Madron Annual Parish Council Meeting
to be held at Madron Community Rooms
Monday 15th May 2017 at 7.30pm

Dear Councillor,
You are requested to attend the meeting at the time and date shown above.

W.E. Wilkins, Clerk.

1. To receive acceptance of office and notification of financial and other interests from councillors
2. To elect a chairman
3. To receive the acceptance of office of chairman
4. To elect vice-chairman
5. Apologies
6. Declaration of interest on items on the agenda
7. Dispensations
8. To introduce any new councillors
9. To introduce the new clerk
10. To appoint councillors with specific responsibilities for: –
a. Footpaths and Public Rights of Way b. Police Liaison
c. Parish Council website d. Health and hospitals
e. Transport f. Waste disposal
g. Planning councillors
h. Two auditing councillors to include risk assessments.
i. Liaison with Playing Field Committee
j. Trustee to Daniel School Foundation Trust
k. Trustee to Tripconi Trust l. Affordable Housing
m. Routine maintenance throughout the parish
n. Older Peoples Forum
o Town and Parish Forum representatives (includes chairman and clerk)
p. Press liaison)
Any other appointments as deemed necessary
11. To review the conditions of service of the clerks. (to consider exclusion of press and
public on the grounds that it might involve disclosure of exempt information in
accordance with Part 1A Schedule 12 of Local Government Act 1972)
11. To confirm approved Standing Orders
13. To confirm approved Financial Regulations
14. To confirm three signatories to Barclays Bank Mandate for Madron PC
15. Acceptance of Minutes
Ordinary meeting held at Trythall CP School on 6th April 2017
16. Public Participation
17. Chairman’s comments
18. Councillor’s Questions and Comments
(24 hours’ notice to clerk under Standing Order 16(h) advisable)
19. Cornwall Councillors Comments
20. Planning
PA17/02948 – construction of a single storey rear kitchen extension at 1, Bellair Road,
PA17/03261 and 03262 (listed building) – construction of compost stores, associated
hard standing area and drainage at Trengwainton Gardens, , main dive to
Trengwainton House, Trengwainton, Madron
PA17/01055/PREAPP – pre-application advice for the conversion of barns into
residential units at Lower Trembath, Buryas Bridge, Penzance
PA17/00845 – retention of existing dwelling 1A to be used as a separate dwelling,
creation of first floor, side extension forming garage and associated works at 1A
Vingoes Lane Madron – approved
Other Planning Matters
April Planning Newsletter (circulated to councillors by email)
Planning Enforcement – Slight Hill, Heamoor
Special Planning Newsletter – Pre Application Community Engagement.
21. Public Rights of Way
22. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Completion of instructions
Code of Contact Training 4pm-6pm on 23rd May 2017 at St Johns Hall, Penzance –
details of councillors attending.
Cornwall Council – road closure – Church Road, Madron from 17th May until 24th May
Police & Crime Commissioner – monthly report, (circulated to councillors by email)
Channel 4 – Village of the Year – invitation to apply for entry
23. Status of Kennel Lane
Cllr Tanner report on status in connection with lane being used by motor cyclists
24. Application 2937 to de-register 0.932 hectares of land registered as Common Land
at New Mill
25. To consider financial assistance to Madron Playing Field Committee
Installation of CCTV and other security requirements and provision of playing
equipment as agreed by last council see invoice in item 27.
Request for funding from Police and Crime Commissioner
26. To note receipt of Council Tax Support Grant
27. To approve Madron Parish Council accounts for financial year 2016-2017
28. General Finance
VAT return for financial year 2016-2017
To approve the following accounts for payment –
W.E. Wilkins, Clerk Salary £ 703.68
Office Allowance £ 30.00
Mileage £ 24.30
Disbursements incuding
Moneysoft payrole £78.£ 118.75
HMRC PAYE & Nat. Ins £ 203.33
DJL Gallie Internal Audit, etc. £ 120.00
Trythall CP School Rent for meetings £ 60.00
CALC Annual subscription £ 470.81
South West Play Equipment for Playing
Field £2462.40
Aon Insurance Parish Insurance £ 273.39
29. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 1st June 2017 at Trythall CP School