THURSDAY 3rd JULY 2014 AT 7.30pm
Draft to be approved on 7th August 2014
Cllr V. Peake (vice chairman) Cllr Mrs A. Jenkin
Cllr Mrs G. Burlton Cllr G. Tanner
Cllr S. Pritchard Cllr. M. Scoble
Cllr R. Matthews Cllr C. Bone Cllr S. Bates Cllr H. Eddy
Cllr I. Phillips
Cornwall Cllr W.Maddern
Clerk, Mr W.E. Wilkins, no members of the public
At the start of the meeting Cllr Matthews signed his Disclosure of Interest form as he has not been present at the last two meetings.
Cllr Roberts, Cornwall Cllr Mann
2. Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held at Trythall CP School on 29th May 2014 and Extraordinary Meeting at Madron Community Rooms on 26th June 2014 were unanimously accepted.
3. Declarations of Interest
Item 10 Planning – notice of appeal re. PA13/09734 at land west of Lower Trebean – Cllr Bates declared an interest as a neighbour, Cllrs Burlton and Scoble as friends of applicant.
4. Dispensations
5. Public Participation
6. Police Report
Clerk gave the police report in the absence of police officers. The report for May was not available for the last meeting but during that month there were four reported crimes, the same number as last year,
4th May – an offence of Grievous Bodily Harm in Madron and three suspects have been charged; 17th May- alleged theft of a chicken from an allotment in Madron; 18th May – a parked unattended secure car parked on a grass bank off the road in Trelawney Estate was the subject of criminal damage by a deep scratch from front headlight to rear light, no suspect identified at this stage; 19th May – a locked an unattended car parked in Church Road Madron was also scratched along the offside, again no suspect identified.
In June one crime was reported compared to six in June 2013. On 12th June a man threatened another man with a knife at a rural location in New Mill – the offender was arrested and charged.
Cllr Pritchard requested that the local neighbourhood officer be contacted to ask if the policy of sending neighbourhood officer to other events was affecting the level of local neighbourhood policing in Madron. Clerk will email PC Thomas.
Cllr Bates reported that cats had been injured in Trelawney Estate and he understood that this had been reported to the police but it was not in the police report. Clerk will contact PC> Thomas for an explanation.
7. Chairman’s Comments
8. Councillors’ Questions and Comments
Cllr Burlton reported that the Boardwalk (Woodwalk) had been resurfaced and a letter of thanks to this council and Cllr Maddern had been received from Mrs Dunston.
She added that the play equipment was very popular. A broken fence has been repaired by a local resident who is keen to keep the play area in a good state and the police are including the play area in their regular patrols. Cllr Pritchard supported Cllr Burlton’s view that an extremely succesful celebration afternoon was held for the equipment and in the region of 200 people attended and £317 was raised for playing field funds
Cllr Jenkin reminded the meeting that The League of Friends of West Cornwall Hospital are holding their fete at 10.30am on Saturday 5th July at Pirates Rugby Football Club.
Cllr Eddy was concerned about the term ‘vexation’ being used by a supporter of the registration of the land at Carn Downs which could be regarded as a threat. It was agreed that this should be left as the Planning Inspectorate will note the attitude of the applicants. This matter may be raised again at the completion of the enquiry.
Cllr Scoble reported that in spite of efforts over the last 6 months, there was still no bus service from Madron to Penzance from 7.50am until well after 9am, a peak time for people travelling into Penzance. It was not a major concern in the present good weather but it will be another matter in the winter. It was noted that Transport will be an item at the West Penwith Town and Parish Community Forum on 16th July when the concerns can be voiced. However in the meantime it was agreed that Cllr Pritchard contact the Area Manager, Mr Williams, and clerk should contact Cornwall Cllr McKenna.
9. Comments from Cornwall Councillors
Cornwall Cllr Maddern informed the meeting that he had raised the matter of possible threats as discussed by Cllr Eddy in Councillors Comments (item 8) with the Legal Department and they advised no further action as this could result in a ‘tit for tat ‘situation. However he will address this further should it continue. He added that he understood that the government were looking at the whole subject of common land registration which may result in the current trend of applications being pointless.
The matter of standardisation of Forums throughout the county were being discussed at the next West Penwith Town and Parish Community Forum when the concerns of local councils can be made to the representatives of Cornwall Council as the feeling is that this is contrary to the ideals of localism. It may be that in the future there may be no restriction on the number of councillors and members of the public attending forums.
10. Planning
PA14/04418 – tree works at Clayhill, Fore Street, Madron. Clerk reported that this was forwarded to this council for information but no comments were required for an application such as this and the matter will be decided by delegated powers.
PA14/05100 – certificate of lawfulness for existing development of summer house constructed in January 1998 at The Summer House, Tregoddick Farm, Vingoes Lane, Madron – supported.
PA14/05602 – removal of condition 2 in relation to W1/02/P/0552 dated 5.7.2002 – to allow for full residential use at Trelowarren Barn, Boskednan, New Mill – supported.
PA14/0327 7 – extension to rear of property to include kitchen/diner, larder and store-room at Bramble Cottage, Bosullow – approved
PA14/04371 – lawful development certificate for installation of solar panels on roof of premises, owner, Mr R. Kell at Bosulval – approved
Other Planning Matters
PA13/07693 – retention of static caravan for the use of agricultural workers’ dwelling at Slight Hill, Heamoor – an appeal against refusal will be heard by Planning Inspector at a date to be arranged.
PA13/09734 – (Cllrs Bates, Burlton and Scoble declared interests) outline application with all matters reserved for the construction of a dwelling at land west of Lower Trebean, Fore Street Madron – appeal lodged against refusal. The appeal will be decided by the Planning Inspector on the basis of written statements and a site visit by the Inspector. All previous comments will be taken into consideration. Clerk reported that he had received mail from Mr Jon Pender acting on behalf of the applicants in which he points out that this council supported this application at their meeting on 9th in December 2014. Mr Pender asks this council to confirm their support to the Planning Inspectorate and to add any views about the matter of highway safety which is why Cornwall Council Highways objected. Clerk reminded members that at the time this was considered and it was felt that this was not enough of a problem to make an objection and it was agreed that the clerk should write to the Inspectorate endorsing the original comments.
11. Public Rights of Way
Clerk reported that the contractors had completed the first cut of gold paths and their invoices are included in the finance for payment. The silver paths are planned for cutting back in early July and gold again in September. Cllr Tanner stated that he has walked several of the paths and the work is satisfactory.
Clerk has made enquiries regarding the progress of path 55 which is closed until September.
The work has been delayed due to a badger’s sett and DEFRA will not allow any work until September at least, so it is possible that the path will not open until the end of the year and this is dependent on available finance.
12. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
Clerk reported all instructions from the last meeting and the extraordinary meeting had been completed.
With assistance from Cllrs Eddy and Tanner, the clerk has written to the Planning Inspectorate concerning the objections to application to register waste land of the manor at Carn Down. This was copied to the Minister for Rural Affairs, Head of planning at Cornwall Council and the Commons and Greens Officer. A reply has been received from the latter explaining his position and making some amendments.
CALC newsletters have a been circulated by email to councillors
NHS Clinical and Corporate Affairs have forwarded an invitation to ‘Poltair – Next Steps’ and the position relating to St Clare meeting to be held at Goldsithney Village Hall on 9th July. Details have been forwarded to Cllrs Jenkin and Pritchard and they will represent this council. Clerk will make this meeting an item on the agenda for the next meeting.
Lou Fryett from Devon and Cornwall Housing has now come back to the clerk to inform him that they are unable to finance the surfacing of the verges in Trelawney Estate for parking in this financial year.They also point out that they are only responsible for some houses as a number have now been purchased and are privately owned. Clerk reported that the cost of the work would be £2700 for one section and £5400 for the next section but if they are both done a reduction of £400 would be made to give an overall cost of £7700 plus VAT. This has not been accounted for in the budget but the rear of the agenda shows the present financial situation and this would be viable but if it is decided to go ahead he recommends that councillors look very closely at any future requests for grants or donations as we are coming to the point where our reserves are being eroded, particularly after the play equipment purchased this year. If this is delayed until next year the matter can be included in the budget, hopefully to be included in the precept.
Cllr Pritchard reminded members that Cormac had quoted £25,000 to do the same work and we cannot guarantee that the first quote will be valid in the future. Cllr Bates informed the meeting that the situation was getting worse and there had been several incidents where the police had been called to resolve disputes. After further discussion the clerk was instructed to write to Devon and Cornwall Housing asking them to consider the problems in detail as there is a potential for civil disorder with all of the vehicle problems and this affects their tenants
This is the time of the year when the Chairman, vice chairman and auditing councillors meet with the clerk and tour the parish to check any health and safety aspects to conform to requirements by the Audit Commission and this will be arranged and report back to the next meeting, Also arrangements are in hand for a financial audit with the clerk by Cllrs Tanner and Scoble.
Steve Shaw, National Co-ordinator for Public Works has emailed requesting letter to the government asking for parishes to be able to sell electricity (circulated to councillors by email) – noted
Cornwall Council is running 2 hour classes dealing with Code of Conduct updates – ‘To declare or not to declare’. The nearest one is at Penzance One Stop Shop on Tuesday 29th July from 2pm to 4pm and the other one nearby is at the Guildhall, St Ives on Wednesday 23rd July from 4pm to 6pm. Cllr Jenkin, as a member of the Standards Board, felt that it was of value for as many councillors as possible to attend. All councillors with the exception of Cllr Bates, who will be working, agreed to attend the class at Penzance – clerk to inform the organisers.
Clerk reported that he has received another email from Cornwall Council giving notice of an application to register waste land of the manor as common land (application 2861) at Bosullow Common and responses are to be made by 26th August 2014. As no member of the public had made any representation it was agreed that no comment was necessary
The position of independent member of the Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Panel representing Cornwall and The isles of Scilly has been advertised. This has been circulated to councillors by email. The panel maintains a check and balance on the performance of the Police and Crime Commissioner. Application packs are available from Joanne Tellam on 01872.323994 or [email protected]
Natural England has circulated maps with marked areas and asks for details of landowners. In these cases the landowner is unknown and they wish to ask permission to enter the land for an ecological survey which they are bound to do. Details have been circulated to councillors by email requesting information to be forwarded to Andrew McDowell, Lead Adviser of Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Natural England team.
The next West Penwith Town and Parish Community Forum will be held on 16th July 2014 at Committee Room 1 at Penzance One Stop Shop and Cllrs Roberts, Scoble and Pritchard will represent this Council
Helston Town Council ask this parish to support their request for Cornwall Council to treat Bank Holidays as Sundays for parking restrictions in towns. It was felt that this was not a matter this council to comment on as the signs were there for motorists to read.
13. Madron Parish Plan
Clerk has emailed the present Parish Plan asking for councillors to consider any aims for the forthcoming year and any alterations.A reply has been received from Cllr Jenkin giving some necessary alterations and these will be made by the clerk and after the meeting the new plan will be emailed to councillors. He asked councillors for any further amendments to organisations or plans for the forthcoming year. It was agreed that solving the parking problems for Trelawney Estate was one of the main aims. Clerk advised members that councillors should contact him if they had any more ideas or information.
14. Madron Parish Website – update
Cllrs Scoble and Eddy reported that they had a successful meeting with Chris from Audana and an invoice has been received by the clerk which is for payment tonight.
Work can now commence on building the website. Councillor Scoble asked for members to consider headings to be used on the website and to contact him with any views
15. Plaque for Madron Playing Field
Cllr Burlton has spoken to the Playing Field Committee and they have no strong views for the siting of the plaque but the meeting felt that the fence around the play area was most suitable.
Cllr Pritchard reminded members that a slate plaque for the play area – ‘Donated by Madron P C – May 2014’ would cost £50.00 plus VAT but as members had expressed the view that it should read Parish Council instead of PC the cost will increase slightly. It was proposed by Cllr Jenkin, seconded by Cllr Scoble and unanimously agreed that if the amended quote was under £100.00 Cllr Pritchard should go ahead with the arrangements.
16. Fingerposts at New Mill
Mr Phil Budden and Mr Dave Tigwell are arranging all the work to renovate the sign in New Mill and have reported that the cost will be £468 plus VAT. An agreement has been made in principle for the cost to be shared between Cormac and Madron Parish Council and so the cost to this council will be £234 plus £39 reclaimable VAT. It was proposed by Cllr Tanner, seconded by Cllr Bates and unanimously agreed that this council pay this share when invoiced
Cornwall Cllr Mann has reported to the clerk that the fingerposts being dealt with by Highways are due to be returned from the foundry next month (probably July) and will be fitted by their staff when they have available time. However there are no more funds available for more similar work.
17. Local Plan – possible affordable housing in vicinity of Madron Parish
Cllr Jenkin has received an email which has been circulated to councillors concerning a proposal to build houses on the edge of Madron at Heamoor. Cornwall Cllr Maddern stated that there are suggestions of 1500 houses being built in Penwith in the next 20 years and the area from Gulval to Mount Misery will be covered. The main concerns expressed were that other councils were being included in discussions but Madron had not.. The housing issues will be discussed at the next West Penwith Community Town and Forum and members representing this council were asked to ensure the concerns of this council are addressed,
18. Finance
It was proposed by Cllr Pritchard, seconded by Cllr Burlton and unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid: – W.E. Wilkins, clerk – salary £606.63, office allowance £30.00, mileage £17.10, disbursements £38.12; HMRC – PAYE and Nat, Ins.£164.94; Grant Thornton – Audit fee £240.00: 1 and 1 internet – website fee £31.43 (direct debit); Audana – fee to build new website £1020.00, N. Prowse – cutting gold paths £640.40; A. Clemens cutting gold paths £640.40
Clerk will invoice Cormac for reimbursement of the monies paid for cutting paths..
Clerk reported that he had received a return from the Audit Commission stating that all is order for this council for the financial year 2013-2014.
Cruse Bereavement Care invites this council to their AGM and also requests a donation. The request was held back until the end of the financial year and no one was available to attend the AGM
19. Time and Date of Next Meeting
7.30pm, Thursday 7th August 2014 at Trythall CP School.