Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Miss M. Christopher
Cllr. M. Scoble Cllr V. Peake
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr C. Bone
Cllr I. Phillips Cllr S. Bates
Cornwall Cllr W.Maddern
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and two members of the public
Cllrs D. Westlake and R. Mann, Cornwall Cllr Miss I. Bailey, PC Thomas and PCSO Taylor.
Clerk reported that Cornwall Cllr Bailey had left him a message with her apologies in which she thanked this council for their get well card and good wishes. She stated that she has been over-doing things and was not sure as to her future but she would update us in due course
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on 2nd August 2012 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
Cwll Cllr Maddern – item 9 Planning – all applications as a Cornwall Councillor
Cllrs Scoble, Pritchard and Matthews – items 12, Aggregates Levy and item 16 F inance as Landithy Hall Managers
Cllr Phillips – item 9 Planning – PA1207498 at Kenegie Farm, Gulval as a neighbour.
Cllr Roberts – item 9 Planning – PA12/06961 at Poppy Coppice as a neighbour
4. Public Participation
Mr Archie Richards expressed his concerns about the lack of safety at Greenburrow pump house as there is no protection around a drop of 15 feet. He suggested that steel mesh should be placed around the area where there is a potential danger of people falling and injuring themselves. He also recommended a warning sign be erected in view of the danger and a ‘No Tipping’ sign as various items had been dumped in the pump house. Cornwall Cllr Maddern agreed to take this up with Cornwall Council and clerk was also instructed to email these concerns to Cornwall Council.
5. Police Report
In the absence of police officers the clerk gave the police report for August. There were 12 reported crimes compared to 6 in the corresponding month last year. However it can be seen that six of these offences relate to one address in Madron.
AP12/1765, assault and battery; AP12/1766, possession of class B drug cannabis; AP12/1788, Harassment and stalking; AP12/1790, harassment, stalking and breach of restraining order; AP12/2027, possession of class B drug cannabis; AP12/2040, criminal damage to a building. All of these offences relate to one address and the offender has been arrested and charged.
AP12/1875, on 8th August unauthorised taking of a motor vehicle when a notified off road vehicle was towed from an isolated location and recovered nearby; AP12/1894, on 8th August criminal damage when the window of a caravan was smashed at an isolated location; AP12/1909, on 14th August an item was stolen from a rural café; AP12/1966, false representation, cheque or card fraud (ebay fraud); AP12/1968, on 22nd August, an item was stolen from a broken down vehicle in Madron; AP12/2047, on 31st August criminal damage where an attempt was made to force the door of a car in Madron;.
PC Thomas reports that the spike in the crime figures is mainly down to one issue which is well in hand.
Several houses in Madron have been ‘egged’ by youths on 1st September and enquiries are ongoing. In spite of this, anti-social behaviour over the summer months has been relatively low.
The owner of Madron Meat has again been spoken to about securing the site.
PC Thomas has again had to submit his apologies for his absence but this has been unavoidable but he assures members that he will be at the October meeting.
6. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Pritchard gave an update on matters relating to the Community Bus. The administrator had resigned for health reasons and a replacement will commence work next week. There will be efforts made to recruit new committee members as new ideas are needed. There are currently four buses in use with regular contracts with Penwith College, Pengarth Day Centre and private hire. A review of operations shows that an average of 900 passengers per month used the service in May, June and July this year.
Cllr Pritchard then voiced his concerns regarding actions by Cornwall Council when a debate took place recently concerning the council handing over some services to outside bodies. The full council voted against this proposal but the cabinet voted for this allegedly unanimously, although it appears that the voting was 8-2 and the cabinet vote was allowed to take precedence over the full council decision. Cllr Pritchard felt that this was completely undemocratic and Cornwall Cllr Maddern supported Cllr Pritchard’s views and stated that he did not vote for the proposition as there was insufficient information as to how the cabinet came to their decision. Clerk was instructed to write to the Leader of Cornwall Council expressing the strong views of this council at this lack of democracy.
7. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Clerk reported that Cllr Christopher reported to him that there were still concerns about the road surface in Bellair Road but it appears that all possible work has been done to the surface and the only problems are where cars are parked and the surface problems due to this are unavoidable.
Cllr Christopher had also voiced concerns about the damaged surface in the Wood Walk from Church Road to Trelawney Estate and the main problem was caused by the roots from the trees in The Old Vicarage. Clerk had attempted to confirm ownership of the land with Land Registry but their Plymouth office has moved and does not offer the same telephone service. There are conflicting opinions as to whether this walkway is the responsibility of Devon and Cornwall Housing or Cornwall Council and so the clerk has emailed Devon and Cornwall Housing and is awaiting a response.
Cllr Jenkin reported that heavy lorries had been using Trewern Lane and had been stuck as the lane is narrow. As a result of this the road surface has also been damaged. She asked for signs to be erected at both ends of the lane showing that the road was unsuitable for heavy vehicles. Clerk was instructed to contact Cornwall Council and Cornwall Cllr Maddern also agreed to pursue this matter.
8. Comments from Cornwall Councillor
Cornwall Cllr Maddern informed members that he had been working at the Localism Office in Penzance as one member of staff and broken her leg and the other had given birth this week. Charlotte Chadwick, who is experienced in this work, will be coming into the office as cover from next week.
9. Planning
(Cllr Maddern declared interest in all applications) Clerk informed members that where an interest is declared, members concerned should in future leave the meeting while that item is discussed.
PA12/06961 – (Cllr Roberts declared an interest)- retention of a shed for tractor storage, including glazed potting area and small lean-to timber drying area at Poppy Coppice, New Mill. Clerk reported that there are local objectors to this application and he has forwarded an email with the objections to councillors and also attached a copy of the mail to the application. It was unanimously agreed that an objection to this application be made as this council supports the objections made by local people as presented in letters from Graham Tanner, Sarah Tanner and Jon Pascoe which are attached to the ;plans to be returned to the planning officer.
PA12/07498 –(Cllr Phillips declared an interest)- request to discharge S.106 obligations relating to erection of agricultural workers house at Kenegie Farm, Gulval – objection as this house is appropriate for farm workers as this is still a working farm with a need farmworkers’ accommodation.
PA12/05884 – change of use of former barn/ancillary residential building to detached dwelling at Boskednan Farm, New Mill – approved
Other Planning Matters
Cornwall Council has forwarded guidance notes to the local council protocol and members’ protocol in relation to planning applications. Details have been circulated to members by email. Cllr Scoble was concerned that in the small print it shows that councillors can have the clerk negotiate on their behalf. He pointed out the clerk was not a councillor and could not be authorised to negotiate but only pass on the instructions of councillors. Cllr Jenkin suggested that the word negotiate should be removed from the notes as it is misleading and it should be emphasised that the clerk will only pass on instructions from the council. This was agreed and clerk to inform Cornwall Council accordingly.
10. Public Rights of Way
Clerk reported that PAROW are now in possession of a large amount of equipment and are in a position to hire their services out to councils if there is work which they can do on public rights of way. Cllr Westlake, as the footpath councillor, is aware of this facility’
11. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions from the last meeting had been completed
The Leader of Cornwall Council is holding a ‘Conversations Evening’ at Tregenna Castle at St Ives from 7pm to 9pm on Monday 8th October 2012 and councillors will be able to raise any issues with him. Clerk has circulated details by email and councillors wishing to attend should inform the clerk. Cllrs Pritchard and Jenkin and clerk agreed to attend this event
Cornwall Council is holding a Flood Forum at St Austell One Stop Shop from 10am on 21st September. Details have been circulated by email and anyone wishing to attend should contact the clerk
The Cornwall Council draft Sustainable Energy Action Plan circulated consultation details by email asking for a response by 17th August. This had been circulated by email inviting councillors to make their own responses as the closing date was before this meeting.
Cornwall Health Watch is holding an event at Truro City Council Offices from 9.30am on Monday 10th September. This has been circulated by email to councillors. Cllrs Pritchard and Jenkin may attend the event if they are free.
CALC issue 24 has been circulated by email to councillors.
Clerk reported that he had removed relevant accounts, minutes, correspondence and records from his own office to Cornwall Record Office to comply with directions from Cornwall Council. Formal receipts have been obtained.
Clerk reported that he would be away from his office from 13th to 20th September 2012.
Cornwall and Isle of Scilly NHS letter concerning the proposed Health Information Line promotion has been circulated to all councillors. Noted.
Clean Cornwall Week is from 15th to 23rd September (details circulated to councillors by email) asking for volunteers to organise groups for litter collection – for assistance with equipment etc contact Stef Tiplady on 07530.262428.Noted.
Clerk reminded members that he had 4 Queens Diamond Jubilee mugs left for sale at £6.00 each after the latest order has been delivered.
12. Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund
(Cllrs Scoble, Pritchard and Matthews declared interests)
Clerk reported that the final account for payment was included in the finance section of this agenda. This means that there is still £232.45 remaining from the grant of £5000 taking into account that VAT is reclaimable.
He has received an estimate of £237.50 plus £47.50 reclaimable VAT (total £285.00) from J and H Plumbing for a new thermostatic tap to be supplied and fitted to the disabled toilet at Landithy Hall. Landithy Hall has been one of the two benefactors from the grant this year and Landithy Hall Managers request that this may be considered as a final payment from the grant. (As Cllrs Pritchard, Matthews and Scoble left the room at this point, Cllr Roberts took over the position of chairman) It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Peake and unanimously agreed that this council should pay for this item from the grant and the balance of £5.05 should come from the budget for donations. It was also unanimously agreed while the Landithy Managers were out of the room that the payment to Davey and Gilbert for work at Landithy Hall under the ALSF grant which is in the item on finance should be paid
13. Trafalgar Parade and Service – 21st October 2012
Clerk reported that he had submitted maps and forms for road closures and this had now all been approved and arrangements had been made for Cornwall Council to cone the roads as in previous years.
Clerk has also sent out over 70 invitations and reply cards after discussing the list of invitees with Revd Tim Hawkins, Dr. Mike Hersant, Cllr Pritchard as chairman of this council and Cllr Jenkin as church secretary. Each invitation letter contained a stamped reply card to assist with the arrangements. To date all matters are on schedule but stewards will be required as per last year when Cllrs Bates and Peake gave assistance.Both councillors agreed to perform the same tasks.
Clerk reported that he had circulated to councillors the proposed scale of charges for future road traffic closures and the cost to Madron next year will be £130.00 if these proposals are accepted. There are exceptions to payment if the event is of national importance such as memorial service parades and clerk was instructed to ask for dispensation if Trafalgar can be regarded as a national event. The members agreed that these charges were out of order for small organisations arranging events and clerk was instructed to object to the charges and also in the event of the charges being implemented he should argue that the Trafalgar celebrations are a national event. Clerk will report the result of his actions to the next meeting but he has consulted the relevant department and there is no charge for the Trafalgar Parade this year.
14. Proposed Procedure of Devolution and Asset Transfer for Local Councils
This has been circulated by email to councillors and Cornwall Council wish to consider a list of responsibilities carried out by old District Councils and Cornwall Councils to allocate to parishes. Clerk outlined these items. It was agreed that there were no further responsibilities for this council to take over.
15. Registration of Interests for Councillors as required by Section 29 of Localism Act 2011
Clerk has circulated changes to the new registration forms for councillors which show joint assets of councillors and their spouses and partners together as opposed to individual assets .
Clerk advised any councillor who wished to amend his previous register of interest form to contact him and a replacement form will be provided.
16. Finance
It was Proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid:- W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £520.46, office allowance £35.00, mileage £35.00, disbursements £68.30, Trafalgar disbursements £85.84; HMRC – PAYE £130.00; Davey and Gilbert – extractor fan for Landithy Hall (ALSF) £736.80 and payment to J And H Plumbing of £285.00 as agreed in item 12.
17. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm Thursday 4th October 2012 at Trythall CP School