

The Parish Council income comes from:

  • The precept set by the Parish Council which is an additional amount added to the council tax for each household and collected on the Parish Council’s behalf by Cornwall Council
  • A Council Tax Support Grant set by Cornwall Council
  • A Local Maintenance Partnership (LMP) grant from Cornwall Council for the maintenance of footpaths and bridleways
  • A portion of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) paid to Cornwall Council by developers on new developments within the parish. See for details of how the CIL funds parish councils.


The Parish Council sets a budget for the year at the April meeting.

All the council’s payments including those over £500 can be found listed in the agendas and in the minutes.

The main items of expenditure are the staff costs for the Parish Clerk, the contracts for footpath and bridleway maintenance, the costs for new assets (e.g. a bus shelter), the maintenance and repair of existing assets, and any grants to parish community organisations.

All expenditure is authorised in the monthly minutes of Council meetings and audited. In addition there is expenditure on items such as:

  • The Trafalgar Day celebrations
  • The provision of the village Christmas tree
  • Emptying of litter bins
  • Cutting the playing field and play areas
  • Cutting the churchyard
  • Maintenance of the bus shelter


The Parish Council accounts are audited internally twice a year by appointed councillors, and annually by an independent internal auditor.

The audited accounts are then submitted to an external audit made by the Audit Commission and signed off by their appointed auditor.

Finance Documents

Annual Accounts 2022/2023

Please find below the Internal Audit Report, unaudited Annual Governance Statement and unaudited Accounting statements:

These accounts are as yet unaudited accounts.

Details of the arrangements for the exercise of public rights.

This Years Accounts are being audited by: BDO LLP Limited, Arcadia House, Maritime Walk, Ocean Village, Southampton, SO14 3TL,

Madron Parish Council accounts for 2021 /2022

The External Auditor for the accounts is: PKF Littlejohn