Ordinary Meeting of Madron Parish Council
to be held at Trythall CP School
Thursday 5th February 2015, at 7.30pm

Planning Applications Available For Councillors Consultations from 7.00pm

Dear Councillor,
You are requested to attend the meeting at the time and date shown above.

W.E. Wilkins, Clerk.

1. Apologies

2. Acceptance of Minutes
Ordinary meeting on 8th January 2015 at Madron Community Rooms

3. Declarations of Interest in Items on this Agenda

4. Dispensations

5. Public Participation

6. Police Report
Report for January
Police and Crime Plan for 2015-2016 – comments invited (circulated to councillors by

7. Chairman’s comments

8. Councillor’s Questions and Comments
(24 hours notice to clerk under Standing Order 16(h) advisable)

9. Comments from Cornwall Councillor

10. Planning
Applications (available for inspection from 7pm)
To consider recommendations to all planning applications received by this Council prior to this meeting, including
PA14/12176 – construction of a farm track at Trye Farm, New Mill

PA15/000411 – certificate of lawfulness for the continued use of three timber framed
buildings of agricultural appearance that have been used as a studio (largest),
workshop and pottery shed (smallest) on land at Old Carthouse, Trezelah, Badgers
Cross Gulval.
PA14/11715 – demolition of rear porch, erection of replacement porch on a reduced
footprint with roof line to match existing side extension at Bosulval Farmhouse, New
Mill – approved
PA14/10957 – oak framed storm porch with slate roof at Bythmoy Barn, New Mill –
Other Planning Mattersn,

11. Public Rights of Way

12. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Update of instructions from last meeting.
Cornwall Council Community Energy Plus –cheaper electricity deals, people to register before 1st March (circulated to councillors by email)
CPRE Cornwall – Housing in Cornwall Part 4 (circulated to councillors by email)
Cornwall Council –draft renewable energy supplementary planning document consultation open until 27.3.15 – full details available at One Stop Shops, libraries and www.cornwall.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=24073
CALC –Audit and Finance Conference 9.30am to 4pm on 2nd April 2015 at St Erme Community Centre covering Local Council Audit, Social Media and Risk Management and Transparency Codes for Local Councils which became mandatory on 2015. Cost £35 per delegate with a 15% discount for 3 or more delegates per council.

13. Twinning with Mont Dol – update

14. West Cornwall Community Forum – 22nd January 2015
Report from Chairman, Cllr Scoble and clerk.

15. Parc Abnac Allotments – update

16 Weed Spraying in Madron – update
Cormac response to offer of £500 for the complete work

17. New Mill sign posts.

18. Finance
To approve the following accounts for payment –
W.E. Wilkins, Clerk Salary £ 619.93
Office Allowance £ 30.00
Mileage £ 29.70
Disbursements £ 49.07
HMRC PAYE & Nat. Ins £ 170.45
Midland Safety Training Ltd 2 defibrillators, etc. £3600.00
Cory Environmental Emptying bins for year £ 203.40

19. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 5th March 2015 at Madron Community Rooms