Chairman: Councillor Mrs Clare Roberts
Clerk to the Council
W.E. Wilkins
Tel: 01736 762874
E-mail: [email protected]
Corner Barn
Higher Trevurvas
Helston, TR13 9TZ
Ordinary Meeting of Madron Parish Council
to be held at Madron Community Rooms
Thursday 5th March 2015, at 7.30pm
Planning Applications Available For Councillors Consultations from 7.00pm
Dear Councillor,
You are requested to attend the meeting at the time and date shown above.
W.E. Wilkins, Clerk.
1. Apologies
2. Acceptance of Minutes
Ordinary meeting at Trythall CP School on 5th February 2015
3. Declarations of Interest in Items on this Agenda
4. Dispensations
5. Public Participation
6. Police Report
7. Chairman’s comments
8. Councillor’s Questions and Comments
(24 hours notice to clerk under Standing Order 16(h) advisable)
Cllr Scoble – First Aid Training (including defibrillators)
9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
10. Planning
Applications (available for inspection from 7pm)
To consider recommendations to all planning applications received by this Council prior to this meeting, including – none received at the time agenda published.
PA14/10912 – temporary permission for the retention of a static caravan for use as
an agricultural worker’s dwelling at Slight Hill, Heamoor – refused
PA14/12176 – construction of a farm track at Trye Farm, New Mill – approved
Other Planning Matters
11. Public Rights of Way
To consider action regarding balance of £84.92 in LMP funding for 2013-2014
Cllr Tanner – update re. footpath 24 to include a payment to PAROW for assistance
given to cutting and clearing. Also liaison and agreements with Bolitho Estates.’
Planning Inspectorate approval of footpath 44 conversion to bridleway and request
for a safety assessment before being brought into use
12. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Update of instructions from last meeting
Reply from Cormac regarding travellers resident between Badgers Cross and Gulval.
Reply from Cormac regarding request for grit bins in New Mill/Carfury
Result of enquiries by Cllr Pritchard regarding parking at Badgers Cross
CALC ‘The Week’ 20th February 2015 including notes on transparency code for smaller councils, automatic precept referendums, councillor travelling expenses and electronic summons (circulated to councillors by email)
Clerk indisposed on 10th March and possibly for a few days thereafter.
13. New Mill Sign Posts
Cornwall Council response regarding repaired signs and views on signs being erected
and/or repaired by Parish Council (circulated to councillors by email)
14. Proposed Twinning between Mont Dol and Madron Parish
Update from meetings on 11th and 26th February 2015
To consider a representative of Parish Council on Twining Committee
15. Finance
Receipt of £1500 from Young Farmers and £500 from Cornwall Cllr Mann towards
cost of defibrillators purchased for Trythall and Madron
To approve the following accounts for payment –
W.E. Wilkins, Clerk Salary £619.93
Office Allowance £ 30.00
Mileage £ 29.70
Disbursements £ 19.16
HMRC PAYE & Nat. Ins £170.45
CALC Audit and Finance Trg
for Cllrs Tanner, Scoble
Pritchard & clerk £142.80
Trythall CP School Rent for 6 meetings
2014/15 £ 60.00
Information Commissioner Data Protection fee £ 35.00
Madron Playing Field Committee – match funding
for money raised by
committee during this
financial year £357.37
To consider requests for donations during the financial year 2014/2015: –
Pengarth Day Centre (£2000 required for new equipment)
Cornwall Blind Association
Cruse Bereavement Care
Headway Cornwall supporting brain injury survivors
16. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 2nd April 2015 at Trythall CP School