Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (chairman) Cllr V. Peake (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Mrs G. Burlton
Cllr H. Eddy Cllr. M. Scoble
Cllr G. Tanner Cllr R. Matthews
Cllr C. Bone Cllr S. Bates Cllr I. Phillips
Cornwall Cllr R Mann
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins, no members of the public
Cllr S. Pritchard, Cornwall Cllr Maddern
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on 6th August 2015were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Dispensations
5. Public Participation
6. Police Report
In the absence of police officers, the clerk gave the police report for August 2015. There were no crimes reported during the month which was the same as in August last year.
There were several incidents of youths trespassing on the Old Madron Meat site during the summer holidays. Many of the youths were from Penzance and word seems to have gone around that it was a ’cool’ place to go. Several groups were located and given suitable advice by police regarding the dangers on the site. The youths who were spoken to agreed that the site was actually very dangerous and left accordingly. However, PC Thomas still has concerns that children could come to harm on this site. He has tried to contact the site owner, Mr Stephen Fowley in Bournmouth, regarding properly securing the site but Mr Fowley has failed to return messages or make contact through Miller Countrywide. PC Thomas has also written to Cornwall Council regarding this dangerous site but has had no reply but he is following this up with with Cornwall Council.
PC Thomas asks for any advice or suggestions as to how to approach this issue and any assistance will be appreciated.
The clerk has spoken with Cornwall Cllr Maddern who will refer this to Sally Brown, the local Planning Enforcement officer as this property is subject of a planning application (08/1694P). Councillors also feel that the clerk should forward a letter to Hayley Jewell who is in charge of Planning Enforcement at the Camborne Office concerning the problem.
The Police and Crime Commissioner’s monthly report has been circulated to councillors by email. This includes the Fair Funding for Devon and Cornwall as it is calculated that this force receives £12 million less than the average force. How to show your support for this Fair Funding campaign is shown on the email.
Rural Services Network have emailed concerning The Rural Policing Matters Campaign. This has been circulated by email to councillors for them to respond to the government consultation individually. Details of how to respond can also been seen on the email
7. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Roberts reported that she will not be at the October meeting as she is taking a holiday and Cllr Peake will chair the meeting. She will represent this council at the Penzance Town Mayor’s Service at St Peters Church in Newlyn and added that she has been trying to obtain an update on the proposal to twin Madron with Mont Dol from the Twinning Committee but has not received a reply to her messages.
8. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Scoble reported that he had received a complaint that the hedges overgrowing the pavements on both sides along the rear of Tregoddick Close leading to Hillside Parc were overhanging the pavement. He has looked at the location and at this stage the hedges are not completely obstructing the pavements but he has spoken to the occupants of the premises on one side and the matter is in hand.
Cllr Phillips reported that an elderly lady has had her house flooded at Badgers Cross on several occasions and the recent heavy rain has resulted in her kitchen being flooded. The drain on the road needs clearing and there is an additional problem as an MG car, OPE 330E, is parked over the drain and has been there for some considerable time. Cornwall Cllr Mann has taken this up with Mike Peters at Highways. Clerk was also instructed to email Cornwall Council Environment to inform them of the unsatisfactory state of the water and to arrange for clearance of the drains.
Cllr Phillips reported that a gate had been erected by the entrance to Castle an Dinas Quarry restricting access by members of the public. It is believed that this gate was erected due to theft of diesel from the quarry. Cornwall Cllr Mann reported that this was private land with no public right of way and the erection of the gate was by agreement with the quarry management and the lady owner of the land at both ends of the path in question.
It has been reported that the Madron Village sign has been turned upside down on the edge of the village and Cllr Bates agreed to attempt to repair this.
9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cllr Mann reported that a lorry, property of a gypsy, has been removed from the lay-by at Badgers Cross, but a car and rubbish has now been left there. He has been in contact with Highways and there is consideration being given to the closure of the lay-by.
Cllr Mann informed the meeting that he has received an email from Mark Ward, the Cornwall Council Community Protection Enforcement Officer, as a result of his request for attention to the parking problems at Badgers Cross. The email states that Mr Ward cannot take any action as the vehicles did not prevent passage by vehicles at the time of his visit and as the vehicles were not offered for sale the Clean Neighbourhood Act of 2005 does not apply. As such he feels that there is nothing he can do. Councillors felt that this unsatisfactory and clerk instructed to forward the mail to Inspector Phillips at Penzance asking for attention where possible.
10. Planning
Other Planning Matters
The Planning Officer dealing with application PA15/05392 relating to the construction of an annexe at Monterey in Madron intends to refuse the application under delegated powers. This council had agreed to support the application and so members were allowed to agree to the refusal, or to agree to disagree with the planners, or to continue to support and request it be referred to panning committee. Clerk emailed councillors asking for a response within the five working days allowed and the majority of the nine councillors responding agreed to disagree (7-2) and clerk has replied to the Planning Officer
11. Cornwall Council – proposal to cease forwarding paper planning application plans to parishes and decision not to advertise planning applications in local press.
Clerk gave an update. Approval by councillors for him to raise concerns and objections to proposals for paper planning applications to parish councils to cease and the sudden decision of not publishing planning applications in local papers, ’The Cornishman’ in the case of this council. He has written to Phil Mason as The Head of Planning, Derek Thomas MP and Cllr Edwina Hannaford as the planning portfolio councillor for Cornwall Council. There has been an acknowledgement of the letters from the Head of Planning saying that Cllr Hannaford will respond but this has not been received to date. There had been no acknowledgement from Derek Thomas MP but clerk has phoned his office today to ensure the letter has been received. The office manager confirmed that it had been received and Derek Thomas has been in contact The Rt. Hon. Greg Clark MP as the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government raising concerns about turn around times.
So far as paperless planning is concerned there have been many emails of objections to these policies from parish councils, only some of which, because of the volume, the clerk has circulated to members.
Should these policies materialise this council will have to consider the following points: – a suggestion that there may be an offer of £700 towards the costs incurred by this council to cover the electronic change over to include items such as a computer, liaison with Landithy Hall Managers concerning use and storage of their screen and to convey the screen to Trythall if required when meetings are held there, the delay of any implementation until April 2016, and how to advertise to the pubic applications pending, and the turn-around time of three weeks being imposed on councils making recommendations.
Clerk added that most of this was for consideration in the future when the speculation is known. There was little action to take until replies come from Cornwall Council Planning and Derek Thomas MP. Cllr Scoble thought that we should ask Cornwall Council what projector they would recommend.
12. Public Rights of Way
Cllr Tanner reported that a complaint had been made concerning silage bales being stored on footpath 104/38/1 at Carfury. In addition to obstructing the path the bales were close to residents’ gardens causing smells and other potential problems. Cllr Bates agreed to speak to the farmer concerned.
Cllr Tanner added that a finger post had been broken off at the side of the road to the right of the top of Break My Not Lane. Cllr Tanner will contact the local Countryside Access steward
13. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that all instructions have been completed from the last meeting.
Cornwall Council has issued a street trading questionnaire. This has been circulated to councillors by email and a response is requested by 10th November 2015. Cllr Roberts agreed to complete the survey on behalf of this council and the offer was accepted.
Clerk has been working on the preparations for Trafalgar Sunday on 18th October. Arrangements have been made with the Commanding Officer and 1st Lieutenant at RNAS Culdrose for their attendance and involvement, street closures organised and invitations prepared and printed. He has also organised a meeting with Rev. Tim Hawkins, Dr Mike Hersant and Cllr Jenkin when the list of invitees was reviewed with some names deleted and some additions made. He has been researching the new leaders of various organisations and changes of addresses, etc. All is on schedule.
At the next meeting he will be asking for councillors to assist with checking the parade route early on this Sunday morning in order to ensure parked cars are removed (normally Cllr Pritchard), stewards at the top of Madron Hill and Fore Street (normally Cllrs Peake and Bates) and notices to residents regarding street parking (normally Cllr Scoble). He will also ask for details of councillors attending.
Finally the clerk reported that he may be away from his office from mid-September for a short spell. He will confirm his arrangements with the chairman and email the arrangements in due course.
14. The Green at Madron
At the risk assessment made by Cllr Scoble and Pritchard with the clerk on 16th July it was found that the hedge at the side of The Green will need cutting back shortly. This was reported at the last meeting. Cllr Scoble has a quote from the Memorial Garden gardener of £100 to cut this back when he cuts back the Memorial Garden side of the hedge and remove the cuttings It was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that this quote be accepted.
Cllr Scoble also reported that it was now the right time of the year to cut back the shrubs on the garden at the side of The Green and the gardener will cut back the shrubs and tidy up the garden.
15. Transfer of Parc Abnac allotments from Cornwall Council to Madron Parish Council
Coodes Solicitors have written to ask this council to confirm that we are happy to go ahead with the transfer and accept the cost to Coodes of £520 plus £100 VAT, which is reclaimable.
It was proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr Eddy and unanimously agreed that the transfer should go ahead and the costs to Coodes be accepted.
16. Cornwall 4 Change
Clerk reported that he had received an email from this organisation in which paperless planning, their constitution and CALC had been highlighted. This has been circulated to councillors by email. It was unanimously agreed that no further action should be taken in relation to this organisation.
17. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Matthews and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk –salary £640.41, office allowance £30.00, mileage £29.70, petty cash £35.48, HMRC £177.40
Clerk reported that Cllrs Tanner and Scoble had completed the first audit of this financial year on 27th August. All was in order but they pointed out that whilst the clerk had been given permission to go ahead with all arrangements for the Trafalgar celebrations a cheque (No 101450) was made out to Cornwall Council Street-works for the sum of £70.00 on 9th July 2015.This cheque was recorded properly and shows on bank statements and on the finance page of the agenda for 24th July. This is to cover the advertisements and notices for the road closure and provision of no waiting cones on the day of the parade, but the cheque does require retrospective authorisation in the minutes. The authorisation was proposed by Cllr Burlton, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously confirmed.
Clerk reported for information that the sum of £10,000, the second part of the precept, and £136.58 CTS grant will be deposited in the Parish Council bank account in the next 3 days, and this will show on the accounts at the next meeting.
Cruse Bereavement Care and Devon, Cornwall, Avon and Somerset Victim Support have requested donations and it was agreed that these should be deferred to the last meeting of the financial year in accordance with policy.
Cllr Scoble informed the meeting that the sum of £574 had been raised by The Playing Field committee by holding a Dog Show on the field on 29th August. It was pointed out that this was relevant to this meeting as this council had agreed that Madron Playing Committee could claim up to £1000 this year from this council as match funding.
18. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, on Thursday 1st October 2015 at Trythall CP School.