Present: Cllr S. Pritchard (Chairman) Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (V-Chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr M.Scoble
Cllr C Bone Cllr R. Matthews
Cllr V. Peake Cllr S. Bates Cllr R. Mann (also Cornwall Cllr) Cllr I. Phillips
Cllr G. Tanner
Cornwall Cllr W. Maddern
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins, no members of the public
1 To receive the acceptance of office by Councillors and Chairman
Councillors submitted their signed acceptance of office forms which had been countersigned by the clerk, and Cllr Pritchard signed his acceptance of office and this was countersigned by Clerk.
2 Election of Chairman
Cllr Pritchard, proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr Peake and unanimously agreed.
3 Notification of financial and other interests
Clerk had received the appropriate form from Cllr Tanner, as a new Councillor. Councillors present signed their notification of financial and other interest forms, amended where applicable to show that these are up to date, and these were returned to the Clerk.
4 Election of Vice-Chairman
Cllr Roberts, proposed by Cllr Matthews, seconded by Cllr. Phillips and unanimously agreed.
5 Apologies
6 Declarations of Interest in items on this agenda
Item 22 Madron War Memorial Charity – Cllr Jenkin as a trustee.
Item 23 – Madron War Memorial Cllrs Scoble, Pritchard and Matthews as Landithy Hall Managers.
7 Election of Councillors with Special Responsibilities
Responsibility Councillor
Footpaths and Public Rights of Way Cllr Tanner
Tourism Cllr Pritchard
Affordable Housing Cllr Mann
Health & Hospital Services Cllr Jenkin
Transport Cllr Pritchard
Waste Disposal and Re-cycling Cllr Roberts
Planning Councillors Chairman Cllrs Scoble, Jenkin,
Roberts, Mann, Mathews and
Tanner and any other councillor with an interest in applications being considered
Website Cllr Scoble and Cllr Roberts
Two auditing councillors to include Risk
Assessments (Review due July 2012) Cllrs Roberts and Tanner
Liaison with Playing Field Committee Cllr Bates
Trustees to Daniel School Foundation Trust Cllrs Jenkin and Bone
Trustee to Tripcony Trust Cllr Phillips and Cllr Peake
Routine Maintenance in Parish Cllr Bates
Penwith Older Peoples’ Forum Cllr Matthews
Police Liaison Cllr Bates
Press Liaison Chairman and clerk
All the above appointments were formally proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Roberts and unanimously agreed.
8 Review of Conditions of Service of Clerk.
It was unanimously agreed that this item be deferred to the last item on this agenda.
9 Confirmation of Approved Standing Orders
Clerk had circulated copies of Madron Parish Council Standing Orders, CALC proposed changes and NALC model 2 standing orders to all councillors.
Clerk advised members that a new edition of standing orders were due to be published by NALC during 2013 and it was felt by Cllr Jenkin, chairman and clerk that it would be advisable to await these and adapt Madron standing orders to comply with national guidelines. In the meantime it was felt by these parties that the existing Madron Parish Council Standing Orders with the CALC guideline be accepted by this council. It was proposed by Cllr Mann, seconded by Cllr Roberts that this advice be accepted.
10 Financial Regulations
There were no changes to financial regulations and as such it was considered appropriate to confirm all these with the new standing orders when they are published and adapted where necessary to this council. It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Mann and unanimously agreed to comply with this advice
11 Confirmation of 3 signatories for Barclays Bank Mandate for Madron PC.
Current signatories are Cllrs Scoble, Jenkin and Bone. It was agreed that these remain.
12 Acceptance of Minutes
It was proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Peake and unanimously agreed that the minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on 4th April be accepted.
13 Public Participation
14 Police Report
Clerk reported that there had been two crimes in April compared to four in April 2012. AP13/918 relates to criminal damage to a window in Gulval and AP13/862 refers to criminal damage to the Parish Council notice board by The Green. It is noticeable that there are a group of youths out and about in Madron, but as yet reports of anti-social behaviour remain low. PC Thomas has reported that he anticipates being at the Parish Council meeting in August as this is the next time his shift coincides with a meeting.
Cllr Scoble had reported that the glass in the damaged notice board was not a danger and it was best for any repairs to be completed at the time of the removal of the board to the other end of the village which will take place shortly.
15 Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Pritchard thanked members for his re-election as chairman for the forthcoming year.
He also congratulated Cllr Mann as the new Cornwall Councillor for the Gulval Ward and Cllr Madden on his re-election in the St Buryan Ward
Cllr Pritchard was concerned about reports concerning then renewed problems of ‘bed blocking’ and he drew attention of the meeting to the present state of Poltair Hospital which only dealt with out-patients. He felt that the hospital could assist with bed-blocking problems by re-opening to accommodate these patients and he requested that the clerk write to Peninsular Health Care, who is responsible for the hospital, asking for them to consider opening Poltair to assist with the problem. Councillors agreed to this request and clerk was instructed to forward a copy of the letter to Cornwall Cllr Maddern who would liaise with Cornwall Cllr Mann to take this to the Scrutiny Committee of Cornwall Council.
Cllr Pritchard reported that he attended a residents meeting at Landithy Hall on 24th April where approximately 20 people were present. PHA supported the idea of a Residents Association These organisations had contributed to quality of life in other areas of West Cornwall and he suggested that this council gives support when it is requested.
Cllr :Pritchard will be unavailable from 13th May until 2nd June and during the period when both he and the clerk will be away members are requested to contact Cllr Roberts with any problems.
16 Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Roberts gave an update on the progress of Trythall School as a foundation school within the Penwith Trust. Cllr Jenkin stated that St Maddern School were also considering foundation status and she would liaise with Cllr Roberts.
Cllr Scoble reported that he had received complaints concerning the bus service provided from Madron to Penzance, particularly in the mornings when there was no service between 7.55am and 9.30am. Cllr Pritchard, as transport councillor, agreed to contact Mr Williams, the Area Manager at Camborne, and clerk was also instructed to write to Mr Williams to formally ask for the time table to be reviewed to fill this serious gap.
Cllr Jenkin reported that a recent alert at St Maddern School had shown that there was a need for yellow lines on the Green by the school to prevent parking by the exit. Cornwall Cllr Maddern agreed to discuss this with Cornwall Council.
Cllr Jenkin asked about the use of the notice board in Fore Street, Madron. Cllr Scoble pointed out that the board had been used for things which were not relevant to the council and council agendas and other parish council notices take priority as there was a church notice board and another board by The Green. It was agreed that consideration may be given to another notice board if the need becomes apparent.
Cllr Phillips complained about untaxed vehicles at Badgers Cross. He was advised to supply details to the police and if there were any further problems to contact the chairman.
Cllr Bates asked the council to support a proposal by PHA to reduce the verge on the bend outside numbers 20 to 28 Trelawney Estate. It was agreed that the clerk should respond in favour of this proposal to PHA
17 Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Mann informed members that in his role as the new Cornwall Councillor for Gulval Ward, his first priorities would be to follow up the requests for finger-posts on the New Mill side of the parish and also to liaise with Planning Enforcement in relation to the campsite at Noongallas.
Cllr Maddern reported that enquiries regarding the ownership of the Boardwalk were pending between Sally Newby at Penzance and Cornwall Council and he would follow this up. He was also concerned about the fencing poles that had been removed from the path at the rear of Trafalgar Fields as the plastic bases had been left and were a hazard if people fell. He was advised that this was the responsibility of Countryside Access at Cornwall as this was a public path and he agreed to pass this to that department.
He informed members that Sally Newby was leaving Cornwall Council at Penzance after years of valuable service and the clerk was instructed to write to her on behalf of this council thanking her for all her assistance and to wish her well in her new life in Norfolk.
18 Planning
PA13/03304 – extension to existing sorting shed, replacement office building and secure vehicle store at Quarry Lane Yard, Castle-an Dinas. It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Roberts and unanimously agreed that this be supported.
PA13/3119 – removal of hedgerows at The Curlews at Gulval – it was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Roberts and unanimously agreed that this council objects as the removal of hedges such as this is contrary to the traditional character of the area.
PA12/1335 and PA12/1337 – erection of extension to dwelling and construction of a new access and garage at An Govva, Higher Trewern, Newbridge – approved
Other Planning Matters
Planning Enforcement EN13/00768 relates to a complaint concerning the construction of stables at land at The Aboret at New Mill.
EN13/00552 related to a complaint of excessive blasting from Castle an Dinas Quarry, but no breach was found.
Cllr Tanner planned to give an update concerning the wind farm at Ladydowns, but this screening application has now been withdrawn
Planning Enforcement EN13/00884 refers the formal recording of the retention of a campsite (after refusal of permission PA11/06449) at Noongallas, Gulval
19 Public Rights of Way
Clerk reported that the parish has been allocated £3847 for path cutting during the year which is the same as last year.
Ex-Cllr Westlake has been very satisfied with the work of the contractors who we have used for the last few years and he felt that they would be difficult to replace. In view of that clerk has been in contact with them and they are happy to continue with the contract. Since the increase in funding last year it has been the policy of this council to have the gold paths cut twice, in June and September, and the silver paths cut in early July before the main holidays.
It was proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr Peake, and unanimously agreed that the contractors be re-employed to the local maintenance project work as in previous years.
Clerk will make the necessary arrangements and liaise with Cllr Tanner in due course.
20 Clerks Report and Correspondence
Clerk informed members that all instructions from the last meeting have been completed.
Clerk reported that last year at this time we had commenced work in inviting applications for the grant from Cornwall Council in lieu of Aggregates Levy due to Castle an Dinas Quarry being within Ludgvan and Madron Parishes. He has been in contact with the clerk to Ludgvan Parish Council as Ludgvan Council have a regular meeting with the quarry management and they have made a request for the usual finance and also an increase due to the traffic and work involved due to the construction of Sainsbury Store at Long Rock. At this point in time there has been no news from Cornwall Council regarding this and Cornwall CllrMann agreed to liaise with Ludgvan Parish Council, the Quarry, and Cornwall Council on behalf of this council
Clerk has circulated details of training events to be held in 2013 by CALC and he asked councillors to notify him of any councillor who wished to attend the courses.
12th June – Code of Conduct at Redruth – 7pm to 9pm
20th July – Councillor Skills Day at Truro – 10am to 4pm
15th July – Chairmanship Training at Redruth (or alternative in West Cornwall) – 7pm -9pm
Cllr Tanner expressed a wish to have training in relation to the Code of Conduct but Cllr Jenkin felt that Cornwall Council should supply this free of charge and she would follow this up with the Standards Board. Cllrs Pritchard and Roberts wished to attend the Chairmanship training but as Cllr Roberts is unable to be sure of her availability at this stage clerk has contacted CALC and he can reply when Cllr Roberts is aware of her availability.
It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Matthews and unanimously agreed that the expenditure be approved for the training.
The Planning Inspectorate has written to report that their decision is to register the land at Chun Downs as common land.
The Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape Site Management Plan 2013-2018 is available for interested councillors.
National Coastwatch at Gwennap Head are offering to attend a meeting to give a presentation of their work or to invite councillors to attend the station to be aware of their activities. It was agreed not to take up this offer but if any approaches were made from the station at Chy-an-Dour Station they would be considered.
CALC issue 5 has been circulated by email to councillors.
Cornwall Rural Community Council is planning to hold a workshop on Local Landscape Character Assessments on either Monday 17th or Tuesday 18th June from 7pm to 9pm. They are asking if there is sufficient support for this and are asking members to return a form showing this interest and also the location of such an event. This message has been forward by email to councillors. A similar event was held in Penzance and Cllrs Pritchard and Jenkin attended with the clerk and there were mixed views in respect of the evening. Cllrs Tanner and Mann stated that they would be interested and clerk will inform the organisers accordingly.
Inclusion Strategy for Cornwall – a series of workshops will be taking place across Cornwall including Penzance One Stop Shop from 10am to 1pm on Friday 24th May, and issues under discussion will include economy, debt, demographic change, etc. Various organisations have been invited and details have been circulated to councillors by email. Noted
Clerk has circulated by email a meeting between a senior representative of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cornwall and Penwith Over 50s Forum at Penzance One Stop Shop at 2pm on Thursday 16th May. All councillors are invited.
Clerk reported that he will be taking leave from Wednesday 15th May until Saturday 25th May
21 Vacancy for Parish Councillor on Madron Ward of Madron Parish Council
There was a vacancy on the Parish Council due to Cllr Christopher not applying for re-election. Clerk has circulated a notice in Madron asking for people interested in filling this vacancy to contact him. Cllr Pritchard reported that he had approached Mrs Gill Burlton and she was prepared to be co-opted into office and Cllr Bone had a similar approach from Adrian Nicholls. It was agreed that if both parties are interested they should write to the clerk and this should be an agenda item for the next meeting
22 Madron Parish War Memorial Charity
(Cllr Jenkin declared an interest) Cllr Jenkin reported that as a result of the Nurses’ Home being sold there was finance available for worthwhile causes in Madron. Councillors were asked inform any likely applicants and Cllr Scoble was asked to include this on the Parish Council website
23 Madron War Memorial
(Cllrs Pritchard, Scoble and Matthews declared interests).Cllr Pritchard reported that he had received an estimate of £234.00 (£195 + VAT) for the refurbishment of the memorial in the Memorial Garden. It was proposed by Cllr Bone, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that approval be given for this work.
24 Special motion to rescind and review the decision to delay the circulation of draft minutes until after the approval at the following meeting
This item was voiced at the last meeting to the effect that 3 councillors had written to the chairman asking for the decision to delay the circulation of draft minutes to be rescinded.
Clerk has taken further advice from CALC and there is nothing to prevent the decision being changed at this one opportunity and no extenuating circumstances are required to prevent this. This has been endorsed by NALC and indeed Mr Gallie when conducting the audit, stated that whilst the decision to circulate the draft minutes is not mandatory it is regarded as good practice. The local community writers in The Cornishmen also ask for the decision to be rescinded as it assists them in preparing items for the newspaper. Cllr Jenkin emphasised the importance of the public being aware of the content of meetings in time to make any contacts if they so wished and unless the old scheme was re-introduced this facility would be gone.
Cllr Mann continued with his objections as he felt that the minutes should not be circulated until they were approved.
After further discussion it was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Scoble that the draft minutes should be circulated as soon as practicable after meetings. This was agreed by all councillors with the exception of Cllr Mann who maintained his objection.
25 Parish Council Insurance
Clerk has obtained two quotes from insurance companies. Zurich has been the insurers for the last two years and they now quote £398.91. In view of this clerk contacted Aon who have been insurers in the past and they quote £270.67. So far as the clerk can see the policies are very similar although the fidelity aspect amounts to £25,000 with Zurich and £250,000 with Aon and the present finances mean that the cover with Zurich is inadequate. The clerk has also discussed this with the chairman. It was proposed by Cllr Mann, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the insurance for this year should be allocated to Aon Insurance.
26 Finance
Clerk has circulated a copy of the financial accounts for 2012-2013 which have been audited by Cllrs Roberts and Westlake as auditing councillors and then by Mr Gallie as independent internal auditor. It was proposed by Cllr Mathews, seconded by Cllr Scoble and unanimously agreed that the accounts be approved by this council.
It was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Jenkin and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid:- W. E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £520.46, office allowance £30.00, mileage £11.00, disbursements £74.39; HMRC – PAYE and Nat. Ins. £131.30 and Nat Ins for 2012-2013 £40.15; CALC annual subscription £379.05
Clerk pointed out that the agreed sum for Mr Gallie for Internal Audit and assisting with PAYE arrangements with HMRC was £100.00. However due mainly to problems with HMRC Mr Gallie had spent far more than the anticipated time in dealing with this and clerk asked members if they would consider an increase in this figure. It was proposed by Cllr Roberts, seconded by Cllr Mann and unanimously agreed that Mr Gallie should be paid the sum of £120.00
8 (Deferred) To review the conditions of service of the clerk.
It was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Jenkin, and unanimously agreed that the press and public be excluded from the meeting whilst this item is discussed on the grounds that it may disclose exempt information in accordance with Part 1A Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972. (Clerk left the meeting at this point)
Clerk is currently paid for 60 hours per month on NALC scale 24 with an office allowance of £30.00 per month. It was proposed by Cllr Mann, seconded by Cllr Scoble and unanimously agreed that the clerk should now be paid on scale 25.
27 Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm on Thursday 13th June 2013 at Trythall CP School.