THURSDAY 4th OCTOBER 2012 AT 7.30pm

Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin
Cllr Miss M. Christopher Cllr D. Westlake
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr C. Bone
Cllr V. Peake Cllr S. Bates
Cllr I. Phillips

Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and 16 members of the public
PC Thomas (to point stated)

Cllrs M. Scoble, R. Mann and Mrs C. Roberts, Cornwall Cllrs W. Maddern and Miss I Bailey
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on 6th September 2012 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Bone – item 9 Planning – PA12/08819 at Rosemorron Farm as a friend of the applicant.
Cllr Bone – item 9 Planning –PA1208307 at Moorvue Rural Centre as a neighbour
4. Public Participation
Mr Andrew Hill, a planning consultant addressed the meeting in relation to planning application PA12/08505 at Kenegie Manor. He outlined reasons for a strong objection to this application which included his opinion that the new holiday lodges were out of character with the rest of the site, the building was contrary to national policy and the insensitive nature of the proposed buildings were inappropriate for an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Mr A.G. Jones represented other people at the meeting in objecting to the wind turbines at Moorvue Rural Centre. He pointed out that this was their fourth application for the turbines and the previous applications had either been refused or withdrawn. He regarded the proposal as a visual intrusion in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and there were discrepancies in the plans. Mr Jones asked members to consider this application being placed before the Planning Committee. Mr Alan Blake supported Mr Jones and he feared that if this was approved it would create a precedent to the detriment of the area
5. Police Report
The police report for September was given by PC Thomas. There were three reported crimes, the same as the same month last year. AP12/2095 related to the arrest of a man for a public order offence on 4th September which had been witnessed by residents in Madron. The man was convicted and a Drink Banning Order was issued by Magistrates. AP12/2116 concerned ten round bales being set alight and destroyed in a field near Tremethick Cross. AP12/2332 referred to a car tyre being slashed overnight 30th September/ 1st October whilst parked in Fore Street, Madron.


PC Thomas informed members that whilst anti-social behaviour in Madron remains relatively low there has been an escalation of poor behaviour by a small group of people. As a result of this PC Thomas has issued two adult males from Madron with Stage 1Anti-Social Behaviour Warnings and their behaviour will be monitored for a period of three months. Any further anti-social behaviour by these people will lead to an escalation of the ASB process and these warnings have been successful on previous occasions. By intervening at an early stage it is hoped that this behaviour will improve.
Clerk had passed details of an untaxed vehicle R394 MNV being abandoned on the road to the garages by the chapel in Trelawney Estate as a result of complaints to Cllr Christopher. PC Thomas informed the meeting that the vehicle was on a car park but the police can no longer issue fixed penalty tickets for untaxed vehicles and so details have been passed to DVLA.
Clerk also asked about police assistance with removal of any cars parked on the route of the Trafalgar Parade through Madron on 21st October. PC Thomas asked the clerk to email details and someone will be able to assist. Cllr Pritchard stated that he would check the route at 8am on the day. The chairman thanked PC Thomas for his attendance. (PC Thomas left at this point)
Clerk informed members that the election for the Police and Crime Commissioner will be held on 15th November and notices have been attached to notice boards
6. Chairman’s Comments
Chairman informed members that Cllr Mann had recently had an operation but was now on the road to recovery and it was unanimously agreed that the clerk should sent a ‘get well card’ to Cllr Mann on behalf of the council.
Cllr Pritchard gave an update on the West Cornwall Community Bus outlining changes in the administration. He was able to report that the organisation was in a stronger position than was believed and the future at this stage was promising
Cllr Pritchard also attended a meeting of The Penwith Housing Association, now a part of Devon and Cornwall Housing, on 2nd October. It was reported that £4.2 million had been spent during the year on major works, 200 homes have had new kitchen/bathrooms, and 180 window replacements. This year Heamoor is one of the areas due to benefit from repairs and improvements. There is now a policy of reviewing tenancies after 7 years which gives the opportunity to review houses where rooms are unoccupied and other houses which are overcrowded in an effort to have accommodation properly used.
7. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
8. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Clerk reported that Cornwall Cllr Maddern has forwarded his report to him as he was committed at a Cornwall Council meeting this evening.
He has brought the matter of safety at Greenborough Engine House to the attention of Toby Lowe at Cornwall Council and he is in the process of determining the owner of the engine house. In the meantime a temporary safety grill is being erected.
The complaint about heavy vehicles in Trewern Lane is being addressed and the area where the road is damaged has been coned. However, signs at each end of the lane advising drivers that the lane is unsuitable for heavy vehicles requires a highways order and the request has been made for this to be drawn up
These items were also put to Cornwall Council by the clerk as instructed at the last meeting.
Clerk has asked if Cornwall Council will provide funding for extra waste bins, or new waste bins and Cllr Maddern is looking into this. This request resulted from a request from Madron Junior Youth which is to be addressed later in the agenda.


9. Planning
PA12/08505 – erection of 16 holiday lodges, associated drainage, parking and other associated works at Kenegie Manor Holiday Park, Gulval. Clerk reported that plans for the 16 holiday lodges were submitted in May this year but the application was withdrawn before this council had the opportunity to comment and there were several objectors at this point.
Clerk reported that he had received objections from a householder who stated verbally that the deeds of Kenegie Manor and also a nearby house show that building cannot take place on the land, subject of this application. Mr Andy England from Cornwall Planning has confirmed to the clerk that this does not affect planning decisions and if the application is approved the objectors should then consult their solicitor
Clerk has also received a letter of objection and photographs from a Planning Consultant explaining the objections. These have been copied and made available to councillors with other letters of objection.
It was agreed that this council objects to the application on the grounds that the proposed dwellings were out of character with the rest of the site, sewage problems, and the visual impact was detrimental to an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It was also agreed that should the planning officer propose to approve the application by delegated powers this council wishes the matter to be referred to the Planning Committee
PA12/08298 – demolition and rebuilding a granny annex at Skeldar, Madron – supported.
PA12/08307 – installation of 10kw 10 Arcon wind turbine on a 10m lattice tower for renewable and sustainability electricity at Moorvue Rural Centre – Great Bolsullow (Cllr Bone declared an interest) – as previous applications been refused or withdrawn after this council had objected on the grounds of visual intrusion into an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and there had been discrepancies in the plans, it was agreed that there was no reason to change these views and this council objects to the application.
PA12/08819 – construction of an agricultural dwelling, installation of a septic tank and associated works at The Coach House, Rosemorron Farm, Gulval (Cllr Bone declared an interest) – supported.
Other Planning Matters
Planning Enforcement – EN12/01921, alleged breach of condition 3 of W1/10-0060, dwelling to be lived in as a full time residential dwelling at Ladydowns, New Mill – no breach found.
Catherine Bray from Cornwall Council has forwarded an email to the clerk which he has passed on to councillors concerning PA12/07498. This was a request to discharge a Section 106 agreement relating to the original obligations concerning the erection of an agricultural workers house at Kenegie Farm, Gulval. This council had objected to this as this house is appropriate for farm workers and this is still a working farm with a need for accommodation for agricultural workers. Ms Bray has put forward her views why this matter should be discharged as she says that the house will still be used for agricultural purposes and there is no reason to maintain the legal obligations and they should be discharged. Cllr Westlake informed members that he felt that Planning Officers were not in a position to change the law and the meeting agreed that the clerk should pass this opinion to Ms Bray
Clerk has indicated to Chantel McLennan at Planning that the councillors who have been contacted wish application PA12/6961 concerning the retention of the shed at Poppy Coppice to be referred to committee if it is proposed to approve the application by delegated powers. Ms McLennan will refer this to Cornwall Councillor Nicholas due to Cornwall Councillor Bailey being unavailable at present.
Cllr Scoble has received complaints about a large extension being built on 3 Tregoddick Close, Madron, without planning permission. Clerk has forwarded this to Planning Enforcement for their attention and the complaint is registered as EN12/02571 and the case officer is Sally Brown.


Cornwall Council is holding a Neighbourhood Planning Landscape and Neighbourhood Plan workshop at Camborne One Stop Shop from 7pm to 9pm on 25th October.
Cllr Jenkin outlined the presentation given by Andy England at West Penwith Community Forum on 20th September concerning Neighbourhood Plans under the Localism Act which changed the role of parishes in obtaining funding for housing, etc. These plans are community lead and a referendum can be held to agree on proposals for building. If the community are in favour, advice and assistance with the procedures will be given by Cornwall Council who will also finance the operation, and the parish council will have the power to grant permission if the community is in favour. Cllr Jenkin that these offers have been taken up by councils in more wealthy areas but it would be difficult to expand in Madron as projects at the old Madron Meat building are in hand and Trafalgar Fields has been built on available land. There is little likelihood of more land being made available in the parish. It was agreed that there was no need for representation from this parish at the workshop in Camborne.
10. Public Rights of Way
Cornwall Council has delayed the payment due to all councils concerning path trimming and they have now asked all councils to submit a separate invoice due to changes in the Finance Section at Cornwall Council. Clerk has done this and payment is awaited.
Clerk reported that he had received invoices from the contractors who had completed the second cut of the gold paths on 1st October.
Cllr Westlake had checked some of the paths and it appears that the contractors have done a good job and he recommends payment. This will be included in the finance section of this agenda.
Cllr Christopher reported that she had spoken to contractors about the need to cut footpath 5 and they immediately did this.
11. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting had been completed including the safety matter at Greenborough Engine House and the problems with heavy vehicles and the need for restrictions along Trewern Lane as outlined in the report from Cornwall Cllr Maddern.
Cornwall Council Leaders messages of 17th and 25th September had been circulated to councillors by email. Clerk reported that the Leader’s response to the letter from this council and various other sources was included in the second message where he explained the legalities which showed that the alleged undemocratic actions were not valid as the vote of a cabinet was a separate item to the full council and can take precedent over a full council vote.
Cornwall Countryside and Access Forum had held a meeting on 25th the agenda and full papers had been circulated by email to interested councillors.
CALC – ‘This Week’ editions 26 & 27 have also been circulated to councillors by email.
Clerk has circulated to all councillors a letter from Madron Junior Youth Group who had planned in a ‘litter pick’ throughout the village for ‘Clean Cornwall’ week. They had circulated their work by putting up posters and they also ask for more litter bins.The Juniors had their plans postponed due to an incident when a child was knocked down when attending a meeting to plan to address this council. The organiser asks if the Junior Youth Group can address this council at their next meeting which will be at Madron on 1st November. It was agreed that this matter be postponed to the next meeting in order to hear the views of the Junior Youth Group before taking any action. Clerk was instructed to inform the leader of the group accordingly. In the meantime clerk has contacted Cornwall Cllr Maddern to ascertain if Cornwall Council will either provide bins or the cost of the bins. He has also been in contact with Glassons of Fylde, Lancashire who can provide outdoor bins from £120.00
‘Free China’ have invited members to a film screening at Falmouth Poly at 5.30pm on 11th October and an art exhibition from 3pm on 8th October – noted.
Email from Cornwall Protect has been circulated by email to members. This is a petition objecting to the large number of approvals by planners for wind turbines in Cornwall. Noted.


‘Local Work’ ask councils to contact the Minister dealing with The Sustainable Communities Act as the government is in the process of deciding whether parish councils can use the act to promote things within the parish area. The meeting agreed that the clerk should respond to the request.
Cornwall Town and Parish Localism newsletters dated 10th September and 1ST October have also been circulated to councillors by email.
Clerk reminded members that he still had 4 Diamond Jubilee mugs left for sale at £6.00 each and Cllr Westlake was asked to include this on the Parish Council website
12. Trafalgar Sunday – 21st October 2012
Clerk reported that the full approval for the road closures has been officially granted and all was in place for the coning. Cllr Bates confirmed that he was available to steward the point at the top of Fore Street. Cllr Pritchard will contact Mr Roberts to ask him to steward Madron Hill at the junction with Church Road.
72 invitations have been sent out by the clerk and to date over 30 have been returned. Clerk will liaise with Cllr Jenkin and the Rev.Tim Hawkins concerning the numbers attending – going directly to the church, joining the civic parade or the naval parade. All is in hand with RNAS Culdrose and the Bandmaster is in contact with the vicar. The coach has been ordered for the Sea Cadets.
Clerk asked for details of members who were attending and Cllrs Pritchard, Jenkin, Westlake, Christopher and Matthews stated that they will attend.
13. Finance
Clerk informed members that invoices for N. Prowse and A. Clemens had been included in the items for payment as this council had agreed the terms of payment earlier in the year.
It was proposed by Cllr Matthews, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £520.46, office allowance £30.00, mileage £22.00, disbursements £18.31; HMRC – PAYE for clerk £130.00; N. Prowse and A. Clemens for path cutting as discussed in Public Rights of Way item on earlier at the meeting £640.40 each.
Clerk reported that the rental for the website of £25.16 had been paid by direct debit.
Clerk informed members that he had received requests for donations from Cornwall Playing Fields Association and Cornwall Blind Association. It was agreed that these requests should be deferred until March 2013, the end of the financial year, in accordance with policy.
14. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm Thursday 1st November 2012 at Madron