
THURSDAY 5th DECEMBER 2013 AT 7.30pm
Draft to be approved on 2.1.14
Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Mrs G. Burlton
Cllr. M. Scoble Cllr R. Matthews
Cllr C. Bone Cllr S. Bates
Cllr V. Peake Cllr G. Tanner
Cllr I. Phillips

Cornwall Cllr W.Maddern

Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and three members of the public

Cornwall Cllr Mann, PC Thomas, PCSOs Taylor and Zeini
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Madron Community Rooms on Thursday 7th November 2013 were unanimously accepted
3. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Scoble – item 10 Planning – PA13/09734 at land west of Lower Trebean, Fore Street, Madron as a friend of the applicant and PA13/10145 at Chy-an-Bara, Church Road, Madron as the contractor is staying with Cllr Scoble
Cllr Burlton – item 10 Planning – PA13/09734 at land west of Lower Trebean, Fore Street, Madron, As a friend of the applicant.
Cllr Bates – item 10 Planning – PA13/09734 at land west of Lower Trebean, Fore Street, Madron as a neighbour
Cllr Pritchard has been appointed as a Governor of St Maddern School and this has been added to his Register of Interests.
4. Dispensations
Cllr Bates and Burlton – item 7 Chairman’s comments as members of the Playing Field committee.
5.. Public Participation
Peggy Rickaby commented on planning applications PA13/09734 at land west of Lower Trebean, Fore Street, Madron and PA13/ 10506 at Windman Cottage, Trezela, in her capacity as agent for the applicants. PA13/09734 is an outline application, the site being developed is within Madron Village and not greenfield or agricultural land and it will not intrude on neighbours. There are no access problems and there is room for parking on the drive. PA13/10506 is for domestic storage for equipment and is situated within the garden of the property.


6. Police Report
In the absence of police officers the clerk gave the police report for November 2013. There were three crimes reported during the month, the same as the corresponding month in 2012. AP13/2757 relates to nuisance phone calls to a private number – the offender has been identified and advice given under the Communications Act. AP13/2890 relates to a car being broken into on a private drive in New Mill on 17th November. This was one of a series of similar offences throughout the West Country and the offenders have been arrested. AP13/2932 concerns two poly-tunnels at New Mill being set on fire in 23rd November and enquiries are ongoing.
7. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Pritchard firstly thanked Cllrs Matthews and Roberts for taking over chairman’s responsibilities whilst he was away. He also thanked all who had assisted in various ways..
On 20th November he attended the meeting to formally close down the Madron Forum which has been inactive for some years. The balance of the funds was transferred to the new Madron Well-wishers organisation.
In conjunction with the clerk Cllr Pritchard has been in contact with the other local community groups. It is understood that the Junior Group is functioning well and is successful in its activities with the youngsters in Madron. Cllr Burlton confirmed that this group is very active and working well.
The Well-wishers were set up in May 2013 and have several schemes which they wish to put to the parish council for assistance and guidance. Some of the ideas are impractical and will not be entertained by local authorities but a strong request was made for a bus shelter. This would have to be sited at the end of Trelawney Estate. Clerk has included this in his financial budget should councillors approve the idea. He advised members that from his initial enquiries grants were unlikely to be forthcoming but he would make further enquires about costs and companies who have recently supplied shelters to nearby councils and report back.
Cllr Pritchard has strong views that the playing fields should be given every encouragement as the field was a great asset and should be used. He has contacted a local company who would be handy if there are problems and they gave examples of numerous large items geared to children under 12 complete with safa grass matting and a picket fence. This is given as an example and cost just under £15,000. It was proposed by Cllr Peake, seconded by Cllr Bone, and unanimously agreed that the matter should be referred to the Playing Field Committee asking them provide quotations from three companies for equipment with a maximum sum of 15,000 and to have them available for the meeting of this council on 6th February 2014. It was also agreed that a formal agreement must be made for the Playing Field Committee to be responsible for the maintenance and repair of any equipment where necessary. Clerk was instructed to write to the Playing Field Committee.
The Chairman has been concerned that there has been no response from Cormac to Cornwall Cllr Mann in respect of funding from Castle an Dinas Quarry to Madron Parish Council for inconvenience. In view of the fact that Ludgvan Parish Council received £5000 some months ago and we are now 8 months into the financial year the clerk was instructed to write to the Chief Executive of Cormac and Quarry Manager asking for funding. The letter was sent to the Chief Executive of Cormac and also the Quarry Manager on 20th November 2013 but it has not been acknowledged or any reply received, but it has been seen by Cornwall Cllr Mann. In due course it was agreed that if there was no contact from Cormac, the Chairman and Clerk should attempt to meet with the Quarry Manager. Cornwall Cllr Mann had emailed the clerk to ask if we wished him to continue to try and obtain the funding and he was assured that we would appreciate him continuing to obtain this grant.
8. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Peake reports a caravan with registration X788 DNT in the lay-by between Trythall School and Kitty Noys Cottage for the last few days and it was not known if people are living in the vehicle. Clerk has reported this to Highways and the Police. Highways have referred this to the Gypsy and Traveller Liaison Officer and the caravan has been checked by PCSO Taylor and the female occupant states that she has had to leave an unofficial site and intends to move on as soon as possible. There are no police concerns.

9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cllr Maddern had a meeting with Louise Fryett of Devon and Cornwall Housing and it has now been determined that the path from Trelawney Estate to Church Road which is in poor condition is the responsibility of that organisation. They will arrange for their officer who deals with such problems where tree roots damage the surface of paths to take the matter on board.
10. Planning
PA13/10145 –(Cllr Scoble declared an interest) listed building consent for various internal and external alterations including replacement windows, new front door and removal of modern internal features such as hardboard panelling and remove concrete fireplace at Chy-an-Bara, Church Road, Madron – supported
PA13/09734 (Cllrs Scoble, Burlton and Bates declared interests) – outline application with all matters reserved: construction of a dwelling on land west of Lower Trebean, Fore Street, Madron – supported
PA13/10506 – store rooms and shed at Windman Cottage, Trezelah, Gulval – supported
PA13/05997 – retention of barn to include stables at Aboret, New Mill – approved
PA13/08299 – construction of a greenhouse at Wesley Lodge, New Mill – approved
PA13/0723 – installation of a single Endurance E3120 (50kw) wind turbine on a 24.6 hub height tower, 34.2m to blade tip to provide renewable energy at the dairy farm at Rosemorron Farm, Gulval – refused. This matter was dealt with in committee after objections by this council and Cllr Tanner and clerk attended the planning committee and Cllr Tanner spoke to object.
PA13/07648 – retention of two poly-tunnels at Slight Hill, Heamoor – approved
PA13/07693 – retention of a static caravan for use as an agricultural worker’s dwelling at Slight Hill, Heamoor – refused.
Other Planning Matters
EN13/00979 – alleged non-compliance with plans – driveway extended at land adjoining Madron Post Office – not a planning issue.
Clerk reported that EN13/02517 relates to the advertising signs for West Coast Taxis that are displayed outside Landithy Farmhouse, Trelawney Estate and other sites in the area. This is being dealt with now by Sally Brown from Planning Enforcement and the occupier of Landithy Farmhouse has been instructed to remove the signs before 10th December or court action will be considered and also action regarding a business being run from a residential property is likely.
Cllr Tanner has looked at the circulations concerning Energy Landscape Supplementary Guidance which has been circulated by email to councillors. Cllr Tanner recommends that this council responds to the effect that The Renewable Energy Landscape Guidance Document is important and comprehensively addresses the qualitative assessment of the impact of renewable energy sources within our landscapes and will be a useful guide in assessing planning applications. It looks to be an extremely useful tool in guiding us in this highly subjective area. However he has no comments to make in respect of The Mineral Safeguarding Plan Scoping Study or The Allocations Development Plan Scoping Study, the latter not being applicable to rural areas. Cllr Jenkin has also looked into this and agrees with Cllr Tanner. Councillors unanimously agreed to accept these comments and the clerk was instructed to respond accordingly.
11. Public Rights of Way
Cllr Tanner attended the meeting of PAROW on 20th November. The financial situation is still not resolved and there was no representative present from County to respond to issues raised at the last meeting, but it is anticipated that the matter will be resolved at the February meeting. Nigel Sumpter from AONB Unit gave a presentation on the bid for National Heritage funding and a request was made for ideas for events to promote this. Since then clerk has received a detailed email concerning Community engagement and consultation towards a vision and delivery plan for the Penwith Landscape which has been circulated to councillors.

12. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported that he had completed all instructions from the last meeting.
He has ordered a 14 foot Christmas tree to be delivered to Landithy Hall during the week commencing 10th December 2013. He has also submitted a claim for the cost to Cornwall Cllr Maddern’s Community Chest. Chairman thanked Cllr Maddern for again funding the Christmas tree for the village.
Posters advertising the affordable housing (£123,000) in Nancledra have been attached to boards.
A letter has been received from Mr Davey of the Royal British Legion to inform us that he is retiring from the local branch due to his wife’s ill health and he thanks this council for all the support given over the last 16 years.
Cornwall Milestone Society has been enquiring about the finger posts which were damaged. Clerk has made enquiries and ex Cllr Westlake informs him that the posts were removed about a month ago for repair and clerk has emailed Cornwall Cllr Mann for any update. Cllr Mann has reported that the posts were forwarded to Iron Brothers at Wadebridge to be refurbished, shot blasted, re-painted and new sign arms fitted where required. It is anticipated that the posts will be returned in March or April and re-fitted. A further mail from Cornwall Milestone Society to Cornwall Cllr Mann has been copied to the clerk who has circulated it by email to councillors and Carfury Antiquarians. This relates to a disc mounted fingerpost with pointing hands by the Old Post Office at New Mill made in a ‘remarkable design’ by Holmans of Penzance, which that society asks to be included for repair.
Posters advertising a public meeting at St Johns Hall at 6pm on Wednesday 11th December concerning the future of Poltair Hospital has been circulated for notice boards. There will also be a ‘drop in’ session at St Clare on 15th January 2014. The timetable for arrangements has also been circulated by email. Cllrs Pritchard and Jenkin agreed to attend the meeting and report back to the next meeting of this council.
The Celtic League has written to the chairman concerning the management of Penwith Moors. Copies have been circulated to councillors. Cllr Bone gave details of work done in maintenance of the moors by local farmers. The letter was noted.
CALC ‘This Week’ issue 12 has also been circulated by email to councillors.
Cornwall Council – reduction in service of spraying with herbicide due to government cuts. Injurious weeds will still be cut as will weeds that affect the highway but general weed treatment will cease. Parish Councils may carry out work at their own expense and training will be given, but proper risk assessments and qualifications by the operatives must be in place. Cllr Roberts advised members that there was a local person qualified to carry out this work and she will make the contact if required.
Cornwall Council and British Gas are in partnership to create a scheme ‘Glow Cornwall’ to assist with energy saving matters. Information is available on 0800 316 4425 – details have been circulated by email to councillors.
13. Co-option to fill Vacancy on Madron Parish Council
Letters applying for co-option have been received by email from a Mr Hugh Eddy and Mr Tony Phillips. These have been circulated by email to councillors. After discussions it was proposed by Cllr Matthews, seconded by Cllr Bates that Mr Eddy be appointed and invited to attend the next meeting. Cllr Peake proposed an amendment that Mr Phillips be appointed but it was not seconded, so Mr Eddy was duly appointed. The clerk was also instructed to write to Mr Eddy and also to Mr Phillips thanking him for his interest and should a further vacancy arise he will be informed.
14. Complaints of Speeding Vehicles on Madron Hill
Cllr Maddern reported that he had received complaints from a resident concerning the speed of vehicles on Madron Hill and he would take any action as required.
15. West Penwith Town and Parish Forum – 21st November 2013
Cllr Pritchard attended this forum with Cllr Scoble and the clerk. The Operational Locality Manager for the Ambulance Service gave a presentation and Chandelle Randall and Natalie Parkes from ‘Visit Cornwall’ gave a talk on the Event Notification Process. Mr Small on behalf of the Ambulance Service gave details of the high volume of work in this area.

Particular emphasis was given to complaints concerning an injury accident involving a cyclist at Sennen where after an Air Ambulance attended a wait of over an hour was experienced for a second ambulance. The fact that this was in July in the holiday season with heavy traffic was major reason, but this was an extreme example of problems.
Local bus service cuts and future tendering were mentioned and clerk has circulated by email to councillors a request for specific areas of concern in relation to bus services for a consolidated report by Cornwall Cllr McKenna for West Penwith to be taken into account when tendering for services is taking place. Cllr Scoble reported that there was no bus service from Madron to Penzance between 7.55am and 9am in spite of this being reported some months ago and being promised in September and Cllr Phillips reported that the re-routing of the Penzance to St Ives buses through Ludgvan meant that there was no service in Badgers Cross. Clerk was instructed to forward these specific items.
16. To Agree Precept for Madron Parish Council – 2014-2015
Clerk has circulated to all councillors a budget for guidance in setting the precept for the financial year 2014-2015. He emphasised that this was guidance and he had built up over recent years reserves which could now be freed for local needs. Councillors have also been notified that the sum of £2945.59 will be received from the government as Council Tax Support Grant to assist with any extra expenditure in the present financial climate After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Bone and unanimously agreed that the precept be set at £20,000 as in the previous 4 years and the Council Tax Support Grant be held in reserve with other reserves for extra needs as Cornwall Council services are likely to be cut as their financing is being reduced. .
17. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Scoble, seconded by Cllr Burlton, and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £542.16, office allowance £30.00, Mileage £41.10, petty cash £14.10; HMRC – PAYE and Nat Ins £135.60; Long Rock Memorials – refurbish war memorial £234.00; Society of Local Council Clerks – annual subscription £129.00
Cllrs Roberts and Tanner conducted an interim audit with the clerk on 14th November and all is in order.
It was agreed that a request for a donation to Cornwall Air Ambulance be deferred to the last meeting of the financial year in accordance with policy.
18. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 2nd January 2014 at Madron Community Rooms