
THURSDAY 4th OCTOBER 2013 AT 7.30pm

Cllr. R. Matthews (temporary chairman) Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin
Cllr Mrs G. Burlton Cllr. M. Scoble
Cllr C. Bone Cllr G. Tanner
Cllr S. Bates Cllr V. Peake
Cllr I. Phillips

Cornwall Cllr W.Maddern

Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins, no members of the public

Cllrs S. Pritchard, Cllr Mrs C. Roberts and Cornwall Cllr Mann
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on Thursday 5th September 2013 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Jenkin – item 13 Clerks Report and Correspondence in relation to St Maddern School as a governor.
Cllr Phillips – item 10 Planning – PA13/05997 at Aboret as a friend of applicant
Cllr Tanner – item 10 Planning – PA13/08109 at Higher Trye Farmhouse as family friend of applicant.
4. Dispensations
None used
5. Public Participation
6. Police Report
PC Thomas’ report has been forward to the clerk which showed only one crime in the parish in September as opposed to three in September 2012. AP13/2275 relates to a padlock on a shed in Madron being glued and causing damage between 8th and 9th September. PC Thomas adds that reports of anti-social behaviour remain low.
7. Resignation of Cllr R Mann
Clerk reported that he had been given a letter of resignation which Cllr Mann had sent to Cllr Pritchard as chairman prior to Cllr Pritchard going on holiday. Clerk has written to Cllr Mann confirming formal receipt, and the resignation came into force at the time the chairman received the letter and therefore there is no need for this council to accept the resignation (Local Government Act 1972 Part V s.84 (1)(c)


Clerk has spoken to the elections office and they request that after this meeting he is to send a copy of the resignation and clerk’s acknowledgement of receipt to them and they will issue an election notice. If there is no response to this notice, the clerk will publish notices advertising the vacancy for co-option to notice boards with a decision date for any co-option to be confirmed at the next meeting on 7th November
8. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Matthews, standing in as temporary chairman for Cllr Pritchard and Cllr Roberts, recorded his thanks to ex Cllr Mann for his work for this council for in the region of 30 years and it was agreed that the clerk should write a letter of thanks to ex-Cllr Mann
Cllr Matthews also asked councillors to support the Trafalgar Sunday service and parade as there were some councillors unable to attend.
9. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Scoble reported that the litter bins had been erected in Madron Village.
Cllr Tanner referred to the planned removal of Western Greyhound buses from the area which he felt would have serious detrimental effect on the parish. He particularly quoted the problems envisaged by staff, visitors and residents at Trevaylor Nursing Home and tourists walking the north coast who relied on the bus to get them back to St Ives.
Clerk reported that Cllr Roberts had emailed with her concerns for the children attending Trythall School and Towednack Council had emailed with similar concerns asking for a combined effort by affected parishes to address these concerns.
Cornwall Cllr Maddern informed members that he had already attended numerous meetings in connection with this problem and he assured members that school buses will still run as normal. There will be fewer buses but they will run at times when they are needed and not travel around the area at off peak times with a minimal amount of passengers, as this was not viable. Part of the problem for the proprietors was that bus operators only receive d 29% of the true fare from passengers using bus passes. Western Greyhound had been badly affected by a serious fire and also one of the two owners had retired. As a result of these series of events the company would now only operate in central and north Cornwall. Cllr Maddern felt that more use will be made of community buses and he assured all that the matter will be resolved and there was no need to panic.
Cllr Tanner asked if there was anything that this parish could do and Cllr Maddern suggested that the clerk write to David Edwards, the Transport Co-Ordinator for Cornwall Council showing the concern of this council and asking for the matter to be resolved as soon as possible. This was agreed and Cllr Maddern will give an update, if possible, at the West Cornwall Town and Parish Community Forum on 10th October.
Cllr Peake advised members that Hilary Richins who reports in the Cornishman for New Mill and is a strong supporter of this council had an operation stopped as there were serious matters found and she now has to travel to Treliske every day but is still at home and very positive. Cllr Scoble proposed that flowers should be sent to Hilary on behalf of this council. This was seconded by Cllr Tanner and unanimously agreed that the clerk should make the necessary arrangements.
Cllr Peake also advised the meeting, for information, that there were variations in the availability of superfast broadband in the New Mill area.
10. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Maddern reported that the speed checks in Newbridge had not been completed satisfactorily and arrangements are in hand to have them repeated. Contact had been made regarding cars parked on the verge at Tremethick Cross and the vehicles had been removed.
A camera had been inserted into the drains by Poltair Hospital and it was found that there was a blockage underground which will entail more work.
He apologised for a lack of progress in relation to the path from Trelawney Estate to Church Road but with the pressure of other matters, particularly the bus service, this has had to be put back.
Clerk reported that there was no news concerning Aggregates Levy from Cornwall Cllr Mann.


11. Planning
PA13/08109 – first floor extension to Higher Trye Farmhouse, New Mill – (Cllr Tanner declared an interest)- supported
PA13/05997 – retention of barn to include stables. Barn size in total will be 10.8m x 10.2m covering 110.16m2 – total height will be 3.8m at Aboret, New Mill.(Cllr Phillips declared an interest) Clerk reminded councillors that they had supported this application at the last meeting but there is a slight amendment which means the support must be confirmed. This was again supported
PA13/08053 – extension and amendment to previously approved application 89/P/1442 at Ninnis Cottage, New Mill – supported
PA13/06563 – erection of a poly-tunnel for the housing of livestock at Bone Farm, Heamoor – approved
Other Planning Matters
12. Public Rights of Way
Cllr Tanner attended the meeting of PAROW on 18th September 2013. A report from the meeting by Cllr Tanner has been circulated to councillors by email. He informed members that PAROW has restarted with funding available until March 2014 and the future depends on a successful business case, which is being prepared, to be presented to obtain further funds.
It is requested that parish councils submit letters to support the case for PAROW and details of any potential projects which PAROW can be involved in will be appreciated. It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Burlton and unanimously agreed at this stage that clerk should write a letter of support for funding for PAROW and defer any suggestions of projects until the funding has ben secured.
Clerk reported that the gold paths have already had their second cut and the invoices are included in the finance section of this agenda. Cllrs Tanner and Burlton have walked some of the paths and confirmed that the work had been done.
13. Clerks Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting had been completed.
The next West Penwith Town and Parish Community Forum will be held at St Johns Hall at 7pm on Thursday 10th October. The agenda includes items on Infrastructure Delivery Plans and Community Infrastructure Levy. It has been proposed that no more than two councillors and the clerk should represent each council. Clerk and Cllrs Scoble and Matthews agreed to attend.
Cllr Bates has agreed with the chairman to lay the wreath on behalf of this council at the War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday. Clerk has ordered the wreath and he will arrange for it to be delivered to Cllr Bates.
Clerk circulated letters from the Head and pupils at St Maddern School in which they thank this council for organising and paying for the markings on The Green by the school to improve access and safety for children. (Cllr Jenkin declared an interest)
A report from Cllr Pritchard on his attendance at Cornwall Council budget meeting at Penzance on 19th September and Town and Parish Summit at Kingsley Village on 21st September has been forwarded to councillors by email. In both cases the Cornwall Council budget was discussed and debated as further cuts were to be made although the number of employees had been cut from 22000 to 14000, strategic partnerships had been made and smaller contractors engaged to do local work. Other items discussed at the Town and Parish Summit included planning, use of neighbourhood development orders, neighbourhood plans and community emergency plans.
Cornwall Council is considering the operation of Local Community Network Panels and details have been circulated by the clerk to councillors by email and views of councils are requested. Clerk has discussed this with Cornwall Cllr Maddern who gave his opinions which were supported by the meeting.


It was agreed that Cornwall Council appear to wish to regulate everything and this took away all ideals of localism and defeated the benefits of local knowledge which is vital. Cornwall Councillors normally visit parish meetings in this area and are in harmony with parishes which is not the case in some areas of Cornwall and this co-operation should be encouraged. West Cornwall is a model as the town and Parish Forum was set up some years ago in the days of Penwith District Council and Cornwall Council would be advised to see how this has successfully worked with local inputs between parishes and Districts over the years. As such Cornwall Council should back away and stop attempting to unify all areas as problems differ in different places. Clerk was instructed to write to Cornwall Council emphasising these points.
14. Future of Poltair Hospital
Cllr Jenkin reported on representing this council at the consultation in Penzance on 25th September relating to the future of Poltair Hospital. There were approximately 50 people present and about 50% were from the health service. This was not a free for all discussion and was very disappointing as personal views were not received. It was stated that £750,000 was required to get the hospital back to standard and then would only hold six to ten beds and so it was not really viable.
15. Trafalgar Thanksgiving and Nelson Memorial Service and Parade –
20th October 2013
Clerk reported that arrangements were on course for this event. Over 80 invitations have been sent out and he has arranged for the street closures and liaised with both the vicars, police and RNAS Culdrose.
Cllrs Bates and Peake confirmed that they would assist in stewarding at the top of Fore Street and the top of Madron Hill while the parade was marching by
Cllr Scoble had agreed to put out notices to residents regarding no parking on the parade route and clerk has asked for police presence.
Cllr Bates has agreed to check the route to ensure no vehicles block the roads in the morning before the parade. PCSOs should be present but if there were any problems with vehicles causing obstructions Cllr Bates should ring 101 for assistance.
Clerk reminded councillors that the chairman and Cllr Jenkin who are usually involved will be away and the vice-chairman was unable to attend due to her recent operation. In view of that Cllr Matthews will head the civic procession and it is requested that councillors support this event as it is one of the focal points of the Madron year. Cllrs Tanner, Burlton, Peake and Bates agreed to attend.
16. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Burlton and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E.Wilkins, clerk – salary £542.36, office allowance £30.00, mileage £9.90; petty cash £12.50; HMRC – PAYE and Nat Ins. £140.47; Cllr Pritchard mileage to and from Kingsley Village for Town and Parish Summit (71 miles) £31.95; N. Prowse – 2nd cut of gold paths £592.40, A. Clemens 2nd cut of gold paths £592.40
17. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm Thursday 7th November 2013 at Madron Community Rooms