
Minutes of Ordinary Meeting
Madron Parish Council
held at Madron Community Rooms
Thursday 2nd January 2014 at 7.30pm
Draft to be approved on 6th February 2014

Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Mrs G. Burlton
Cllr. M. Scoble Cllr R. Matthews
Cllr C. Bone Cllr G. Tanner
Cllr S. Bates Cllr V. Peake
Cllr I. Phillips Cllr H. Eddy

Cornwall Cllr W.Maddern

Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and one member of the public

2. Appointment of Mr Hugh Eddy as Councillor on Madron Parish Council
Having been accepted as a councillor for this parish at the meeting on 5th December 2014 Cllr Eddy signed his Acceptance of Office form which was countersigned by the clerk and submitted his Disclosure of Interest form to the clerk. The chairman welcomed Cllr Eddy and wished him an enjoyable time working for the community as a councillor
3. Acceptance of minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held at Trythall CP School on Thursday 5th December 2013 were unanimously accepted
4. Declarations of interest
5. Dispensations
Cllrs Burlton and Bates – item 16 Playing Field Equipment as members of Playing Field Committee
Cllrs Pritchard, Scoble and Matthews – item 18 Finance as Landithy Hall managers.
6. Public participation
Miss Christopher informed the meeting that she was representing the ‘Well-wishers’ and it was hoped that a representative of that organisation attends each parish council meeting in order that the two can work together. She continued to express her wishes for a community notice board which she favoured erecting by the old post office..
7. Police report
No police officers were in attendance and although the clerk had left telephone messages and emails, no report had been received.


8. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Pritchard wished all members a happy new year
He then gave an update on the consultations regarding the future of Poltair Hospital. He said the meeting held for this purpose was far from satisfactory as none of the suggested measures had been researched which means that there will have to be another meeting shortly. It was very apparent that Peninsular Health were shocked by the strong feelings raised by stake holders as they had felt that matter was a straightforward closure without any alternative suggestions.
9. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Bates reported that there were problems with access along Trelawney Estate as there were too many cars parked along roadside and he asked for a site meeting with Devon and Cornwall Housing in an effort to persuade them to use part of the green area to be filled with hard core or similar to enable this to be used for parking. Clerk was instructed to make the contact.
Cllr Scoble informed members that at 10.15pm on 18th December he had nearly collided with a lady dressed in black who was in her wheelchair with no lights, on the road at Heamoor Island on the Penzance By-Pass. He had reported the incident at Penzance Police Station to the desk clerk at 11am the next morning, but no notes were taken and he has not heard of any action taken.. Cllr Scoble was concerned for the safety of the lady and other road users and also that no action appears to have been taken. Cllrs Matthews and Eddy reported that they had witnessed several similar incidents concerning the same lady and all councillors knew the identity of the lady concerned. Clerk was instructed to write to Inspector Phillips at Penzance expressing the concerns
Cllr Phillips was concerned about the amount of water running from Castle an Dinas Quarry across a bridleway and on to the St Ives/Penzance road which is due to the ditches not being cleared. He had assisted with the clearance but he asked that Highways be informed in order that action could be taken to prevent this hazard. Clerk to inform Highways.
10. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Maddern reported that he was still awaiting a reply from Devon and Cornwall Housing at Penzance concerning a site meeting in relation to the problems with the surface on the path between Church Road and Trelawney Estate. He asked members if there had been any traffic checks on Madron Hill concerning speeding but it appears that there had been no checks seen to date. Cllr Maddern also informed members that there were still battles at County level concerning the figures given for housing requirements in the area.
Clerk reported that he had emailed Cornwall Cllr Mann asking if action was being taken over the disc mounted finger post at the Old Post Office in New Mill, but had not received a reply.
11. Planning
PA13/11254 – listed building consent for internal ground floor alterations and construction of a glazed link between two buildings, Trevaylor Manor and the Coach House, at Trevaylor Nursing Home, Gulval – supported
PA1309925 – proposed agricultural building, yard and slurry pit at Bosilliack Farm, Madron – approved
Other planning matters
The West Cornwall Taxi advertisement sign at Landithy Farmhouse and similar signs in the area have now been removed. Other concerns about the business being run from the premises and other minor matters have also been resolved
12. Public Rights of Way
A fallen tree over Break my Neck lane was removed by Cllr Peake prior to any involvement by countryside access.
13. Clerk’s report and correspondence
All instructions from the previous meeting had been completed.
CALC ‘This Week’ issue 13 has been circulated to councillors by email


Cornwall Council is no longer treating weeds on highways and alternative arrangements have been circulated. This includes Cormac doing the work at a price of £160 per kilometre . Clark has asked for the lengths normally treated in this parish and is awaiting a reply from Cornwall Council so that councillors will be in a position to make any decisions. A reply is awaited.
NHS Kernow Children’s Services review has been circulated to councillors by email. Full details are available on www.kernowccq.nhs.uk/health-topics/children/childrens-health-and-well-being-service-review and views can be emailed at [email protected] by 31st January 2014.
14. Request for Notice Board in Madron Village
A request has been made for a community notice board in the village. The person initiating this request was not present at the meeting but Miss Christopher had expressed the support for a board from the ‘Well-wishers’. Clerk pointed out that the council was currently in the process of considering supplying in the region of £15,000 to the playing field committee for play equipment and over £4000 for a bus shelter. He pointed out that good reserves had been built up over the years to be able to provide these services but he asked councillors to be aware that there are suspicions that the precept funding could get tighter and it would be essential to hold sufficient reserves for any matters which may arise. An example of this is the Cornwall council ceasing to treat weeds on highways as outlined in the clerks report and this could be the first of many reductions in services which would throw the onus on this council as government subsidies are likely to be reduced in the next financial year. After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Roberts, seconded by Cllr Peake that support for the board should be given in principle and that the ‘Well-wishers’ be approached to obtain prices, also permission of landowner for the erection of the board and Highways if it protruded over the footpath and come back to this council for a donation. Cornwall Cllr Maddern had money available in his Community Chest but any application would have to be made extremely quickly as the chest was to close shortly. Notice Board to be included on the next agenda.
Clerk pointed out that the treasurer of the ‘Well-wishers’ would have to supply details of the bank account and verification of his accounts as this was a new recipient of donations. He was instructed to write to the Well-wishers’ to formally inform them of the proposal by this council and ask for their reaction to the proposal at the next meeting. Miss Christopher, as a representative of the ‘Well-wishers’, will take this decision back in the meantime.
15. Request for Bus Shelter in Madron Village
Clerk has made enquires and has gone to Bus Shelters Ltd. in the Vale of Glamorgan This company is the supplier to Cornwall Council and as such we are able to obtain a discounted rate. They have supplied estimates which the clerk has circulated to councillors by email and the shelter will cost £2692.27. This is transit 2ay cantilever with full end panels, toughened safety glass to the vertical panels and a full length perch seat.
A concrete base will be required and the company can supply this at £265 per square meter x 6 required amounting to £1590, making a total of £4282. VAT will be added but reclaimed at the end of the financial year. Planning permission will not be required as this is a permitted development but the permission of the land owner – the verge at the junction with Trelawney Estate and Fore Street – will need to be obtained and clerk has asked highways and Lou Fryett from Devon and Cornwall Housing for confirmation as to whether this land belongs to Cornwall Council or Devon and Cornwall Housing. A reply from both organisations is awaited. Cllr Pritchard felt that it would be wise to use the bus shelter suppliers to be responsible for the base. Cllrs Scoble and Bates were both concerned about the number of people using the bus stop at the end of Trelawney Estate as most appeared to use the stop at the end of Aldreath Road where there was no room for a shelter. Cllr Scoble pointed out that we could be spending 15% of our precept on just a few people.Cllr Peake also added that it should be clear that proper insurance will be in place and clerk should make the enquiry in relation to this. It was agreed that Miss Christopher should ask the ‘Well-wishers’ to show proof of the usage and again the clerk should convey this decision in writing. It was agreed that the matter be deferred to the next meeting when a response from the ‘Well-wishers’ is anticipated.

16. Play Equipment for Madron Playing Field
The Playing Field Committee are meeting on 7th January to assess the estimates received and will report to the next Madron Parish Council meeting on 6th February 2014 at Trythall. Clerk to include this on the next agenda
17. Madron Parish Council Website
Cllr Scoble reported that there had been concerns about the website but all was now in order. Cllr Eddy has offered to assist with the site with a view to taking it over in the future. Chairman thanked Cllr Scoble for his work on the website and Cllr Eddy for his offer of assistance.
18. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Peake and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: -W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £542.16, office allowance £30.00, mileage 9.90, disbursements £126.01; HMRC –PAYE and Nat Ins £140.67; Landithy Hall Managers for meetings during 2013 £70.00.
Clerk reported that he had been in contact by email with Mr Bartle, the manager of Castle an Dinas Quarry concerning the letter from the clerk dated 20th November 2013 in which a request was made for details of the policy of Cormac in relation to the contribution to Madron Parish for inconvenience from the workings. Clerk read out the reply which stated that it was felt that Ludgvan Parish had received the bulk of the inconvenience from the quarry and had been allocated the usual £5000 and Madron had been less affected and a cheque for £500 was enclosed as a good will gesture for a final donation. Penzance Town Council had been sent a similar payment. The letter requested that this be spent in the Gulval Ward if possible. The chairman asked Gulval Ward councillors to give this consideration and come back with any suggested schemes for using the donation. The clerk has banked the cheque
19. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 6th February 2014 at Trythall CP School


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting
Madron Parish Council
held at Madron Community Rooms
Thursday 2nd January 2014 at 7.30pm
Draft to be approved on 6th February 2014

Cllr S. Pritchard (chairman) Cllr Mrs C. Roberts (vice chairman)
Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin Cllr Mrs G. Burlton
Cllr. M. Scoble Cllr R. Matthews
Cllr C. Bone Cllr G. Tanner
Cllr S. Bates Cllr V. Peake
Cllr I. Phillips Cllr H. Eddy

Cornwall Cllr W.Maddern

Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins and one member of the public

2. Appointment of Mr Hugh Eddy as Councillor on Madron Parish Council
Having been accepted as a councillor for this parish at the meeting on 5th December 2014 Cllr Eddy signed his Acceptance of Office form which was countersigned by the clerk and submitted his Disclosure of Interest form to the clerk. The chairman welcomed Cllr Eddy and wished him an enjoyable time working for the community as a councillor
3. Acceptance of minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held at Trythall CP School on Thursday 5th December 2013 were unanimously accepted
4. Declarations of interest
5. Dispensations
Cllrs Burlton and Bates – item 16 Playing Field Equipment as members of Playing Field Committee
Cllrs Pritchard, Scoble and Matthews – item 18 Finance as Landithy Hall managers.
6. Public participation
Miss Christopher informed the meeting that she was representing the ‘Well-wishers’ and it was hoped that a representative of that organisation attends each parish council meeting in order that the two can work together. She continued to express her wishes for a community notice board which she favoured erecting by the old post office..
7. Police report
No police officers were in attendance and although the clerk had left telephone messages and emails, no report had been received.


8. Chairman’s Comments
Cllr Pritchard wished all members a happy new year
He then gave an update on the consultations regarding the future of Poltair Hospital. He said the meeting held for this purpose was far from satisfactory as none of the suggested measures had been researched which means that there will have to be another meeting shortly. It was very apparent that Peninsular Health were shocked by the strong feelings raised by stake holders as they had felt that matter was a straightforward closure without any alternative suggestions.
9. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Bates reported that there were problems with access along Trelawney Estate as there were too many cars parked along roadside and he asked for a site meeting with Devon and Cornwall Housing in an effort to persuade them to use part of the green area to be filled with hard core or similar to enable this to be used for parking. Clerk was instructed to make the contact.
Cllr Scoble informed members that at 10.15pm on 18th December he had nearly collided with a lady dressed in black who was in her wheelchair with no lights, on the road at Heamoor Island on the Penzance By-Pass. He had reported the incident at Penzance Police Station to the desk clerk at 11am the next morning, but no notes were taken and he has not heard of any action taken.. Cllr Scoble was concerned for the safety of the lady and other road users and also that no action appears to have been taken. Cllrs Matthews and Eddy reported that they had witnessed several similar incidents concerning the same lady and all councillors knew the identity of the lady concerned. Clerk was instructed to write to Inspector Phillips at Penzance expressing the concerns
Cllr Phillips was concerned about the amount of water running from Castle an Dinas Quarry across a bridleway and on to the St Ives/Penzance road which is due to the ditches not being cleared. He had assisted with the clearance but he asked that Highways be informed in order that action could be taken to prevent this hazard. Clerk to inform Highways.
10. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Maddern reported that he was still awaiting a reply from Devon and Cornwall Housing at Penzance concerning a site meeting in relation to the problems with the surface on the path between Church Road and Trelawney Estate. He asked members if there had been any traffic checks on Madron Hill concerning speeding but it appears that there had been no checks seen to date. Cllr Maddern also informed members that there were still battles at County level concerning the figures given for housing requirements in the area.
Clerk reported that he had emailed Cornwall Cllr Mann asking if action was being taken over the disc mounted finger post at the Old Post Office in New Mill, but had not received a reply.
11. Planning
PA13/11254 – listed building consent for internal ground floor alterations and construction of a glazed link between two buildings, Trevaylor Manor and the Coach House, at Trevaylor Nursing Home, Gulval – supported
PA1309925 – proposed agricultural building, yard and slurry pit at Bosilliack Farm, Madron – approved
Other planning matters
The West Cornwall Taxi advertisement sign at Landithy Farmhouse and similar signs in the area have now been removed. Other concerns about the business being run from the premises and other minor matters have also been resolved
12. Public Rights of Way
A fallen tree over Break my Neck lane was removed by Cllr Peake prior to any involvement by countryside access.
13. Clerk’s report and correspondence
All instructions from the previous meeting had been completed.
CALC ‘This Week’ issue 13 has been circulated to councillors by email


Cornwall Council is no longer treating weeds on highways and alternative arrangements have been circulated. This includes Cormac doing the work at a price of £160 per kilometre . Clark has asked for the lengths normally treated in this parish and is awaiting a reply from Cornwall Council so that councillors will be in a position to make any decisions. A reply is awaited.
NHS Kernow Children’s Services review has been circulated to councillors by email. Full details are available on www.kernowccq.nhs.uk/health-topics/children/childrens-health-and-well-being-service-review and views can be emailed at [email protected] by 31st January 2014.
14. Request for Notice Board in Madron Village
A request has been made for a community notice board in the village. The person initiating this request was not present at the meeting but Miss Christopher had expressed the support for a board from the ‘Well-wishers’. Clerk pointed out that the council was currently in the process of considering supplying in the region of £15,000 to the playing field committee for play equipment and over £4000 for a bus shelter. He pointed out that good reserves had been built up over the years to be able to provide these services but he asked councillors to be aware that there are suspicions that the precept funding could get tighter and it would be essential to hold sufficient reserves for any matters which may arise. An example of this is the Cornwall council ceasing to treat weeds on highways as outlined in the clerks report and this could be the first of many reductions in services which would throw the onus on this council as government subsidies are likely to be reduced in the next financial year. After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Roberts, seconded by Cllr Peake that support for the board should be given in principle and that the ‘Well-wishers’ be approached to obtain prices, also permission of landowner for the erection of the board and Highways if it protruded over the footpath and come back to this council for a donation. Cornwall Cllr Maddern had money available in his Community Chest but any application would have to be made extremely quickly as the chest was to close shortly. Notice Board to be included on the next agenda.
Clerk pointed out that the treasurer of the ‘Well-wishers’ would have to supply details of the bank account and verification of his accounts as this was a new recipient of donations. He was instructed to write to the Well-wishers’ to formally inform them of the proposal by this council and ask for their reaction to the proposal at the next meeting. Miss Christopher, as a representative of the ‘Well-wishers’, will take this decision back in the meantime.
15. Request for Bus Shelter in Madron Village
Clerk has made enquires and has gone to Bus Shelters Ltd. in the Vale of Glamorgan This company is the supplier to Cornwall Council and as such we are able to obtain a discounted rate. They have supplied estimates which the clerk has circulated to councillors by email and the shelter will cost £2692.27. This is transit 2ay cantilever with full end panels, toughened safety glass to the vertical panels and a full length perch seat.
A concrete base will be required and the company can supply this at £265 per square meter x 6 required amounting to £1590, making a total of £4282. VAT will be added but reclaimed at the end of the financial year. Planning permission will not be required as this is a permitted development but the permission of the land owner – the verge at the junction with Trelawney Estate and Fore Street – will need to be obtained and clerk has asked highways and Lou Fryett from Devon and Cornwall Housing for confirmation as to whether this land belongs to Cornwall Council or Devon and Cornwall Housing. A reply from both organisations is awaited. Cllr Pritchard felt that it would be wise to use the bus shelter suppliers to be responsible for the base. Cllrs Scoble and Bates were both concerned about the number of people using the bus stop at the end of Trelawney Estate as most appeared to use the stop at the end of Aldreath Road where there was no room for a shelter. Cllr Scoble pointed out that we could be spending 15% of our precept on just a few people.Cllr Peake also added that it should be clear that proper insurance will be in place and clerk should make the enquiry in relation to this. It was agreed that Miss Christopher should ask the ‘Well-wishers’ to show proof of the usage and again the clerk should convey this decision in writing. It was agreed that the matter be deferred to the next meeting when a response from the ‘Well-wishers’ is anticipated.

16. Play Equipment for Madron Playing Field
The Playing Field Committee are meeting on 7th January to assess the estimates received and will report to the next Madron Parish Council meeting on 6th February 2014 at Trythall. Clerk to include this on the next agenda
17. Madron Parish Council Website
Cllr Scoble reported that there had been concerns about the website but all was now in order. Cllr Eddy has offered to assist with the site with a view to taking it over in the future. Chairman thanked Cllr Scoble for his work on the website and Cllr Eddy for his offer of assistance.
18. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Peake and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: -W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £542.16, office allowance £30.00, mileage 9.90, disbursements £126.01; HMRC –PAYE and Nat Ins £140.67; Landithy Hall Managers for meetings during 2013 £70.00.
Clerk reported that he had been in contact by email with Mr Bartle, the manager of Castle an Dinas Quarry concerning the letter from the clerk dated 20th November 2013 in which a request was made for details of the policy of Cormac in relation to the contribution to Madron Parish for inconvenience from the workings. Clerk read out the reply which stated that it was felt that Ludgvan Parish had received the bulk of the inconvenience from the quarry and had been allocated the usual £5000 and Madron had been less affected and a cheque for £500 was enclosed as a good will gesture for a final donation. Penzance Town Council had been sent a similar payment. The letter requested that this be spent in the Gulval Ward if possible. The chairman asked Gulval Ward councillors to give this consideration and come back with any suggested schemes for using the donation. The clerk has banked the cheque
19. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 6th February 2014 at Trythall CP School