the forum and had asked for an effort be made to encourage parishes who do not usually attend to take part as generally the agenda was of interest to all.
Cornwall Cllr Maddern as chairman of the Forum explained to members that it was vital that parishes put forward items for the agenda to encourage interest. Cllr Jenkin immediately suggested that there should be an item relating to the present situation regarding Codes of Conduct, Cllr Pritchard suggested that the future of St Clare should be discussed. He was also concerned about the policy of charging for the parking of the Community Bus at Sennen and Cllr Mann had the same concerns regards rent in connection with the Penzance Spring Show. Cornwall Cllr Maddern thanked members for this response and these suggestions will be considered.
Clerk read out a letter from Col. Edward Bolitho in response to the letter from this council congratulating him on his appointment as Lord Lieutenant.
Tabled amendments to the Localism Bill in respect of the Code of Conduct have been circulated by email to councillors for information. Cllr Jenkin, as a member of the Standards Board felt that developments should be awaited as there will be many amendments before this bill becomes law.
Cornwall Council monthly localism newsletter has also been circulated to councillors by email.
The Boundary Commission’s review of parliamentary constituencies can be viewed on [email protected] – noted
Clerk has circulated a hotline for clerks and councillors to Cornwall Council by email. He asked members to keep in mind that this is for the use of clerks and councillors only and details should be kept confidential
12. Madron Parish Council Website
Clerk reported that he had organised the change of account holder but there had been a delay in as much as ‘1 and 1 Internet’ had not changed the site owner from Madron Community Forum to Madron Parish Council. After various exchanges of forms and letters between Mr Tony Shipton, clerk and ‘1 and 1 Internet’ he hoped that all was on course to be operational in the very near future. He had received an invoice for the service for the next six months which had been sent to Mr Shipton and this is included in the finance section of this agenda for payment.
Cllr Westlake informed members that details and maps of all footpaths will be included on the website and should any councillor request details now he should be contacted and he will forward the details by email.
13. Trafalgar Memorial Service and Parade.
Clerk reported that he had sent out 71 invitations from the agreed list to people or organisations to attend the function. To date 46 have replied. Clerk has organised road closure approvals, safety jackets for stewards manning road closure points, and coning along the parade route. He has also prepared notices to be served on residents asking them to keep the road clear of parked vehicles for the parade. Cllr Scoble delivered them last year and he will be asked to do the same again
On 5th October a meeting was held with Cllr Jenkin, Cllr Pritchard, Revd Tim Hawkins, Officers from RNAS Culdrose and clerk and all is on course for the event. At this point Cllr Pritchard reported that the Gunnery Officer from RNAS Culdrose had complimented the clerk in his organisation saying that it was more efficient than some major towns when other events involving RNAS Culdrose were taking place in relation to road closures, and general arrangements. This observation was endorsed by Cllr Jenkin.
Clerk reported that there should be three people responsible for manning the closure of the roads at the time the parade passes to and from the church at the junction with Bellair Road and Madron Hill, Fore Street at Trelawney Estate and the end of Church Road when going towards Trengwainton. Cllr Bates volunteered to man the point at the top of Fore Street and Cllr Pritchard agreed to ask Cllr Peake or Mr Bill Roberts to man the point at the top of Madron Hill. It was felt that the point by the Memorial garden would not require supervision.
Clerk asked members who would be attending in order to assist with seating arrangements in the church. Cllrs Westlake, Matthews, Jenkin and Christopher will attend in addition to the chairman and clerk.
14. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
The question of purchasing medals to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee had been deferred from the last meeting and clerk also had circulated an offer of commemorative mugs.
Cllr Jenkin reported that there were 30 pupils at St Maddern School and Cllr Roberts had informed the clerk that there were 60/70 pupils at Trythall School.
Cllr Jenkin informed members that St Maddern School would prefer to hold any gifts back until Christmas and have a large Christmas tree by Landithy Hall.
Clerk suggested that two or three councillors may wish to research any activities for the Diamond Jubilee and report back to the next meeting and Cllr Roberts had informed him that she would be willing to be involved if this was agreed.
The chairman asked members to give the whole matter more thought and clerk to put this as an agenda item at the next meeting when ideas can be collated.
15. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Matthews, seconded by Cllr Mann and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E.Wilkins, clerk, salary £433.65, office allowance £30.00, mileage £22.00, disbursements £73.50, Trafalgar disbursements £55.30; HMCR, PAYE for clerk £108.40; R. Hibbert for Trythall meeting £10.00; Duchy Builders for repair to notice boards £160.00; N. Prowse, LMP path cutting £1758.61; A. Clemens, LMP path cutting £1758.61; ‘1 and 1 Internet’, fee for next six months £25.16.
The Chairman and Cllr Westlake signed the form to obtain a refund of 90% of the costs of path cutting under the LMP agreement from Cornwall Council.
Clerk reported that he had received requests for donations from Cornwall Playing Fields Association, Spectrum Autism Services in Cornwall, and Hope Africa Robertson Parish to feed children. He informed members that the Hope Africa Appeal would not fit into a category to give donations from this council as it would not benefit any parishioners but should members wish to donate individually they should contact the clerk for full information.
It was agreed that the other two donations should be deferred until the last meeting of the financial year in accordance with policy.
Clerk added that he had received a further letter from Revd. David Mann asking for financial assistance for Penzance Food Bank which opened on 6th October at a PHA property in Treneere and is supported by ‘Churches Together in Penzance’. This is a system of vouchers which are given to doctors, social workers and clergy and can be exchanged for non-perishable foods donated by churches, supermarkets and individuals to people who are considered to be in need. Funding is required for running costs, transport, shelving and supplementary food which may be required and a donation is requested. After discussion it was agreed that this application should also be deferred but a representative of the organisation should be invited to attend the January meeting to enlarge on the project before donations were considered.
Clerk opened a letter left by the Headmaster of Trythall School in which he thanked Madron Parish Council for the £2500.00 grant from Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund allocated to the school project and he read the letter out to the meeting.
16. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm Thursday 3rd November 2011 at Madron Community Rooms.