Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (chairman) Cllr V. Peake (vice chairman) Cllr Mrs G. Burlton Cllr S. Pritchard Cllr. M. Scoble Cllr G. Tanner Cllr H. Eddy Cllr S. Bates Cllr C. Bone Cllr R. Matthews Cllr I. Phillips
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and two members of the public
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin, Cornwall Cllrs R. Mann and W. Maddern
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on 4th August 2016 were unanimously approved
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Eddy – item 9 Planning – PA16/06930 at Slight Hill, Heamoor as a neighbour.
Cllr Roberts – item 9 Planning – PA16/06601at Middle Carnequidden Barn, New Mill as a friend of the applicant.
4. Dispensations
5. Public Participation
Peggy Rickaby, as the architect for application PA16/06601 at Middle Carnequidden Barn at New Mill, addressed councillors. She informed members that there was no increase of footprint in this application, there were no plans for this to be a holiday let and it was a traditional building. Cllr Tanner stated that a new survey for bats had been requested and Peggy Rickaby assured the meeting that this had been done and a positive verbal response has been received. Mr Hampton-Smith, the applicant, advised councillors that if this work was not done the roof was in such a state that it would soon come down.
6. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Roberts reported that she has received an invitation for her and her representatives to attend a meeting on 24th November 2016 from 6pm to 8pm at Landithy Hall, Madron organised by Zennor Parish Council in conjunction with Penwith Landscape Partnership. The objects of the meeting are to obtain volunteers to identify local landscape heritage features, use of these features in planning work and parish policies, recording and maintaining biodiversity and historical records etc. Clerk had informed the chairman that Cllr Jenkin had advised him that she wished to attend. The chairman and seven councillors also asked to attend and clerk to inform the organisers.
7. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Scoble has given thought to the good deal we had for the village Christmas tree last year and he felt that this year it would be nice to have an extra tree to be sited outside the King William public house as this premises had been re-furbished and was again an asset to the village. He suggested that a 10 foot tree would be sufficient for this location. He has spoken to the landlords who feel that this is a good idea and they give their permission for the tree to be erected on their land. If agreed they will arrange erection. This was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Bone and unanimously agreed that the clerk make the necessary arrangements.
Cllr Scoble reported that he had been informed of a water leak in Aldreath Road on 30th August and he has reported this to the Water Board who are now dealing with this.
Cllr Burlton reported concerns about a questionnaire in the Madron Well Wishers newsletter to the public in which it is suggested that the public should be able to meet up with councillors for a half-day session. There has been no approach to see if this acceptable to the councillors. Cllr Burlton feels that this suggested approach is out of order as there has been no consultation. She added that a similar situation has arisen concerning the delivery of questionnaire responses to the caretaker at Landithy Hall and she had not been consulted as to whether this was convenient. Cllr Scoble pointed out that the public have every opportunity to meet councillors at the monthly parish council meeting or to contact the clerk with any concerns and he can arrange any meetings to fit in with individual councillors personal commitments.
It was unanimously agreed that the clerk should write to the Well Wishers objecting to arrangements being made without consultation and to advise people to attend meetings or address the clerk for advice/information. He should also point out that councillors cannot hold ad hoc meetings as they would have to be advertised with proper notice, etc. to comply with legalities.
Cllr Bates reported that he had completed the work on the village pump at Madron as requested and the defibrillator cabinets would be repaired shortly.
Cllr Burlton also reported that the path from the top of Jigglers Hill to Trengwainton Farm crosses two fields and has been cut. However between the fields there is a gateway which has remained open and is used by walkers which means that the granite stile is now overgrown with brambles. If the gate is secured there will be problems and she asked that this stile be cut back. Clerk reported that he has passed this on to the contractors who will sort out the problem.
Cllr Phillips again talked about car parking at Badgers Cross. Cllr Roberts asked Cllr Phillips to take the registration numbers and pass them to her and she would follow this up.
Cllr Matthews reported potholes on the single track road between Boskednan and Tredinnick. The majority are near Trevose bungalow and clerk has reported this to Highways.
Cllr Pritchard had attended the very successful dog show at Madron Playing Field organised by Cllr Burlton and the Playing Field Committee which had raised in the region of £450 towards playing field funds. He was aware how much the playing equipment was being used and had proved a valuable asset to the field. He asked that at the end of the financial year consideration being given to adding to the equipment if funds allow this. This was agreed in principle and the clerk added that up to £1000 was budgeted for match funding to money raised by the Playing Field Committee by this council at the end of the year.
Cllr Burlton asked that thanks be forwarded to Steven Bone of Trengwainton Farm for the work he has done in cutting back hedges in that area and Cllr Bone agreed to pass on these comments to Steven.
8. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
No Cornwall Councillors were present.
9. Planning
PA16/06930 – submission of details to discharge condition 4 in respect of decision notice PA14/10912 allowed at appeal at Slight Hill, Bone Valley, Heamoor. (clerk advised members that as there were no decisions to be made he felt that there was no need for Cllr Eddy, who had an interest, to leave the room)
Clerk reported that this application had not been circulated on the lists to parishes and he has made enquiries with the Planning Officer. Cllr Eddy had informed the clerk of concerns relating to this application. The Planning Officer informed the clerk that parishes are not normally invited to comment on applications such as this, hence no formal letter has been sent to him to invite comments. She also informed him that she intended to refuse the application under delegated powers. In view of the enquiries made by the clerk, councillors unanimously agreed that no further action was required.
PA16/06601 – change of use of agricultural building to an unfettered dwelling at Middle Carnequidden Barn, New Mill – supported
PA16/06192 – works to oak tree and felling of sycamore and ash trees at Trevaylor Mill, Gear Hill, Gulval – supported
PA16/07543 – variation of condition 7 (holiday occupancy) of application W1/78/0321 dated 22nd May 1978 to allow full occupancy throughout the year at 25 The Park, Kenegie Manor, Gulval – supported
PA16/01577PREAPP – for a first floor extension over a modern garage at Carfury Barn, Carfury – closed, advice given.
PA16/04968 – single storey extension to existing house at Bythmoy, New Mill – withdrawn.
PA16/01869PREAPP – re-application advice for demolition of existing timber frame building and construction of a single storey dwelling and associated works at land west of 29 Fore Street, Madron – closed, advice given.
PA16/04406 – agricultural shed for accommodation of machinery, implements and storage and under cover space for chopping wood and shelter when working on land at Carnequidden, New Mill – approved
PA16/04469 – conversion of part of loose box/store building to an annex at Windman Cottage, Trezelah, Gulval – refused.
Other Planning Matters
10. Public Rights of Way
Clerk and councillors had nothing to report.
11. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that instructions from last meeting had been completed.
An email has been received from Ed Newbold, freeholder at Kenegie Manor Holiday Park, which has been purchased from John Fowler Holidays in November 2015 in which he offers any assistance to Madron Parish Council – noted
Clerk has weeded the files for Madron Council which are retained in the office at his home. He has put aside old files which must be retained in accordance with Cornwall Council Schedules which should go to County Archives. However the Archives are full and councils are asked to retain their documents until the new Archives are open at Redruth which is planned for 2 years hence. The clerk has problems with storage at his home due to lack of room but will be able to store in a confined space if there is no other option. He has discussed this with Cllr Scoble as chairman of Landithy Hall Managers and passed on the suggestion that a cabinet be purchased and stored there with the files secured as this was a dry and secure brick built premises with a caretaker. This suggestion has been approved by the Chief Archivist at Cornwall Council if Landithy Hall Managers agree. After discussions it was proposed by Cllr Eddy, seconded by Cllr Bone that the clerk write to the secretary of Landithy Hall Managers for formal approval and when this is given the clerk, in conjunction with Landithy Hall Managers, should purchase an appropriate lockable cabinet for council papers and files. An update to be on the agenda for the next meeting.
Clerk has detailed Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Plan from 2016 to 2021. He offered this to councillors to read and distribute among themselves as there are several matters of interest.
West Cornwall Community Network Panel (Forum) due for 15th September has been cancelled due to James Hardy’s sickness and the next forum will be held on 17th November –noted.
There have been several instances of litter being dumped and clerk has forward these to Cory for attention – noted
Clerk will be unavailable between 12th and 16th September 2016 – noted
12. Parish Risk Assessment – 11th August 2016.
This annual assessment was made by Cllrs Pritchard, Scoble and the clerk and all council property is in order except for a broken lock at the notice board at New Mill which has now been replaced by Cllr Peake
13. Trafalgar Celebrations 23rd October 2016 – Update of Arrangements
Further to his last report, clerk reported that all arrangements are now in place with street closures, invitation lists, liaison with RNAS Culdrose and Penzance Town Council, invitations printed and they will be collected by the clerk on 2nd September. These invitations will be sent out at the latter part of September.
The only change from previous years is that we have the store of 75 cones at New Mill and 75 at Landithy Hall. These will have to be put out along the parade route on the morning of Saturday 22nd October and removed after the parade on 23rd October. Cllr Peake has 75 cones stored at New Mill and due to a serious family commitment he not may be available but the cones and his trailer will be available should this occur. The remainder of the cones are stored at Landithy Hall. Cllrs Pritchard, Bates, Burlton and Scoble agreed to be available to put out and recover the cones.
14. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Burlton, seconded by Cllr Peake and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £694.90, office allowance £30.00, mileage £20.70, Trafalgar mileage £9.90, petty cash £44.92; HMRC – PAYE and Nat Ins. £200.39
Clerk reported he has received notification that £1280.80 from Cornwall Council should now have been paid into our accounts in lieu of the first cut of gold paths.
Grant Thornton, on behalf of the Audit Commission, has certified that all accounts and procedures for the financial year 2015-2016 have been inspected and are in order. Appropriate notices for inspection have been completed by the clerk and will be posted on notice boards shortly.
Devon and Cornwall Victim Support have written to ask for a donation to their organisation. It was unanimously agreed that this be deferred until the last meeting of the financial year in accordance with the current policy.
15. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 6th October 2016 at Trythall CP School